208 research outputs found

    Description and calibration of the Langley unitary plan wind tunnel

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    The two test sections of the Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel were calibrated over the operating Mach number range from 1.47 to 4.63. The results of the calibration are presented along with a a description of the facility and its operational capability. The calibrations include Mach number and flow angularity distributions in both test sections at selected Mach numbers and tunnel stagnation pressures. Calibration data are also presented on turbulence, test-section boundary layer characteristics, moisture effects, blockage, and stagnation-temperature distributions. The facility is described in detail including dimensions and capacities where appropriate, and example of special test capabilities are presented. The operating parameters are fully defined and the power consumption characteristics are discussed

    Desarrollo de un ambiente de aprendizaje basado en computadores para el ?rea de inform?tica de la instituci?n educativa Ismael Perdomo (Cajamarca, Tolima)

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    141 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn este trabajo se presentan los resultados del proyecto de investigaci?n ?Desarrollo de un ambiente de aprendizaje basado en computadores para el ?rea de inform?tica de la Instituci?n educativa Ismael Perdomo del municipio de Cajamarca (Tolima)?. Se trata de un estudio de caso desde la investigaci?n educativa en una perspectiva mixta, en la que se pretende analizar una experiencia de formaci?n espec?fica a partir de un dise?o pedag?gico basado en la pedagog?a conceptual, y un dise?o tecnol?gico del ambiente de aprendizaje basado en computador a trav?s de una red inform?tica local sin uso de internet, soportado en el sistema de gesti?n del aprendizaje Moodle. Todo ello para implementar la tercera unidad acad?mica del curso de Redes inform?ticas del grado d?cimo en dicho ambiente. Los resultados indican un nivel satisfactorio en el desarrollo del curso en cuanto a los componentes de calidad analizados en el ambiente de aprendizaje basado en computador: orientaciones generales del curso, objetivos, interacciones, contenidos, seguimiento y tutor?a, y evaluaci?n; adem?s, el dise?o pedag?gico refleja coherencia con la pedagog?a conceptual desde una propuesta que articula el desarrollo del ser, saber y hacer en los estudiantes; finalmente, se observa que el dise?o tecnol?gico a trav?s de una red local con el uso del sistema Moodle se constituy? en una opci?n adecuada para la incorporaci?n de TIC en el ?rea de tecnolog?a e inform?tica de la instituci?n, dadas las limitaciones de acceso a internet presentes en ella hasta el momento. Palabras Claves: E-learning. Plataforma de aprendizaje. Moodle.This paper presents the results of the research project Design and implementation of a computer - based learning environment in the information technology area of the Ismael Perdomo educational institution (Cajamarca, Tolima). It is a case study from educational research in a mixed perspective in which it is intended to analyze a specific training experience on a pedagogical design based on conceptual pedagogy, a technological design of the computer based learning environment through of a local computer network without internet use, for the implementation of that environment in a course of the area of computer science, specifically in the academic unit of Computer networks of the tenth grade. The results indicate a satisfactory level in the development of the course in terms of the quality components analyzed: general course orientations, objectives, interactions, contents, monitoring and mentoring and evaluation; in addition, the pedagogical design reflects coherence with the conceptual pedagogy from a proposal that articulates the development of being, knowing and doing in the students; Finally, it is observed that the technological design through a local network with the use of the Moodle Learning Management System was constituted as an adequate option for the incorporation of ICT in the area of technology and informatics in the Institution given the limitation of a Internet access with limited bandwidth and intermittent service. Keywords: E-learning. . Moodle

    Evaluaci?n formativa, un mecanismo de inclusi?n para estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales en la instituci?n educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento del municipio de Venadillo - Tolima

