26 research outputs found


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    The most visible forms of Muslim self-identity is hijab that worn by Muslim women. Hijab brings with it a burden that most Muslim children are aware of. Hence, as parents it is importance, as well as the burder of hijab so that they are fully prepared to lead their lives on the Path of Allah (SWT). Therefore, the overaching objective of this papaer was to educate the readers the ways in developing love for hijab amongst children. This paper begins with an overview of the use and the advantages of hijab for women, then ends by presenting some easy steps that can be followed by parents especially mother in educating their children to wear hijab as young as possible

    Developing Local Content-Based Instructional Graded Reading Materials for Reading Level Three Students

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    This research aimed at analyzing the quality of the newly developed local-content-based instructional graded reading materials for junior high school students in Lubuklinggau. The development of the instructional materials was then analyzed and evaluated in terms of their validity, practicality, and effectiveness using formative evaluation proposed, which consists of self-evaluation, experts review, one-to-one, small group, and field test. The result of expert review showed that the prototype of the product was categorized as having high validity as indicated by the average score of questionnaires on content and construct which was 3.23 (scale 1-4). Moreover, developed instructional reading materials were also considered as highly practical as indicated by the average score of one-to-one evaluation (3.39) and small group evaluation (3.18). Meanwhile, the result of field test evaluation showed that the developed reading comprehension test was highly effective to be used as reading assessment. Meanwhile, the result of field test evaluation shows that developed test could be categorized as effective because there were 20 students (74.07%) out of 27 students in reading comprehension test reached average category which was between 56 and 70. Hence, it was concluded that the developed products, either the test or the teaching materials can become alternative for teaching reading to students whose level of reading is level 3. Keywords: reading assessment; graded reading material; local content-agriculturalproduc


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    Berdasarkan pengamatan masih ada diantara siswa-siswi di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  yang masih belum memiliki keaktifan Belajar yang tinggi, proses pembelajaran yang di terapkan guru keterampilan membuka dan menutup pembelajaran masih kurang tepat. Saat membuka pembelajaran guru langsung saja masuk pada kegiatan inti pelajaran. Sehingga masih ada siswa yang sibuk mengobrol dengan teman sebangkunya, bermain handphone, dan mengantuk. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Keterampilan Membuka dan Menutup Pembelajaran Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  sebanyak 480 orang. Metode yang di gunakan adalah dengan metode korelasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji signifikan (uji t). Berdasarkan analisis peneliti, hasil penguji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa variabel Keterampilan Membuka dan Menutup Pembelajaran berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa, hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Rhitung 0,382 dengan koefisien determinasi atau disebut KP (korelation pearsion) yaitu 14,6%. Berdasarkan (uji t) di dapat t hitung > ttabel (4.491 > 0.1793). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan Bahwa ada Pengaruh Keterampilan Membuka dan Menutup Pembelajaran Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan


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    One of the priority purpose of teaching English as a foreign language to Indonesian people is thatthey can read in order to grasp the idea and to understand the book written in English. The ability toread is crucial for the students in reaching both the academic and society success. The successfulnessof teaching reading cannot be separated from the skill of selecting an appropriate reading material.By reading an appropriate reading material, the students can effectively expand their knowledge;train their brain to think and acquire new information and idea. This paper aimed at discussing therole of graded reading materials in teaching reading of EFL learners. A number of studies point outthat the L2 learners will feel motivated and enjoy in learning the language if the anxiety levels are aslow as possible. Graded reading material which is written in various levels of reading, meets theneeds of today’s language learners by maximizing reading opportunities in an enjoyable, relaxing andaccessible way

    The Quality of Newly Local Content Based Instructional Reading Materials for Senior High School Students

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    This study aimed to analyze the quality of advanced local content-based instructional reading material. It was ten descriptive texts and a reading comprehension test with the topic focused on Bangka Island tourism places. The developed product was specially constructed by considering the reading level of senior high school students in Pangkalpinang, Indonesia, which is identified at level four. The quality of the product reflects on its effectiveness and criterion-related validity. The point is determined from students' scores on the reading comprehension test administered after they have been taught using the developed product in 6 meeting sessions. The criterion-related validity of developed reading comprehension was recognized by measuring the correlation between students' scores on progressive reading comprehension tests and their scores on standardized reading level tests. Based on the result, the developed product can be considered adequate because 35 students (85.36%) out of 41 students in reading comprehension test accomplished the minimum mastery criterion, which was 70. The product was also considered good in terms of its criterion-related validity because the correlation coefficient was 0.618. Since findings show that the developed local content-based instructional reading materials are effective and valid, it can conclude that the developed product has good quality when used as instructional reading materials for senior high school students. Keywords: Instructional Reading Materials, Local Content, Senior High School Student


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    This study aims to describe the types of expressive speech acts contained in the Instagram caption @lambeturah_official. The subject of this study is the admin of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. The objects of this study is all expressive speech in the caption of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. This is a descriptive qualitative study. Data collection techniques is by using listening and note-taking techniques. The theory used in this research, namely Searle's theory in Manaf (2011:212)which  classifies speech acts into five types, namely representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative speech acts. Chaer (2010:83) further explains that there are three speech acts in the study of pragmatics, namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. The results show that there are 21 data on the form of expressive speech acts in the caption of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. Expressive speech 2 data of speech acts of praise. Expressive speech 1 speech act data say thank you. Expressive speech 3 data of speech acts of hope. Expressive speech 3 data of contradictory speech acts. Expressive speech 2 speech act data apologizing. Expressive speech 7 speech act data expressing condolences. Expressive speech 3 speech act data say congratulations


