408 research outputs found

    A responsabilidade social e a performance nas PMEs: o papel da inovação

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    A Responsabilidade Social é fundamental para as empresas do séc. XXI, dada a crescente procura, da comunidade, por uma atitude mais responsável das mesmas. A incorporação da RSE como parte integrante da estratégia das empresas, motiva o estudo do seu impacto ao nível do desempenho empresarial. Por outro lado, a inovação é entendida como um fator de competitividade chave e um importante determinante da relação da RSE com a performance empresarial. Assim, esta dissertação contribui de forma totalmente inovadora, ao explorar a ligação entre RSE e a inovação neste contexto. Além disso, enriquece a literatura existente, que se encontra escassa relativamente a estudos sobre este tema, em contexto português. A não existência de um índice de RSE para Portugal, motivou o desenvolvimento de um instrumento novo e aplicado, através de um questionário, que permitiu a obtenção de um número significativo de respostas, possibilitando uma análise com metodologias econometricamente sólidas. Desta análise, direcionada às PMEs da região de Aveiro, concluiu-se que as atividades de RSE são importantes para a criação de valor nas empresas, apresentando um impacto positivo na evolução de todos os indicadores de performance apresentados. A Imagem e reputação global é destacada como o benefício, resultante destas práticas, mais significativo para as PMEs em estudo. A performance inovadora, apresenta-se, como elemento chave no acréscimo de valor da RS na performance financeira e na evolução das vendas. Especificando, ainda mais, esta análise, verificámos que diferentes atividades de RSE influenciam diferentes indicadores de performance empresarial. À semelhança da performance, a inovação mostra-se igualmente importante na adoção e frequência com as atividades de RSE são praticadas. Empresas com boa performance inovadora estão associadas a um nível superior de RSE. Estes resultados validam a importância da Responsabilidade Social como mecanismo importante para as empresas serem mais eficientes e lucrativas. Para além disso, estas práticas associadas a uma boa performance inovadora tornam-se ainda mais benéficas. Acreditamos no interesse deste trabalho enquanto fio condutor para a tomada de decisão consciente de gestores, criação de novas leis e, também, do interesse de investigadores académicos.Social Responsibility is fundamental for 21st century companies, given the growing demand, in the community, for a more responsible attitude from them. An incorporation of CSR as an integral part of the companies' strategy, motivation, or study of its impact on their performance level. On the other hand, innovation is understood as an important competitive factor and a determinant of the relationship between CSR and business performance. Thus, this dissertation contributes in a totally innovative way, by exploring a link between CSR and innovation in this context. In addition, it contributes to the existing literature, which is scarce in relation to studies on this topic, in Portuguese context. The lack of an CSR index for Portugal, motivated the development of a new and applied instrument, through a questionnaire, which allows the use of a significant number of responses, allowing an analysis with economically used methods. This analysis, aimed at SMEs in the Aveiro region, concluded that CSR activities are important for creating value in companies, with a positive impact on the evolution of all performance indicators presented. The global image and reputation is highlighted as the most important benefit that results from these practices. Innovative performance is presented as a key element in the value of increasing the value of RS in financial performance and in the evolution of sales. Further specifying this analysis, it was found that different CSR activities influence different business performance indicators. Like performance, an innovation proves to be equally important in the adoption and frequency with which CSR activities are practiced. Companies with good innovative performance are associated with a higher level of CSR. These results validate the importance of Social Responsibility as an important mechanism for companies be more efficient and profitable. In addition, these practices associated with good innovative performance become even more beneficial. We believe in the interest of this work as the guiding thread for the conscious decision making of managers, the creation of new laws and, also, interest in academic researchers.Mestrado em Economi

    Desenvolvimento de crianças em centros de acolhimento temporário e relação com os seus cuidadores