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    146 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n tiene como objetivo identificar y comprender las formas de evaluaci?n que se desarrollan dentro del enfoque inclusivo en educaci?n con estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales en la instituci?n educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento, sede Galancito ubicada en el municipio de Venadillo del departamento del Tolima. La cual, se encuentra certificada para la organizaci?n del servicio de apoyo pedag?gico dentro de la oferta de educaci?n inclusiva a estudiantes con barreras para el aprendizaje y la participaci?n por su condici?n de discapacidad, seg?n lo decreta el (Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional, 2017). Se desarrolla dentro de una delimitaci?n temporal aproximada entre 1990 y 2010 que permite tener un marco de reflexi?n. Bajo una metodolog?a cualitativa con un enfoque hist?rico hermen?utico que permite la reflexi?n, interpretaci?n y comprensi?n de este fen?meno social. Encontrando que la evaluaci?n como m?todo curricular permite mejorar los tipos de aprendizaje, as? como perfeccionar el proceso que se eval?a, plante?ndose como un proceso continuo y progresivo, de forma paralela y simult?nea al desarrollo de las actividades que se llevan a cabo. As? mismo, permite determinar el modo y grado de aprendizaje del estudiante para progresar en su formaci?n, as? como los principios y adaptaciones que deben hacerse al curr?culo para dar respuesta a las necesidades de cada estudiante. El desarrollo comprende tres momentos o fases: 1). Elaboraci?n del proyecto de investigaci?n, 2). Indagaci?n bibliograf?a, y 3). Trabajo de campo, an?lisis de la informaci?n y resultados. Se concluye que es pertinente implementar en la escuela perspectivas abiertas a la diversidad m?s que propiciar la integraci?n, que implique una verdadera transformaci?n de pensamiento, replanteando pr?cticas pedag?gicas hacia unas inclusivas. Contemplando un modelo de evaluaci?n y adaptaci?n curricular que d? respuesta a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, con base en aproximaciones te?ricas sobre la inclusi?n educativa y evaluaci?n formativa que inciden en la estructuraci?n de este nuevo modelo de educaci?n. Palabras Claves: Educaci?n inclusiva, pr?cticas pedag?gicas, evaluaci?n formativa, adaptaci?n curricular.The objective of this research is to identify and understand the forms of evaluation that are developed within the inclusive approach in education with students with special educational needs in the Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento educational institution, Galancito headquarters located in the municipality of Venadillo, department of Tolima. Which is certified for the organization of the pedagogical support service within the offer of inclusive education to students with barriers to learning and participation due to their disability status, as decreed by the (Ministry of National Education, 2017). It is developed within an approximate temporal delimitation between 1990 and 2010 that allows to have a framework of reflection. Under a qualitative methodology with a historical hermeneutic approach that allows the reflection, interpretation and understanding of this social phenomenon. Finding that the evaluation as a curricular method allows to improve the types of learning, as well as to perfect the process that is evaluated, considering as a continuous and progressive process, in a parallel and simultaneous way to the development of the activities that are carried out. Likewise, it allows to determine the mode and degree of learning of the student to progress in their formation, as well as the principles and adaptations that must be made to the curriculum to respond to the needs of each student. The development comprises three moments or phases: 1). Preparation of the research project, 2). Inquiry bibliography, and 3). Field work, analysis of information and results. It is concluded that it is pertinent to implement perspectives open to diversity in the school rather than promoting integration, which implies a true transformation of thought, rethinking pedagogical practices towards inclusive ones. Contemplating a curricular evaluation and adaptation model that responds to the individual needs of students, based on theoretical approaches on educational inclusion and formative evaluation that influence the structuring of this new model of education. Key words: Inclusive education, pedagogical practices, formative evaluation, curricular adaptation

    La lectura l?rica en la potencializaci?n del desarrollo de competencias orales en los estudiantes del grado tercero del colegio Brasilia Bosa

