118 research outputs found

    Labor market effects of improved access to credit among the poor: evidence from Cape Verde

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    In the context of a collective household choice model, we show that the effects of improved credit access on search intensity by the unemployed are heterogeneous across households and dependent on the within-household bargaining power of the unemployed. We find empirical support for the predictions of our model using a household survey conducted by the authors in Cape Verde. These findings have important implications for the optimal design of microfinance programs, in particular concerning the targeting of loans and the use of microfinance as an instrument to support improved labor market outcomes.status: publishe

    Mechanisms of dendritic peptide release

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    Magnocellular neurones (MCNs) are capable of secreting vasopressin and oxytocin from the somato-dendritic compartment, which can occur independently to secretion from nerve terminals. One hypothesis of the mechanism that regulates this differential release is that dendrites utilise different vesicle pools compared to those found in terminals. Little is known for the function of neuronal dendrites, especially the mechanism for peptide release. One theory is that vesicles stored in dendrites are non-released vesicles ready for recycling or degradation. Immunofluorescent labelling was performed on hypothalamic slices of the transgenic rat where enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was tagged to vasopressin. Lysosomes were detected by the lysosome-associated membrane protein LAMP1. Correlation analysis of LAMP1 labelling and VP-eGFP had shown that localisation of lysosomes in dendrites is positively correlated to loci of high vasopressin expression. This suggests active degradation of vesicles in dendrites. It is not known whether preferential release of peptides occurs along the profile of dendrites. Experiments were carried out using a temperature block to block exit of vesicles from the Golgi apparatus. Release of the temperature block triggered release of a wave of newly synthesised vesicles from the Golgi apparatus. Measurement of the fluorescent intensity of VP-eGFP showed that preferential release of peptides does not occur along the profile of dendrites. I have also utilised confocal live cell imaging to study the dynamics of dendritic vasopressin release using VP-eGFP slice explants. Experiments using high potassium stimulation showed significant increase in the release of vasopressin after priming with thapsigargin (intracellular calcium mobiliser), in accordance to in vitro release and microdialysis studies. These results demonstrate that live cell imaging can be achieved in magnocellular neurons, providing a robust model system in the study of dendritic peptide release. Large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) in other cell types such as bovine adrenal chromaffin cells were shown to segregate according to vesicle age, suggesting that vesicle age is an important factor in the regulation of peptide release. Whether vesicles of different age groups exist in magnocellular dendrites is not known. Thus, biolistic transfection with exogenous fluorescent proteins for expression under temporal control was carried out. However, low transfection rate in magnocellular neurones and the high background fluorescence caused by scattered gold particles used as bullets for transfection deemed this method inappropriate for the purpose of imaging vesicles. Hence, development of an adenoviral transduction system was employed. By using an inducible adenovirus gene construct coupled with a fluorescent reporter gene, it is possible to visualise vesicle pool segregation under different experimental conditions. Subcloning of a red fluorescent construct tagged to ppANF was tested on PC12 cells to show targeting of fluorescence expression to LDCVs. Successful production of an inducible adenoviral DNA with the red fluorescent construct insert was confirmed by PCR and DNA sequencing. Whilst the generation of viral particles is still to be achieved, successful production of the virus will be an invaluable system for inducible gene expression in neurones

    O Arquétipo Viril e o Projeto Ético-Político: alguns desafios para o Serviço Social

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    O presente texto traz alguns elementos para a discussão da simbiose capitalismo-patriarcado e como são estruturadas as relações de gênero na sociedade capitalista debatendo as consequências para a/o Assistente Social. Dentro desta questão, faz-se necessário aprofundar as questões teóricas, bem como entender o serviço social enquanto uma profissão situada dentro da divisão sexual e social do trabalho. A/o profissional não só trabalha com as questões de gênero expressas nas desigualdades entre homens e mulheres usuárias dos serviços, mas também com as próprias contradições do seu cotidiano de ser mulher, assistente social, trabalhadora e socialmente situada numa relação de subalternidade

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of long-term antibiotic use on cognitive outcomes

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    Antibiotics are indispensable to infection management. However, use of antibiotics can cause gut microbiota dysbiosis, which has been linked to cognitive impairment by disrupting communication between the gut microbiota and the brain. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of long-term antibiotic use on cognitive outcomes. We have searched PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library and Scopus for English publications before March 2023 following the PRISMA guidelines. Screening, data extraction, and quality assessment were performed in duplicate. 960 articles were screened and 16 studies which evaluated the effect of any antibiotic compared to no antibiotics or placebo were included. Case-reports, in vitro and animal studies were excluded. We found that antibiotic use was associated with worse cognitive outcomes with a pooled effect estimate of - 0.11 (95% CI - 0.15, - 0.07, Z = 5.45; P &lt; 0.00001). Subgroup analyses performed on adult vs pediatric patients showed a similar association of antibiotic on cognition in both subgroups. Antibiotic treatment was not associated with worse cognition on subjects with existing cognitive impairment. On the other hand, antibiotic treatment on subjects with no prior cognitive impairment was associated with worse cognitive performance later in life. This calls for future well-designed and well-powered studies to investigate the impact of antibiotics on cognitive performance.</p

