2,054 research outputs found

    Social inclusion as a collective urban project: urban farm in Lisbon and street vendors in Rio de Janeiro

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    In this communication we present urban experiences in different contexts as an answer to the complex issue of social inclusion. We provide ideas to achieve a balance where city, urban space and social inclusion integrate migration, cultural diversity and poverty. We propose, using two different but interrelated case studies, "the urban farms in Lisbon" and the "informal public markets in Rio de Janeiro", to debate about the question of social inclusion. We see this issue not as a problem that exists and must be solved, but as reality to be integrated into a collective project, which is to live and to work in the city and in society. The urban offer and its accessibility to the population are important aspects to consider, being the participation of citizens crucial from a perspective of collective learning. The proposals presented, can provides a range of open and flexible possibilities.DINAMIA'CET-IU

    As assembleias estudantis e o exercício da gestão democrática

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    Discussions about democracy related issues, especially how to exercise it, are important in the neoliberal society in which we find ourselves. Because of the democratic crisis, crossed by market valuation end the minimization of social rights, students’ assemblies appear as fields of debate relevant to society. The theme of this paper was developed through qualitative research, with dialectical base, associated at case study, which brings specific reality with characteristics of a social whole. Dialogues with Lima (2018), Marx (2003), Paro (2016), Souza (2017), among others, revealed the importance of assemblies as instruments of building democratic societies in times of oppression and social determinism.Las discusiones sobre temas relacionados con la democracia, ante todo con cómo ejercerla, son importantes en la sociedad neoliberal en la cual nos encontramos. En virtud de la crisis democrática atravesada por cuenta de la valorización del mercado y la minimización de los derechos sociales, las asambleas estudiantiles surgen como campos de debate pertinentes para la sociedad. La temática ha sido desarrollada en este trabajo a través de la investigación cualitativa, de fundamentación dialéctica, vinculada a análisis de caso, que infiere realidad específica con características de un todo social. Diálogos con Lima (2018), Marx (2003), Paro (2016), Souza (2017), entre otros, revelaron la importancia de las asambleas como instrumentos de construcción de sociedades democráticas en tiempos de opresión y determinismo social.As discussões sobre questões relacionadas à democracia, sobretudo a como exercê-la, são importantes na sociedade neoliberal na qual nos encontramos. Em razão da crise democrática atravessada pela valorização do mercado e minimização de direitos sociais, as assembleias estudantis surgem como campos de debates pertinentes à sociedade. A temática desenvolveu-se neste trabalho através de pesquisa qualitativa, de base dialética, associada a estudo de caso, que traz realidade específica com características de um todo social. Diálogos com Lima (2018), Marx (2003), Paro (2016), Souza (2017), entre outros, revelaram a importância das assembleias como instrumentos de construção das sociedades democráticas em tempos de opressão e determinismo social

    Phase transitions induced by microscopic disorder: a study based on the order parameter expansion

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    Based on the order parameter expansion, we present an approximate method which allows us to reduce large systems of coupled differential equations with diverse parameters to three equations: one for the global, mean field, variable and two which describe the fluctuations around this mean value. With this tool we analyze phase-transitions induced by microscopic disorder in three prototypical models of phase-transitions which have been studied previously in the presence of thermal noise. We study how macroscopic order is induced or destroyed by time independent local disorder and analyze the limits of the approximation by comparing the results with the numerical solutions of the self-consistency equation which arises from the property of self-averaging. Finally, we carry on a finite-size analysis of the numerical results and calculate the corresponding critical exponents

    Psicopata: como responsabilizá-lo penalmente?

