541 research outputs found

    Arqueología medieval en el Valle de Orduña (Bizkaia) : Origen y evolución del monasterio de San Clemente de Arbileta

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    El estudio efectuado en San Clemente de Arbileta destaca por el procedimiento metodológico empleado. Una metodología que engloba el estudio integral del conjunto arqueológico y que considera el edificio como un yacimiento arqueológico único donde aplicar las mismas herramientas estratégicas. Todo ello ha permitido obtener uan extensa secuencia histórico-constructiva que, iniciada en época altomedieval, se dilata hasta practicamente nuestros días, constituyendo una nueva e importante aportación al conocimiento de la génesis y evolución del poblamiento en el valle de Orduñ

    Effective GDNF brain delivery using microspheres-A promising strategy for Parkinson's disease

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    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has shown promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders of basal ganglia origin such us Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). In this study, we investigated the neurorestorative effect of controlled GDNF delivery using biodegradable microspheres in an animal model with partial dopaminergic lesion. Microspheres were loaded with N-glycosylated recombinant GDNF and prepared using the Total Recirculation One-Machine System (TROMS). GDNF-loaded microparticles were unilaterally injected into the rat striatum by stereotaxic surgery two weeks after a unilateral partial 6-OHDA nigrostriatal lesion. Animals were tested for amphetamine-induced rotational asymmetry at different times and were sacrificed two months after microsphere implantation for immunohistochemical analysis. The putative presence of serum IgG antibodies against rat glycosylated GDNF was analyzed for addressing safety issues. The results demonstrated that GDNF-loaded microspheres, improved the rotational behavior induced by amphetamine of the GDNF-treated animals together with an increase in the density of TH positive fibers at the striatal level. The developed GDNF-loaded microparticles proved to be suitable to release biologically active GDNF over up to 5 weeks in vivo. Furthermore, none of the animals developed antibodies against GDNF demonstrating the safety of glycosylated GDNF use

    Motor cortex and gait in mild cognitive impairment: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy and volumetric imaging study

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    Gait disorders are common in the course of dementia, even at the stage of mild cognitive impairment, owing to probable changes in higher levels of motor control. Since motor control message is ultimately supported in the brain by the primary motor cortex and since cortical lesions are frequent in the dementia process, we hypothesized that impairments of the primary motor cortex may explain the early gait disorders observed in mild cognitive impairment. Our purpose was to determine whether the neurochemistry of the primary motor cortex measured with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and its volume, were associated with gait performance while single and dual-tasking in mild cognitive impairment. Twenty community dwellers with mild cognitive impairment, aged 76 years (11) [median (interquartile range)] (30% female) from the \u27Gait and Brain Study\u27 were included in this analysis. Gait velocity and stride time variability were measured while single (i.e. walking alone) and dual tasking (i.e. walking while counting backwards by seven) using an electronic walkway (GAITRite System). Ratios of N-acetyl aspartate to creatine and choline to creatine and cortical volume were calculated in the primary motor cortex. Participants were categorized according to median N-acetyl aspartate to creatine and choline to creatine ratios. Age, gender, body mass index, cognition, education level and subcortical vascular burden were used as potential confounders. Participants with low N-acetyl aspartate to creatine (n = 10) had higher (worse) stride time variability while dual tasking than those with high N-acetyl aspartate to creatine (P = 0.007). Those with high choline to creatine had slower (worse) gait velocity while single (P = 0.015) and dual tasking (P = 0.002). Low N-acetyl aspartate to creatine was associated with increased stride time variability while dual tasking (adjusted beta = 5.51, P = 0.031). High choline to creatine was associated with slower gait velocity while single (adjusted beta = -26.56, P = 0.009) and dual tasking (adjusted beta = -41.92, P = 0.022). Cortical volume correlated with faster gait velocity while single (P = 0.029) and dual tasking (P = 0.037), and with decreased stride time variability while single tasking (P = 0.034). Finally, the probability of exhibiting abnormal metabolite ratios in the primary motor cortex was 63% higher among participants with major gait disturbances in dual task. Those with compromised gait velocity in dual task had a 2.05-fold greater risk of having a smaller cortical volume. In conclusion, the neurochemistry and volume of the primary motor cortex were associated with gait performance while single and dual tasking. Stride time variability was mainly sensitive to neuronal function (N-acetyl aspartate to creatine), whereas gait velocity was more affected by inflammatory damage (choline to creatine) and volumetric changes. These findings may contribute to a better understanding of the higher risks of mobility decline and falls in subjects with mild cognitive impairment

    Defining optimal strength of the nutrient solution for soilless cultivation of saffron in the mediterranean