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia - Área de Especialização de Psicologia ClínicaA crescente multiplicação de instituições e a consequente proliferação de estudos internacionais focalizados nesta temática tem revelado que a exposição a experiências disruptivas nos cuidados e a vivência institucional da infância se encontram associadas a resultados desenvolvimentais negativos posteriores. Têm sido assinaladas sequelas ao nível das perturbações de vinculação, do crescimento físico, da atrofia neuronal, do desenvolvimento cognitivo e sócio-comportamental. Nesta linha, a investigação apresentada, tem como principal objectivo estimular o conhecimento acerca da vivência institucional, sobretudo no plano nacional onde predomina a escassez de estudos científicos nesta área. Este trabalho empírico, com crianças institucionalizadas dos 3 aos 6 anos de idade, visou estudar o desenvolvimento da criança a nível físico, mental e comportamental, a fim de o correlacionar com variáveis relativas à qualidade da organização do contexto e à qualidade dos cuidados prestados pelo cuidador de referência. Os resultados sugeriram que o nível global de desenvolvimento dos participantes se situava abaixo dos dados normativos e que as escalas de internalização/externalização se aproximavam da população clínica. A maioria dos participantes apresentaram valores de segurança. No entanto, estes dados não se correlacionaram com a representação de vinculação dos cuidadores.The growing number of institutions and the subsequent proliferation of international studies focused on this subject have revealed that exposure to disruption in care and the institutional experience in childhood are associated to negative development consequences. After-effects have been signalled in terms of attachment disorder, physical growth, neural atrophy, and cognitive and social development. The present research has the main goal of taking further the knowledge of the institutional experience, particularly on the national level, where a lack of scientific study of this field persists. This empirical study with institutionalized children ranging from 3 to 6 years old had the purpose of studying the child’s development on a physical, mental and behavioural level, in order to correlate it with variables related to the institutional context and to the quality of care provided by the primary caregiver. The results suggested the participant’s global level of development was placed below the prescriptive data and the externalization and internalization scales were near the clinical population. Most participants presented security values, although this data has not been correlated to the caregivers’ attachment representation

    Acidentes rodoviários: um problema de saúde pública nos jovens

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em EnfermagemA nível mundial os acidentes rodoviários matam por dia 3000 pessoas, sendo que em Portugal se registam anualmente cerca de 1000 vítimas mortais e milhares de feridos graves, muitos dos quais jovens. De facto, a principal causa de morte entre os jovens são os acidentes rodoviários. Considerando a necessidade de intervir neste problema de saúde pública, e por ser um tema que nos preocupa visto que há muitos jovens da nossa idade que, ou por terem comportamentos de risco, ou devido aos comportamentos de risco dos outros, perdem a vida ou ficam incapacitados. Assim, com a realização deste trabalho pretendemos demonstrar os possíveis comportamentos de risco em que os jovens incorrem e desta forma alertar para os riscos que correm e falar sobre as estratégias de prevenção dos acidentes rodoviários. O principal objetivo da presente monografia é: “Identificar quais os comportamentos de risco que podem influenciar a sinistralidade rodoviária nos jovens.” e optou-se por se realizar um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. O instrumento de colheita de dados utilizado foi um questionário elaborado pela autora e a população escolhida para a realização do estudo foram alunos do 3º ano de Psicologia do ISMAI, alunos do 1º ano de engenharia informática do ISEP e alunos do 1º e 4º ano de enfermagem da UFP e ESSM, sendo a amostra composta por cinquenta alunos. Neste trabalho será apresentada uma revisão das principais características dos acidentes e das vítimas, os fatores de risco que contribuem para a sinistralidade rodoviária em jovens, as consequências a nível não só económico e social, como a nível da saúde física e psicológica e as estratégias dos enfermeiros na promoção da saúde. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que, existem de facto comportamentos de risco dos jovens que podem levar à sinistralidade, bem como estes têm noção que estes seus comportamentos lhes podem trazer consequências nefastas tanto na sua vida como na dos outros.Worldwide road accidents kill 3,000 people per day, and in Portugal each year there are about 1,000 deaths and thousands of serious injuries, many of them young people. In fact, the leading cause of death among young people are the road accidents. Considering the need to intervene in this public health problem, and it being a topic that personally concerns me due to the fact that there are many young people our age that, have risk behaviors, or because of the risk their behavior has on others, that lose their lives or become disabled. So with this project, I intend to demonstrate the possible risk behavior that incur in young people and thus draw attention to the risks they face and talk about strategies for prevention of road accidents. The main objective of this thesis is to: " identify the risk behaviors that may influence road accidents in young people," and it was decided to conduct a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire prepared by the author and the population chosen for the study were students of the 3rd year of Psychology ISMAI, 1st year students of computer engineering ISEP and nursing students of the 1st and 4th year at UFP and ESSM , the sample is composed of fifty students. This work presents a review of the main characteristics of accidents and victims, the risk factors that contribute to road accidents in young people, the consequences for not only economic and social, but also the level of physical and psychological health and strategies prevention of road accidents. The study results suggest that there are indeed risky behavior of young people that can lead to road accidents and they are aware that with their risky behavior they can bring negative consequences both to their own lives and to others around them

