193 research outputs found

    Alminares mudéjares de la comarca de Calatayud: nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica

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    La Cuenca del río Jalón alberga la esencia del mudéjar aragonés cuyo máximo exponente lo constituyen las torres-alminares. De la peculiaridad de su arquitectura, producto de la fusión y convivencia de culturas y estilos, ha surgido el tema de estudio. Las aportaciones de antecedentes en el estudio de las torres junto con las restauraciones más recientes que han sufrido algunas de ellas a principios de este siglo, se centran en su historiografía y análisis a nivel ornamental y estructural. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de la investigación en torno a estos alminares resulta complejo puesto que no se encuentra prácticamente documentación de la época que proporcione con exactitud la cronología de muchos de éstos. Por esta razón, tomando como base todas estas investigaciones anteriores, actualmente es conveniente abordar el estudio de su evolución histórico-constructiva aportando un nuevo enfoque, que será el objetivo de la investigación. Éste persigue el conocimiento del bien o bienes (en este caso, un grupo de torres de la comarca de Calatayud) apoyado en la lectura de sus fábricas (fuente directa) mediante el uso de técnicas de levantamiento avanzadas y con la ayuda de modelos 3D hiperrealistas. La idea clave es la de aproximarse al máximo al proyecto o idea de diseño original de las torres y, a su vez, verificar la utilidad que aportan este tipo de técnicas y modelos al estudio y entendimiento profundo de la evolución de bienes arquitectónicos. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se escogen, en principio, tres torres: la de Santa María de Ateca, la de San Miguel de Belmonte de Calatayud y la de San Andrés de Calatayud.Molina Sánchez, S.; Juan Vidal, F. (2017). Alminares mudéjares de la comarca de Calatayud: nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica. Arché. (11 - 12):255-260. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10119225526011 - 1

    Limitaciones en el levantamiento digital de bienes patrimoniales con tipología de torre

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    [EN] Digital terrestrial survey techniques such as photogrammetry (SfM) and 3D laser scanning have certain limitations. These depend on the tools used, geometry, lighting conditions and distance from the element which is being surveyed. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe a method for the correct digital survey of high elements (with tower typology) when working with such restrictions, as well as to verify the relevance of its usefulness. This methodology is applied to two bell towers located in Ravenna (Italy) allowing a series of tests and reasoning on geometric accuracy and quality of the texture obtained in final models.[ES] Las técnicas de levantamiento digital terrestres como la fotogrametría (SfM) y el láser escáner 3D (TLS) poseen ciertas limitaciones en función de las herramientas utilizadas y de la geometría, condiciones de iluminación y distancia del elemento con el que se trabaja. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es describir un método para el correcto levantamiento digital de elementos altos (con tipología de torre) cuando se trabaja con dichas restricciones, así como verificar la pertinencia de su utilidad. Dicha metodología se aplica a dos torres campanario situadas en Ravenna (Italia) permitiendo realizar una serie de ensayos y razonamientos sobre la precisión y la calidad de la textura obtenida en los modelos finales.Molina Sánchez, S.; Juan Vidal, F.; Cipriani, L.; Denia Ríos, JL. (2021). Limitations in the digital survey of heritage assets with tower typology. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 26(42):76-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2021.14749OJS7689264

    Levantamiento digital del Panteón de Ramón Peres y Rovira en el cementerio de Castellón de la Plana (Valencia, España)

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    [ES] Este informe analiza el proceso de documentación digital del Panteón de D. Ramón Peres y Rovira, ubicado en el cementerio de Castellón de la Plana (Valencia, España). La documentación de la capilla se llevó a cabo mediante la integración de diferentes metodologías de adquisición de datos, en particular escáner láser terrestre y fotogrametría digital. Los datos recolectados fueron procesados usando programas de reverse modelling para obtener un modelo tridimensional útil para compilar el proyecto de restauración. La integración de diferentes metodologías, tanto en la recopilación de datos como en su procesamiento, se debe a la complejidad del monumento, no solo desde un punto de vista geométrico, sino también por la presencia de un rico aparato decorativo compuesto por diversos materiales, de lo cual, para la restauración, era necesario prever el reconocimiento y la catalogación individual de todos los elementos. A continuación, se describen los procedimientos utilizados para la fase de recopilación de datos a través del levantamiento y para la primera fase de procesamiento de los mismos datos.[EN] This contribution reports and analyses the digital documentation process used for the family chapel of Ramón Peres y Rovira, located in the cemetery of Castellón de la Plana (Valencia, Spain). The documentation of the chapel took place through the integration of different data acquisition methodologies, in particular Terrestrial Laser Scanner(TLS)and digital photogrammetry. The collected data were processed with specific 3D reverse modelling software, to obtain a three-dimensional model useful for compiling the restoration project. The integration of various methodologies, both in data collection and in their processing, is due to the complexity of the monument, not only from a geometric point of view, but also forthe presence of a rich multi-material decorative apparatus, which was necessary for the restorationproject toprovide the recognition and cataloguing of all individual elements. The procedures used for the data collection and processing phases are then described.Bertacchi, G.; Juan Vidal, F.; Cipriani, L.; Molina Sánchez, S. (2020). Levantamiento digital del Panteón de Ramón Peres y Rovira en el cementerio de Castellón de la Plana (Valencia, España). Arché. (13 - 14 - 15):171-180. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15657617118013 - 14 - 1

