324 research outputs found

    Behavior of Clayey Soil Existing in the Portoviejo Canton and Its Neutralization Characteristics

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    An investigation has been carried out on soil characterization and behavior in the canton of Portoviejo province of Manabí, in the Eloy Alfaro street sector of the Andrés de Vera Parish; where pits or open-air surveys were carried out and experimental laboratory tests of soils. It was demonstrated that soils have expansive properties of different characteristics, from medium to high degree of expansively according to the results of Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, where samples were tested analyzing the behavior according to the soil type. In this context, the results obtained by incorporating lime into the mixture are presented in 3 and 6%, thus obtaining a reduction by contraction to the volumetric change of the soil between 8 and 13%, allowing to improve its physical and mechanical properties; as well as its increase to bearing capacity by the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test method from 9 to 16%, thus improving soil plasticity. With the results obtained, a description of the soil could be elaborated to determine the variations and changes according to the lime content, which was added to the soil, which allowed to reduce the deformations and damages caused to the superficial and structural pavement caused by the clays expansive, because in contact with the water the soil expands and at the same time when it drains the water contracts, proving that stabilizing the expansive clays with hydrated lime would improve the conditions of the pavement and its useful life

    The imperative of agriculture today: land care

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    Desde que los humanos adquirieron conciencia de sus actos han generado relaciones de diverso orden con la tierra y sus habitantes. Con la emergencia de la agricultura, la tierra, de ser un bien libre y disponible para todas las criaturas vivientes, pasó a ser apropiado por los seres humanos para satisfacer necesidades. La tierra adquirió un valor utilitario, para producir alimentos y materias primas, y generar renta y poder político. No obstante, para los campesinos y pueblos indígenas, la tierra, además ha tenido y aún tiene un valor afectivo y sagrado. En esta lógica, la agricultura se constituye en vínculo de los seres humanos con la tierra, que conlleva un imperativo ético: cuidar la tierra, en tanto que esta es uno más de los sujetos de la comunidad ética. En este orden de ideas, este artículo discute el cuidado de la tierra como imperativo ético de la agricultura. Para ello, se analizan y discuten visiones de preservacionistas con visiones técnico-científicas de conservación de suelos.Since humans became conscious of their actions they have generated  relationships of various kinds with land and its inhabitants. With the emergence of agriculture the land, being a free good available for all living creatures, became appropiated by humans to satisfy their needs. The land acquired a utilitarian value to produce food and raw materials, and generate income and political power. However, for farmers and indigenous people land also has had and it still has an affective and sacred value. In this logic, agriculture constitutes a bond of human beings with the land, which embraces an ethical imperative: land care while it is just one other subject of the ethical community. In this order of ideas, this article discusses land care as an ethical imperative of agriculture. To do this, visions of preservationists with technicalscientific views of soil conservation are analyzed and discussed

    Extrapulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial infections: a guide for the general physician.

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    Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections predominantly present as pulmonary disease. Although relatively rare, 20-30 % originate from extrapulmonary sites resulting in a wide range of clinical syndromes. Immunocompromised individuals are particularly susceptible. Clinical manifestations include skin and soft-tissue infections, lymphadenitis, musculoskeletal infections and disseminated disease. Diagnosing extrapulmonary NTM is challenging, and management is complex, often involving multiple radiological and microbiological investigations, long courses of combination antibiotic regimens and may require adjuvant surgical interventions. We highlight both the importance of involving NTM experts at an early stage and the role of a multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and management of these infections