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    Saffron is traditionally cultivated in soil as a semi-perennial crop, although the feasibility of crop production is today constrained in Europe due to both agronomic and socioeconomic factors. Accordingly, interest has been increasing concerning its possible cultivation within protected environments through adoption of soilless cultivation technologies. The aim of the present study was to optimize nutrient solution features in the soilless cultivation of saffron corms. The trial was conducted in a greenhouse at Almeria University. Saffron was grown in 15-L pots filled with perlite. Three fertigation treatments were used, obtained by a linear increase of all nutrients of one standard in order to reach an electrical conductivity (EC) of 2.0 (control, EC2.0), 2.5 (EC2.5) and 3.0 (EC3.0) dS m-1. Measurements included determinations of shoot length, corm yield, as well as nutrient uptake from the nutrient solution and concentrations within plant tissues. The nutrient solution with the highest EC (EC3.0) allowed obtaining three to five times more corms above 25-mm diameter. The increasing EC had a significant effect on the increase of macronutrient uptake, except for NO3 - and NH4 + and resulted in a general increase of nutrient concentrations in tissues, such as corms and roots. Both macronutrient uptake and accumulation in plant tissues were highest under EC3.0. Nutrient uptake was significantly correlated with production of larger corms due to higher horizontal diameter

    Cooling Strategies for Greenhouses in Summer: Control of Fogging by Pulse Width Modulation

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    The possibilities for improving the control of greenhouse fogging systems, were studied by comparing several combinations of ventilation cooling techniques, shade screening and low-pressure fogging. The study was divided into three parts: experiments, modelling and simulations. In the first part of the paper, ten combinations of five cooling techniques were tested during the summers of 2002 and 2003 in a 132m2 greenhouse with a steel structure and a single-layer methacrylate cover located in Madrid, Spain. An analysis of variance of the climatic parameters was carried out to determine which combinations produced significant differences in inside temperature or relative humidity. Comparing the values for the inside to outside temperature difference, the combination of a shade screen and above-screen fogging achieved a difference in temperature almost the same as that for under-screen fogging, but the relative humidity was significantly lower. In the second part of the study a dynamic model was developed (2002) and validated (2003). The mean absolute error obtained for inside temperature was similar in the fit and the validation and it was less than 1.5 1C in both cases. The model was used to simulate the inside air temperature for a fog system working without shading, and above and under a shade screen. Control algorithms were developed for reducing system water consumption. In the three cases a simple on/off control with a fixed fogging cycle was compared with a pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy, in which the duration of the fogging pulse was increased as a function of inside temperature. The strategies with PWM applied to the fog system were able to reduce water consumption by 8–15% with respect to the strategies with a fixed fogging cycle

    Synthesis and Characterization of LnAg(WO4)(MoO4)

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    Polycrystalline LnAg(WO4)(MoO4) powders, with Ln = La to Lu and Y, have been obtained by ceramic method. Rietveld refinement for all compounds reveals that they present tetragonal symmetry, space group I41/a (No. 88), where the Ln3+/Ag+ ions are located in the 4a atomic positions, since the W/Mo are randomly distributed into 4b crystal sites. In these compounds, a and b lattice parameters take values between those corresponding to tungstate and molybdate compounds. A progressive decrease in the lattice parameters is observed in going from La to Lu derivatives as a consequence of the well-known lanthanide contraction

    Reversible protein precipitation to ensure stability during encapsulation within PLGA microspheres

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    Proteins were precipitated to ensure their stability upon subsequent encapsulation within PLGA microspheres. Spherical, nanosized protein particles were formed by the addition of a salt (sodium chloride) and a water-miscible organic solvent (glycofurol) to protein solutions. Various process parameters were modified to optimize the precipitation efficiency of four model proteins: lysozyme, alpha-chymotrypsin, peroxidase and beta-galactosidase. As monitored by enzymatic activity measurement of the rehydrated particles, conditions to obtain more than 95% of reversible precipitates were defined for each protein. The study of the structure of the rehydrated particles by absorbance spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism showed an absence of structural-perturbation after precipitation. Protein particles were then microencapsulated within PLGA microspheres using s/o/w technique. The average encapsulation yield was around 80% and no loss of protein activity occurred after the encapsulation step. Additionally, a lysozyme in vitro release study showed that all of the released lysozyme was biologically active. This method of protein precipitation is appropriate for the encapsulation in PLGA microspheres of various proteins without inactivation

    Cinética de la estabilidad del radiofármaco 99mTc-DTPA. Influencia de la temperatura

