1,883 research outputs found

    Ductus venosus agenesis and fetal malformations: what can we expect? - a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: The ductus venosus agenesis (DVA) is a rare condition with a variable prognosis that relies partly on the presence of associated conditions. The purpose of our study was to analyze the literature regarding the postnatal outcome of fetuses with DVA associated with fetal malformations, in order to discuss the best management options for couples. Methods: We performed a systematic review of the literature of MEDLINE and SCOPUS electronic databases in a 25-year period from 1992 to September 2017. Results: We found 340 cases of DVA associated with fetal abnormalities. The most common chromosomal abnormalities were: monosomy X (12/48, 25%), trisomy 21 (11/48, 22.9%) and trisomy 18 (6/48, 12.5%). From the 340 cases with DVA, in 31 cases the umbilical venous shunt type was not reported. Of the fetuses, 60.8% (188/309) had an extrahepatic umbilical venous drainage while 39.2% (121/309) presented an intrahepatic connection. The DVA was associated in 71 cases (23.0%) with cardiac abnormalities, in 82 cases (26.5%) with extracardiac abnormalities and in 85 cases (27.5%) with both cardiac and extracardiac abnormalities. Conclusion: DVA associated with both cardiac and extracardiac malformations may confer a poorer fetal outcome, a clinically relevant fact that should clarify what can be expected from this entity and help prenatal counseling

    Ordering in the dilute weakly-anisotropic antiferromagnet Mn(0.35)Zn(0.65)F2

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    The highly diluted antiferromagnet Mn(0.35)Zn(0.65)F2 has been investigated by neutron scattering in zero field. The Bragg peaks observed below the Neel temperature TN (approximately 10.9 K) indicate stable antiferromagnetic long-range ordering at low temperature. The critical behavior is governed by random-exchange Ising model critical exponents (nu approximately 0.69 and gamma approximately 1.31), as reported for Mn(x)Zn(1-x)F2 with higher x and for the isostructural compound Fe(x)Zn(1-x)F2. However, in addition to the Bragg peaks, unusual scattering behavior appears for |q|>0 below a glassy temperature Tg approximately 7.0 K. The glassy region T<Tg corresponds to that of noticeable frequency dependence in earlier zero-field ac susceptibility measurements on this sample. These results indicate that long-range order coexists with short-range nonequilibrium clusters in this highly diluted magnet.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Fingerprinting the magnetic behavior of antiferromagnetic nanostructures using remanent magnetization curves

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    Antiferromagnetic (AF) nanostructures from Co3O4, CoO and Cr2O3 were prepared by the nanocasting method and were characterized magnetometrically. The field and temperature dependent magnetization data suggests that the nanostructures consist of a core-shell structure. The core behaves as a regular antiferromagnet and the shell as a two-dimensional diluted antiferromagnet in a field (2d DAFF) as previously shown on Co3O4 nanowires [Benitez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 097206 (2008)]. Here we present a more general picture on three different material systems, i.e. Co3O4, CoO and Cr2O3. In particular we consider the thermoremanent (TRM) and the isothermoremanent (IRM) magnetization curves as "fingerprints" in order to identify the irreversible magnetization contribution originating from the shells. The TRM/IRM fingerprints are compared to those of superparamagnetic systems, superspin glasses and 3d DAFFs. We demonstrate that TRM/IRM vs. H plots are generally useful fingerprints to identify irreversible magnetization contributions encountered in particular in nanomagnets.Comment: submitted to PR

    Low-Energy Fragmentation Dynamics at Copahue Volcano (Argentina) as Revealed by an Infrasonic Array and Ash Characteristics

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    Ash-rich eruptions represent a serious risk to the population living nearby as well as at thousands of kilometers from a volcano. Volcanic ash is the result of extensive magma fragmentation during an eruption, and it depends upon a combination of magma properties such as rheology, vesicularity and permeability, gas overpressure and the possible involvement of external fluids during magma ascent. The explosive process generates infrasonic waves which are directly linked to the outflow of the gas-particle mixture in the atmosphere. The higher the overpressure in the magma, the higher should be the exit velocity of the ejected material and the acoustic pressure related to this process. During violent eruptions, fragmentation becomes more efficient and is responsible for the extensive production of ash which is dispersed in the atmosphere. We show that the phase of intense ash emission that occurred during March 2016 at Copahue volcano (Argentina) generated a very low (0.1 Pa) infrasonic amplitude at 13 km, raising a number of questions concerning the links among acoustic pressure, gas overpressure and efficiency of magma fragmentation. Infrasound and direct observations of the eruptive plume indicate that the large quantity of ash erupted at Copahue was ejected with a low exit velocity. Thus, it was associated with eruptive dynamics driven by a low magma overpressure. This is more evident when infrasonic activity at Copahue is compared to the moderate explosive activity of Villarrica (Chile), recorded by the same array, at a distance of 193 km. Our data suggest a process of rigid fragmentation under a low magma overpressure which was nearly completely dissipated during the passage of the erupting mixture through the granular, ash-bearing crater infilling. We conclude that ash released into the atmosphere during low-energy fragmentation dynamics can be difficult to monitor, with direct consequences for the assessment of the related hazard and management of eruptive crises.Fil: Hantusch, Marcia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Lacanna, Giorgio. Università degli Studi di Firenze; ItaliaFil: Ripepe, Maurizio. Università degli Studi di Firenze; ItaliaFil: Montenegro, Verónica Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Valderrama, Oscar. Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria (SERNAGEOMIN); ChileFil: Farias, Camila Belen. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria de Planeamiento. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Caselli, Alberto Tomás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Gabellini, Pietro. Università degli Studi di Firenze; ItaliaFil: Cioni, Raffaello. Università degli Studi di Firenze; Itali