    Virtual Flight Demonstration of the Stratospheric Dual-Aircraft Platform

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    A baseline configuration for the dual-aircraft platform (DAP) concept is described and evaluated in a physics-based flight dynamics simulations for two month-long missions as a communications relay in the lower stratosphere above central Florida, within 150-miles of downtown Orlando.The DAP configuration features two large glider-like (130 ft wing span) unmanned aerial vehicles connected via a long adjustable cable (total extendible length of 3000 ft) which effectively sail without propulsion using available wind shear. Use of onboard LiDAR wind profilers to forecast wind distributions are found to be necessary to enable the platform to efficiently adjust flight conditions to remain sailing by finding sufficient wind shear across the platform. The aircraft derive power from solar cells, like a conventional solar aircraft, but also extract wind power using the propeller as a turbine when there is an excess of wind shear available.Month-long atmospheric profiles (at 3-5 min intervals) in the vicinity of 60,000-ft are derived from archived data measured by the 50-Mhz Doppler Radar Wind Profiler at Cape Canaveral and used in the DAP flight simulations. A cursory evaluation of these datasets show that sufficient wind shear for DAP sailing is persistent, suggesting that DAP could potentially sail over 90% of the month-long durations even when limited by modest ascent/descent rates.DAP's novel guidance software uses a non-linear constrained optimization technique to define waypoints such that sailing mode of flight is maintained where possible, and minimal thrust is required where sailing is not practical. A set of constraints are identified which result in waypoints that enable efficient flight (i.e., minimal use of propulsion) over the two month-long flight simulations. Waypoint solutions may need to be tabulated for a wide range of potential atmospheric conditions and stored onboard for quick retrieval on a real DAP.DAP's flight control software uses an unconventional mixture of spacecraft and aircraft control techniques. Flight simulations confirms that this controls approach enables the platform to consistently reach successive waypoints over the month-long flight simulations.The ability of DAP to transition between the sailing mode (i.e., cable tension is high) and standard formation flight (i.e., cable tension is low) is a vital capability (e.g., to enable intermittent turns while stationkeeping). A new method to perform these transitions has been identified and characterized with flight simulation which requires special aircraft modifications.The energy-usage of the DAP configuration during two month-long stationkeeping missions over central Florida (i.e., stationkeeping over Orlando) is evaluated and compared to that of a pure solar aircraft of the same weight and aerodynamic performance. DAP is shown to consistently reduce net propulsion usage while simultaneously increasing solar energy capture.A baseline 700 GHz communications system is described and its performance evaluated for the proposed mission over central Florida. It is found that the variable roll orientation of the aircraft would increase the power required to maintain coverage over the stationkeeping radius of 150 miles (e.g., by as much as 100% when DAP is 150 miles from Orlando), compared to level flight. This effect can be mitigated via additional antenna design complexity or a more restricted stationkeeping radius

    In-vivo visualisation of the anatomical structures related to the acupuncture points Dai mai and Shen mai by MRI: A single-case pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of acupuncture point localisation in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on millenary practical experience. Modern imaging methods such as PET, MRI and SPECT have been used primary for the investigation of the mechanisms of action of acupuncture. In this pilot single-case study we have evaluated the technical possibilities for in-vivo imaging of the anatomical relations of acupuncture points using state of the art MRI. METHODS: Preliminary experiments relating to the quality of acupuncture needles under the setting of MRI were done both with stainless steel and gold needles. In a second step, in-vivo imaging was carried out. A licensed acupuncture practitioner (RM) chose two points belonging to the so-called extraordinary vessels. In 2 sequential, separate procedures, he inserted himself gold acupuncture needles using a neutral technique (known as Ping Bu Ping Xie) into the Dai mai and Shen mai points, i.e. gall bladder 26 and bladder 62. Imaging was done on a Siemens Magnetom Avanto MR scanner using a head array and body coil. Mainly T1-weighted imaging sequences, as routinely used for patient exams, were used to obtain multi-slice images. RESULTS: In the preliminary experiments only acupuncture needles made of gold showed enough stability in order to be used for further imaging procedures. Using an onion and a banana as an object, further studies showed that the gold needles produced a void defect that corresponds to the tip of the inserted needle, while at the same time an artefactually increased diameter was observed. The in-vivo experiments showed that the Dai mai point was in relation to the abdominal internal oblique muscle. The Shen mai point artefact showed up close to the longus and brevis peroneal tendons at the fibular malleolus. Side effects related to heating or burning were not observed. Improved anatomical recognition was obtained using 3D-volume rendering techniques. CONCLUSION: Through an adequate choice of acupuncture material (gold needles) as well as of ideal MRI imaging sequences it has been possible to visualize the anatomical characteristics at the acupuncture points Dai mai and Shen mai in-vivo. At the selected sites the needles showed a relation to tendino-fascial and muscular structures. These anatomical structures fit well into the recently described WOMED concept of lateral tension in which these acupuncture points play a regulatory role

