108 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Weather Conditions and Hydrodynamics in Taman Nasional Bunaken

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    Taman Nasional Bunaken (TNB) is located in North Sulawesi Province, Republic of Indonesia. TNB offers an exploration experience of marine tourism such as snorkeling and diving. This study was conducted to determine the statistics and correlation of weather parameters on hydrodynamics in the waters of the small island of TNB. This information can be used by marine tourism users. The weather data studied are wind direction and speed. The hydrodynamic conditions studied were wave height and ocean currents. Respondent surveys were also conducted on tourist users at the research sites. The wind direction for the period January - April is dominant from the Northeast, May - September is dominant from the East to the South, October tends to be evenly distributed from the East to the West, and November - December is dominant from the West. Significant wind speeds that occur in January, February, and March range from 18 – 36 knots. The average wave height shows a significant value in January – March, tends to be lower in April – June, fluctuates in July – November, and increases again in December. The maximum current velocity at a sea depth of 16.5 m is stronger than the maximum speed at a depth of 0.5 m and 8.0 m in January – April, and May August. The correlation value of wind speed and sea wave height is significant at 0.96 and the correlation between wind speed and the current speed is 0.74. These results indicate that there is a strong -very strong relationship between parameters. The survey results show that wind speed, wave height, and ocean currents have the same pattern. January, February, November, and December are the months of extreme or bad weather and hydrodynamic conditions.Keywords: Taman Nasional Bunaken, Weather, Hydrodynamics, CorrelationAbstrakTaman Nasional Bunaken (TNB) terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Negara Republik Indonesia. TNB  menawarkan pengalaman eksplorasi suasana wisata bahari seperti snorkling dan diving. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui statistik dan korelasi parameter cuaca terhadap hidrodinamika di perairan pulau kecil TNB. Informasi tersebut dapat digunakan oleh pengguna wisata bahari. Data cuaca yang diteliti adalah arah dan kecepatan angin. Kondisi hidrodinamika yang diteliti ialah tinggi gelombang dan arus laut. Survei responden juga dilakukan kepada pengguna wisata di lokasi penelitian. Arah angin periode Bulan Januari - April dominan dari arah Timur Laut, Bulan Mei – September dominan dari arah Timur hingga Selatan, Bulan Oktober cenderung merata dari arah Timur hingga Barat dan Bulan November – Desember dominan dari arah Barat. Kecepatan angin signifikan terjadi pada bulan Januari, Februari, dan Maret berkisar antara 18 – 36 Knot. Rata-rata tinggi gelombang menunjukan nilai signifikan pada bulan Januari – Maret, cenderung merendah pada bulan April – Juni, berfluktuasi pada bulan Juli – November dan meningkat kembali di bulan Desember. Kecepatan maksimum arus laut di kedalaman 16.5 m lebih kuat jika dibandingkan kecepatan maksimum di kedalaman 0.5 m dan 8.0 m pada bulan Januari – April serta bulan Mei – Agustus. Nilai korelasi kecepatan angin dan tinggi gelombang laut signifikan sebesar 0.96 serta korelasi kecepatan angin dan kecepatan arus sebesar 0.74. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan antar parameter memiliki hubungan yang kuat - sangat kuat. Hasil survei menunjukan kecepatan angin, tinggi gelombang dan arus laut mempunyai pola yang sama. Bulan Januari, Februari, November, dan Desember merupakan bulan-bulan terjadinya kondisi cuaca serta hidrodinamika ekstrem atau buruk.Kata kunci: Taman Nasional Bunaken, Cuaca, Hidrodinamika, Korelas

    Transforming European Water Governance? Participation and River Basin Management under the EU Water Framework Directive in 13 Member States

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    The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires EU member states to produce and implement river basin management plans, which are to be designed and updated via participatory processes that inform, consult with, and actively involve all interested stakeholders. The assumption of the European Commission is that stakeholder participation, and institutional adaptation and procedural innovation to facilitate it, are essential to the effectiveness of river basin planning and, ultimately, the environmental impact of the Directive. We analyzed official documents and the WFD literature to compare implementation of the Directive in EU member states in the initial WFD planning phase (2000–2009). Examining the development of participatory approaches to river basin management planning, we consider the extent of transformation in EU water governance over the period. Employing a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, we map the implementation “trajectories” of 13 member states, and then provide a detailed examination of shifts in river basin planning and participation in four member states (Germany, Sweden, Poland and France) to illustrate the diversity of institutional approaches observed. We identify a general tendency towards increased, yet circumscribed, stakeholder participation in river basin management in the member states examined, alongside clear continuities in terms of their respective pre-WFD institutional and procedural arrangements. Overall, the WFD has driven a highly uneven shift to river basin-level planning among the member states, and instigated a range of efforts to institutionalize stakeholder involvement—often through the establishment of advisory groups to bring organized stakeholders into the planning process