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    O presente trabalho visa estudar e compartilhar a figura do psicopata na sociedade, analisando a resposta do Direito Penal, em face aos crimes por eles cometidos. Em primeiro momento o psicopata é conceituado, abordando características, elencando os tipos de psicopatas existentes, incluindo um diagnóstico que determina quem é o psicopata. Analisando a relação da psicopatia no âmbito penal, institutos como a culpabilidade, imputabilidade, medida de segurança e exames criminológicos necessitam de uma atenção especial. O Brasil, atualmente têm a necessidade de um método eficaz para o tratamento dos criminosos acometidos pela psicopatia. Por fim, sob a ótica do Direito Penal, o artigo pondera sobre críticas e propostas explanadas. O objetivo de demonstrar o atual tratamento dos psicopatas no ordenamento jurídico, em consequência da deficiência do aparelho estatal ao determinar a penalidade razoável para os criminosos, bem como especificar também, motivos e possibilidades que seriam vetores de uma possível criação e regulamentação de meios eficazes para um tratamento seguro.https://repositorio.uniceub.br/jspui/retrieve/36839/20967720.pd

    Let's Talk About Stereochemistry for a Moment: a Home Experiment Conducted with College Students in Social Isolation

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    Due to COVID-19, we are adjusting to a new educational environment while also being socially isolated. By combining previously established ways of remote education with video conferences, the world is creating a new sector termed techno-pedagogy. The concept of stereochemistry in Organic Chemistry is frequently difficult to understand even in classroom teaching. Plane-polarized light rotation is difficult to describe because it needs a high level of abstraction in the mental exercise. As a result, we propose in this work that technology be developed to teach stereochemistry remotely. As a result, we prepared a training video that shows college students how to execute a hand-made stereochemistry experiment. Lecturers, undergraduates, and graduate students all gave the video great scores

    Localização de áreas para infiltração de águas residuais tratadas de pequenos aglomerados urbanos

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    Na região da Beira Interior algumas origens de água não apresentam características compatíveis com algumas utilizações, devido a fenómenos de poluição (descarga de efluentes) ou por se encontrarem sobre-exploradas. Contudo, as necessidades de água tenderão a crescer nesta região para satisfazer as exigências de actividades sócio-económicas, o que implicará a procura de recursos hídricos alternativos. Após uma campanha de monitorização de dois anos na ETAR de Vila Fernando (Guarda), as características do efluente tratado sugerem que poderia ser utilizado para infiltração no solo. A partir de seis cartas temáticas e de critérios ambientais, técnicos e económicos, seleccionou-se uma área de estudo de 6687,1 ha. Esta área foi analisada com base na manipulação de informação complexa com recurso a Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIGs), na sobreposição de áreas de exclusão e inclusão e utilizando uma análise multicritério, obtendo-se uma Carta de Aptidão com uma área favorável para infiltração de 6,4 ha

    Site selection for reclaimed water infiltration using GIS tools

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    In the Beira Interior region (Portugal) some sources of water do not present characteristics suitable for some uses due to pollution (namely associated to the discharge of point and nonpoint effluents) or are over-exploited (namely the aquifers). However, the water demand will grow in this region to meet socio-economic activities under development (e.g. the Cova da Beira irrigation plan, irrigation of golf courses and green areas and SPAs, as well as for distribution for human and industrial consumption), which will lead to the search of alternative sources of water. The region is characterized by many disperse urban agglomerates with less than 2,000 inhabitants, where the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are mainly ecological systems such as constructed wetlands (CW). In this context, the treated wastewater (reclaimed water) from these ecological treatment systems should be seen as a source of water to be used and not a waste to be eliminated. After a monitoring campaign of two years at the CW system of Vila Fernando (Guarda, Portugal), the characteristics of the final effluent suggest that it could be used for aquifer recharge, not only because it is an area that uses many groundwater resources, but because other uses seem to be not relevant and would require a polishing treatment for the effluent, which would increase the costs of both investment and operation. From 6 thematic maps and environmental, technical and economic criteria, it was selected a study area of 6687 ha. This area was analysed based on the manipulation of complex information using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which consisted on overlapping areas of exclusion and inclusion from each thematic map and the use of algebraic operations (multi-criteria analysis) to obtain a final Suitable Map that indicated an area of 6.4 ha located in anthrosols as the most favorable ones for the infiltration of reclaimed water.The authors wish to thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through the project PTDC/AMB/73081/2006, for allowing the funding to obtain data for this study