198 research outputs found

    Research, education and transfer: a partnership for the preservation of migratory beach birds and their habitats in the Estuary of the River Gallegos (South Patagonia, Argentina)

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    [Resumo] As aves praieiras migratorias son moi sensibles aos cambios de hábitat por mor da súa dependencia a un limitado número de sitios durante as súas longas migracións, onde se concentran en grandes cantidades nun momento dado. Requiren, daquela, de estratexias de manexo do hábitat caso da protección das áreas críticas e, especialmente, dunha concienciación por parte das comunidades e dos dirixentes políticos en particular. Neste contexto preséntanse as estratexias e as accións de conservación emprendidas durante os últimos dez anos no esteiro do río Gallegos, ambiente dun gran valor para estas especies, mais que está a sufrir fortemente o impacto da acelerada urbanización da costa. A meta perseguida foi modificar a tendencia no uso da costa e mellorar a relación do ser humano co seu contorno. Traballouse mediante unha articulación coas administracións gobernamentais, os sectores educativos, particulares e ONG locais e internacionais. Entre os resultados cómpre salientar a creación de dúas áreas protexidas (provincial e urbana), a promulgación da Lei provincial de conservación das zonas húmidas e das aves praieiras, o recoñecemento como sitio de importancia internacional pola Rede Hemisférica de Reservas para Aves Praieiras e, finalmente, a declaración como un sitio AICA/IBA.[Abstract] Migrant shorebirds are very sensitive to habitat changes, due to their dependence on a limited number of sites during their long migrations, where they concentrate in large numbers at a given moment. Thus, they require habitat management strategies, like the protection of critical areas and, especially, raising the awareness of the communities and in particular of the political decision-makers. In this context, the strategies and conservation actions taken during last ten years in the Gallegos river estuary are presented. This environment is of great value for these species, but it was being heavily impacted by the accelerated urbanization of the coast. The aim pursued was to modify the trend in the use of the coast and to improve the relationship between man and his environment. The work was carried out by means of an articulation with the governmental administrations, education sectors, individuals, and local and international NGOs. Among the results, the creation of two protected areas (provincial and urban), the enacting of a provincial Law of Conservation of Wetlands and Shorebirds, the recognition as Site of International Importance by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, and its declaration as AICA/IBA Site stand out

    Evolución de la matrícula estudiantil en la U.D.C.A

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    La Investigación y la Innovación en la U.D.C.A, en el contexto de la Acreditación Institucional

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    Algunas consideraciones sobre buenas prácticas de comunicación científica para la U.D.C.A.

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    Multi-antenna 3D pattern design for millimeter-wave vehicular communications

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    The transformation of the automotive industry towards ubiquitous connection of vehicles with all kind of external agents (V2X) motivates the use of a wide range of frequencies for several applications. Millimeter-wave (mmWave) connectivity represents a paramount research field in which adequate geometries of antenna arrays must be provided to be integrated in modern vehicles, so 5G-V2X can be fully exploited in the Frequency Range 2 (FR2) band. This paper presents an approach to design mmWave vehicular multi-antenna systems with beamforming capabilities considering the practical limitations of their usage in real vehicular environments. The study considers both the influence of the vehicle itself at radiation pattern level and the impact of the urban traffic on physical layer parameters. Connectivity parameters such as Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and outage probability are optimized based on the array topology. A shaped beam in the vertical plane based on three preset radiating elements is proven to be robust enough against self-scattering effects on the vehicle body. Regarding the horizontal geometry, four panels on the roof's edges provide good coverage and link quality. The number of horizontal antennas per panel tightly depends on the required values of the link quality metrics, potentially leading to a non-uniform geometry between sides and front or back panels.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the projects PID2019-107885GB- C31 and MDM2016-0600, the Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219, and “Industrial Doctorate” programme (2018-DI-084). The Spanish Ministry of Education contributes via a predoctoral grant to the first author (FPU17/05561).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Del archivo a la pregunta: reflexiones sobre la historia de la carrera de Ciencias Antropológicas (FFyL-UBA)

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    In this article, we discuss our progress and considerations related to the investigation project “Histories in UBA’s degree of Anthropological Sciences: paths, memories, and archives”. The project began in 2021, with our initial exploration of the archives of the Anthropology Department in the School of Philosophy and Literature, aiming to shape the timeline of its authorities. Throughout this process, we created materials, conducted interviews, and made presentations. Building trajectories and memories of the past and present led us to inquire about the meanings and forms of scientific communication.En el presente artículo abordaremos actividades y reflexiones realizadas en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Historias de la carrera de Ciencias Antropológicas de la UBA: trayectorias, memorias y archivos”. El mismo inició en 2021, con la incursión al archivo del Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, para construir una cronología de lo que fueron sus autoridades a lo largo del tiempo. A lo largo de este proceso creamos materiales, realizamos entrevistas y presentaciones. Construir trayectorias y memoria del pasado y el presente dio lugar a indagar sobre los sentidos y las formas de la comunicación científica