    Effect of metabolic syndrome and individual components on colon cancer characteristics and prognosis

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is recognized as a risk factor for colon cancer (CC). However, whether the cluster of metabolic changes that define MS also influence CC prognosis remains unclear. Thus, our aim was to investigate whether the presence of MS or any of the MS individual components could provide prognostic information on tumor phenotype and survival outcomes. Clinical and pathological data from patients with CC (n = 300) who underwent surgical resection at a single tertiary hospital were retrospectively collected to evaluate presence of MS components and diagnostic criteria, CC phenotype and disease outcomes. Patients were allocated into two groups according to the presence or absence of MS (n = 85 MS vs n = 83 non-MS). The overall prevalence of MS individual components was 82.7% for increased waist-circumference (WC), 61.3% for high blood pressure (BP), 48.8% for low HDL-cholesterol, 39.9% for high fasting glucose, and 33.9% for hypertriglyceridemia. Patients in the MS group presented smaller tumors (p = 0.006) with lower T-stage (p = 0.002). High BP (p = 0.029) and hypertriglyceridemia (p = 0.044) were associated with a smaller tumor size, while low-HDL (p = 0.008) was associated with lower T-stage. After propensity score matching using age, tumor size and staging as covariates high-BP (p = 0.020) and WC (p = 0.003) were found to influence disease-free survival, but not overall survival. In conclusion, despite MS being an established risk factor for CC, our data does not support the hypothesis that MS components have a negative impact on disease extension or prognosis. Nevertheless, a protective role of BP and lipid lowering drugs cannot be excluded.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifestyle, metabolic disorders and male hypogonadism - a one-way ticket?

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    Hypogonadism is more frequent among men with common metabolic diseases, notably obesity and type 2 diabetes. Indeed, endocrine disruption caused by metabolic diseases can trigger the onset of hypogonadism, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are not entirely understood. Metabolic diseases are closely related to unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as dietary habits and sedentarism. Therefore, hypogonadism is part of a pathological triad gathering unhealthy lifestyle, metabolic disease and genetic background. Additionally, hypogonadism harbors the potential to aggravate underlying metabolic disorders, further sustaining the mechanisms leading to disease. To what extent does lifestyle intervention in men suffering from these metabolic disorders can prevent, improve or reverse hypogonadism, is still controversial. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the metabolic status of the father is related to the risk of inter and transgenerational inheritance of hypogonadism. In this review, we will address the proposed mechanisms of disease, as well as currently available interventions for hypogonadism.publishe

    Colon tumor CD31 expression is associated with higher disease-free survival in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is recognized as a risk factor for colon cancer (CC). However, how does the interplay between metabolic dysfunction caused by MS and its individual components affect CC microenvironment and prognosis remains unexplored. Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are fundamental processes for tumor progression and dissemination, ensuring oxygen and nutrient delivery and supporting one of the most important pathways of tumor dissemination, contributing to metastasis. Thus, our aim was to evaluate whether the expression of molecular biomarkers involved in angiogenic and lymphangiogenic processes influenced CC clinicopathological features and prognosis in patients with MS. Clinical and pathological data of 300 patients submitted to CC surgical resection at a single tertiary hospital were retrospectively retrieved from hospital records. Tumor tissue microarrays of archived paraffin-embedded blocks were used to assess CD31, VEGF-A and D2–40 tissue expression by immunohistochemistry. The percentage of stained area was quantified by computerized morphometric analysis. No association between tissue expression of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis biomarkers and tumor clinical and pathological characteristics was found. However, in subgroup analysis of patients with MS, dysglycemia was associated with lower D2–40 expression (p = 0.007) and high waist-circumference was associated with higher D2–40 (p = 0.0029) and VEGF-A expression (p = 0.026). In an adjusted Cox proportional hazard model CD31 expression was significantly associated with greater disease-free survival (HR=0.62; 95% CI: 0.41–0.95, p = 0.028). No association was found between D2–40 and VEGF-A expression and CC prognosis. Our data reinforces previous reports that suggest the potential use of CD31 as a CC prognostic biomarker. Additionally, our data further supports the evidence for an interplay between metabolic dysfunction, tumor microenvironment, and vascularization pathways.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Soroprevalência do vírus da imunodeficiência felina e do vírus da leucemia felina em gatos domésticos de Fortaleza, Ceará