    Spo0A∌P Imposes a Temporal Gate for the Bimodal Expression of Competence in Bacillus subtilis

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    ComK transcriptionally controls competence for the uptake of transforming DNA in Bacillus subtilis. Only 10%–20% of the cells in a clonal population are randomly selected for competence. Because ComK activates its own promoter, cells exceeding a threshold amount of ComK trigger a positive feedback loop, transitioning to the competence ON state. The transition rate increases to a maximum during the approach to stationary phase and then decreases, with most cells remaining OFF. The average basal rate of comK transcription increases transiently, defining a window of opportunity for transitions and accounting for the heterogeneity of competent populations. We show that as the concentration of the response regulator Spo0A∌P increases during the entry to stationary phase it first induces comK promoter activity and then represses it by direct binding. Spo0A∌P activates by antagonizing the repressor, Rok. This amplifies an inherent increase in basal level comK promoter activity that takes place during the approach to stationary phase and is a general feature of core promoters, serving to couple the probability of competence transitions to growth rate. Competence transitions are thus regulated by growth rate and temporally controlled by the complex mechanisms that govern the formation of Spo0A∌P. On the level of individual cells, the fate-determining noise for competence is intrinsic to the comK promoter. This overall mechanism has been stochastically simulated and shown to be plausible. Thus, a deterministic mechanism modulates an inherently stochastic process

    Fluctuations in spo0A Transcription Control Rare Developmental Transitions in Bacillus subtilis

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    Phosphorylated Spo0A is a master regulator of stationary phase development in the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis, controlling the formation of spores, biofilms, and cells competent for transformation. We have monitored the rate of transcription of the spo0A gene during growth in sporulation medium using promoter fusions to firefly luciferase. This rate increases sharply during transient diauxie-like pauses in growth rate and then declines as growth resumes. In contrast, the rate of transcription of an rRNA gene decreases and increases in parallel with the growth rate, as expected for stable RNA synthesis. The growth pause-dependent bursts of spo0A transcription, which reflect the activity of the spo0A vegetative promoter, are largely independent of all known regulators of spo0A transcription. Evidence is offered in support of a “passive regulation” model in which RNA polymerase stops transcribing rRNA genes during growth pauses, thus becoming available for the transcription of spo0A. We show that the bursts are followed by the production of phosphorylated Spo0A, and we propose that they represent initial responses to stress that bring the average cell closer to the thresholds for transition to bimodally expressed developmental responses. Measurement of the numbers of cells expressing a competence marker before and after the bursts supports this hypothesis. In the absence of ppGpp, the increase in spo0A transcription that accompanies the entrance to stationary phase is delayed and sporulation is markedly diminished. In spite of this, our data contradicts the hypothesis that sporulation is initiated when a ppGpp-induced depression of the GTP pool relieves repression by CodY. We suggest that, while the programmed induction of sporulation that occurs in stationary phase is apparently provoked by increased flux through the phosphorelay, bet-hedging stochastic transitions to at least competence are induced by bursts in transcription