    Levantamiento digital de elementos con tipología de torre: experiencias iniciales de aplicación en Ravenna (Italia)

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    [ES] En primer lugar, el presente artículo se enmarca en el actual desarrollo de la tesis cuyos objetos de estudio son elementos con tipología de torre. Concretamente, se trabaja con un grupo de alminares mudéjares de Aragón, a los que se incorporan dos experiencias de levantamiento con torres-campanario ubicadas en Ravenna (Italia), llevadas a cabo durante la estancia de investigación en la Università di Bologna. De esta forma, se plantean dos objetivos claros. Por una parte, se pretende hacer un breve recorrido por las actividades de carácter formativo y divulgativo realizadas en este último periodo. Por otro lado, y dentro de este escenario de tareas, se centra la atención en la descripción de las campañas de levantamiento digital con técnicas avanzadas ejecutadas durante la estancia doctoral en Italia. Dichas campañas producen un doble fruto/producto: una metodología de levantamiento de elementos con tipología de torre campanario que será aplicable, igualmente, a los alminares mudéjares de Aragón. Además, los primeros modelos tridimensionales hiperrealistas y texturizados obtenidos, permiten hacer una verificación inicial de la pertinencia de su utilidad para el conocimiento profundo de estos bienes.[EN] Firstly, this article is part of the current development of the thesis whose objects of study are elements with a tower typology. Specifically, work is being done with a group of Mudejar minarets in Aragon, in addition to two survey experiences with bell towers located in Ravenna (Italy). These latter survey experiences are carried out during the research stay at the Università di Bologna. In this way, two clear objectives were set. On the one hand, the aim is to make a brief review of training and dissemination activities carried out during this last period. On the other hand, and within this background of tasks, attention is focused on the description of digital survey campaigns with advanced techniques executed during PhD stay in Italy. These digital surveys produce a double result/product: a methodology for the survey of elements with a bell tower typology that will also be applicable to Mudejar minarets in Aragon. In addition, first hyper-realistic and textured three-dimensional models obtained allow an initial verification of the relevance of their utility for an in-depth knowledge of these assets.Molina Sánchez, S.; Juan Vidal, F.; Cipriani, L.; Bertacchi, G. (2020). Levantamiento digital de elementos con tipología de torre: experiencias iniciales de aplicación en Ravenna (Italia). Arché. (13 - 14 - 15):181-186. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15658518118613 - 14 - 1

    The Dietary Intervention of Transgenic Low-Gliadin Wheat Bread in Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) Showed No Differences with Gluten Free Diet (GFD) but Provides Better Gut Microbiota Profile

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    The study evaluated the symptoms, acceptance, and digestibility of bread made from transgenic low-gliadin wheat, in comparison with gluten free bread, in Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) patients, considering clinical/sensory parameters and gut microbiota composition. This study was performed in two phases of seven days each, comprising a basal phase with gluten free bread and an E82 phase with low-gliadin bread. Gastrointestinal clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, and stool samples were collected for gluten immunogenic peptides (GIP) determination and the extraction of gut microbial DNA. For the basal and E82 phases, seven and five patients, respectively, showed undetectable GIPs content. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene V1-V2 hypervariable regions were sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform and downstream analysis was done using a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology (QIIME) pipeline. No significant differences in the GSRS questionnaires were observed between the two phases. However, we observed a significantly lower abundance of some gut genera Oscillospira, Dorea, Blautia, Bacteroides, Coprococcus, and Collinsella, and a significantly higher abundance of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium genera during the E82 phase compared with the basal phase. The consumption of low-gliadin bread E82 by NCGS subjects induced potentially positive changes in the gut microbiota composition, increasing the butyrate-producing bacteria and favoring a microbial profile that is suggested to have a key role in the maintenance or improvement of gut permeability.España, MINECO Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R, AGL2013-48946-C and AGL2016-80566-