    Flight Demonstration of Novel Atmospheric Satellite Concept

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    The major focus of the Phase II effort described herein is to develop and demonstrate an aircraft capable of autonomously sailing (i.e., to cruise without propulsion or external assistance), and thereby prove that the dual-aircraft platform (DAP) atmospheric satellite concept is potentially viable. This sailing mode of flight was identified as the number-1 enabling technology required for the stratospheric DAP concept (also known as Stratosat) in the NIAC (NASA Innovative Advanced Concept) Phase I effort. No scientific demonstration of this technology has ever been done or documented to our knowledge. This report describes efforts to take a major step towards the sailing mode of flight capability using a single aircraft connected by cable to a moving ground vehicle which uses sufficient crosswind to cruise without propulsion while "pulling" the ground vehicle forward (i.e., without external assistance). The development of a prototype aircraft is described in terms of novel and key hardware and software elements. A specialized prototype aircraft is described, including a novel cable release mechanism, novel "lateron" control surfaces, and a highly-accurate onboard wind measurement system. Additionally, a novel means to safely connect the aircraft to the moving ground vehicle is described involving a fishing rod/reel and integrated load cell. All of these devices were designed and developed in-house and validated in flight testing. Software is developed to provide look-up tables that give the flight condition targets (i.e., 3-D position relative to ground vehicle, forward speed, aircraft orientation, etc.), based on current wind speed and direction. These tables are successfully validated in flight simulation and used onboard the aircraft. High fidelity analysis of the aircraft aerodynamics are described - required to produce accurate target sailing flight conditions. A novel wind tunnel measurement technique is developed to accurately assess the aerodynamics of the ultra-thin cable. A new specialized flight simulator is described which is utilized to develop and verify the flight software required onboard the aircraft, and to support training of pilots for flying the aircraft while tethered to a ground vehicle. The DAP flight simulator was developed within the Matlab-Simulink framework and included detailed treatment of aircraft/cable aerodynamics, cable dynamics, experimentally-derived propeller-motor thrust curves, actuator responsiveness, and realistic air turbulence. The specialized formation flight controller algorithm, developed using this flight simulator, and onboard the aircraft is described. Finally, a novel auto-tuning software is described and verified within the flight simulator that is shown to refine the sailing flight condition targets during flight using an optimization technique involving doublet maneuvers. Virtual flights using the auto-tuning software indicate that the prototype aircraft should be able to reach and hold sailing conditions despite moderate levels of turbulence provided there is sufficient mean wind available. An overview of the flight testing program is provided. Hundreds of short flights were conducted, primarily using a dead short runway at Deland Municipal Airport which permitted use of a moving ground vehicle. Additional flight tests at Space Floridas Shuttle Landing Facility are also described. First year results from these tests in which the aircraft is controlled manually, demonstrated that excessive flight testing would be required for a pilot to learn to sail with visual cues. However, second year results from autonomous flight these tests included successful demonstration of the closed-loop autonomous formation flight capability (i.e., autonomously determine, reach, and hold the required 3-D location relative to the ground vehicle required for sailing). The next step of using the auto-tune software to autonomously refine the aircraft orientation targets to finally achieve sailing remains the primary goal of future work

    3D-MRI rendering of the anatomical structures related to acupuncture points of the Dai mai, Yin qiao mai and Yang qiao mai meridians within the context of the WOMED concept of lateral tension: implications for musculoskeletal disease

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    BACKGROUND: A conceptual model of lateral muscular tension in patients presenting thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) has been recently described. Clinical improvement has been achieved by using acupuncture on points belonging to the so-called extraordinary meridians. The aim of this study was to characterize the anatomical structures related to these acupuncture points by means of 3D MRI image rendering relying on external markers. METHODS: The investigation was carried out the index case patient of the lateral tension model. A licensed medical acupuncture practitioner located the following acupuncture points: 1) Yin qiao mai meridian (medial ankle): Kidney 3, Kidney 6, the plantar Kidney 6 (Nan jing description); 2) Yang qiao mai meridian (lateral ankle): Bladder 62, Bladder 59, Bladder 61, and the plantar Bladder 62 (Nan jing description); 3) Dai mai meridian (wait): Liver 13, Gall bladder 26, Gall bladder 27, Gall bladder 28, and Gall bladder 29. The points were marked by taping a nitro-glycerin capsule on the skin. Imaging was done on a Siemens Magnetom Avanto MR scanner using an array head and body coil. Mainly T1-weighted imaging sequences, as routinely used for patient exams, were used to obtain multi-slice images. The image data were rendered in 3D modus using dedicated software (Leonardo, Siemens). RESULTS: Points of the Dai mai meridian – at the level of the waist – corresponded to the obliquus externus abdominis and the obliquus internus abdominis. Points of the Yin qiao mai meridian – at the medial side of the ankle – corresponded to tendinous structures of the flexor digitorum longus as well as to muscular structures of the abductor hallucis on the foot sole. Points of the Yang qiao mai meridian – at the lateral side of the ankle – corresponded to tendinous structures of the peroneus brevis, the peroneous longus, and the lateral surface of the calcaneus and close to the foot sole to the abductor digiti minimi. CONCLUSION: This non-invasive MRI investigation has revealed the anatomical relations of acupuncture points belonging to 3 of the so-called extraordinary meridians. We conclude that the clinically developed "WOMED concept of lateral tension" is related to tendino-muscular structures