    The role of decompressive craniectomy in limited resource environments

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    Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a neurosurgical procedure useful to prevent and manage the impact of high intracranial pressure (ICP) that leads to brain herniation and brain’s tissue ischemia. In well-resourced environment this procedure has been proposed as a last tier therapy when ICP is not controlled by medical therapies in the management of different neurosurgical emergencies like traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, infectious diseases, hydrocephalus, tumors, etc. The purpose of this narrative review is to discuss the role of DC in areas of low neurosurgical and neurocritical care resources. We performed a literature review with a specific search strategy in web repositories and some local and regional journals from Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). The most common publications include case reports, case series and observational studies describing the benefits of the procedure on different pathologies but with several types of biases due to the absence of robust studies or clinical registries analysis in these kinds of environments

    Parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas de um rebanho da raça Santa Inês criado no Semiárido nordestino.

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    Resumo: Com o objetivo de estimar os parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas da raça Santa Inês, criado no semiárido nordestino, foram utilizadas informações do rebanho pertencente a Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, localizada no município de Sobral, no estado do Ceará, ocorridas entre os anos de 2006 e 2013. As estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos foram obtidas para as características intervalo de partos (IEP), dias para o parto (DP), período de gestação (PG) e número de serviços por concepção (NSC), pelo método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita, utilizando o algoritmo livre de derivadas DFREML, sob modelo animal multicaracterística, usando o software Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood (MTDFREML). As estimativas de herdabilidade para IEP, DP, PG e NSC foram 0,07, 0,07, 0,60 e 0,68, respectivamente. Os valores estimados neste estudo indicam que o fenótipo não é um bom indicador do genótipo para IEP e DP, havendo forte influência de fatores ambientais na expressão destas características. É importante considerar a possibilidade de viés com a seleção para IEP neste rebanho, por conta do uso de estações de monta anuais. [Genetic parameters for reproductive traits in a flock of Santa Inês sheep breed raised in Semiarid northeastern] Abstract: In order to estimate genetic parameters for reproductive traits of Santa Inês sheep breed, raised in semiarid northeastern, were used information from the flock belonging to Embrapa Goats and Sheep, located in Sobral, Ceará state, occurred between the years 2006 and 2013. Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for lambing interval (IEP), lambing date (DP), gestation length (PG) and number of services per conception (NSC) were obtained by Restricted Maximum Likelihood method using the derivative-free algorithm DFREML under multi-trait animal model using the software Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood (MTDFREML). The heritabilities estimated for IEP, DP, PG and NSC were 0.07, 0.07, 0.60 and 0.68, respectively. The values estimated in this study indicate that the phenotype is not a good indicator of genotype for IEP and DP, with strong influence of environmental factors on the expression of these traits. It is important to consider the possibility of bias to this selection for IEP in this flock, due to the use of annual breeding seasons

    Leishmaniosis en un zorro (Cerdocyon thous) del Zoológico de la Ciudad de Corrientes (Argentina)

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    Burna, A.N.; Imhoff, O.; Montenegro, M.A.; Sánchez Negrette, M.; Catuogno, M.S.: Leishmaniosis en un zorro (Cerdocyon thous) del Zoológico de la Ciudad de Corrientes (Argentina). Rev. vet. 26: 1, 75-78, 2015

    Container volume and controlled-release fertilizer influence the seedling quality of Agonandra brasiliensis.

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    Agonandra brasiliensis é uma árvore de florestas tropicais, com ampla ocorrência na região do Cerrrado brasileiro. Apesar do seu potencial como madeira e para reflorestamento, eficientes protocolos para a produção de mudas ainda estão em falta. Objetivouse avaliar características morfológicas para a qualidade de mudas de A. brasiliensis, em condições de viveiro, em função do volume do recipiente e dose de fertilizante de liberação controlada. O experimento foi realizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, testando-se dois volumes (1,8 L e 2,2 L) de recipiente e cinco doses (0 g L-1, 1 g L-1, 2 g L-1, 4 g L-1 e 8 g L-1) do fertilizante encapsulado Forth Cote® (formulação NPK 15-09-12). As parcelas constituíram-se de cinco mudas homogêneas transplantadas em sacos de polietileno (15 cm x 35 cm) com substrato de areia média lavada. As seguintes características foram mensuradas: comprimento da parte aérea; diâmetro do caule; incrementos em comprimento e diâmetro; matéria seca total; matéria seca da parte aérea e da raiz e a razão entre elas. Também foi determinado o Índice de Qualidade de Dickson. A qualidade das mudas para caracteres morfológicos como comprimento da parte aérea, diâmetro de caule e matéria seca total foi especialmente favorecida por tratamentos que combinaram o fertilizante de liberação controlada em dose aproximada de 5,0 g L-1 e recipiente com volume de 2,2 L