97 research outputs found

    Quantifying the effect of aerial imagery resolution in automated hydromorphological river characterisation

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    Existing regulatory frameworks aiming to improve the quality of rivers place hydromorphology as a key factor in the assessment of hydrology, morphology and river continuity. The majority of available methods for hydromorphological characterisation rely on the identification of homogeneous areas (i.e., features) of flow, vegetation and substrate. For that purpose, aerial imagery is used to identify existing features through either visual observation or automated classification techniques. There is evidence to believe that the success in feature identification relies on the resolution of the imagery used. However, little effort has yet been made to quantify the uncertainty in feature identification associated with the resolution of the aerial imagery. This paper contributes to address this gap in knowledge by contrasting results in automated hydromorphological feature identification from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) aerial imagery captured at three resolutions (2.5 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm) along a 1.4 km river reach. The results show that resolution plays a key role in the accuracy and variety of features identified, with larger identification errors observed for riffles and side bars. This in turn has an impact on the ecological characterisation of the river reach. The research shows that UAV technology could be essential for unbiased hydromorphological assessment

    Automated identification of river hydromorphological features using UAV high resolution aerial imagery

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    European legislation is driving the development of methods for river ecosystem protection in light of concerns over water quality and ecology. Key to their success is the accurate and rapid characterisation of physical features (i.e., hydromorphology) along the river. Image pattern recognition techniques have been successfully used for this purpose. The reliability of the methodology depends on both the quality of the aerial imagery and the pattern recognition technique used. Recent studies have proved the potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to increase the quality of the imagery by capturing high resolution photography. Similarly, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been shown to be a high precision tool for automated recognition of environmental patterns. This paper presents a UAV based framework for the identification of hydromorphological features from high resolution RGB aerial imagery using a novel classification technique based on ANNs. The framework is developed for a 1.4 km river reach along the river Dee in Wales, United Kingdom. For this purpose, a Falcon 8 octocopter was used to gather 2.5 cm resolution imagery. The results show that the accuracy of the framework is above 81%, performing particularly well at recognising vegetation. These results leverage the use of UAVs for environmental policy implementation and demonstrate the potential of ANNs and RGB imagery for high precision river monitoring and river management