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    179 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto de intervenci?n ?la lectura lirica en la potencializaci?n del desarrollo de la competencia oral en los estudiantes del grado tercero del colegio Brasilia Bosa? de la localidad de Bosa, se enmarca en la Investigaci?n Formativa de la Universidad del Tolima y dentro de esta se tiene en cuanta el uso de la Investigaci?n Acci?n. La presente propuesta nace de la necesidad de cualificar los procesos en la competencia oral de los estudiantes de tercero de primaria Ciclo II, teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que los estudiantes presentan al momento de expresarse, raz?n por la cual, se propusieron las diferentes lecturas l?ricas como lo son: la poes?a, la rima, la retah?la, f?bula, los trabalenguas como estrategia pedag?gica y did?ctica para mejorar los procesos orales en los estudiantes del grado escogido para la propuesta realizada. La investigaci?n se direccion? desde la siguiente premisa ?De qu? manera la lectura l?rica se convierte en una herramienta did?ctica significativa para potencializar la competencia oral de los estudiantes del grado tercero de primaria del Colegio Brasilia Bosa?, pretendiendo estimular las emociones en los estudiantes para as? lograr una adecuada competencia oral teniendo en cuenta la fluidez, la emotividad, la pronunciaci?n y la gesticulaci?n, que los ni?os y las ni?as deben adquirir gracias las actividades pedag?gicas que el docente realice en el aula de clase.The intervention project ?lyric reading in the potentiation of developing oral skills in students of the third grade of school Brasilia Bosa ?in the town of Bosa, is part of the Formative Research of the University of Tolima and within this has into account the use of Participatory Action Research (PAR). This proposal stems from the need to qualify the processes in the oral skills of students in third grade Cycle II, taking into account the difficulties that students have the time to express, reason, different lyrical readings were proposed such as: poetry, rhyme, string, fable, twisters as pedagogical and didactic strategy to improve oral processes graders chosen for the proposal made. The research was routed from the premise How lyrical reading becomes a significant teaching tool to potentiate oral skills in students of the third grade of Brasilia Bosa?, College intending to stimulate emotions in students so achieve adequate oral competence given the fluidity, emotion , pronunciation and gestures , that children should acquire through educational activities that teachers make in the classroom. Keywords: Reading - Lirica - Orality - Skills - Rima - string - Poem - Fable - Twister - Teachin

    Labor Law in Colombia: Emergence of a Local Socialist Perspective (1930-1945)

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    Este artículo controvierte la tesis generalizada sobre el origen del derecho laboral en Colombia, que lo explica como una concesión del presidente Alfonso López al movimiento obrero por su apoyo durante el intento de golpe de 1944. Mediante un análisis histórico basado en la revisión de fuentes primarias, se argumenta que desde comienzos de la década de 1930 existieron diversas corrientes académicas y políticas que proponían desarrollar esta rama del derecho. Se profundiza en la apropiación crítica de teorías jurídicas transnacionales por los socialistas locales para poner en cuestión la supuesta insularidad y aislamiento intelectuales de la academia en Colombia y de este grupo en particular. Se concluye que el derecho laboral, entendido como derecho social por los socialistas, se nutrió de, al menos, cuatro fuentes: las corrientes antiformalistas, el materialismo dialectico y su expresión en el derecho soviético, el constitucionalismo social francés y el laboralismo inglés.This article challenges the general thesis on the origin of labor law in Colombia, explaining it as a concession given by president AlfonsoLópez to the workers movement for its support during the coup d’état attempt in 1944. Through a historical analysis based on the revision of primary sources, the article states that there were several academic and political currents early in the 1930’s that proposed the development of this branch of law. The article goes deeper in the critical appropriation of translational legal theories by local socialists intended to question the presumable intellectual isolation of the Colombian academicians and particularly this group. The article concludes that the labor law, understood as social right by socialists, was based at least on four sources: antiformalist currents; dialectic materialism and its expression in the Soviet law; the French social constitutionalism; and the English labor movement

    Towards a Proof Theory of G\"odel Modal Logics

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    Analytic proof calculi are introduced for box and diamond fragments of basic modal fuzzy logics that combine the Kripke semantics of modal logic K with the many-valued semantics of G\"odel logic. The calculi are used to establish completeness and complexity results for these fragments

    Advanced Telecommunications and Signal Processing Program

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    Contains an introduction and reports on eleven research projects.Advanced Telecommunications Research Progra

    Advanced Television Research Program

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.National Science Foundation Grant MIP 87-14969National Science Foundation FellowshipAdvanced Television Research ProgramAT&T Bell Laboratories Doctoral Support ProgramKodak FellowshipU.S. Air Force - Electronic Systems Division Contract F1 9628-89-K-004

    Advanced Television and Signal Processing Program

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    Contains an introduction and reports on two research projects.Advanced Television Research Progra

    Advanced Television Research Program

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    Contains an introduction and reports on twelve research projects.Advanced Television Research ProgramNational Science Foundation Grant MIP 87-14969National Science Foundation FellowshipKodak Fellowshi