2,948 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de los parámetros calidad de la leche, características tecnológicas y producción quesera de la Raza Merina de Grazalema frente al cruce con razas foráneas

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    En los últimos años se están incorporando masivamente en España, en general, y en Andalucía, en particular, razas ovinas foráneas de aptitud lechera, fundamentalmente las razas Assaf, Awassi y Lacaune. Su introducción está fomentando, asimismo, la realización de cruces indiscriminados con nuestras razas ovinas autóctonas, de aptitud lechera pero de menor especialización, al menos cuantitativamente (Casas et al., 2005). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar en dos grupos de animales de un mismo rebaño (ovejas puras de raza Merina de Grazalema, y ovejas cruzadas Merina de Grazalema x Awassi) las características de la producción lechera, y proceder a la elaboración de quesos para estudiar las posibles diferencias tecnológicas de los quesos derivados de ambas elaboraciones. A través del mismo se ha comprobado una mayor producción lechera de las ovejas cruzadas (167.35±13.20 kg frente a 136.84±4.25 kg) pero con un porcentaje de grasa (6.25±0.34 % frente a 8.27±0.22 %), proteína (4.71±0.14 % frente a 5.80±0.09 %) y extracto seco (10.97±0.46 % frente a 14.07±0.28 %), estadísticamente inferior. En cuanto a los parámetros de aptitud tecnológica, los valores de tiempo de coagulación medio (24.70±0.77 minutos), dureza media (dureza del coágulo a los 30 minutos) de 25.03±2.27 mm, y el rendimiento en cuajada (327.50±5.70 g/l), mostraron cifras inferiores a las referenciadas por Casas et al. (2005) para la raza ovina Merina de Grazalema. Finalmente, la velocidad de endurecimiento resultó mayor a los valores obtenidos en el trabajo citado anteriormente (4.59±0.54 min.). Por otro lado, estos mismos parámetros mostraron valores inferiores en el tiempo de coagulación (19.60±0.62 minutos), velocidad de endurecimiento (3.97±0.38 min.) y rendimiento en cuajada (290.55±6.67), mientras que la dureza media (32.85±2.03 mm) fue superior en las ovejas cruzadas, respecto a los valores encontrados en esta misma explotación para los animales puros. Como consecuencia de todo ello, el rendimiento quesero real fue del 30.25 % para las ovejas puras frente al 23.70 % de las cruzadas. Esto determina que la producción quesera real que se obtiene por oveja pura, sea superior al de la cruzada (41.38 kg queso fresco/lactación frente a los 39.70 de la cruzada)

    Efecto sobre la calidad de la leche, características tecnológicas y producción quesera de la raza merina de grazalema frente al cruce con razas mejoradas

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    En los últimos años se están incorporando masivamente en España, en general y Andalucía en particular, razas ovinas foráneas de aptitud lechera, fundamentalmente las razas Assaf, Awassi y Lacaune. Su introducción está fomentando asimismo, la realización de cruces indiscriminados con nuestras razas ovinas autóctonas, de aptitud lechera pero de menor especialización, al menos cuantitativamente (Casas et al., 2005). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar en dos grupos de animales de un mismo rebaño (ovejas puras de raza Merina de Grazalema, y ovejas cruzadas Merina de Grazalema x Awassi) las características de la producción lechera, y proceder a la elaboración de quesos para estudiar las posibles Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca 34 diferencias tecnológicas de los quesos derivados de ambas elaboraciones. A través del mismo se ha comprobado una mayor producción lechera de las ovejas cruzadas (167,35±13,20 kg frente a 136,84±4,25 kg) pero con un porcentaje de grasa (6,25±0,34 % frente a 8,27±0,22 %), proteína (4,71±0,14 % frente a 5,80±0,09 %) y extracto seco (10,97±0,46 % frente a 14,07±0,28 %) estadísticamente inferior. En cuanto a los parámetros de aptitud tecnológica, los valores de tiempo de coagulación medio (24,70±0,77 minutos), dureza media (dureza del coágulo a los 30 minutos) de 25,03±2,27 mm, y el rendimiento en cuajada (327,50±5,70 g/l), mostraron cifras inferiores a las referenciadas por Casas et al. (2005) para la raza ovina Merina de Grazalema. Finalmente, la velocidad de endurecimiento resultó mayor a los valores obtenidos en el trabajo citado anteriormente (4,59±0,54 min). Por otro lado, estos mismos parámetros mostraron valores inferiores en el tiempo de coagulación (19,60±0,62 minutos), velocidad de endurecimiento (3,97±0,38 min) y rendimiento en cuajada (290,55±6,67), mientras que la dureza media (32,85±2,03 mm) fue superior en las ovejas cruzadas, respecto a los valores encontrados en esta misma explotación para los animales puros. Como consecuencia de todo ello, el rendimiento quesero real fue del 30,25 % para las ovejas puras frente al 23,70 % de las cruzadas. Esto determina que la producción quesera real que se obtiene por oveja pura, sea superior al de la cruzada (41,38 kg queso fresco/ lactación frente a los 39,70 de la cruzada).Proyecto INIA. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

