655 research outputs found

    La Imagen Y La Narrativa Como Herramientas Para El Abordaje Psicosocial En Escenarios De Violencia. Departamentos De Cundinamarca, Boyacá Y Antioquia.

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    El abordaje psicosocial en los escenarios de violencia, toma cada día más importancia, ya que son muchas las familias que se ven afectadas por este conflicto; deteriorando el tejido social y la calidad de vida de las personas. Gracias a las diferentes técnicas y herramientas de abordaje, se ha logrado analizar estos casos e incrementar la ayuda y el apoyo a las víctimas, logrando analizar sus vivencias y minimizar el impacto de las mismas en un futuro. En este trabajo se logra analizar diferentes casos de violencia en Colombia, a través de las técnicas como la foto voz y la Narrativa, las cuales han demostrado ser de mucha utilidad. En este documento se analiza el caso del señor Modesto Pacayá, tomado del libro Voces: historias de violencia y esperanza en Colombia. El señor Modesto es originario de Puerto Nariño, amazonas; indígena Ticuna, con cinco hijos y casado. Desmovilizado de las FARC, en su relato cuenta la historia de cómo llegó con su familia a San José del Guaviare, mediante engaños, para un trabajo, el cual resultó siendo raspar coca; el mismo que por problemas de salud no pudo llevar a cabo, por lo que se dedicó a construir casas, después de un tiempo fue contratado por un comandante de la guerrilla para ingresar comida al Meta, allí duró un tiempo hasta que llegó la orden de un comandante que le informaba que tenía que hacer un curso militar y le dijeron que si no hacía el curso, se moría. Luego de realizar el curso lo ascendieron a comandante de escuadra, pero a pesar de que le mandaba dinero a su familia, no lo dejaban estar con ellos, se empezó a sentir muy mal y decidió desmovilizarse en 2007, el ejército le ayudo y lo trasladó con su familia para Bogotá, donde surgió la Oportunidad de reconstruir nuevamente su vida. Modesto validó el bachillerato. Obtuvo un proyecto productivo, con el Apoyo de la alta consejería, montó un negocio y rehízo su vida al lado de su familia. En este relato se destaca la valentía de Modesto quien decidió cambiar su historia y la de su familia, superando las Adversidades y traumas que le dejó su paso por la guerrilla; logrando salir adelante, estudiar y conformar un negocio, emancipando un mejor futuro y proyecto de vida. Finalmente, se analiza el caso de las comunidades de Cacarica, quienes fueron Víctimas de Enfrentamientos Militares por disputas por sus territorios, durante ellas, la comunidad sufrió desapariciones, asesinatos y amenazas, las cuales generaron graves problemáticas a nivel social, económico, político y cultural. Palabras Claves: Desmovilizado, Victimas, Guerrilla, Adversidades, Oportunidad, Apoyo, Enfrentamientos Militares, Narrativa.The psychosocial aproche in the scenarios of violence is becoming increasingly important, since there are many families that are affected by this conflict; deteriorating the social fabric and the quality of life of people. Thanks to the different techniques and approach tools, it has been possible to analyze these cases and increase the help and support to the victims, managing to analyze their experiences and minimize their impact in the future. In this work it is possible to analyze different cases of violence in Colombia, through techniques such as photo voice and Narrative, which have proven to be very useful. This document analyzes the case of Mr. Modesto Pacayá, taken from the book Voces: stories of violence and hope in Colombia. Mr. Modesto is originally from Puerto Nariño, Amazons; Ticuna indigenous, with five children and married. Demobilized from the FARC, in his account he tells the story of how he arrived with his family in San José del Guaviare, through deception, for a job, which turned out to be scraping coca; the same that for health problems could not be carried out, so he dedicated himself to building houses, after a while he was hired by a guerrilla commander to enter food to the Meta, there it lasted a while until the order to arrive a commander who informed him that he had to do a military course and was told that if he did not take the course, he would die. After completing the course he was promoted to squad commander, but although he sent money to his family, they did not let him be with them, he began to feel very bad and decided to demobilize in 2007, the army helped him and transferred him with his family to Bogotá, where the Opportunity arose to rebuild his life again. Modesto validated the baccalaureate. He obtained a productive project, with the support of high counseling, set up a business and banned his life next to his family. This story highlights the courage of Modesto who decided to change his story and that of his family, overcoming the Adversities and traumas left by his passage through the guerrillas; managing to get ahead, study and build a business, emancipating a better future and life project. Finally, the case of the communities of Cacarica, who were victims of military confrontations due to disputes over their territories, is analyzed, during which the community suffered disappearances, murders and threats, which generated serious problems at a social, economic, political and cultural level. Keywords: Demobilized, Victim, Guerrilla, Adversities Opportunity, Support, Military Confrontation

    Realidades interculturales, miradas hacia el género y la educación

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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLa presente obra, es la reunión de varias investigaciones que se han dado cita para construir un libro que representa el horizonte de autores y lectores en la pasión del dialogo. Se trata de experiencias de los observadores e interpretes de la realidad de los observadores e interpretes de la realidad social quienes se aventuraron a reunir las voces de los informantes que resguardan los secretos de sus comunidades acerca de su cultura, organización simbólica, y de sus practicas y rituales engarzados en la vida cotidiana

    Autistic Adult Services Availability, Preferences, and User Experiences : Results From the Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union Survey

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    There is very little knowledge regarding autistic adult services, practices, and delivery. The study objective was to improve understanding of current services and practices for autistic adults and opportunities for improvement as part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union (ASDEU) project. Separate survey versions were created for autistic adults, carers of autistic adults, and professionals in adult services. 2,009 persons responded to the survey and 1,085 (54%) of them completed at least one of the services sections: 469 autistic adults (65% female; 55% 50% responded "don't know"). Five of seven residential services features recommended for autistic adults were experienced byPeer reviewe

