18 research outputs found

    Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis. Review of the literature

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    The treatment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is still controversial. TMJ arthrocentesis represents a form of minimally invasive surgical treatment in patients suffering from internal derangement of the TMJ, especially closed lock. It consists of washing the joint with the possibility of depositing a drug or other therapeutic substance. Resolution of symptoms is due to the removal of chemical inflammatory mediators and changes in intra-articular pressure. Numerous clinical studies regarding this technique have been published. The goal of this paper is to review all clinical articles that have been published with regard to the critique of this technique. 19 articles with different designs fulfilling selection guidelines were chosen. A series of clinical and procedure variables were analyzed. Although the mean of improvement was higher that 80%, further research is needed to determine more homogeneous indications for TMJ athrocentesis

    Predictability of the resonance frequency analysis in the survival of dental implants placed in the anterior non-atrophied edentulous mandible

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    Background: Dental primary implant stability is considered essential in the success of the osseointegration process. The recent advent of the resonance frequency analysis (RFA) seems to effectively measure primary implant stability, although its relationship with implant survival has to be further established. Patients and Methods: Seventy patients with complete mandibular edentulism underwent dental implant rehabilitation by means of the placement of 68 dental implants within the interforaminal region and subsequent placement of an overdenture. Primary implant stability was measured by means of RFA and it was expressed in terms of implant stability quotient (ISQ) on the day of the implant insertion and at the time of the healing abutment placement in a conventional implant two-stage surgical procedure. Results: Overall implant survival rate was 97.1% at the end of the follow-up period. The mean ISQ value for 3.75 and 4.25 mm diameter implants was 78.4 ± 5.46 and 80.83 ± 5.35 respectively, at the time of the implant placement; and 76.68 ± 4.34 and 78.22 ± 6.87 respectively, at the second surgical stage. No statistical differences were observed in relation to changes in mean ISQ value along the healing process Conclusions: No statistical differences in terms of primary and secondary implant stability measured by RFA exists between 3.75 mm and 4.25 mm diameter implants in the conventional implant two-stage surgical procedure in patients with non-atrophied edentulous mandible being restored with an overdenture. Furthermore, no statistical association between RFA and the implant insertion torque was observed for endosseous dental implant placement at the first surgical stage. © Medicina Oral

    Comparison of implant primary stability between maxillary edentulous ridges receiving intramembranous origin block grafts

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    Purpose: The purposes of the present study were: to compare the resonance frequency analysis (RFA) values of implant placed in either ramus or calvaria block grafts; and to determine if implant diameter influences RFA implant stability quotient (ISQ) value. Material and Methods: This was a retrospective study that included 16 consecutives healthy patients treated with autogenous onlay block grafts for horizontal bone reconstruction in maxilla. Ten ramus and ten calvaria block graft treated patients were selected and compared. Results: Totally, 59 implants were placed, 35 (59.3%) were placed on the calvaria bone grafts and the remaining 24 (40.7%) were on the ramus bone graft. Of all the implants studied, 13 (22%), 35 (59.3%), and 11 (18.6%) were 10 mm, 11.5 mm and 13 mm in length respectively. Regarding the diameter, 4 (7%) were 3.3 mm, 3 (5%) were 3.5 mm, 20 (34%) were 3.7 mm and 32 (54%) were 4 mm. Mean ISQ value obtained by RFA was 73.06 ± 6.08, being 72.19 ± 6 and 74.47 ± 6.06 for the calvaria and ramus treated group respectively. No significant differences were noted between the two groups (p= 0.154). Implants were pooled and divided by their diameter. Mean ISQ value obtained for 3.3 mm was 80 ± 5.09, while for 4.0 mm was 72.5 ± 7.19. Again, no significant differences were found among the groups (p= 0.138). Conclusion: For RFA ISQ value, the bone graft origins (calvaria or ramus) or implant diameters did not influence the outcome

    Tratamiento de los carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos mediante láser de CO2

