1,770 research outputs found

    Estrés y satisfacción en docentes de un colegio no oficial en la ciudad de Bogotá.

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    Determinar cuáles son los niveles de estrés y satisfacción laboral en los docentes de un colegio no oficial de la ciudad de Bogotá.Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal el diagnosticar los niveles de estrés y satisfacción percibidos en los docentes de una muestra seleccionada pertenecientes a una institución educativa no oficial que cuenta con una planta de 15 educadores analizando la medida del estrés y las variables vinculadas a la satisfacción laboral. Tales objetivos se cumplieron mediante una metodología de tipo mixto en la que se desarrolló la aplicación de encuestas descriptivas que fueron analizadas estadísticamente para la obtención de resultados a partir de una escala de frecuencia propuestas en los instrumentos escala de estrés elaborado por la OIT – Organizacíón Internacional del Trabajo y la OMS – Organización Mundial de la Salud y una escala de intervalos propuesta en el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23 ( Meliá y Peiró, 1998) Como resultado, se encontró que en efecto, existen diversos niveles de estrés en todos los integrantes de la muestra que se vincularon a los ítems relacionados con el respaldo de equipo de trabajo y el clima organizacional; adicionalmente, se encontraron bajos niveles de satisfacción en los ítems referentes a la participación en la toma de decisiones. Tales resultados nos llevan a reconocer el alto nivel de incidencia que ostenta el componente psicosocial y convivencial en el desarrollo laboral de la muestra. Se reconoce la importancia del desarrollo organizacional al interior de la institución a la que pertenece la muestra recomendando intervención y mejora de los recursos al interior de la organización como el trabajo en equipo, el estilo de liderazgo y la participación en la toma de decisiones de la institución. La gestión de los recursos humanos resulta algo impredecible y por lo general se desvincula de los escenarios educativos por carecer de los sentidos empresariales y organizacionales en los que esta ha sido mayoritariamente contextualizada, no obstante, los docentes de las instituciones educativas se enfrentan a variables que generan un efecto directo sobre su salud impactando en la eficiencia y eficacia del desempeño de su trabajo educativo e impactando en cualidades importantes para su labor como el pensamiento positivo, el autocontrol, la disciplina y pro actividad. Competencias como esta se vinculan con la satisfacción laboral que se puede reflejar en cuadros de estrés. En el contexto educativo, Buzzetti, 2005 afirma que la docencia es una profesión altamente afectada por síndromes como el de estrés laboral, también conocido como burnout, tal afirmación se vincula con el hecho de que en la docencia se debe contar con una alta disposición al servicio y prestación de ayuda en un contexto que incluye diversas variables de orden sociocultural y económico.The main objective of this research was to diagnose the levels of stress and satisfaction perceived in the teachers of a selected sample belonging to an unofficial educational institution that has a staff of 15 educators analyzing the measure of stress and the variables related to job satisfaction. . For this purpose, the stress scale instruments developed by the ILO - International Labor Organization and the WHO - World Health Organization and an interval scale proposed in the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire S20 / 23 (Meliá and Peiró, 1998) were used. ). As a result, it was found that in fact, there are different levels of stress in all the members of the sample that were linked to the items related to the support of the work team and the organizational climate; Additionally, low levels of satisfaction were found in the items referring to participation in decision-making. Such results lead us to recognize the high level of incidence that the psychosocial and coexistence component has in the work development of the sample

    COARSE-EMOA: An indicator-based evolutionary algorithm for solving equality constrained multi-objective optimization problems

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    Many real-world applications involve dealing with several conflicting objectives which need to be optimized simultaneously. Moreover, these problems may require the consideration of limitations that restrict their decision variable space. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are capable of tackling Multi-objective Optimization Problems (MOPs). However, these approaches struggle to accurately approximate a feasible solution when considering equality constraints as part of the problem due to the inability of EAs to find and keep solutions exactly at the constraint boundaries. Here, we present an indicator-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm (EMOA) for tackling Equality Constrained MOPs (ECMOPs). In our proposal, we adopt an artificially constructed reference set closely resembling the feasible Pareto front of an ECMOP to calculate the Inverted Generational Distance of a population, which is then used as a density estimator. An empirical study over a set of benchmark problems each of which contains at least one equality constraint was performed to test the capabilities of our proposed COnstrAined Reference SEt - EMOA (COARSE-EMOA). Our results are compared to those obtained by six other EMOAs. As will be shown, our proposed COARSE-EMOA can properly approximate a feasible solution by guiding the search through the use of an artificially constructed set that approximates the feasible Pareto front of a given problem

    Caracterización de empatía en personas adictas a sustancias psicoactivas institucionalizadas en Colombia.