    Revisión de 13 especies de la familia Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas, en México

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    Vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, parasite responsible for Chagas disease, are divided in intradomestic, peridomestic andsylvatic. The intradomestic are Triatoma barberi and Triatoma dimidiata, two species that represent the highest healthrisk among the Mexican population. Triatoma dimidiata is a species found mainly inside human habitats, but inYucatan, it corresponds to the peridomicile vectors. Also in the peridomicile most of Chagas disease vectors arefound: Meccus bassolsae, M. longipennis, M. mazzottii, M pallidipennis, M. phyllosomus, M picturata, Triatomagerstaeckeri, T mexicana, T rubida, Dipetalogaster máxima (the last two are in the process of becoming adapted tothe domicile), Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus which occasionally enters the domicile in its adult stage, and Rhodniusprolixus, which is practically controlled in the country. Peridomestic vectors are of lower risk in the transmissiondynamics, as compared to the intradomestic ones. For the control of the intradomestic vectors, health educationprograms, improvements of housing, and the use of pesticides are essential To control the peridomestic vectors, healtheducation programs are required, as well as the use of mosquito nets on doors and windows and around beds, asidefrom cementing the stone wall fences.Los transmisores de Trypanosoma cruzi, flagelado causante de la enfermedad, se dividen en intradomiciliados,peridomiciliados y silvestres. Entre los intradomiciliados se encuentran, Triatoma barberi y Triatoma dimidiata, queson los que representan un mayor riesgo para la Salud Pública, en México. Aunque Triatoma dimidiata se encuentraprincipalmente dentro de la vivienda, en Yucatán tiene un comportamiento peridomiciliar, dentro de este grupo seencuentran la mayoría de los transmisores de la enfermedad de Chagas Meccus longipennis, M. mazzottii, M.pallidipennis, M. phyllosomus, M. picturatus, Triatoma gerstaeckeri, T. mexicana, T. rubida, Dipetalogaster máxima,Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus y Rhodnius prolixus. Los transmisores peridomiciliados son de menor riesgo en ladinámica de transmisión comparados con los intradomiciliados. Para el control de los transmisores intradomiciliados,se deben emplear programas de educación para la salud, mejoramiento de vivienda e insecticidas; mientras que paralos vectores visitantes o peridomiciliados, son necesarios programas de educación para la salud, uso de mosquiteros,pabellones y cementación de las bardas de piedra

    Autistic Adult Health and Professional Perceptions of It: Evidence From the ASDEU Project

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    The Autism Spectrum Disorders in the European Union (ASDEU) survey investigated the knowledge and health service experiences of users and providers to generate new hypotheses and scientific investigations that would contribute to improvement in health care for autistic adults. An online survey designed for autistic adults, carers of autistic adults, and professionals in adult services was translated into 11 languages and distributed electronically by organizations and in-country adult service facilities in 2017; 522 autistic adults, 442 carers, and 113 professionals provided answers to the health questions. Professionals, the majority in non-medical services, appeared to be poorly informed about whether certain co-occurring conditions were more frequent in autistic adults than typical adults-especially some medical conditions, suicide attempts, accidents, and pain. A minority of autistic adults reported preventive health behaviors such as routine health check-ups. The majority of users and providers expressed the desire to make health care services more user-friendly for autistic adults. Among the three groups, <20% of responders knew an organization or clinician which has developed a way to monitor health, and prevent poor health, that works well for adults on the autism spectrum. The results point to means for better management of co-occurring conditions associated with autism in adulthood in order to reduce hospital admissions and potential areas of improvement in health and social services for autistic adults. Specifically, efforts should be focused on (1) professionals' education on risks for co-occurring conditions in autistic adults; (2) promoting preventive health behaviors; (3) making services user-friendly for autistic adults and their families; and (4) encouraging knowledge of good local services

    Intervention Services for Autistic Adults: An ASDEU Study of Autistic Adults, Carers, and Professionals' Experiences

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    The Autism Spectrum Disorders in the European Union (ASDEU) survey investigated local services' use experiences of autistic adults, carers and professionals with interventions for autistic adults. The majority of the 697 participants experienced recommended considerations prior to deciding on intervention and during the intervention plan and implementation. Psychosocial interventions were the most commonly experienced interventions, while pharmacological interventions NOT recommended for core autistic symptoms were reported by fairly large proportions of participants. Family interventions were experienced slightly more commonly by carers than adults or professionals. Less than the 26% of autistic adult responders who had experienced challenging behaviors reported receiving an intervention to change them. These results provide insights for improving gaps in service provision of interventions among autistic adults

    Real-World Experiences in Autistic Adult Diagnostic Services and Post-diagnostic Support and Alignment with Services Guidelines: Results from the ASDEU Study

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    Research providing an evidence-base for autistic adult services is sparse. The Autism Spectrum Disorders in the European Union (ASDEU) network implemented an on-line survey to determine gaps in autistic adult diagnostic evaluation and post-diagnostic support services. More than 55% in all groups experienced most of the recommended features for diagnostic evaluation for autistic adults. In contrast, < 2% of adults or carers, and < 21% of professionals experienced each of the recommended features for post-diagnostic support. In contrast to 61% of professionals, only about 30% of autistic adults and carers had knowledge of good local services models for autism diagnosis in adulthood. There are major differences between good practice guidelines for diagnostic and post-diagnostic care for autistic adults, and what is actually experienced by services users and professionals