    Hallazgo de dos brazaletes de la Edad del Bronce en 1832, durante las obras del Canal de Castilla a su paso por Cigales (Valladolid)

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    We present here the discovery of a burial containing two Late Bronze bracelets at Cigales, Valladolid, during the construction of the Channel of Castile in 1832. This burial is associated with the nearby site of Sopeña, dating to the beginning of the Soto Culture or Formative Soto. We look at the typology of the bracelets, their composition and the origin of the metal used to produce them. Furthermore, the article also discusses the funerary practices at the transition of the Bronze to Iron Age in the Middle Duero basin.Se informa del hallazgo en 1832 de un enterramiento con dos brazaletes del Bronce Final en Cigales (Valladolid). Realizado durante las obras del Canal de Castilla, se vincula al yacimiento de Sopeña, de los inicios de la Cultura del Soto o Soto Formativo. Además de la tipología de los objetos, se estudian su composición y la procedencia del metal en que fueron fundidos. Por último, el hallazgo se presta a debatir sobre el ritual funerario del tránsito Edad del Bronce-Edad del Hierro en el valle medio del Duer

    Rol de los estrógenos en la génesis de los trastornos dolorosos músculo-esqueléticos articulares

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    La prevalencia de los Trastornos Temporomandibulares (TTM), tiende a ser mayor en mujeres. La severidad de su sintomatología está relacionada con la edad de los pacientes, en el caso de las mujeres con un peak entre los 20-40 años. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura acerca del rol que podrían tener los estrógenos en los trastornos músculo esqueléticos articulares Método: Se utilizó el buscador online PubMed con loas términos Mesh “Temporomandibular Joint Disorders” y “Estrogens” junto con el término bolleano “AND”. Resultados: Se aprecia una relación positiva entre los niveles de estrógeno y la presencia trastornos musculares y articulares, siendo en la mujeres mas prevalentes. Conclusiones: El rol de los estrógenos en los trastornos musculares y articulares se basan más que nada en correlaciones entre uno y otro, pero el mecanismo por el cual estarían asociados no esta del todo claro

    Insulator-to-metal transition in vanadium supersaturated silicon: variable-range hopping and Kondo effect signatures

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    We report the observation of the insulator-to-metal transition in crystalline silicon samples supersaturated with vanadium. Ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification produce high quality single-crystalline silicon samples with vanadium concentrations that exceed equilibrium values in more than 5 orders of magnitude. Temperature-dependent analysis of the conductivity and Hall mobility values for temperatures from 10K to 300K indicate that a transition from an insulating to a metallic phase is obtained at a vanadium concentration between 1.1 × 10^(20) and 1.3 × 10^(21) cm^(−3) . Samples in the insulating phase present a variable-range hopping transport mechanism with a Coulomb gap at the Fermi energy level. Electron wave function localization length increases from 61 to 82 nm as the vanadium concentration increases in the films, supporting the theory of impurity band merging from delocalization of levels states. On the metallic phase, electronic transport present a dispersion mechanism related with the Kondo effect, suggesting the presence of local magnetic moments in the vanadium supersaturated silicon material

    Endogenous Rho-kinase signaling maintains synaptic strength by stabilizing the size of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles

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    Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) regulates neural cell migration, proliferation and survival, dendritic spine morphology, and axon guidance and regeneration. There is, however, little information about whether ROCK modulates the electrical activity and information processing of neuronal circuits. At neonatal stage, ROCK is expressed in hypoglossal motoneurons (HMNs) and in their afferent inputs, whereasROCK is found in synaptic terminals on HMNs, but not in their somata. Inhibition of endogenousROCKactivity in neonatal rat brainstem slices failed to modulate intrinsic excitability of HMNs, but strongly attenuated the strength of their glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptic inputs. The mechanism acts presynaptically to reduce evoked neurotransmitter release. ROCK inhibition increased myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, which is known to trigger actomyosin contraction, and reduced the number of synaptic vesicles docked to active zones in excitatory boutons. Functional and ultrastructural changes induced by ROCK inhibition were fully prevented/reverted by MLC kinase (MLCK) inhibition. Furthermore, ROCK inhibition drastically reduced the phosphorylated form of p21-associated kinase (PAK), which directly inhibits MLCK. We conclude that endogenous ROCK activity is necessary for the normal performance of motor output commands, because it maintains afferent synaptic strength, by stabilizing the size of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles. The mechanism of action involves a tonic inhibition of MLCK, presumably through PAK phosphorylation. This mechanism might be present in adults since unilateral microinjection of ROCK or MLCK inhibitors into the hypoglossal nucleus reduced or increased, respectively, whole XIIth nerve activity