48 research outputs found

    Junior Recital

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    Análisis del derecho a la igualdad en el ejercicio del derecho al sufragio en mayores de edad discapacitados mentales absolutos en Colombia 2011

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    El ejercicio del derecho al sufragio contiene intrínsecamente la responsabilidad de un previo análisis y evaluación de las distintas propuestas políticas de cada candidato, para efectos de escoger la que mas se adapte a las concepciones que propiamente tiene a cerca de la acepciones propias de justicia, favorabilidad, desarrollo social, entre otras. Este ejercicio es lo que al final garantiza el pleno desarrollo de dicho derecho constitucional, y a su vez la seguridad democrática, éstos en virtud que un conjunto de decisiones razonables sin duda, conllevan a escoger la mejor opción, la cual por consiguiente resulta ser lo mas beneficioso para la sociedad en sí misma. Debido dicho grado de responsabilidad, significa pues que los sujetos de ese derecho deben ser capaces y aptos de realizar tal ejercicio mental por lo que es naturalmente obvio que se encontrarían excluidos por ejemplo los discapacitados mentales absolutos en virtud de dicha imposibilidad física y natural. No obstante se admiten en las jornadas electorales votos de discapacitados mentales absolutos pese a que se encuentran imposibilitados mentalmente para discernir que candidato es el que se consideraría el mejor dentro de los términos de aptitud. Consecuentemente a lo anteriormente planteado, los efectos de la sentencia que declara interdicto a una persona en virtud de su discapacidad mental absoluta, debe surtir efectos además del ámbito privado, también en el campo público, para efectos de no entrar en contradicción en cuanto a fundamentos planteados.The right to vote has inherently the responsibility of a preliminary analysis and evaluation about the policy proposals of each candidate, in order to choose the one is according to conceptions they have about the meanings of justice, favorability , social development, among others. This exercise is what finally ensures the development of that constitutional right, and also the democratic security, this because of all reasonable choices that undoubtedly lead to choose the best option, which is the most beneficial to society. Because of that responsibility, it means that the people who vote must be able and capable of performing this mental exercise, so that means that naturally would be excluded for example the mentally disabled, because of that absolute physical and natural impossibility. How ever the all mentally disabled person are allowed to vote in electoral days, even dough they are mentally unable to discern which candidate is the one is considered the best for society. Consequently to the above stated, the effects of the judgment that declares a person an absolute mental disable, should extend its effects to the public area, in order to have any contradiction regarding to fundaments previously stated

    The TLR-NF-kB axis contributes to the monocytic inflammatory response against a virulent strain of Lichtheimia corymbifera , a causative agent of invasive mucormycosis

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    Invasive mucormycosis (IM) is a life-threatening infection caused by the fungal order Mucorales, its diagnosis is often delayed, and mortality rates range from 40-80% due to its rapid progression. Individuals suffering from hematological malignancies, diabetes mellitus, organ transplantations, and most recently COVID-19 are particularly susceptible to infection by Mucorales. Given the increase in the occurrence of these diseases, mucormycosis has emerged as one of the most common fungal infections in the last years. However, little is known about the host immune response to Mucorales. Therefore, we characterized the interaction among L. corymbifera— one of the most common causative agents of IM—and human monocytes, which are specialized phagocytes that play an instrumental role in the modulation of the inflammatory response against several pathogenic fungi. This study covered four relevant aspects of the host-pathogen interaction: i) The recognition of L. corymbifera by human monocytes. ii) The intracellular fate of L. corymbifera. iii) The inflammatory response by human monocytes against the most common causative agents of mucormycosis. iv) The main activated Pattern-Recognition Receptors (PRRs) inflammatory signaling cascades in response to L. corymbifera . Here, we demonstrate that L. corymbifera exhibits resistance to intracellular killing over 24 hours, does not germinate, and inflicts minimal damage to the host cell. Nonetheless, viable fungal spores of L. corymbifera induced early production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β, and late release of TNF-α and IL-6 by human monocytes. Moreover, we revealed that IL-1β production predominantly depends on Toll-like receptors (TLRs) priming, especially via TLR4, while TNF-α is secreted via C-type lectin receptors (CTLs), and IL-6 is produced by synergistic activation of TLRs and CTLs. All these signaling pathways lead to the activation of NF-kB, a transcription factor that not only regulates the inflammatory response but also the apoptotic fate of monocytes during infection with L. corymbifera. Collectively, our findings provide new insights into the host-pathogen interactions, which may serve for future therapies to enhance the host inflammatory response to L. corymbifera

    Cooperación e integración cultural como prácticas gerenciales en la gestión de la calidad en la Universidad de La Guajira