    Beethoven and Britain : a reciprocal fascination

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    L'objet de cette thĂšse est de s'intĂ©resser aux relations entre le compositeur allemand et la Grande-Bretagne. À premiĂšre vue, cette idĂ©e peut paraĂźtre surprenante. En effet, Beethoven, compositeur allemand nĂ© en 1770, ne foula jamais le sol anglais Ă  l’inverse d’autres compositeurs comme Haydn, Weber et Mendelssohn. Pourtant, ce travail s'efforcera de dĂ©montrer qu’une relation vĂ©ritable s’était Ă©tablie, qu’elle portait sur de nombreux aspects et qu’elle Ă©tait mue par un sentiment d'admiration rĂ©ciproque. En premier lieu, cette thĂšse s'attachera Ă  dĂ©finir, d'une part, les origines de l'enthousiasme du compositeur allemand pour la Grande-Bretagne et, d'autre part, les aspects de la culture britannique qui plurent tant au compositeur. Ainsi, la politique, le systĂšme parlementaire, la littĂ©rature et la musique anglaise furent autant d’élĂ©ments sur lesquels Beethoven portait son admiration. Aussi, nous retrouvons le tĂ©moignage de cette affection Ă  travers certaines de ses Ɠuvres et inspirations musicales. Ensuite, ce travail de recherche mettra en lumiĂšre les mĂ©canismes qui permirent de faire de Beethoven un compositeur cĂ©lĂ©brĂ© dans tout le Royaume-Uni jusqu’à l’ériger en un nouveau hĂ©ros musical britannique. Par consĂ©quent, ce travail analysera la programmation et la rĂ©ception des Ɠuvres du compositeur dans tout le royaume et mettra en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle du rĂ©seau beethovĂ©nien Ă  Londres dans la promotion de sa musique. En effet, Beethoven put jouir de l’aide prĂ©cieuse de deux rĂ©seaux : un premier rĂ©seau composĂ© d’amis viennois ou Ă©trangers rĂ©sidant Ă  Londres comme Clementi, Salomon, von HĂ€ring, Ries qui le mirent en relation avec un second rĂ©seau, composĂ© de Britanniques comme les musiciens Smart, Neate ou l’éditeur Birchall. Ces deux lobbies se retrouvĂšrent dans l’outil principal de promotion de Beethoven, la SociĂ©tĂ© Philharmonique de Londres, crĂ©Ă©e en 1813. La thĂšse dĂ©montrera Ă©galement l'importance des diffĂ©rents aspects contextuels – social, historique et esthĂ©tique – favorables Ă  la domination de Beethoven sur la scĂšne musicale britannique. Enfin, ce travail montrera comment la presse fit du compositeur allemand un « citoyen » britannique. Pour terminer, au fil des pages, ce travail tentera de combler une lacune dans les Ă©tudes beethovĂ©niennes, Ă  savoir, l’explication des raisons qui poussĂšrent Beethoven Ă  abandonner ses projets de visite, pourtant nombreux, en Grande-Bretagne.The aim of this thesis is to focus on the relationship between the German composer and Great Britain. However, at first glance, this idea may be surprising. Indeed, Beethoven, born in 1770 in Germany never went to Britain unlike other composers such as Haydn, Weber and Mendelssohn. Nevertheless, this study will attempt to show that a true relationship was established, based on numerous aspects and on a reciprocal feeling of admiration. Firstly, this thesis will try to find the origins of the German composer’s enthusiasm for Britain and it will then define the different cultural aspects that were so dear to Beethoven. Thus, literature, music and politics emerge as the different aspects of British culture which the musician admired the most. As a result, it is possible to find tokens of his fascination for Britain through his works. In the same way, this research work will describe the mechanisms which contributed to make Beethoven a celebrated composer in the United Kingdom who, gradually, became the new British musical hero. Thus, this thesis will analyse the concert programmes and reception of Beethoven’s works and it will shed new light on the importance of networks which promoted the composer within the British musical scene. Indeed, Beethoven benefited from the valuable help of two networks: the first was composed of Viennese or foreign friends living in London like Clementi, Salomon, von HĂ€ring or Ries, who put him in contact with a second network, a British one with English musicians like Sir George Smart, Charles Neate or publishers like Robert Birchall. Finally, these two lobbies merged together into one of the key elements promoting Beethoven’s music, The Philharmonic Society, created in 1813. This study will also show the importance of the social, musical and esthetical factors which favoured Beethoven’s domination of the British musical scene. It will show how the British press elevated Beethoven to the rank of “British” citizen especially during his agony. Finally, in Beethoven studies, there is a major gap to fill in: the reasons why Beethoven abandoned the different projects of visiting England

    Beethoven et la Grande-Bretagne du vivant du compositeur : une fascination réciproque aux multiples facettes

