549 research outputs found

    Passive monitoring of anisotropy change associated with the Parkfield 2004 earthquake

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    International audienceWe investigate temporal variations in the polarization of surface waves determined using ambient seismic noise cross-correlations between station pairs at the time of the Mw 6.0 Parkfield earthquake of September 28, 2004. We use data recorded by the High Resolution Seismic Network's 3-component seismometers located along the San Andreas Fault. Our results show strong variations in azimuthal surface wave polarizations, Psi, for the paths containing station VARB, one of the closest stations to the San Andreas Fault, synchronous with the Parkfield earthquake. Concerning the other station pair, only smooth temporal variations of Y are observed. Two principal contributions to these changes in Y are identified and separated. They are: (1) slow and weak variations due to seasonal changes in the incident direction of seismic noise; and (2) strong and rapid rotations synchronous with the Parkfield earthquake for paths containing station VARB. Strong shifts in Y are interpreted in terms of changes in crack-induced anisotropy due to the co-seismic rotation of the stress field. Because these changes are only observed on paths containing station VARB, the anisotropic layer responsible for the changes is most likely localized around VARB in the shallow crust. These results suggest that the polarization of surface waves may be very sensitive to changes in the orientations of distributed cracks and that implementation of our technique on a routine basis may prove useful for monitoring stress changes deep within seismogenic zones. Citation: Durand, S., J. P. Montagner, P. Roux, F. Brenguier, R. M. Nadeau, and Y. Ricard (2011), Passive monitoring of anisotropy change associated with the Parkfield 2004 earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L13303, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047875

    Inherited crustal deformation along the East Gondwana margin revealed by seismic anisotropy tomography

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    Acknowledgments We thank Mallory Young for providing phase velocity measurements in mainland Australia and Tasmania. Robert Musgrave is thanked for making available his tilt-filtered magnetic intensity map. In the short term, data may be made available by contacting the authors (S.P. or N.R.). A new database of passive seismic data recorded in Australia is planned as part of a national geophysics data facility for easy access download. Details on the status of this database may be obtained from the authors (S.P., N.R., or A.M.R.). There are no restrictions on access for noncommercial use. Commercial users should seek written permission from the authors (S.P. or N.R.). Ross Cayley publishes with the permission of the Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Roles of Estrogens in the Healthy and Diseased Oviparous Vertebrate Liver.

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    The liver is a vital organ that sustains multiple functions beneficial for the whole organism. It is sexually dimorphic, presenting sex-biased gene expression with implications for the phenotypic differences between males and females. Estrogens are involved in this sex dimorphism and their actions in the liver of several reptiles, fishes, amphibians, and birds are discussed. The liver participates in reproduction by producing vitellogenins (yolk proteins) and eggshell proteins under the control of estrogens that act via two types of receptors active either mainly in the cell nucleus (ESR) or the cell membrane (GPER1). Estrogens also control hepatic lipid and lipoprotein metabolisms, with a triglyceride carrier role for VLDL from the liver to the ovaries during oogenesis. Moreover, the activation of the vitellogenin genes is used as a robust biomarker for exposure to xenoestrogens. In the context of liver diseases, high plasma estrogen levels are observed in fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome (FLHS) in chicken implicating estrogens in the disease progression. Fishes are also used to investigate liver diseases, including models generated by mutation and transgenesis. In conclusion, studies on the roles of estrogens in the non-mammalian oviparous vertebrate liver have contributed enormously to unveil hormone-dependent physiological and physiopathological processes

    Produção de forragem e desempenho de novilhos em pastos de capim Mombaça sob pastejo rotativo.

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    O manejo do pastejo em plantas forrageiras tropicais pode promover incrementos na eficiência de produção, utilização ou colheita da forragem produzida. O objetivo nesse trabalho foi avaliar a produção de forragem e o desempenho de novilhos em Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Mombaça sob pastejo rotativo

    Animal Performance and Productivity of a New Cultivar of \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria brizantha\u3c/em\u3e

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    Brazil has the competitive advantage of a very dynamic and cost-effective animal production system on pastures over other countries. The pursuit of more productive forages that will result in higher quality beef at a lower cost is justified. As Brachiaria is the most important forage genus utilised in Brazil, an intense search for new cultivars amongst collected and introduced ecotypes from Africa is underway. Following agronomic evaluation of this material in plots, 8 Brachiaria ecotypes were pre-selected. As part of Embrapa`s process of cultivar development, B. brizantha cv. Xaraés, characterised by high productivity (liveweight gain/area), was released in 2003, followed in 2007 by cv. Piatã, characterised by high nutritive value and consequently high animal performance (Euclides et al. 2009). From the 8 ecotypes pre-selected, one presented good traits for surviving dry periods (Euclides et al. 2001), which is the main constraint to herbage production under tropical and subtropical conditions. This study aimed to evaluate this ecotype under grazing conditions

    Biological and economic performance of animal genetic groups under different diets.