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    The radiochemical purity of the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-DTPA depending on the time is studied by radiocromatography in the first hours passed after its preparation. Results adjust to exponential equations that indicate order one for the degradation of radiopharmaceutical. The constants obtained for different temperatures follow the equation of Arrhenius, whose parameters are calculated. Analytical and graphical methods are provided for the calculation of the validity time (t95) depending on temperature.La pureza radioquímica del radiofármaco 99mTc-DTPA en función del tiempo se estudia por radiocromatografía en las primeras horas transcurridas tras su preparación. Los resultados se ajustan a ecuaciones exponenciales indicativas de que la degradación del radiofármaco sigue una cinética de orden uno. Las constantes obtenidas a diferentes temperaturas siguen la ecuación de Arrhenius, cuyos parámetros se calculan. Se proponen sendos métodos, analítico y gráfico, para el cálculo del tiempo de validez (t95) en función de la temperatura

    Desenho de um diagnóstico de necessidades para estudantes adolescentes: Educação Física como recurso de ação

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    Introducción: la adolescencia es un periodo donde los estudiantes se exponen a diversos cambios no exentos de conflictos y tonalidades que dependen del contexto familiar, social y cultural en el que se desenvuelven. En esta etapa se desarrollan conductas nocivas como el consumo de alcohol y tabaco, que se relacionan con las conductas violentas y antisociales, por tanto, precisan de diagnóstico. Otra necesidad que requiere de un diagnóstico y respuesta eficaz es la victimización escolar (bullying), proceso en el que los estudiantes sufren consecuencias de un hecho. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio es diseñar un diagnóstico de necesidades en el que se emplee la Educación Física como herramienta de actuación y prevención. Métodos: la propuesta que se presenta sigue un diseño multimétodo con una finalidad descriptiva comprensiva. Está compuesta por dos estudios: una investigación cualitativa y otra investigación de corte cuantitativo con el fin de conseguir una información completa, fiable y válida. Resultados y discusión: el acoso escolar debería estar considerado un problema de salud pública, por ello es necesario realizar intervenciones tempranas. Diversos estudios muestran la estrecha relación que existe entre las variables “victimización”, “consumo de sustancias nocivas” y “funcionamiento familiar”, por lo que los resultados obtenidos de su análisis son fundamentales. Conclusiones: la rápida intervención, el buen diagnóstico y uso adecuado de metodología en el centro y el contexto familiar, así como la promoción de la práctica físico-deportiva, serán los medios perfectos para prevenir la violencia escolar y el consumo de sustancias perjudiciales.Introduction: adolescence is a period where students are exposed to various changes not exempt from conflicts and tonalities that depend on the family, social and cultural context in which they develop. In this stage, harmful behaviors such as the consumption of alcohol and tobacco are developed, which are related to violent and antisocial behaviors, therefore, they require diagnosis. Another need that requires a diagnosis and effective response is school victimization (bullying), a process in which students suffer consequences of a traumatic event. Aim: the objective of this study is to design a diagnosis of needs in which Physical Education is used as a tool for action and prevention. Methods: The proposal presented follows a multimethod design with a comprehensive descriptive purpose. It is composed of two studies: a qualitative research and other quantitative research, in order to obtain a complete, reliable and valid information. Results & discussion: Bullying should be considered a problem of public health, it is therefore necessary to make early interventions. Several studies show the close relationship between the variables "victimization", "consumption of harmful substances" and "family functioning", so the results obtained from their analysis are fundamental. Conclusions: Rapid intervention, good diagnosis and proper use of methodology in the school and the family context, as well as the promotion of physical-sporting practice, will be the perfect means to prevent school violence and the consumption of harmful substances.Introdução: a adolescência é um período em que os alunos são expostos a várias mudanças, não isentas de conflitos e tonalidades que dependem do contexto familiar, social e cultural em que se desenvolvem. Nesta etapa, comportamentos deletérios, como o consumo de álcool e tabaco, são desenvolvidos, os quais estão relacionados ao comportamento violento e antissocial, portanto, exigem diagnóstico. Outra necessidade que requer um diagnóstico e uma resposta eficaz é a vitimização escolar (bullying), um processo em que os alunos sofrem as conseqüências de um evento. Objectivos: O objetivo deste estudo é projetar um diagnóstico de necessidades em que a Educação Física é utilizada como ferramenta de ação e prevenção. Métodos: A proposta que é apresentada segue um design multi-método com um propósito descritivo abrangente. É composto por dois estudos: uma pesquisa qualitativa e outra quantitativa para obter informações completas, confiáveis e válidas. Resultados e discussão: o bullying deve ser considerado um problema de saúde pública, por isso é necessário fazer intervenções precoces. Vários estudos mostram a estreita relação existente entre as variáveis "vitimização", "consumo de substâncias nocivas" e "funcionamento familiar", de modo que os resultados obtidos a partir de sua análise são fundamentais. Conclusões: a rápida intervenção, o bom diagnóstico e o uso adequado da metodologia no centro e no contexto familiar, bem como a promoção da prática físico-esportiva, serão o meio perfeito para prevenir a violência escolar e o consumo de substâncias nocivas