244 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada CV. Kamdatu Palembang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance CV. KAMDATU Palembang. This type of research is a case study with a number of samples taken as many as 17 employees. The analysis technique used in this study is a simple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 22. Validity of test results is valid for r greater than r table. Reliability of test results are reliable because Cronbach's Alpha Standard above 0.70. T value obtained was 4,625 with a significance level of 0,000. Adjusted R Square value obtained was 0,560. The results of this study show that job satisfaction significant positive effect to employee performance CV. KAMDATU Palembang is 56%

    Menilik Memetika sebagai Koleksi Baru Teori Kebudayaan

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    Evolution process not only occurs in the biological area, but also in the cultural area. On the one hand, from one of the evolution theories, it has been known that the unit of replication is gene. On the other hand, the unit of transmission and replication in the cultural evolution can be associated with meme. Similar to genes that propagate themselves through a process called reproduction, memes also propagate themselves from person to person through a process called imitation. By way of imitation, memetic theory explains the development and the evolution of a culture. Imitating others points to the phenomena where ideas, information, behaviour, things, or style are passed on or spread/repeated by certain people. The process in which cultural elements (memes) are passed onto other groups can be considered as a sort of cultural transmission. Memes propagate for themselves and in this way they survive and exist in the human culture. Human mind has the ability for imitating information and ideas, therefore a human being is seen as an agent of meme evolution. Memes are spread out through human interactions and the various kinds of media. In this sense, culture will always be in the state of developing and changing

    Menilik Memetika sebagai Koleksi Baru Teori Kebudayaan

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    Evolution process not only occurs in the biological area, but also in the cultural area. On the one hand, from one of the evolution theories, it has been known that the unit of replication is gene. On the other hand, the unit of transmission and replication in the cultural evolution can be associated with meme. Similar to genes that propagate themselves through a process called reproduction, memes also propagate themselves from person to person through a process called imitation. By way of imitation, memetic theory explains the development and the evolution of a culture. Imitating others points to the phenomena where ideas, information, behaviour, things, or style are passed on or spread/repeated by certain people. The process in which cultural elements (memes) are passed onto other groups can be considered as a sort of cultural transmission. Memes propagate for themselves and in this way they survive and exist in the human culture. Human mind has the ability for imitating information and ideas, therefore a human being is seen as an agent of meme evolution. Memes are spread out through human interactions and the various kinds of media. In this sense, culture will always be in the state of developing and changing


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan. Komitmen, komunikasi dan penanganan konflik terhadap loyalitas pelangga bank BCA di Surabaya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah 130 nasabah bank BCA di Surabaya yang sudah menjadi nasabah selama 2 tahun dan memiliki pendidikan terakhir SMA dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah model regresi linier berganda, uji F, uji t-value dengan program windows SPSS 16.0. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan pengambilan hipotesis dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 4 variabel yang memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, yakni kepercayaan, komitmen, komunikasi dan penanganan konflik. Dimana besar nilai pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan ialah sebesar 0,232, pengaruh komitmen terhadap loyalitas pelanggan ialah sebesar 0,171, untuk variabel komunikasi besar nilai pengaruhnya terhadap loyalitas pelanggan sebesar 0,291, dan untuk penanganan konflik terhadap loyalitas pelanggan besar nilai pengaruhnya ialah sebesar 0,264. Berdasarkan hasil koefisien determinasi besarnya variasi variabel kepercayaan, komitmen, komunikasi, penanganan konflik secara bersama-sama mapu menjelaskan variasi variabel loyalitas pelanggan sebesar 73,3%, sedangkan 26,7% dijelaskan variabel-variabel atau faktor lain diluar model yang tidak tercermati.&nbsp

    Summary of Space Environment Magnetometer and Particle Replacement Experiment (SEMPRE) Study

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    As part of the GOES-R series follow on architecture study following the NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture (NSOSA) study, a study team evaluated the feasibility of accommodating the GOES in-situ instruments (Magnetometer and Particle Detectors) on a dedicated spacecraft with no impact to the overall baseline mission cost assuming two large observatories. The accommodations cost on a primary operational type observatory are non-negligible requiring: a large non-magnetic boom to reduce the impact of the spacecraft interference on the magnetometer; and strict contamination control and magnetic cleanliness to prevent magnetic contamination near the magnetometers. These, along with the additional interface complexities greatly increase the cost of larger spacecraft by extending integration time with a large marching army. By contrast, a dedicated mission provides flexibility in location and refresh rate not afforded when these sensors are launched as secondary payloads. This study performed an informal industry survey of small form-factor instruments currently flying or in process of being developed. The study identified three potential particle detector suites and multiple magnetometers that will satisfy the requirements while having low enough volume and mass to allow accommodation on a rideshare class spacecraft. Using the largest of the identified particle detector suites, the Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Design Lab developed a design for a rideshare spacecraft that will accommodate the particle detector suite and magnetometer. The cost of the spacecraft, based on multiple cost models, is comparable to the cost of accommodating the magnetometer and particle detector suite on two (East and West) larger main observatories