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    92 Páginas.Esta investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar la empatía en adictos a sustancias psicoactivas institucionalizadas en Colombia. Para esto se realizó un estudio exploratorio en primera instancia bajo la modalidad de encuesta semi estructurada a 4 pacientes para conocer sus comprensiones frente al concepto empatía y luego con la aplicación del Test TECA a una muestra de 28 sujetos, 14 mujeres y 14 hombres de la Fundación Génesis de Bogotá. El estudio concluye que las mujeres presentan una menor empatía entre pares que los hombres, abriéndose la oportunidad de mejora al enfoque de los tratamientos de rehabilitación para adictos, a partir del aporte y oportunidad que brinda la empatía dentro de estos procesos. ​

    Chagas disease control-surveillance in the americas: The multinational initiatives and the practical impossibility of interrupting vector-borne trypanosoma cruzi transmission

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    Chagas disease (CD) still imposes a heavy burden on most Latin American countries. Vector-borne and mother-to-child transmission cause several thousand new infections per year, and at least 5 million people carry Trypanosoma cruzi. Access to diagnosis and medical care, however, is far from universal. Starting in the 1990s, CD-endemic countries and the Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization (PAHO-WHO) launched a series of multinational initiatives for CD control-surveillance. An overview of the initiatives’ aims, achievements, and challenges reveals some key common themes that we discuss here in the context of the WHO 2030 goals for CD. Transmission of T. cruzi via blood transfusion and organ transplantation is effectively under control. T. cruzi, however, is a zoonotic pathogen with 100+ vector species widely spread across the Americas; interrupting vector-borne transmission seems therefore unfeasible. Stronger surveillance systems are, and will continue to be, needed to monitor and control CD. Prevention of vertical transmission demands boosting current efforts to screen pregnant and childbearing-aged women. Finally, integral patient care is a critical unmet need in most countries. The decades-long experience of the initiatives, in sum, hints at the practical impossibility of interrupting vector-borne T. cruzi transmission in the Americas. The concept of disease control seems to provide a more realistic description of what can in effect be achieved by 2030.Fil: Rojas de Arias, Antonieta. Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigación Científica; ParaguayFil: Monroy, Carlota. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (univ. de San C. de Guatemala);Fil: Guhl, Felipe. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Sosa-Estani, Sergio Alejandro. Drugs For Neglected Diseases Initiative; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Walter Souza. Ministério da Saúde; BrasilFil: Abad Franch, Fernando. Universidade do Brasília; Brasi

    Estrategias metodologicas para sensibilizar el proceso de renovación cafetera en los estudiantes de las sedes Albania y san francisco del municipio de Tibacuy mediante el uso de una página web.

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    En el municipio de Tibacuy, los dicentes de las sedes Albania y San Francisco de la I.E.D.T.A CALANDAIMA con modalidad Agropecuaria, pudimos observar que los niños de 4° y 5° de dichas sedes no tenían mucho conocimiento sobre la renovación cafetera, ni de las plagas que atacan el cultivo del café, ni de las variedades que más garantías ofrecen a los caficultores de la región (sus padres) por tal motivo nos empeñamos en concientizar de diferentes maneras a los estudiantes y padres de familia de las dos sedes para que se involucren de manera decidida a renovar sus cafetales utilizando las mejores semillas, las mejores técnicas y la mejor disposición para lograr obtener los mejores resultados y conservar la tradición y la generación de relevo para que los estudiantes continúen el ejemplo de sus padres de cultivar café

    Imaging Findings in Patients with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Arthritis