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    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) are important etiologic agents of immunosuppressive diseases in felines. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of these retroviruses in domestic cats in Fortaleza, Ceará and the epidemiological factors associated with these infections. Between 2015 and 2016, 138 blood samples were collected and tested for FIV and FeLV by the enzyme immunoadsorption assay (ELISA). Parameters such as breed, gender, age, reproductive status, multi-cat environment, outdoor access and clinical manifestations were evaluated. The results showed that 12.32% were positive for FIV, 5.80% for FeLV and 1.45% for co-infection (FIV/FeLV). FIV+ animals were mostly mixed breed, neutered male adult cats, with indoor lifestyle and living in a multi-cat household. The most common clinical manifestation observed was disorders of the oral cavity. Factors found to increase the risk for FeLV seropositivity include mixed breed, young, spayed female cats, indoor lifestyle living in a multi-cat household were the most common epidemiological factors observed. The most common clinical manifestation was anorexia and apathy. The prevalence of these viruses were relatively high, compared with other region of Brazil. This study demonstrated that mixed breed, castrated, multi-cat environment and indoor lifestyle animals are of greater relevance for FIV and FeLV infection diseases. Factors related to cat demographics and health such as age, sex and type of household are important predictors for seropositive status to FeLV or FIV in Fortaleza. High prevalence of FeLV or FIV observed in our study is of concern, in view of the immunosuppressive potential of the two pathogens.O Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina (FIV) e o Vírus da Leucemia Felina (FeLV) são importantes agentes etiológicos de doenças imunossupressoras em felinos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a prevalência desses retrovírus em gatos domésticos em Fortaleza, Ceará e os fatores epidemiológicos associados a essas infecções. Entre 2015 e 2016, foram coletadas 138 amostras de sangue e testadas para FIV e FeLV pelo ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA). Parâmetros como raça, gênero, idade, estado reprodutivo, ambiente com vários gatos, acesso ao ar livre e manifestações clínicas foram avaliados. Os resultados mostraram que 12,32% foram positivos para o FIV, 5,80% para o FeLV e 1,45% para a co-infecção (FIV/FeLV). Os animais FIV+ eram na sua maioria gatos machos castrados, adultos, de raça mista, com estilo de vida dentro de casa e vivendo em um ambiente com vários gatos. A manifestação clínica mais comum observada foi distúrbios da cavidade oral. Os fatores encontrados que aumentam o risco de soropositividade para FeLV incluem gatas fêmeas castradas, jovens, de raça mista, com estilo de vida dentro de casa e vivendo em um ambiente com vários gatos, foram os fatores epidemiológicos mais comuns observados. A manifestação clínica mais comum foi anorexia e apatia. A prevalência desses vírus foi relativamente alta em comparação com outras regiões do Brasil. Este estudo demonstrou que os animais de raça mista, castrados, vivendo em um ambiente com vários gatos e estilo de vida dentro de casa são de maior relevância para as doenças infecciosas por FIV e FeLV. Fatores relacionados à demografia e à saúde do gato, como idade, sexo e tipo de domicílio, são importantes preditores do estado soropositivo para FeLV ou FIV em Fortaleza. A alta prevalência de FeLV ou FIV observada em nosso estudo é preocupante, tendo em vista o potencial imunossupressor dos dois patógenos

    Diabetic and Elder Patients Experience Superior Cardiovascular Benefits After Gastric Bypass Induced Weight Loss