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    The aim of this thesis is to focus on the relationship between the German composer and Great Britain. However, at first glance, this idea may be surprising. Indeed, Beethoven, born in 1770 in Germany never went to Britain unlike other composers such as Haydn, Weber and Mendelssohn. Nevertheless, this study will attempt to show that a true relationship was established, based on numerous aspects and on a reciprocal feeling of admiration. Firstly, this thesis will try to find the origins of the German composer’s enthusiasm for Britain and it will then define the different cultural aspects that were so dear to Beethoven. Thus, literature, music and politics emerge as the different aspects of British culture which the musician admired the most. As a result, it is possible to find tokens of his fascination for Britain through his works. In the same way, this research work will describe the mechanisms which contributed to make Beethoven a celebrated composer in the United Kingdom who, gradually, became the new British musical hero. Thus, this thesis will analyse the concert programmes and reception of Beethoven’s works and it will shed new light on the importance of networks which promoted the composer within the British musical scene. Indeed, Beethoven benefited from the valuable help of two networks: the first was composed of Viennese or foreign friends living in London like Clementi, Salomon, von HĂ€ring or Ries, who put him in contact with a second network, a British one with English musicians like Sir George Smart, Charles Neate or publishers like Robert Birchall. Finally, these two lobbies merged together into one of the key elements promoting Beethoven’s music, The Philharmonic Society, created in 1813. This study will also show the importance of the social, musical and esthetical factors which favoured Beethoven’s domination of the British musical scene. It will show how the British press elevated Beethoven to the rank of “British” citizen especially during his agony. Finally, in Beethoven studies, there is a major gap to fill in: the reasons why Beethoven abandoned the different projects of visiting England.L'objet de cette thĂšse est de s'intĂ©resser aux relations entre le compositeur allemand et la Grande-Bretagne. À premiĂšre vue, cette idĂ©e peut paraĂźtre surprenante. En effet, Beethoven, compositeur allemand nĂ© en 1770, ne foula jamais le sol anglais Ă  l’inverse d’autres compositeurs comme Haydn, Weber et Mendelssohn. Pourtant, ce travail s'efforcera de dĂ©montrer qu’une relation vĂ©ritable s’était Ă©tablie, qu’elle portait sur de nombreux aspects et qu’elle Ă©tait mue par un sentiment d'admiration rĂ©ciproque. En premier lieu, cette thĂšse s'attachera Ă  dĂ©finir, d'une part, les origines de l'enthousiasme du compositeur allemand pour la Grande-Bretagne et, d'autre part, les aspects de la culture britannique qui plurent tant au compositeur. Ainsi, la politique, le systĂšme parlementaire, la littĂ©rature et la musique anglaise furent autant d’élĂ©ments sur lesquels Beethoven portait son admiration. Aussi, nous retrouvons le tĂ©moignage de cette affection Ă  travers certaines de ses Ɠuvres et inspirations musicales. Ensuite, ce travail de recherche mettra en lumiĂšre les mĂ©canismes qui permirent de faire de Beethoven un compositeur cĂ©lĂ©brĂ© dans tout le Royaume-Uni jusqu’à l’ériger en un nouveau hĂ©ros musical britannique. Par consĂ©quent, ce travail analysera la programmation et la rĂ©ception des Ɠuvres du compositeur dans tout le royaume et mettra en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle du rĂ©seau beethovĂ©nien Ă  Londres dans la promotion de sa musique. En effet, Beethoven put jouir de l’aide prĂ©cieuse de deux rĂ©seaux : un premier rĂ©seau composĂ© d’amis viennois ou Ă©trangers rĂ©sidant Ă  Londres comme Clementi, Salomon, von HĂ€ring, Ries qui le mirent en relation avec un second rĂ©seau, composĂ© de Britanniques comme les musiciens Smart, Neate ou l’éditeur Birchall. Ces deux lobbies se retrouvĂšrent dans l’outil principal de promotion de Beethoven, la SociĂ©tĂ© Philharmonique de Londres, crĂ©Ă©e en 1813. La thĂšse dĂ©montrera Ă©galement l'importance des diffĂ©rents aspects contextuels – social, historique et esthĂ©tique – favorables Ă  la domination de Beethoven sur la scĂšne musicale britannique. Enfin, ce travail montrera comment la presse fit du compositeur allemand un « citoyen » britannique. Pour terminer, au fil des pages, ce travail tentera de combler une lacune dans les Ă©tudes beethovĂ©niennes, Ă  savoir, l’explication des raisons qui poussĂšrent Beethoven Ă  abandonner ses projets de visite, pourtant nombreux, en Grande-Bretagne