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    ABSTRAK Investasi pada hakekatnya memiliki motif yaitu mencari keuntungan atau laba dalam jumlah tertentu. Berinvestasi pada reksadana memiliki kelebihan dimana risiko investasi dapat diperkecil. Hal ini karena dana yang terkumpul akan investasikan ke dalam berbagai investasi seperti, saham, obligasi dan pasar uang. Untuk itu, tujuan penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kinerja reksadana pendapatan syariah dan reksadana pendapatan tetap konvensional dengan pengukuran kinerja menggunakan metode sharpe, treynor dan Jensen. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, objek penelitian ini adalah reksadana pendapatan tetap syariah dan reksadana pendapatan tetap konvensional yang terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 30 sampel yang terdiri dari 15 sampel dari reksadana pendapatan tetap syariah dan 15 sampel dari reksadana pendapatan tetap konvensional. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paired sample t-test dengan menggunakan SPSS dan Microsoft Excel untuk melakukan pencatatan, perhitungan dan analisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode paired sample t-test, reksadana pendapatan tetap syariah dan reksadana pendapatan tetap konvensional menyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja reksadana pendapatan tetap syariah dan reksadana pendapatan tetap konvensional dari perhitungan menggunakan metode sharpe, treynor dan jensen. Hal ini dikarenakan pada dasarnya reksadana merupakan suatu instrumen investasi yang memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih rendah daripada instrumen investasi lainnya yang ditunjukkan dengan nilainya yang cenderung stabil. Kata Kunci: Reksadana, Sharpe, Treynor, Jense

    Pengaruh Penerapan E-Filling System Dan Pemahaman Perpajakan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Dengan Peran Relawan Pajak Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh penerapan e-filling system pemahaman perpajakan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak serta menguji secara empiris pengaruh variabel moderasi peran relawan pajak dalam hubungan penerapan e-filling system dan pemahaman perpajakan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak UMKM di Kota Ambon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah random sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05 atau 5%. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penerapan e-filling system dan pemahaman perpajakan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak serta peran relawan pajak memperkuat pengaruh penerapan e-filling system terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. Namun, peran relawan pajak tidak memoderasi pengaruh pemahaman perpajakan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak

    Gambaran Karakteristik dan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat terhadap Kejadian Hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sawit Seberang Kecamatan Sawit Seberang Kabupaten Langkat 2015

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    The characteristic feature of social culture and the incidence of hypertension is to portray the way of life of the people who looked at the behavioral manifestations of hypertensive patients.This type of research is research that is descriptive with qualitative approach using in-depth interviews (depth interview) with five informants. aims to describe the social and cultural characteristics of the community on the incidence of hypertension in Puskesmas Subdistrict Sawit Sawit Seberang Seberang Langkat 2015. Results of this study demonstrate knowledge of informants has been good enough that it can mention understanding hypertension, hypertension symptoms, prevention of hypertension and eat food that is recommended and not recommended for hypertension, alcohol consumption and smoking. Patients had an attitude supportive of hypertension occurs in the elderly, hypertension is more common in men than in women, hypertension occurs in people who work and good income, hypertension as a hereditary disease. Action informants have eating habits that are less well because they consume foods that are not recommended for patients with hypertension, still smoking and drinking coffe

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menyimak Cerita Pendek dengan Model Cooperativesomatic Auditory Visualization Intellectualy (SAVI) pada Siswa Kelas VII F SMP Negeri 3 Singkawang Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan menyimak siswa karena minat belajar siswa masih rendah.Hasil belajar siswa kelas VII f pada aspek menyimak masih rendah dengan persentase ketuntasan 50% dari 32 siswa. Peneliti mencoba melakukan suatu pembaharuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak cerita pendek dengan model cooperative somatic auditory visualization intellectualy. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan hasil materi menyimak cerita pendek dengan model Cooperative Somatic Auditory Visualization Intellectualy (SAVI). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pendeskripsian perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan hasil materi menyimak cerita pendek dengan model Cooperative Somatic Auditory Visualization Intellectualy (SAVI). Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan bentuk kualitatif.Prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian ini terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi.Perencanaan pembelajaran siklus I dan II terdiri atas merumuskan bahan pembelajaran dan tujuan, merencanakan langkah-langkah pembelajaran, pemilihan sumber dan penggunaan media pembelajaran serta merencanakan evaluasi pembelajaran.Pelaksanaan pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan perencanaan yang telah disusun.Perencanaan siklus I memiliki kendala pada guru masih kurang mengembangkan materi pembelajaran, masih kurang dalam menentukan alokasi waktu, dan guru masih kurang dalam menentukan sumber belajar.Perencanaan siklus II berjalan dengan baik semua aspek dalam perencanaan sudah dilaksanakan oleh guru.Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini sebelum adanya tindakan, persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa yaitu siswa 50%. Setelah tindakan siklus I dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 50% dan meningkat lagi pada siklus ke II menjadi 93,75%. Berdasarkan penelitian ini disarankan agar guru dapat menerapkan model Cooperative Somatic Auditory Visualization Intellectualy (SAVI) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak siswa