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-induced arthritis is an increasingly recognized adverse event in patients with oncologic disease during immunotherapy. Four patterns are well described, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-like, polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)-like, psoriatic arthritis (PsA)-like, and oligo-monoarthritis, among others. Despite better clinical recognition of these syndromes, information about the main imaging findings is limited. Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational study including all adult patients referred to the Rheumatology Department of a single-center due to ICI-induced arthritis who underwent imaging studies [ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and (18)F-FDG PET/CT)] between January 2017 and January 2022. Results: Nineteen patients with ICI-induced arthritis with at least one diagnostic imaging assessment were identified (15 US, 4 MRI, 2 (18)F-FDG PET/CT). Most patients were male (84.2%), with a median age at inclusion of 73 years. The main underlying diagnoses for ICI treatment were melanoma in five cases. The distribution of ICI-induced arthritis was as follows: PMR-like (5, 26.2%), RA-like (4, 21.1%), PsA-like (4, 21.1%), and others (6, 31.6%). All RA-like patients had US findings indistinguishable from conventional RA patients. In addition, 3/5 (60%) of PMR-like patients had significant involvement of the hands and wrists. Abnormal findings on MRI or PET-CT were reported by clinical symptoms. No erosions or myofascitis were seen. Conclusions: ICI-induced arthritis patients present inflammatory patterns on imaging studies similar to conventional inflammatory arthropathies, and therefore these syndromes should be followed carefully and treated according to these findings

    Violencia en el noviazgo en mujeres jóvenes de Coahuila

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    Dating violence is a social problem that mostly affects adolescent and young women, who experience different types of violence from their partner at all levels, and on many occasions neither aggressors nor victims recognize that what they are experiencing is violence, as they just consider it a usual way of relating to each other. A comparative correlational study was designed to compare the types of dating violence experienced by women who currently have a partner and by those who do not have one, and to relate the types of dating violence. Through convenience sampling, 208 women between the ages of 14 and 18 from Coahuila, Mexico were selected and administered the Partner Violence, Social Capital and Associated Thoughts questionnaire. The  results showed a high prevalence of physical and psychological violence during the dating period. Significant differences were found (p < 0.05), where women who currently have a partner suffered greater physical and economic violence than those who do not currently have a partner. Finally, a positive correlation was found between these two types of violence. La violencia en el noviazgo es un problema social que afecta mayormente a las mujeres adolescentes y jóvenes, quienes experimentan distintos tipos de violencia en todos los niveles por parte de su pareja, y que en muchas ocasiones ni agresores ni víctimas identifican que lo que están viviendo es violencia, sino una forma cotidiana de relacionarse. Con el objetivo de comparar los tipos de violencia en el noviazgo experimentado por mujeres que actualmente tienen pareja y por quienes no tienen actualmente pareja, así como relacionar los tipos de violencia en el noviazgo, se diseñó un estudio comparativo y correlacional. Mediante un muestreo por conveniencia, se seleccionaron a 208 mujeres entre los 14 y 18 años de Coahuila, México, a las que se les aplicó el cuestionario de Violencia de Pareja, Capital Social y Pensamientos Asociados. Los resultados arrojaron una prevalencia alta en la violencia física y psicológica durante el periodo del noviazgo. Se presentaron diferencias significativas (p<.05), en donde las mujeres que tienen pareja actualmente presentaron mayor violencia física y económica que las que no tienen pareja actualmente.&nbsp


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    Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis lacks effective and well-tolerated treatments. The current therapies mainly rely on antimonial drugs that are inadequate because of their poor efficacy. Traditional medicine offers a complementary alternative for the treatment of various diseases. Additionally, several plants have shown success as anti-leishmanial agents. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo activity of MEBA against Leishmania mexicana. Materials and Methods: Methanolic extract of B. aptera was obtained by macetration, after we determined in vitro antileishmanial activity of MEBA by MTT assay and the induced apoptosis in promastigotes by flow cytometry. To analyze the in vivo anti-leishmanial activity, we used infected mice that were treated and not treated with MEBA and we determined the levels of cytokines using ELISA. The phytochemical properties were determined by CG-MS and DPPH assay. Results: We determined of LC50 of 0.408 mg/mL of MEBA for in vitro anti-leishmanial activity. MEBA induced apoptosis in promastigotes (15.3% ± 0.86). Treated mice exhibited smaller lesions and contained significantly fewer parasites than did untreated mice; in addition, we found that IFN-γ and TNF-α increased in the sera of MEBA-treated mice. GC-MS analysis showed that podophyllotoxin was the most abundant compound. Evaluation of the activity by DPPH assay demonstrated an SC50 of 11.72 μg/mL. Conclusion: Based on the above data, it was concluded that MEBA is a good candidate in the search for new antileishmanial agents

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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