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    Introducción: El efecto de la amplia longitud de onda del láser de CO2 es la vaporización térmica de los tejidos, consiguiendo una máxima concentración de energía con una mínima penetración en los mismos. En el campo de la cirugía oral generalmente se emplea para el tratamiento de los pequeños tumores mucosos de la cavidad oral y la orofaringe, por la escasa morbilidad que produce y la ausencia de necesidad reconstructiva del defecto creado. Objetivo: Analizar la evolución postoperatoria, en los pacientes tratados por carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos, tras la resección mediante láser de CO2. Compararla con la de los pacientes tratados mediante métodos quirúrgicos convencionales realizando la reconstrucción a través de la sutura directa o el empleo de colgajos locales, regionales o a distancia. Diseño del estudio: Estudio de carácter prospectivo que incluye a 70 pacientes tratados por carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos. Treinta y cinco pacientes fueron tratados mediante láser de CO2, en 10 se realizó cierre directo de la lesión y en los restantes 25 algún colgajo local, regional o a distancia. Se analizó la presencia de sintomatología dolorosa durante el postoperatorio, el grado de retracción cicatricial y la presencia de alteraciones funcionales en la deglución y habla en función de la resección y reconstrucción realizada. Resultados: Obtuvimos un menor grado de dolor y de retracción cicatricial postoperatoria mediante el empleo de láser de CO2, minimizando así las secuelas funcionales de habla (mejor articulación de la palabra) y deglución (recuperación funcional más eficaz y precoz). Conclusión: La resección mediante láser de CO2 se ha convertido en el tratamiento de elección de los pequeños tumores mucosos orales y orofaringeos, por la ausencia de necesidad reconstructiva, menor retracción cicatricial y buena evolución postoperatoria.Introduction: The effect of the wide long-wave CO2 laser is the thermal vaporization of the tissues, getting a maximum energy concentration with a minimum of tissue penetration. In oral surgery, it is generally used for the treatment of oral and oropharyngeal small mucous tumors, due to the scarce morbidity that takes place and the absence of reconstructive necessity. Objective: To analyze the postoperative evolution, in the patients treated by oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas, after CO2 laser resection. To compare it with that of the patients treated by means of conventional surgical methods, achieving the reconstruction through direct suture or the employment of local, regional or distance flaps. Methods: A prospective study was designed including 70 patients treated by oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas. Thirty-five patients were treated by means of CO2 laser, in 10 cases direct wound-closure was realized, and in the remaining 25 patients some local, regional or distance flap were used. There were analysed the presence of postoperative pain, the degree of cicatricial retraction, and the speech and swallowing functional results. Results: We obtained a smaller painful degree and postoperative cicatricial retraction by the employment of CO2 laser. It permits minimizing the functional speech sequels (better words articulation) and swallowing (effective and precocious functional recovery). Conclusion: CO2 laser resection has become the elective treatment for small oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas. The reasons are the absence of reconstructive surgery necessity, the scarce cicatricial retraction, and the excellent postoperative evolution

    Costochondral graft with green-stick fracture used in reconstruction of the mandibular condyle : experience in 13 clinical cases

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    Since its publication in 1920 by Gillies, costochondral grafts have been used by surgeons to replace an injured mandibular condyle and to reconstruct the temporomandibular joint. This procedure is currently applied in cases of congenital dysplasia, developmental defects, temporomandibular ankylosis, neoplastic disease, osteoarthritis and post-traumatic dysfunction. Over the years, various procedures for the reconstruction with this type of graft have been described. In 1989, Mosby and Hiatt described a technique for setting the graft securely, reducing the space between the graft and the mandibular area. In 1998, Monje and Martín-Granizo developed a variation of this method, enabling a precise adaptation of the costochondral graft to the remaining mandibular ramus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and anatomic results of the costochondral graft treatment by green-stick fracture for reconstruction of the TMJ in the 10 years following the description of this technique. We carry out a retrospective study of thirteen cases of temporomandibular pathology (tumors, ankylosis and hypoplasia) treated during a period of ten years from 1998 to 2008. In all these cases, the technique described by Monje and MartínGranizo was used: removal of the sixth rib, fixation to a titanium mini-plate using screws, making an internal corticotomy in order to obtain a green-stick fracture of the outer cortex, providing adequate adaptation of the graft to the mandibular ramus. The graft was then set in place, attaching it with titanium screws. This technique was successful in achieving optimal ossification, a good interincisal opening and satisfactory cosmetic results. In conclusion, according to our experience, the green-stick fracture for the adaptation of costochondral grafts to the remaining mandibular ramus has presented outstanding results in the surgical treatment of temporomandibular pathology

    Giant cell granuloma of the maxilla: global management, review of literature and case report

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    Giant cell granuloma is a relatively rare benign entity but can be locally aggressive. Histologically characterized by intense proliferation of multinucleated giant cells and fibroblasts. Affects bone supported tissues. Definitive diagnosis is given by biopsy. Clinically manifest as a mass or nodule of reddish color and fleshy, occasionally ulcerated surface. They can range from asymptomatic to destructive lesions that grow quickly. It is a lesion to be considered in the differential diagnosis of osteolytic lesions affecting the maxilla or jaw. Its management passed from conservative treatment with intralesional infiltration of corticosteroids, calcitonin or interferon, to the surgical resection and reconstruction, for example with microvascular free flaps. Keywords: giant cell granuloma, intralesional injection, microvascular free flap, fibula

    Bioengineered temporomandibular joint disk implants : study protocol for a two-phase exploratory randomized preclinical pilot trial in 18 black merino sheep (TEMPOJIMS)

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    ©David Faustino Ângelo, Florencio Gil Monje, Raúl González-García, Christopher B Little, Lisete Mónico, Mário Pinho, Fábio Abade Santos, Belmira Carrapiço, Sandra Cavaco Gonçalves, Pedro Morouço, Nuno Alves, Carla Moura, Yadong Wang, Eric Jeffries, Jin Gao, Rita Sousa, Lia Lucas Neto, Daniel Caldeira, Francisco Salvado. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 02.03.2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Preclinical trials are essential to test efficacious options to substitute the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disk. The contemporary absence of an ideal treatment for patients with severe TMJ disorders can be related to difficulties concerning the appropriate study design to conduct preclinical trials in the TMJ field. These difficulties can be associated with the use of heterogeneous animal models, the use of the contralateral TMJ as control, the absence of rigorous randomized controlled preclinical trials with blinded outcomes assessors, and difficulties involving multidisciplinary teams.This study was granted by Portuguese Grunenthal Foundation and by Secção Regional Oeste da Ordem dos Médicos. This publication was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the following projects: UID/Multi/04044/2013 and PTDC/EMS-SIS/7032/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influencia de los factores extra-articulares sobre la articulación temporomandibular: estudio experimental en ratas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 25 de Mayo de 199