    MicroRNA-661 modulates redox and metabolic homeostasis in colon cancer

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    Cancer cell survival and metastasis are dependent on metabolic reprogramming that is capable of increasing resistance to oxidative and energetic stress. Targeting these two processes can be crucial for cancer progression. Herein, we describe the role of microRNA-661 (miR661) as epigenetic regulator of colon cancer (CC) cell metabolism. MicroR661 induces a global increase in reactive oxygen species, specifically in mitochondrial superoxide anions, which appears to be mediated by decreased carbohydrate metabolism and pentose phosphate pathway, and by a higher dependency on mitochondrial respiration. MicroR661 overexpression in non-metastatic human CC cells induces an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype, and a reduced tolerance to metabolic stress. This seems to be a general effect of miR661 in CC, since metastatic CC cell metabolism is also compromised upon miR661 overexpression. We propose hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase M2 as two key players related to the observed metabolic reprogramming. Finally, the clinical relevance of miR661 expression levels in stage-II and III CC patients is discussed. In conclusion, we propose miR661 as a potential modulator of redox and metabolic homeostasis in CC.This work was supported by Ministerio de Econom ıa y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO/FEDER Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL201348943-C2 and AGL2016-76736-C3-3-R), Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI2728, ALIBIRD-CM) and EU Structural Funds.S


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    Currently, physical activity, motivation and ICT are factors that have been studied in recent years. The aim of the study was to carry out a descriptive analysis of the studies registered in the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus databases in relation to the importance of motivation and the use of ICT as predictors of the practice of physical activity. in adolescence. The review included 219 scientific articles, using the PRISMA methodology to analyze the information. The results showed an increase in publications on the subject in recent years, with the United States and Australia registering the most documents. Despite these advances, the bibliography on the topic analyzed is still scarce, highlighting from the research that both motivation and the use of ICT positively indicate the performance of physical activity.En la actualidad, la actividad física, la motivación y las TIC son factores que están siendo estudiados con profundidad en los últimos años. El objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis descriptivo de los estudios registrados en las bases de datos de Web of Science (WOS) y Scopus en relación con la importancia de la motivación y el uso de las TIC como factores predictores de la práctica de actividad física en la adolescencia. En la revisión se incluyó 219 artículos científicos, utilizando la metodología PRISMA para analizar la información. Los resultados arrojaron un incremento de las publicaciones sobre el tema en los últimos años, siendo Estados Unidos y Australia los que más documentos registran. A pesar de estos avances, la bibliografía sobre el tópico analizado sigue siendo escasa, destacando de la investigación que tanto la motivación como el uso de TIC indicen positivamente en la realización de actividad física

    RepA-WH1 prionoid: Clues from bacteria on factors governing phase transitions in amyloidogenesis

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    10 p.-1 fig.In bacterial plasmids, Rep proteins initiate DNA replication by undergoing a structural transformation coupled to dimer dissociation. Amyloidogenesis of the ‘winged-helix’ N-terminal domain of RepA (WH1) is triggered in vitro upon binding to plasmid-specific DNA sequences, and occurs at the bacterial nucleoid in vivo. Amyloid fibers are made of distorted RepA-WH1 monomers that assemble as single or double intertwined tubular protofilaments. RepA-WH1 causes in E. coli an amyloid proteinopathy, which is transmissible from mother to daughter cells, but not infectious, and enables conformational imprinting in vitro and in vivo; i.e. RepA-WH1 is a ‘prionoid’. Microfluidics allow the assessment of the intracellular dynamics of RepA-WH1: bacterial lineages maintain two types (strains-like) of RepA-WH1 amyloids, either multiple compact cytotoxic particles or a single aggregate with the appearance of a fluidized hydrogel that it is mildly detrimental to growth. The Hsp70 chaperone DnaK governs the phase transition between both types of RepA-WH1 aggregates in vivo, thus modulating the vertical propagation of the prionoid. Engineering chimeras between the Sup35p/[PSI*] prion and RepA-WH1 generates [REP-PSI*], a synthetic prion exhibiting strong and weak phenotypic variants in yeast. These recent findings on a synthetic, self-contained bacterial prionoid illuminate central issues of protein amyloidogenesis.Research on RepA-WH1 amyloids at CIBCSIC is currently financed by Spanish MINECO grants BIO2012-30852 and CSD2009-00088.Peer reviewe