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    Background/Objetives: Obesity and obesity related co-morbidities are well-recognized risks for cardiovascular (CV) disease and mortality. Weight loss improves CV risk factors and the efficacy of bariatric surgery in decreasing CV mortality is now well-established. Our aim was to assess CV risk progression and occurrence of CV events in a cohort of patients that underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for obesity treatment in a single academic public center.Subjects and Methods: Ten year CV risk was estimated using the Framingham Equation at baseline and 2 years after RYGB surgery in our patients cohort (n = 260). In the subgroup with a follow-up time longer than 4 years after surgery (n = 185; mean 5.4 ± 0.1 years), CV risk adjusted for the time length after RYGB was similarly estimated and the occurrence of CV events for outcome adjudication was monitored during the same time period by reviewing the hospital patients' record, the electronic national health system patient register and our center outpatient clinic records.Results: Ten year CV risk was significantly reduced 2 years after surgery when compared to baseline, with reductions of 1.65 ± 0.25% in the risk of CV disease. Patients with prior type 2 diabetes and aged 50 years or older experienced a significantly superior CV risk reduction, with diabetic patients experiencing a reduction of their 10–year CV disease risk of 3.58 ± 1.11% vs. a reduction of 1.31 ± 0.20% in non-diabetic patients and with the 10–year risk of CV disease dropping 3.41 ± 0.75% in patients older than 50 vs. a reduction of 0.99 ± 0.18 in patients up to 50 years. For the subgroup of patients with a longer follow-up time, baseline CV risk estimation predicted the occurrence of 6.08 ± 0.56 cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, 3.87 ± 0.39 coronary heart disease (CHD) events, 1.49 ± 0.22 myocardial infarctions (MI), 0.71 ± 0.09 strokes, 0. 28 ± 0.05 deaths from CHD and 0.35 ± 0.05 deaths from CVD. No CV events were adjudicated in this subgroup during follow-up.Conclusions: RYGB significantly improves CV risk and prevents the occurrence of CV events. For similar weight loss, diabetic and elder patients experience a superior CV risk improvement and may have additional CV benefits after bariatric surgery

    Gestão da Inovação Tecnológica nas Organizações: Proposta de um Modelo Teórico-Conceitual Aplicável a Empresas do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro

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    A gestão da inovação tecnológica objetiva o ordenamento da inovação na ambiência organizacional, permitindo à empresa influenciar seus problemas e resultados. Em especial, torna-se relevante tal gestão mediante a existência de redes de P,D&I externas à empresa principal, o que configura um formato de inovação aberta. Na inovação aberta, as empresas podem compartilhar riscos, custos (de desenvolvimento e transação) e resultados econômico-financeiros com os parceiros da rede. Este artigo discute seis modelos de gestão da inovação presentes na literatura e propõe um modelo conceitual composto por fatores determinantes, processos e ferramentas, tendo o aprendizado como ação transversal. Ainda, o trabalho em tela aplica esse modelo à realidade de quatro empresas do setor elétrico brasileiro, selecionadas devido à sua relevância setorial. Por fim, argumenta que falta às empresas generalizarem a prática de comercialização e realizarem a avaliação de resultados ex-post das atividades de P,D&I para melhor sistematizarem o aprendizado

    O epitélio respiratório em ratos Wistar após 48 horas de exposição contínua ao ruído de baixa frequência

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    ABSTRACTPrevious studies show that exposure to low frequency noise (LFN) (≤500Hz, including infrasound) produces irreversible lesions in Wistar rat respiratory epithelia. Recovery periods for LFN-induced lesions have thus become an object of interest. Changes in the respiratory epithelia of Wistar rats after continuous short-term exposure to LFN are described. Twelve rats were exposed to continuous LFN for 48hrs, and 10 age-matched rats were kept in silence. Animals were treated in accordance with 86/609/CE. After exposure ceased, two rodents were sacrificed immediately, and another two after 6, 12, 24, 48hrs, and 7 days of post-exposure silence. Respiratory epithelial fragments were prepared for light and scanning/ transmission electron microscopy. Six hours after exposure, intense and irregular cellular tumefaction was visible and rosetta structures, formed by secretory cells (SC) centered on a brush cell (BC), were identifiable. Cilia were shorter and shaggy. BC microvilli tended to group, losing the uniform distribution seen in controls. Twelve hours after exposure, cell balooning was still present, BC shape was highly irregular and microvilli were grouped. SC microvilli were still shorter than controls. Seven days after exposure, controls and exposed were indistinguishable. LFN-induced epithelial lesions seem to be reversible if recovery periods are respected.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (6): 473-47