23 research outputs found

    Two Experiences of Urban Agriculture in Medieval Piedmont: A Comparison of Chieri and Novara (Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries)

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    The main line of investigation that led to the comparison of a proto-city such as Chieri with Novara was the discovery that urban agriculture was influenced by the city’s network and relationship with the environment. The arid clay soils around Chieri and the scarcity of water pushed it towards specialised production of wine for markets and the creation of areas inside the city for the processing of agricultural products. In contrast, the Roman urban model of Novara and the character of its surrounding countryside facilitated the development of vegetable gardens and peri-urban crops. Two different urban structures and two different territories generated two diverse forms of urban agriculture.The main line of investigation that led to the comparison of a proto-city such as Chieri with Novara was the discovery that urban agriculture was influenced by the city’s network and relationship with the environment. The arid clay soils around Chieri and the scarcity of water pushed it towards specialised production of wine for markets and the creation of areas inside the city for the processing of agricultural products. In contrast, the Roman urban model of Novara and the character of its surrounding countryside facilitated the development of vegetable gardens and peri-urban crops. Two different urban structures and two different territories generated two diverse forms of urban agriculture

    Outcome of liver transplantation with grafts from brain-dead donors treated with dual hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion, with particular reference to elderly donors

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    Prompted by the utilization of extended criteria donors, dual hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion (D‐HOPE) was introduced in liver transplantation to improve preservation. When donors after neurological determination of death (DBD) are used, D‐HOPE effect on graft outcomes is unclear. To assess D‐HOPE value in this setting and to identify ideal scenarios for its use, data on primary adult liver transplant recipients from January 2014 to April 2021 were analyzed using inverse probability of treatment weighting, comparing outcomes of D‐HOPE‐treated grafts (n = 121) with those preserved by static cold storage (n = 723). End‐ischemic D‐HOPE was systematically applied since November 2017 based on donor and recipient characteristics and transplant logistics. D‐HOPE use was associated with a significant reduction of early allograft failure (OR: 0.24; 0.83; p = .024), grade ≥3 complications (OR: 0.57; p = .046), comprehensive complication index (−7.20 points; p = .003), and improved patient and graft survival. These results were confirmed in the subset of elderly donors (>75‐year‐old). Although D‐HOPE did not reduce the incidence of biliary complications, its use was associated with a reduced severity of ischemic cholangiopathy. In conclusion, D‐HOPE improves postoperative outcomes and reduces early allograft loss in extended criteria DBD grafts

    Lavoro e impresa nelle società preindustriali

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    Come si lavorava, come si accumulava il reddito e come si faceva impresa nelle società preindustriali? Scorrendo il volume il lettore scoprirà, grazie alle esperienze descritte, un insieme di caratteri qualificanti le diverse attività lavorative. Alcuni sono ben noti, altri forse meno, ma tutti ricadono in tre ambiti: la diversificazione delle fonti di reddito, la costruzione di reti di contatti (professionali e parentali, politici e religiosi), l’adozione di complesse strategie imprenditoriali

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Vicende del potere e del popolamento nel Medio Novarese (secc. X-XIII)

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    La Valle dell’Arno e le comunità del Seprio meridionale dall'età tardo antica alla fine del medioevo (secc. VI-XV)

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    Il lavoro qui presentato è il frutto, oltreché naturalmente di approfondite indagini bibliografiche e d'archivio dall'esito però alquanto deludente, di numerose, ampie e meticolose ricognizioni sul terreno e negli abitati compiute dall'autore, in collaborazione con l'equipe della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Milano (composta dai dottori Monica Motto e Roberto Matteini e coordinata dal Direttore archeologico dottoressa Maria Adelaide Binaghi), sul territorio del comune di Oggiona con Santo Stefano e degli abitati circonvicini. Ai sopralluoghi hanno costantemente fatto seguito approfondite analisi delle strutture rilevate e dei materiali rinvenuti, con l'apporto delle più moderne tecnologie, quali la datazione dei laterizi alla termoluminescenza. Le ricognizioni e le indagini compiute, rivelando località prediali di grande interesse archeologico mai sinora indagate e aprendo nuove piste di ricerca, hanno messo in luce la necessità di procedere a vere e proprie campagne di scavo archeologico e di proseguire nelle indagini sul terreno. La grave carenza documentaria patita da questa porzione di territorio rende, infatti, assai urgenti e del tutto indispensabili tali attività, ai fini di una più puntuale ricostruzione della storia di Oggiona con Santo Stefano e, più in generale, del distretto sepriese