    Koordinasi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Dengan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Dalam Upayapenanggulangan Pasca Bencana Banjir Di Kota Medan

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    Regional Disaster Management Agency as an agency formed by the government as a forum for disaster management. One of the actions taken by BPBD to cope with flood disasters is through coordination with the Medan City Public Works Department. This study aims to describe the coordination between BPBD and the Medan City Public Works Agency in post-flood disaster management in Medan City including the stages of rehabilitation and reconstruction. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the coordination between BPBD and the Public Works Agency in the post-flood disaster implementation in Medan City has not been maximized

    Enabling Policy Environments for Co-operative Development: A Comparative Experience

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    This research project will identify effective tax policy models and strategies of policy advancement for the co-operative sector. The project will draw on a comparative analysis of tax models from Spain (Mondragon Co-op) and Italy (Emilia Romagna region) and will include a scan of tax policy and legislation regarding co-operatives in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and northern Ontario. The objective of this research is to analyze different tax policies that have played a key role in the development of the co-operative sector and in creating sector controlled, self-sustaining co-operative development and financing tools by exploring the possibilities of parlaying the research results from the international models into appropriate models in Canada, with specific consideration to the Manitoba context. This research will build on existing literature regarding tax models and policies, supports and barriers, and the various factors that contributed to the sustainability of co-operative development in various parts of the world. A review of the tax legislation in key tax systems (namely Spanish, Italian, and Canadian at the federal/provincial levels) will also be necessary


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    ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian kajian drug related problems pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa di Instalasi Hemodialisa RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara prospektif melalui penelusuran terhadap kondisi pasien, catatan rekam medik, Kartu Instruksi Obat (KIO) dan catatan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya di analisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori DRPs yang paling banyak terjadi adalah indikasi tidak diterapi. Dari data prospektif didapatkan 42 kasus pasien penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa di Instalasi Hemodialisa RSUP DR. M. Djamil padang. Kategori DRPs yang lain adalah obat tanpa indikasi medis (11,90%), obat tidak tepat pasien (furosemid), interaksi obat (clonidin dengan amlodipin, furosemid dengan candesartan, furosemid dengan asam folat, amlodipin dengan simvastatin, amlodipin dengan osteocal), ketidakpatuhan pasien (14,29%), dan kegagalan mendapatkan obat (14,29%). Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kategori drug related problems yang ditemukan pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa di Instalasi Hemodialisa RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang adalah indikasi yang tidak diterapi, obat tanpa indikasi medis, obat tidak tepat pasien, interaksi obat, ketidakpatuhan pasien, dan kegagalan pasien mendapatkan obat. Kata kunci : DRPs, penyakit ginjal kronik stadium V yang menjalani hemodialisa, Instalasi Hemodialisa, RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang

    A Racial Impact Analysis of SB 30: Medicaid Expansion

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    Virginia is the second worst state in providing Medicaid to its citizens. The focus of this report is to provide a racial equity impact analysis of Senate Bill (SB) 30, the Senate legislative vehicle for the appropriations of the budget submitted by the Governor of Virginia for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. SB 30 included a provision called “Marketplace Virginia” as an alternative to traditional Medicaid expansion in Virginia. This compromise bill would have covered an estimated 430,000 Virginians who fall in the Medicaid coverage gap by assisting them in purchasing private insurance. This report provides a racial equity impact analysis of the failure of the Virginia General Assembly to pass SB 30. The racial and ethnic impact of this proposed, but failed, legislation is important because minorities in Virginia disproportionately face disparities in health care access and quality. This racial impact analysis captures and reports the potential impact of this legislation by race in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The primary recommendation includesraising eligibility requirements to a minimum of 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Virginia’s current eligibility requirements are so strict that although it is ranked 7th in per capita personal income, Virginia ranked 43rd in Medicaid enrollment as a proportion of the state’s population and 47th in per capita Medicaid spending