    Aspectos éticos del servicio de telemedicina de una Mutua laboral

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    MC Mutual és una Mútua Laboral que en 2021 va iniciar un projecte de telemedicina (TM), amb el propòsit de crear un model assistencial més sostenible i eficient. Objectiu: Revisar els aspectes ètics i fortaleses del projecte. Metodologia: Revisió de la documentació existent en MC Mutual relativa a TM, entrevistes amb el Director del projecte i amb dos professionals de l'equip de TM, sessió formativa i taller de simulació en l'ús de l'eina de TM. Resultats: És un projecte que des de la seva implementació va contemplar aspectes ètics essencials: relació metge-pacient basada en un examen personal i coneixement suficient de l'historial mèdic del pacient, en la confiança i respecte mutu; elaboració de consentiments informats específics; autonomia professional per a decidir el tipus de consulta més apropiat; disposició dels sistemes de telecomunicació amb els requisits necessaris; mesures d'avaluació que preservin la qualitat de l'atenció, seguretat del pacient, el millor diagnòstic i pràctiques de tractament possibles. Conclusions: El projecte de TM representa una oportunitat de millora en l'atenció dels pacients localitzats en els centres assistencials, fent que personal altament capacitat estigui disponible per a pacients i professionals sanitaris que així ho requereixin mantenint condicions òptimes de seguretat i qualitat en l'atenció del pacient. Addicionalment facilita el treball col·laboratiu entre professionals sanitaris de centres assistencials i centres de referència.MC Mutual is a mutual insurance company that started a telemedicine (TM) project in 2021 with the purpose of creating a more sustainable and efficient assistential model. Objective: To review the ethical aspects and strengths of the project. Methods: Review of the existing documentation in MC Mutual related to TM, interviews with the project director and with two professionals of the TM team, academic sessions and simulation training in the use of the TM tool. Results: It is a project that, since its implementation, has contemplated essential ethical aspects: physician-patient relationship based on a personal examination and a sufficient knowledge of the patient’s clinical record, mutual trust and respect; preparation of specific informed consents, professional autonomy to decide the most appropriate type of consultation; provision of telecommunication systems with the necessary requirements; evaluation measures to preserve quality of attention, patient safety, the best possible diagnosis and treatment practices. Conclusions: The TM project represents an opportunity of improvement in the attention of patients located at assistential healthcare centers, making highly qualified personnel available to patients and health professionals who require it, keeping optimal conditions in patient safety and quality of attention.  Additionally, it facilitates collaborative work between health workers from healthcare centers and reference centers.MC Mutual es una Mutua Laboral que en 2021 inició un proyecto de telemedicina (TM), con el propósito de crear un modelo asistencial más sostenible y eficiente. Objetivo: Revisar los aspectos éticos y fortalezas del proyecto. Metodología: Revisión de la documentación existente en MC Mutual relativa a TM, entrevistas con el Director del proyecto y con dos profesionales del equipo de TM, sesión formativa y taller de simulación en el uso de la herramienta de TM. Resultados: Es un proyecto que desde su implementación contempló aspectos éticos esenciales: relación médico-paciente basada en un examen personal y conocimiento suficiente del historial médico del paciente, en la confianza y respeto mutuo; elaboración de consentimientos informados específicos; autonomía profesional para decidir el tipo de consulta más apropiado; disposición de los sistemas de telecomunicación con los requisitos necesarios; medidas de evaluación que preserven la calidad de la atención, seguridad del paciente, el mejor diagnóstico y prácticas de tratamiento posibles. Conclusiones: El proyecto de TM representa una oportunidad de mejora en la atención de los pacientes localizados en los centros asistenciales, haciendo que personal altamente capacitado esté disponible para pacientes y profesionales sanitarios que así lo requieran manteniendo condiciones óptimas de seguridad y calidad en la atención del paciente. Adicionalmente facilita el trabajo colaborativo entre profesionales sanitarios de centros asistenciales y centros de referencia

    Towards a transferable UAV-based framework for river hydromorphological characterization

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    The multiple protocols that have been developed to characterize river hydromorphology, partly in response to legislative drivers such as the European Union Water Framework Directive (EU WFD), make the comparison of results obtained in different countries challenging. Recent studies have analyzed the comparability of existing methods, with remote sensing based approaches being proposed as a potential means of harmonizing hydromorphological characterization protocols. However, the resolution achieved by remote sensing products may not be sufficient to assess some of the key hydromorphological features that are required to allow an accurate characterization. Methodologies based on high resolution aerial photography taken from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been proposed by several authors as potential approaches to overcome these limitations. Here, we explore the applicability of an existing UAV based framework for hydromorphological characterization to three different fluvial settings representing some of the distinct ecoregions defined by the WFD geographical intercalibration groups (GIGs). The framework is based on the automated recognition of hydromorphological features via tested and validated Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Results show that the framework is transferable to the Central-Baltic and Mediterranean GIGs with accuracies in feature identification above 70%. Accuracies of 50% are achieved when the framework is implemented in the Very Large Rivers GIG. The framework successfully identified vegetation, deep water, shallow water, riffles, side bars and shadows for the majority of the reaches. However, further algorithm development is required to ensure a wider range of features (e.g., chutes, structures and erosion) are accurately identified. This study also highlights the need to develop an objective and fit for purpose hydromorphological characterization framework to be adopted within all EU member states to facilitate comparison of results

    Extending the RIGHT statement for reporting adapted practice guidelines in healthcare: the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist protocol