    PCR reveals significantly higher rates of Trypanosoma cruzi infection than microscopy in the Chagas vector, Triatoma infestans: High rates found in Chuquisaca, Bolivia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Andean valleys of Bolivia are the only reported location of sylvatic <it>Triatoma infestans</it>, the main vector of Chagas disease in this country, and the high human prevalence of <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>infection in this region is hypothesized to result from the ability of vectors to persist in domestic, peri-domestic, and sylvatic environments. Determination of the rate of <it>Trypanosoma </it>infection in its triatomine vectors is an important element in programs directed at reducing human infections. Traditionally, <it>T. cruzi </it>has been detected in insect vectors by direct microscopic examination of extruded feces, or dissection and analysis of the entire bug. Although this technique has proven to be useful, several drawbacks related to its sensitivity especially in the case of small instars and applicability to large numbers of insects and dead specimens have motivated researchers to look for a molecular assay based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as an alternative for parasitic detection of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in vectors. In the work presented here, we have compared a PCR assay and direct microscopic observation for diagnosis of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>collected in the field from five localities and four habitats in Chuquisaca, Bolivia. The efficacy of the methods was compared across nymphal stages, localities and habitats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined 152 nymph and adult <it>T. infestans </it>collected from rural areas in the department of Chuquisaca, Bolivia. For microscopic observation, a few drops of rectal content obtained by abdominal extrusion were diluted with saline solution and compressed between a slide and a cover slip. The presence of motile parasites in 50 microscopic fields was registered using 400× magnification. For the molecular analysis, dissection of the posterior part of the abdomen of each insect followed by DNA extraction and PCR amplification was performed using the TCZ1 (5' – CGA GCT CTT GCC CAC ACG GGT GCT – 3') and TCZ2 (5' – CCT CCA AGC AGC GGA TAG TTC AGG – 3') primers. Amplicons were chromatographed on a 2% agarose gel with a 100 bp size standard, stained with ethidium bromide and viewed with UV fluorescence.</p> <p>For both the microscopy and PCR assays, we calculated sensitivity (number of positives by a method divided by the number of positives by either method) and discrepancy (one method was negative and the other was positive) at the locality, life stage and habitat level. The degree of agreement between PCR and microscopy was determined by calculating Kappa (<it>k</it>) values with 95% confidence intervals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed a high prevalence of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>(81.16% by PCR and 56.52% by microscopy) and discovered that PCR is significantly more sensitive than microscopic observation. The overall degree of agreement between the two methods was moderate (Kappa = 0.43 ± 0.07). The level of infection is significantly different among communities; however, prevalence was similar among habitats and life stages.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PCR was significantly more sensitive than microscopy in all habitats, developmental stages and localities in Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Overall we observed a high prevalence of <it>T. cruzi </it>infection in <it>T. infestans </it>in this area of Bolivia; however, microscopy underestimated infection at all levels examined.</p

    Cyclodextrin-mediated Crystallization of Acid β-glucosidase in Complex with Amphiphilic Bicyclic Nojirimycin Analogues

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    Cyclodextrin-based host-guest chemistry has been exploited to facilitate co-crystallization of recombinant human acid β-glucosidase (β-glucocerebrosidase, GlcCerase) with amphiphilic bicyclic nojirimycin analogues of the sp2-iminosugar type. Attempts to co-crystallize GlcCerase with 5-N,6-O-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]nojirimycin (NOI-NJ) or with 5-N,6-S-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]-6-thionojirimycin (6S-NOI-NJ), two potent inhibitors of the enzyme with promising pharmacological chaperone activity for several Gaucher disease-associated mutations, were unsuccessful probably due to the formation of aggregates that increase the heterogeneity of the sample and affect nucleation and growth of crystals. Cyclomaltoheptaose (β-cyclodextrin, βCD) efficiently captures NOI-NJ and 6S-NOI-NJ in aqueous media to form inclusion complexes in which the lipophilic tail is accommodated in the hydrophobic cavity of the cyclooligosaccharide. The dissociation constant of the complex of the amphiphilic sp2-iminosugars with βCD is two orders of magnitude higher than that of the corresponding complex with GlcCerase, allowing the efficient transfer of the inhibitor from the βCD cavity to the GlcCerase active site. Enzyme-inhibitor complexes suitable for X-ray analysis were thus grown in the presence of βCD. In contrast to what was previously observed for the complex of GlcCerase with the more basic derivative, 6-amino-6-deoxy-5-N,6-N-[N′-(n-octyl)iminomethylidene]nojirimycin (6N-NOI-NJ), the β-anomers of both NOI-NJ and 6S-NOI-NJ were seen in the active site, even though the α-anomer was exclusively detected both in aqueous solution and in the corresponding βCD:sp2-iminosugar complexes. Our results further suggest that cyclodextrin derivatives might serve as suitable delivery systems of amphiphilic glycosidase inhibitors in a biomedical context.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CTQ2007-61180/PPQ, SAF2010-15670, CTQ2010-15848Junta de Andalucía P08-FQM-03711Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 03122, ISSG-CT-2007-03719
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