585 research outputs found

    Género y agricultura en Inglaterra

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    La géographie rurale a répondu avec lenteur a la considération de plus en plus étendue de l'importance d'une perspective féministe dans le cadre de la recherche géographique et la plupart des études sur les zones rurales ont ignoré la perspective du genre. L'intérst des chercheurs pour la société rurale des pays industrialisés s'est limité a étudier la place du genre dans l'agriculture et on a marginé l'étude de l'expérience des femmes qui habitent a la campagne et aussi le rôle du genre dans l'organisation de la vie rurale. Cela a créé des distorsions et des biais dans les études sur le mouvement de la population rurale, l'emploi rural et l'accessibilité. Les trois aspects sont traités dans cet article, dans lequel on étudie les changements de la structure de la force de travail agricole selon le genre et les problemes d'accessibilité de la population rurale féminine. migrante ou non. En Angleterre la plupart des travaux de recherche se sont axés sur les régions du Sud, mais ici on examine les problemes d'accessibilité et d'emploi des femmes des régions agricoles marginales des Terres Hautes du Northumberland dans le Nord d'Angleterre.Rural geography has been slow to respond to the growing recognition of the importance of feminist perspective within geographical inquiry. Studies of rural areas have, for the most part, been gender blind. Researchers focusing on the rural society of the industrialised nations have largely confined their interest to the positions of women within agriculture. Both the experiences of women living in the countryside and the role of gender in the organisation of rural society have been neglected. It has been shown elsewhere that ignoring gender has particulaly led to bias and distorsion in studies of rural population movement, rural employment and accessibility problems of migrant and non-migrant rural women. Most studies have been carried out in Southern England but this paper focuses on the accessibility and employment problems of women living in Northern England on the marginal upland farms of Northumberland.La geografia rural ha respondido con lentitud a la consideración cada vez más extendida de la importancia de una perspectiva feminista en el marco de la investigación geográfica y la mayoria de estudios sobre dreas rurales han ignorado la perspectiva del género. El interés de los investigadores por la sociedad rural de los paises industrializados se ha limitado a estudiar el lugar de la mujer en la agricultura, y se ha marginado el estudio de la experiencia de las mujeres que viven en el campo, asi como el papel del género en la organización de la vida rural. Ello ha creado distorsiones y sesgos en los estudios sobre movimientos de la población rural, empleo rural y accesibilidad. Los tres aspectos son tratados en este articulo, que estudia los cambios en la composición de la fuerza de trabajo agncola según el género y los problemas de accesibilidad de la población rural femenina migrante o no. En Inglaterra la mayoría de los trabajos de investigación se han centrado en las áreas del sur pero aquí tratamos de los problemas de accesibilidad y empleo de las mujeres de las áreas agricolas marginales de las tierras altas de Northumberland, en el norte de Inglaterra.La geografia rural ha respost amb lentitud a la consideració, cada cop més estesa, de la importància de la perspectiva feminista en la investigació geogràfica, i la majoria dels estudis sobre àrees rurals l'han ignorada. L'interès dels investigadors per la societat rural dels països industrialitzats s'ha limitat a l'estudi del lloc que ocupa la dona en I'agricultura, i ha menystingut l'estudi de l'experiència de les dones que viuen al camp i el paper del gènere en l'organització de la vida rural. Tot aixo ha creat distorsions i biaixos en els estudis sobre moviments de població rural, ocupació rural i accessibilitat. Tots tres aspectes són tractats en aquest article, que estudia els canvis en la composició de la força de treball agrícola segons el gènere i els problemes d'accessibilitat de la població rural femenina, migrant o no. A Anglaterra, la majoria dels treballs d'investigació s'han centrat en les àrees del sud, però aquest treball fa referència als problemes d'accessibilitat i d'ocupació de les dones de les àrees agrícoles marginals de les terres altes de Northumberland, al nord d'Anglaterra

    Hybrid additive manufacturing platform for the production of composite wind turbine blade moulds

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    This dissertation discusses the application of additive manufacturing technologies for production of a large-scale rapid prototyping machine, which will be used to produce moulds for prototype composite turbine blades for the emerging renewables energy industry within the Eastern Cape region in South Africa. The conceptualization and design of three complete printer builds resulted in the amalgamation of a final system, following stringent theoretical design, simulation, and feasibility analysis. Following the initial product design cycle stage, construction and performance testing of a large-scale additive manufacturing platform were performed. In-depth statistical analysis of the mechatronic system was undertaken, particularly related to print-head locational accuracy, repeatability, and effects of parameter variation on printer performance. The machine was analysed to assess feasibility for use in the mould-making industry with accuracy and repeatability metrics of 0.121 mm and 0.156 mm rivalling those produced by some of the more accurate fused deposition modellers commercially available. The research data gathered serves to confirm that rapid prototyping is a good alternative manufacturing method for wind turbine blade plug and mould production