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    Evidence-based medicine; Guideline adaptation; Guidelines as topicMedicina basada en la evidencia; Adaptación de guías clínicas; Guías clínicasMedicina basada en l'evidència; Adaptació de guies clíniques; Guies clíniquesIntroduction: The adaptation of guidelines is an increasingly used methodology for the efficient development of contextualised recommendations. Nevertheless, there is no specific reporting guidance. The essential Reporting Items of Practice Guidelines in Healthcare (RIGHT) statement could be useful for reporting adapted guidelines, but it does not address all the important aspects of the adaptation process. The objective of our project is to develop an extension of the RIGHT statement for the reporting of adapted guidelines (RIGHTAd@pt Checklist). Methods and analysis: To develop the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist, we will use a multistep process that includes: (1) establishment of a Working Group; (2) generation of an initial checklist based on the RIGHT statement; (3) optimisation of the checklist (an initial assessment of adapted guidelines, semistructured interviews, a Delphi consensus survey, an external review by guideline developers and users and a final assessment of adapted guidelines); and (4) approval of the final checklist. At each step of the process, we will calculate absolute frequencies and proportions, use content analysis to summarise and draw conclusions, discuss the results, draft a report and refine the checklist. Ethics and dissemination: We have obtained a waiver of approval from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain). We will disseminate the RIGHT-Ad@pt Checklist by publishing into a peer-reviewed journal, presenting to relevant stakeholders and translating into different languages. We will continuously seek feedback from stakeholders, surveil new relevant evidence and, if necessary, update the checklist.YS is funded by China Scholarship Council (No 201707040103). LMG is funded by a Miguel Servet contract from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP18/00007)

    Current practices and challenges in adaptation of clinical guidelines: a qualitative study based on semistructured interviews

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    Investigación cualitativa; Calidad en la atención de la salud; Estadísticas y métodos de investigaciónQualitative research; Quality in health care; Statistics & research methodsRecerca qualitativa; Qualitat en l'atenció sanitària; Estadística i mètodes d'investigacióObjective This study aims to better understand the current practice of clinical guideline adaptation and identify challenges raised in this process, given that published adapted clinical guidelines are generally of low quality, poorly reported and not based on published frameworks. Design A qualitative study based on semistructured interviews. We conducted a framework analysis for the adaptation process, and thematic analysis for participants’ views and experiences about adaptation process. Setting Nine guideline development organisations from seven countries. Participants Guideline developers who have adapted clinical guidelines within the last 3 years. We identified potential participants through published adapted clinical guidelines, recommendations from experts, and a review of the Guideline International Network Conference attendees’ list. Results We conducted ten interviews and identified nine adaptation methodologies. The reasons for adapting clinical guidelines include developing de novo clinical guidelines, implementing source clinical guidelines, and harmonising and updating existing clinical guidelines. We identified the following core steps of the adaptation process (1) selection of scope and source guideline(s), (2) assessment of source materials (guidelines, recommendations and evidence level), (3) decision-making process and (4) external review and follow-up process. Challenges on the adaptation of clinical guidelines include limitations from source clinical guidelines (poor quality or reporting), limitations from adaptation settings (lacking resources or skills), adaptation process intensity and complexity, and implementation barriers. We also described how participants address the complexities and implementation issues of the adaptation process. Conclusions Adaptation processes have been increasingly used to develop clinical guidelines, with the emergence of different purposes. The identification of core steps and assessment levels could help guideline adaptation developers streamline their processes. More methodological research is needed to develop rigorous international standards for adapting clinical guidelines.YS is funded by China Scholarship Council (No 201707040103)

    Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds

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    The extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds (SCG) was studied. Experimental assays were carried out by the autohydrolysis technique and the effect of the process variables temperature, water/SCG ratio and extraction time on the amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the produced extracts was evaluated. The variables were combined according to a 23 central composite design. The statistical model revealed that the optimum condition to produce extracts with high content of phenolic compounds (35.07 mg GAE/g SCG) and antioxidant activity (FRAP = 0.25 mmol Fe(II)/g SCG, DPPH = 121.7 μmol TE/g SCG, ABTS = 130.0 μmol TE/g SCG, TAA = 64.17 mg α-TOC/g SCG) was achieved when maximizing the process variables (temperature = 200 °C, ratio = 15 ml/g and time = 50 min)