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    A grazing trial to evaluate biological and economic efficiencies for rearing young animals exclusively on pasture from weaning at 7 months of age, with average initial weight of 220 ± 12 kg, to slaughter was conducted from May 2006 to October 2007. Two levels of combined supplementation during the first dry period and four genetic groups (F1 Angus-Nellore; ½Braford-¼Angus-¼Nellore; ½Brahman-¼Angus-¼Nellore; and Charolais- Nellore) were used following a 4 by 2 factorial arrangement and eight replications in a completely randomized design. During both dry periods, eight paddocks of deferred Brachiaria brizantha were utilized. During the first dry period, concentrated mix (CM) and protein-mineral mixture (PMM) were provided in quantities of 0.8% and 0.2% of body weight (BW), respectively, for 142 days. During the subsequent rainy period, the animals were transferred to eight guinea grass paddocks for 197 days. During the second dry period, the animals were allocated to the same eight palisade grass paddocks used during the previous dry season. Steers had received supplementary diet with the same CM used before at 0.8% of BW. Animals supplemented with CM gained more BW than those supplemented with PMM; however, during the rainy season, steers supplemented with PMM performed better than those receiving CM during the preceding dry period. Using concentrate since the first dry season is a risky option in economic terms, as only the Angus-Nellore group showed a positive but small gain.Título em português: Desempenho biológico e econômico de grupos genéticos animais sob diferentes dietas

    Molecular identification of cultivable bacteria from infected root canals associated with acute apical abscess

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the bacterial composition present in root canals of teeth associated with acute apical abscess by molecular identification (16S rRNA) of cultivable bacteria. Two hundred and twenty strains isolated by culture from 20 root canals were subjected to DNA extraction and amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (PCR), followed by sequencing. The resulting nucleotide sequences were compared to the GenBank database from the National Center of Biotechnology Information through BLAST. Strains not identified by sequencing were submitted to clonal analysis. The association of microbiological findings with clinical features and the association between microbial species were also investigated. Fifty-nine different cultivable bacteria were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, belonging to 6 phyla, with an average number of 6 species per root canal. Molecular approaches allowed identification of 99% of isolates. The most frequently identified bacteria were Prevotella spp., Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus, Parvimonas micra, Dialister invisus, Filifactor alocis, and Peptostreptococcus stomatis. Positive association was found between Prevotella buccae and Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus and between Parvimonas micra and Prevotella nigrescens (both p<0.05). It was concluded that the microbiota of infected root canals associated with acute apical abscess is diverse and heterogeneous, composed mainly of anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria, with the great majority belonging to the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes273318324CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP302575/2009; 308162/2014-5Sem informação2009/07760-5; 2011/09047-4O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a composição bacteriana de canais radiculares associados com abscesso apical agudo através de identificação molecular (16S rRNA) de bactérias cultiváveis. Duzentas e vinte cepas, de 20 casos, isoladas por cultura foram submetidas a extração de DNA e amplificação do gene 16S rRNA (PCR), seguido de sequenciamento. As sequências de nucleotídeos obtidas foram comparadas com o banco de dados (GenBank) do National Center of Biotechnology Information através do BLAST. Cepas não identificadas pelo sequenciamento foram submetidas à clonagem. Associação de achados microbiológicos e características clínicas e associação entre espécies bacterianas também foram investigadas. Cinquenta e nove bactérias cultiváveis diferentes foram identificadas pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, pertencentes a 6 filos, numa média de 6 espécies por canal. Método molecular permitiu identificação de 99% das cepas isoladas. As bactérias mais frequentes foram Prevotella spp., Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus, Parvimonas micra, Dialister invisus, Filifactor alocis, Peptostreptococcus stomatis. Associação positiva foi encontrada entre Prevotella buccae e Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus, e entre Parvimonas micra e Prevotella nigrescens (p<0,05). Foi concluído que a microbiota de canais radiculares infectados associados com abscesso apical agudo é diversa e heterogênea, composta principalmente por anaeróbios Gram-negativos, pertencentes aos filos Firmicutes e Bacteroidete

    Normal mode simulation of prompt elastogravity signals induced by an earthquake rupture

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    As soon as an earthquake starts, the rupture and the propagation of seismic waves redistribute masses within the Earth. This mass redistribution generates in turn a long-range perturbation of the Earth gravitational field, which can be recorded before the arrival of the direct seismic waves. The recent first observations of such early signals motivate the use of the normal mode theory to model the elastogravity perturbations recorded by a ground-coupled seismometer or gravimeter. Complete modelling by normal mode summation is challenging due to the very large difference in amplitude between the prompt elastogravity signals and the direct P-wave signal. We overcome this problem by introducing a two-step simulation approach. The normal mode approach enables a fast computation of elastogravity signals in layered self-gravitating Earth models. The fast and accurate computation of gravity perturbations indicates instrument locations where signal detection may be achieved, and may prove useful in the implementation of a gravity-based earthquake early warning system