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of long-term antibiotic use on cognitive outcomes

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    Antibiotics are indispensable to infection management. However, use of antibiotics can cause gut microbiota dysbiosis, which has been linked to cognitive impairment by disrupting communication between the gut microbiota and the brain. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of long-term antibiotic use on cognitive outcomes. We have searched PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library and Scopus for English publications before March 2023 following the PRISMA guidelines. Screening, data extraction, and quality assessment were performed in duplicate. 960 articles were screened and 16 studies which evaluated the effect of any antibiotic compared to no antibiotics or placebo were included. Case-reports, in vitro and animal studies were excluded. We found that antibiotic use was associated with worse cognitive outcomes with a pooled effect estimate of - 0.11 (95% CI - 0.15, - 0.07, Z = 5.45; P &lt; 0.00001). Subgroup analyses performed on adult vs pediatric patients showed a similar association of antibiotic on cognition in both subgroups. Antibiotic treatment was not associated with worse cognition on subjects with existing cognitive impairment. On the other hand, antibiotic treatment on subjects with no prior cognitive impairment was associated with worse cognitive performance later in life. This calls for future well-designed and well-powered studies to investigate the impact of antibiotics on cognitive performance.</p

    Autoextermínio e formação profissional

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    During academic training, suicide acquires significant expression and medical students are more susceptible to suicidal ideation and suicide itself. In this sense, the objective was to reflect on suicide among undergraduate medical students in Brazil. This is a descriptive study, with a critical-reflexive nature and a qualitative approach, which aims to unravel the theory of generation Z through the students of the Graduate School of Medicine in Brazil who commit or carry out attempts at self-extermination. As a result, the disagreement between what is lived in a virtual environment and the real one generates conflicts between members of generation Z. The listening process, when done properly, helps to improve people's mental health and should be considered and encouraged in university environments. However, we are faced with the unpreparedness of society to deal with students who are more susceptible to suicidal ideation. It is important to train health professionals, as well as the development of educational lectures and the construction of psycho-emotional support centers in higher education institutions, in order to prevent the act of suicide to medical students in Brazil.Durante a formação acadêmica o suicídio adquire significativa expressão e os estudantes de medicina estão mais susceptíveis a ideação suicida e ao próprio suicídio. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se refletir sobre o suicídio entre estudantes de Graduação de Medicina do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de caráter crítico-reflexivo e abordagem qualitativa, que visa desvendar a teoria da geração Z através dos alunos da Graduação de Medicina do Brasil que cometem ou realizam tentativas de autoextermínio. Obteve como resultado que a discordância entre o que se vive em ambiente virtual e o real gera conflitos entre membros da geração Z. O processo de escuta, quando feito adequadamente, auxilia na melhoria da saúde mental das pessoas devendo ser considerado e estimulado nos ambientes universitários. Contudo, deparamos com o despreparo da sociedade para lidar com estudantes mais susceptíveis a ideação suicida. Torna-se importante a capacitação de profissionais da área da saúde, assim como o desenvolvimento de palestras educativas e a construção de centros de apoio psicoemocional nas instituições de ensino superior, afim de prevenir o ato de suicídio aos acadêmicos de medicina no Brasil