    Teaching and learning how to make informed health choices: Protocol for a context analysis in Spanish primary schools

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    Salut dels nens; Pensament crític; Educació per a la salutSalud de los niños; Pensamiento crítico; Educación para la saludChildren’s health; Critical thinking; Health educationIntroduction The Informed Health Choices (IHC) project developed learning resources to teach primary school children (10 to 12-year-olds) to assess treatment claims and make informed health choices. The aim of our study is to explore the educational context for teaching and learning critical thinking about health in Spanish primary schools. Methods During the 2020-2021 school year, we will conduct 1) a systematic assessment of educational documents and resources, and 2) semi-structured interviews with key education and health stakeholders. In the systematic assessment of educational documents and resources, we will include state and autonomous communities’ curriculums, school educational projects, and commonly used textbooks and other health teaching materials. In the semi-structured interviews, we will involve education and health policy makers, developers of learning resources, developers of health promotion and educational interventions, head teachers, teachers, families, and paediatric primary care providers. We will design and pilot a data extraction form and a semi-structured interview guide to collect the data. We will perform a quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the data to explore how critical thinking about health is being taught and learned in Spanish primary schools. Conclusion We will identify opportunities for and barriers to teaching and learning critical thinking about health in Spanish primary schools. We will formulate recommendations—for both practice and research purposes—on how to use, adapt (if needed), and implement the IHC resources in this context.This study will be funded by Institute of Health Carlos III through the project 'PI19/00068' (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, 'Investing in your future'). LMG has a Miguel Servet research contract from the Institute of Health Carlos III [CP18/00007] (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, 'Investing in your future')

    Encapsulation of antioxidant phenolic compounds extracted from spent coffee grounds by freeze-drying and spray-drying using different coating materials

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    Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.05.142.Freeze-drying and spray-drying techniques were evaluated for encapsulation of phenolic compounds (PC) extracted from spent coffee grounds. Additionally, the use of maltodextrin, gum arabic and a mixture of these components (ratio 1:1) as wall material to retain the PC and preserve their antioxidant activity was also assessed. The contents of PC and flavonoids (FLA), as well as the antioxidant activity of the encapsulated samples were determined in order to verify the efficiency of each studied condition. Additional analyses for characterization of the samples were also performed. Both the technique and the coating material greatly influenced the encapsulation of antioxidant PC. The best results were achieved when PC were encapsulated by freeze-drying using maltodextrin as wall material. Under these conditions, the amount of PC and FLA retained in the encapsulated sample corresponded to 62% and 73%, respectively, and 73-86% of the antioxidant activity present in the original extract was preserved.This work was supported by the Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal (FCT - grant SFRH/BD/80948/2011); the Strategic Project (PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013); and the Project ‘‘BioInd - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and Agro-Food processes” Co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER (Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Miradas colectivas del departamento del Valle del Cauca municipios Palmira, Santiago de Cali

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    El diplomado en desarrollo humano y familia tiene un fuerte componente practico que permitió a través de la metodología de marco lógico aproximarnos a cinco comunidades con las cuales se identificaron problemáticas psicosociales como la Violencia escolar, la inseguridad, la falta de proyecto de vida y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en jóvenes, todas las anteriores impactan negativamente en todos y cada uno de los integrantes del grupo familiar, impidiendo que las familias desarrollen su máximo potencial como núcleo de la sociedad. Por lo anterior también se formulan acciones de intervención que den respuesta a las necesidades identificadas en las comunidades participantes.The diploma in human development and family has a strong practical component that allowed through the methodology of logical framework to approach five communities with which they identified psychosocial problems as school violence, insecurity, lack of life project and consumption Of psychoactive substances in young people, all of the above impact negatively on each and every member of the family group, preventing families from developing their full potential as the core of society. Therefore, intervention actions are also formulated to respond to the needs identified in the participating communities