    The ellagic acid derivative 4,4′-Di-O-methylellagic acid efficiently inhibits colon cancer cell growth through a mechanism involving WNT16

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    Producción CientíficaEllagic acid (EA) and some derivatives have been reported to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cell cycle arrest, and modulate some important cellular processes related to cancer. This study aimed to identify possible structure-activity relationships of EA and some in vivo derivatives in their antiproliferative effect on both human colon cancer and normal cells, and to compare this activity with that of other polyphenols. Our results showed that 4,4′-di-O-methylellagic acid (4,4′-DiOMEA) was the most effective compound in the inhibition of colon cancer cell proliferation. 4,4′-DiOMEA was 13-fold more effective than other compounds of the same family. In addition, 4,4′-DiOMEA was very active against colon cancer cells resistant to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluoracil, whereas no effect was observed in nonmalignant colon cells. Moreover, no correlation between antiproliferative and antioxidant activities was found, further supporting that structure differences might result in dissimilar molecular targets involved in their differential effects. Finally, microarray analysis revealed that 4,4′-DiOMEA modulated Wnt signaling, which might be involved in the potential antitumor action of this compound. Our results suggest that structural-activity differences between EA and 4,4′-DiOMEA might constitute the basis for a new strategy in anticancer drug discovery based on these chemical modifications.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (AGL2013-48943-C2-2-R and IPT-2011-1248-060000)Comunidad de Madrid [Grant P2013/ABI-2728 ALIBIRD-CM

    Mapping the entire functionally active endometrial microbiota

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    STUDY QUESTION Does endometrium harbour functionally active microorganisms and whether the microbial composition differs between proliferative and mid-secretory phases? SUMMARY ANSWER Endometrium harbours functionally alive microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, archaea and fungi whose composition and metabolic functions change along the menstrual cycle. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Resident microbes in the endometrium have been detected, where microbial dysfunction has been associated with reproductive health and disease. Nevertheless, the core microorganismal composition in healthy endometrium is not determined and whether the identified bacterial DNA sequences refer to alive/functionally active microbes is not clear. Furthermore, whether there are cyclical changes in the microbial composition remains an open issue. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION RNA sequencing (RNAseq) data from 14 endometrial paired samples from healthy women, 7 samples from the mid-secretory phase and 7 samples from the consecutive proliferative phase were analysed for the microbial RNA sequences. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS The raw RNAseq data were converted into FASTQ format using SRA Toolkit. The unmapped reads to human sequences were aligned to the reference database Kraken2 and visualised with Krona software. Menstrual phase taxonomic differences were performed by R package metagenomeSeq. The functional analysis of endometrial microbiota was obtained with HUMANn2 and the comparison between menstrual phases was conducted by one-way ANOVA. Human RNAseq analysis was performed using miARma-Seq and the functional enrichment analysis was carried out using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA; HumanCyc). The integration of metabolic pathways between host and microbes was investigated. The developed method of active microbiota mapping was validated in independent sample set. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE With the novel metatranscriptomic approach, we mapped the entire alive microbiota composing of >5300 microorganisms within the endometrium of healthy women. Microbes such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea were identified. The validation of three independent endometrial samples from different ethnicity confirmed the findings. Significant differences in the microbial abundances in the mid-secretory vs. proliferative phases were detected with possible metabolic activity in the host-microbiota crosstalk in receptive phase endometrium, specifically in the prostanoid biosynthesis pathway and L-tryptophan metabolism. LARGE SCALE DATA The raw RNAseq data used in the current study are available at GEO GSE86491 and at BioProject PRJNA379542. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION These pioneering results should be confirmed in a bigger sample size. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS Our study confirms the presence of active microbes, bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea in the healthy human endometrium with implications in receptive phase endometrial functions, meaning that microbial dysfunction could impair the metabolic pathways important for endometrial receptivity. The results of this study contribute to the better understanding of endometrial microbiota composition in healthy women and its possible role in endometrial functions. In addition, our novel methodological pipeline for analysing alive microbes with transcriptional and metabolic activities could serve to inspire new analysis approaches in reproductive medicine.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER): grants RYC-2016-21199 and ENDORE SAF2017-87526- R; FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento: MENDO (B-CTS-500-UGR18) and by the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigacio ́n 2016 - Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES) (SOMM17/6107/UGR). A.S.-L. and N.M.M. are funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PRE2018-0854409 and FPU19/01638). S.A. has received honoraria for lectures from Merck. The funder had no role in this study