    Autoextermínio e formação profissional

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    During academic training, suicide acquires significant expression and medical students are more susceptible to suicidal ideation and suicide itself. In this sense, the objective was to reflect on suicide among undergraduate medical students in Brazil. This is a descriptive study, with a critical-reflexive nature and a qualitative approach, which aims to unravel the theory of generation Z through the students of the Graduate School of Medicine in Brazil who commit or carry out attempts at self-extermination. As a result, the disagreement between what is lived in a virtual environment and the real one generates conflicts between members of generation Z. The listening process, when done properly, helps to improve people's mental health and should be considered and encouraged in university environments. However, we are faced with the unpreparedness of society to deal with students who are more susceptible to suicidal ideation. It is important to train health professionals, as well as the development of educational lectures and the construction of psycho-emotional support centers in higher education institutions, in order to prevent the act of suicide to medical students in Brazil.Durante a formação acadêmica o suicídio adquire significativa expressão e os estudantes de medicina estão mais susceptíveis a ideação suicida e ao próprio suicídio. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se refletir sobre o suicídio entre estudantes de Graduação de Medicina do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de caráter crítico-reflexivo e abordagem qualitativa, que visa desvendar a teoria da geração Z através dos alunos da Graduação de Medicina do Brasil que cometem ou realizam tentativas de autoextermínio. Obteve como resultado que a discordância entre o que se vive em ambiente virtual e o real gera conflitos entre membros da geração Z. O processo de escuta, quando feito adequadamente, auxilia na melhoria da saúde mental das pessoas devendo ser considerado e estimulado nos ambientes universitários. Contudo, deparamos com o despreparo da sociedade para lidar com estudantes mais susceptíveis a ideação suicida. Torna-se importante a capacitação de profissionais da área da saúde, assim como o desenvolvimento de palestras educativas e a construção de centros de apoio psicoemocional nas instituições de ensino superior, afim de prevenir o ato de suicídio aos acadêmicos de medicina no Brasil

    Microenxertia interespecífica ex vitro em maracujazeiros

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effect of Passiflora species used as rootstocks on the success and development of ex vitro interspecific micrografting, and at anatomically characterizing the region where it is done. Stem apices of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa were grafted onto the hypocotyl of P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. edulis, and P. setacea seedlings. The micrografting development, the occurrence of adventitious shoots in rootstocks and the percentage of micrografts with expanded leaves were evaluated. The rootstocks were subjected to anatomical and histochemical evaluation. Micrograft development and adventitious shoot number were higher when P. edulis rootstocks were used, and lower for rootstocks of P. setacea and P. alata. P. edulis, P. cincinnata, P. alata, and P. setacea rootstocks developed 30.3, 10, 1.6, and 0% of micrografts with expanded leaves, respectively. The histological evaluation revealed increased thickness of the cortical region in rootstocks of P. edulis, while in P. setacea a lower number of cortical layers, increased phloem fibers, and increased alkaloids were observed, characteristics that negatively influenced the micrografting outcome.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da espécie de Passiflora usada como porta-enxerto no pegamento e desenvolvimento da microenxertia interespecífica ex vitro e caracterizar anatomicamente a região em que ela é realizada. Ápices caulinares de Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa foram enxertados em hipocótilo de porta-enxertos de P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. edulis e P. setacea. Foram avaliados o desenvolvimento da microenxertia, a ocorrência de brotações adventícias do porta-enxerto e o percentual de microenxertos com folhas expandidas. Os porta-enxertos foram submetidos à avaliação anatômica e histoquímica. O desenvolvimento dos microenxertos e o número de brotações adventícias foram maiores quando se utilizou porta-enxertos de P. edulis e menores com porta-enxertos de P. setacea e P. alata. Porta-enxertos de P. edulis, P. cincinnata, P. alata e P. setacea proporcionaram, respectivamente, 30,3, 10, 1,6 e 0% de microenxertos com folhas expandidas. As avaliações histológicas evidenciaram maior espessura da região cortical em porta-enxertos de P. edulis, enquanto em P. setacea foi observado menor número de camadas corticais, maior quantidade de fibras floemáticas e de alcaloides, características que influenciaram negativamente o resultado da microenxertia

    Co‑designed, culturally tailored cervical screening education with migrant and refugee women in Australia : a feasibility study

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    Background: Participation of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women from migrant and refugee backgrounds in cervical screening is crucial to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem within the next 20 years. However, CALD women report low participation in cervical screening. Barriers to participation can be addressed with culturally tailored, community-based programs. There is a need for research to explore the process, feasibility, acceptability and barriers to cultural tailoring in the delivery and evaluation of cervical screening health education. Methods: CALD community health workers took part in a 2 day training program then co-designed, culturally tailored and co-facilitated cervical screening health promotion forums within their communities. Forums were delivered to a total of seven groups, involving 12 sessions and 71 CALD women. The forums were evaluated for feasibility, acceptability, implementation and effectiveness using a survey, interviews and observations. Data were collected from CALD women, facilitators and researchers. Results: The co-design and co-delivery of cervical screening health promotion forums was time and resource intensive however allowed for deeper cultural tailoring resulting in engagement with ‘hard to reach’ CALD women, improved health literacy and intention to screen. Flexibility in the intervention implementation was crucial to ensure forums were responsive to community interests and needs. Online delivery of the forums in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was acceptable to most groups. Conclusions: Co-designed, culturally tailored cervical screening health promotion forums are feasible and acceptable to CALD women, in both face-to-face and online formats. Adjustments to the intervention protocol were recommended to improve future implementation