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    El objetivo consiste en describir las estrategias gerenciales de la Institución Educativa Superior (IES), actor en el desarrollo local, y su inclusión internacional como apalancamiento para alcanzar calidad, proyectarse y ser competitiva. La revisión documental institucional y encuesta dicotómica aplicada a una muestra seleccionada a discreción de los investigadores de 150 personas del estamento universitario (de una población de 16.000 entre estudiantes, docentes y administrativos), mediante instrumento validado por expertos y medida su confiabilidad con el Alpha de Cronbach con un nivel de confianza del 95 % y un margen de error del 8 %, cuyo porcentaje de P y Q es de 0,50, mostró como resultado que cuando se utilizan prácticas gerenciales de internacionalización como la cooperación e integración cultural se da una transformación institucional y se dinamiza el proceso de acreditación y el mejoramiento continuo para la calidad y excelencia.The purpose of this paper is to show the management strategies of this HEI as an actor in local development as well as of its international inclusion policy as a leveragestrategy to reach quality, to project itself globally and to be competitive. The process was performed by an institutional documentary review and a dichotomous survey applied to a sample selected at the discretion of the researchers of 150 people from the university (from a population of 16,000 among students, teachers and staff). The instrument was validated by experts and its reliability measured with the Alpha of Cronbach with a confidence level of 95 % and an error margin of 8 %, whose percentage of P and Q is 0.50. The results showed that when management practices of internationalization, such as cooperation and cultural integration are generated, an institutional transformation occurs and streamlines the accreditation process, thus, encouraging a continuous improvement towards quality and excellenc

    The ethics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the earth system sciences

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    Institutions’ motivations for pursuing diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) often center on the benefits to the organization, an argument known as the business case for diversity in which diverse teams are more creative, set high bars for research, and produce ideas that are more innovative than those produced by homogeneous groups. As the sole motivation for DEIJ efforts, the business case is flawed and does not address the harmful workplaces many marginalized scholars encounter. Institutions can make more progress towards diversifying the STEM workforce by acknowledging the ethical responsibilities for doing so and transitioning to an equity-centered approach. Emphasizing personal motivations to actively engage in DEIJ work resonates with individuals more, rather than engaging with DEIJ to benefit an institution’s goals. Two recent studies support this argument. The first is an alumni survey and focus groups of postdoctoral fellows in the Advanced Studies Program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research to explore alumni efforts and motivations for engaging in DEIJ work. The second study surveyed attitudes towards DEIJ efforts among STEM graduate students at Colorado State University who took a course on social responsibility in science. Both studies show the motivations for scientists to support and get involved in these efforts and indicate that the business case is misaligned with the motivations of students and professionals in STEM. Understanding the attitudes and motivations that individuals have for DEIJ in STEM presents an opportunity for how institutions can best learn from and support these motivations for systemic change

    Motivation for change management: preparation as a business success strategy

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    Una de las motivaciones principales del presente escrito se centra en la estimulación para la gestión del cambio que debe de existir en cada una de las organizaciones o empresas ante el cambio vertiginoso del mundo de los negocios. Este tipo de gestión se ha convertido en una de las condiciones o habilidades principales de la alta gerencia para enfrentar los desafíos tanto presentes como futuros con el ingrediente innato del liderazgo que lo realizan aquellos que están innovando y generando nuevas ideas de mejora continua en pro del mismo negocio. El mundo de los negocios está cambiando a un ritmo acelerado, la tecnología sigue evolucionando, las tendencias de los clientes cambian, las nuevas regulaciones del mercado se actualizan constantemente y las empresas tienen que hacer frente a crisis globales sin precedentes. De acuerdo a lo anterior, hay mucha probabilidad que las empresas que no logren un nivel de adaptación y aprovechar las oportunidades de crecimiento se vean superadas por competidores ágiles e incluso desaparezcan. Es por eso que prepararse para el cambio debe ser una de las principales prioridades de la alta gerenciaContenido Resumen Introducción Gestión del cambio: definición y otros aspectos Características de la gestión del cambio Cambio de paradigma El verdadero cambio es profundo Evaluación de impacto Motivar al colaborador a través de la gestión del cambio Gestión del cambio un éxito empresarial Conclusiones ReferenciasOne of the main motivations of this paper focuses on the stimulation for change management that must exist in each of the organizations or companies in the face of the rapid change in the business world. This type of management has become one of the main conditions or skills of senior management to face both present and future challenges with the innate ingredient of leadership that is carried out by those who are innovating and generating new ideas for continuous improvement in favor of the same business. The business world is changing at a rapid pace, technology continues to evolve, customer trends change, new market regulations are constantly being updated, and businesses are having to deal with unprecedented global crises. According to the above, there is a high probability that companies that do not achieve a level of adaptation and take advantage of growth opportunities will be overtaken by agile competitors and even disappear. That's why preparing for change should be a top priority for senior management.Pregrad