    Perspectives of Female Leaders in Athletic Training

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    Previous research has found that women face barriers in athletic training and it appears that they are not represented in leadership positions in numbers equal to the demographics of athletic training. The purpose of this research was to explore the leadership experiences and perspectives of female athletic trainers who have earned a leadership position at the highest levels in athletic training. This qualitative investigation utilized semi-structured, open-ended interviews with 12 women that held national leadership positions in athletic training. The data from this investigation suggests that many of the barriers that previously faced women in athletic training have decreased or disappeared. The participants highlighted the NATA and state associations as having an increased number of female leaders. While this study found this positive trend the data also revealed continued challenges for women in the athletic world, particularly professional and NCAA Division I sports, and work life balance, particularly for mothers. The data in this study also suggested that, contrary to previous research, women are motivated to become leaders in the field. The participants reported that their motivation to become a leader was influenced by a passion for the field, involvement in the field, relationships, and the opportunity to effect change in the profession

    Hybridsorten im Futterwahlversuch

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    Tiere fressen in Futterwahlversuchen lieber Bio. Lassen sich so auch ernährungsrelevante Unterschiede der Züchtungsmethode feststellen? Die Studie vergleicht eine Sorte aus Hybridzüchtung mit einer samenfesten Möhrensorte. Die Ratten bevorzugten hochsignifikant die samenfeste Sorte

    Draft bill on German corporate sanctions act

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    After long discussions about the introduction of corporate criminal liability, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection presented a first draft bill for a new Corporate Sanctions Act in August 2019. The act introduces a major shift in German Criminal law by proposing severe sanctions on companies for corporate criminal offenses. It includes regulations on internal investigations, compliance management systems and legal privilege. Since it was published, the act is discussed intensely among legal experts, politicians and the public. The following article presents the most important provisions of the draft bill. In addition, the authors compare the act to further jurisdiction’s legislation, discuss potential impacts on companies, and provide proposals for improvements for the further legislative proces

    Ignorance, intention and stochastic outcomes

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    In sequential interactions, both the agent’s intention and the outcome of his choice may influence the principal’s action. While outcomes are typically observable, intentions are more likely to be hidden, leaving potential wiggle room for the principal when deciding on a reciprocating action. We employ a controlled experiment to investigate how intentions and outcome affect the principal’s actions and whether principals use hidden information as an excuse to behave more selfishly. We find that principals react mainly to the intention of the agent. When intentions are not revealed by default, principals tend to select into information based on their inclination to behave more prosocially. While information avoidance is frequent and selfishness is higher with hidden information, we do not find evidence of a strategic exploitation of moral wiggle room

    Ignorance, Intention and Stochastic Outcomes

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    In sequential interactions, both the agent's intention and the outcome of his choice may influence the principal's action. While outcomes are typically observable, intentions are more likely to be hidden, leaving potential wiggle room for the principal when deciding on a reciprocating action. We employ a controlled experiment to investigate how intentions and outcome affect the principal's actions and whether principals use hidden information as an excuse to behave more selfishly. We find that principals react mainly to the intention of the agent. When intentions are not revealed by default, principals tend to select into information based on their inclination to behave more prosocially. While information avoidance is frequent and selfishness is higher with hidden information, we do not find evidence of a strategic exploitation of moral wiggle room

    Brain antibody sequence evaluation (BASE): an easy-to-use software for complete data analysis in single cell immunoglobulin cloning

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    Background: Repertoire analysis of patient-derived recombinant monoclonal antibodies is an important tool to study the role of B cells in autoimmune diseases of the human brain and beyond. Current protocols for generation of patient-derived recombinant monoclonal antibody libraries are time-consuming and contain repetitive steps, some of which can be assisted with the help of software automation. Results: We developed BASE, an easy-to-use software for complete data analysis in single cell immunoglobulin cloning. BASE consists of two modules: aBASE for immunological annotations and cloning primer lookup, and cBASE for plasmid sequence identity confirmation before expression. Comparing automated BASE analysis with manual analysis we confirmed the validity of BASE output: identity between manual and automated aBASE analysis was 100% for all outputs, except for immunoglobulin isotype determination. In this case, aBASE yielded correct results in 96% of cases, whereas 4% of cases required manual confirmation. cBASE automatically concluded expression recommendations in 89.8% of cases, 91.8% of which were identical to manually derived results and none of them were false-positive. Conclusions: BASE offers an easy-to-use software solution suitable for complete Ig sequence data analysis and tracking during recombinant mAb cloning from single cells. Plasmid sequence identity confirmation by cBASE offers functionality not provided by existing software solutions in the field and will help to reduce time-consuming steps of the monoclonal antibody generation workflow. BASE can be installed locally or accessed online at Code Ocean

    Essays in experimental economics

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    This thesis contains three self-contained articles, each studying decisions made under incomplete information among buyers with the help of experiments. While Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 study the interaction of buyers and sellers in different market settings, Chapter 4, which is joint work with Henrik Orzen, focuses on consumer decision making. Chapter 2 analyzes markets for horizontally differentiated credence goods in which competing sellers have the option to give buyers non-verifiable recommendations. In Chapter 3 I investigate the influence of better price information and the possibility to communicate among buyers on prices and welfare in posted offer markets with capacity constrained sellers. Chapter 4 seeks to identify decision making heuristics used by buyers in an environment with very limited information both from a one-shot perspective and over time
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