    Surface nanostructuring of TiO2 thin films by high energy ion irradiation

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    The effects of a high ion dose irradiation on TiO2 thin films under different conditions of temperature and ion nature are discussed. We have shown that anatase TiO2 thin films irradiated with N+ ions at room temperature develop a typical microstructure with mounds and voids open to the surface whereas irradiations at 700 K generate a surface pattern of well-ordered nanorods aligned with the ion beam. The formation of these patterns is caused by the simultaneous effect of ion irradiation near the film surface and a film temperature favoring the structural mobilization of the defective network of the material. To explain these phenomena, a qualitative model has been proposed and further tested by irradiating the TiO2 thin films with F+ and S+ ions under different conditions. The obtained results demonstrate that ion irradiation techniques enable the formation of tilted nanorod surface patterns with lengths of about 100 nm on anatase TiO2 thin films. © 2010 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Deep learning-based parameter mapping for joint relaxation and diffusion tensor MR Fingerprinting

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    Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) enables the simultaneous quantification of multiple properties of biological tissues. It relies on a pseudo-random acquisition and the matching of acquired signal evolutions to a precomputed dictionary. However, the dictionary is not scalable to higher-parametric spaces, limiting MRF to the simultaneous mapping of only a small number of parameters (proton density, T1 and T2 in general). Inspired by diffusion-weighted SSFP imaging, we present a proof-of-concept of a novel MRF sequence with embedded diffusion-encoding gradients along all three axes to efficiently encode orientational diffusion and T1 and T2 relaxation. We take advantage of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to reconstruct multiple quantitative maps from this single, highly undersampled acquisition. We bypass expensive dictionary matching by learning the implicit physical relationships between the spatiotemporal MRF data and the T1, T2 and diffusion tensor parameters. The predicted parameter maps and the derived scalar diffusion metrics agree well with state-of-the-art reference protocols. Orientational diffusion information is captured as seen from the estimated primary diffusion directions. In addition to this, the joint acquisition and reconstruction framework proves capable of preserving tissue abnormalities in multiple sclerosis lesions

    Smart Beam Management for Vehicular Networks Using ML

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    [EN] The mmWave frequencies will be widely used in future vehicular communications. At these frequencies, the radio channel becomes much more vulnerable to slight changes in the environment like motions of the device, reflections or blockage. In high mobility vehicular communications the rapidly changing vehicle environments and the large overheads due to frequent beam training are the critical disadvantages in developing these systems at mmWave frequencies. Hence, smart beam management procedures are desired to establish and maintain the radio channels. In this paper, we propose that using the positions and respective velocities of the vehicles in the dynamic selection of the beam pair, and then adapting to the changing environments using ML algorithms, can improve both network performance and communication stability in high mobility vehicular communications.This work was supported by the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT) under projects TEC2016-78028-C3-1-P and MDM2016-O6OO, Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 21, and Industrial Doctorate programme (2018-DI-084) of Generalitat de Catalunya.Bharath-Reddy, G.; Montero, L.; Perez-Romero, J.; Molins-Benlliure, J.; Ferrando Bataller, M.; Molina, J.; Romeu, J.... (2021). Smart Beam Management for Vehicular Networks Using ML. Íñigo Cuiñas Gómez. 1-4. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1910661

    Obstáculos para la movilidad académica con el programa Erasmus+: Diferencias entre grados universitarios [Barriers to academic mobility with Erasmus+ programme: Differences between bachelor degrees]

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    Pese al interés creciente que presenta la movilidad académica internacional de los estudiantes universitarios europeos para su inserción profesional posterior, el porcentaje de estudiantes españoles que participan en el programa Erasmus es todavía pequeño. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los principales obstáculos para la movilidad Erasmus percibidos por estudiantes de grado que no han participado en este programa, valorando la existencia de diferencias en función del grado (Sanitario vs. Ciencias Sociales). Se utilizó una encuesta auto-administrada elaborada para un estudio europeo previo en el que participó España. Los resultados muestran el impacto, a nivel general, de la falta de información sobre temas relevantes como: la calidad de la educación en el extranjero, o cómo van a ser evaluados, así como, las barreras económicas por becas insuficientes y retrasos en el pago de las mismas. Los obstáculos que mejor diferencian a los estudiantes de ambos grados están relacionados con la ordenación académica del grado, en concreto, bajo nivel de formación en inglés y presencia de asignaturas anuales, además de características personales del estudiante. Para incrementar la participación, se debería incidir en informar más y comunicar mejor además de incluir modificaciones en el programa académico de los grados que faciliten la movilidad internacional. [Despite the growing interest that presents academic international mobility for European University students for their later in life job prospects, the rate of Spanish students participating in the Erasmus programme is still small. The objective of this research was to determine the main barriers perceived by bachelor students who had not participated in the Erasmus programme assessing the differences between two bachelor degrees (Health vs. Social Sciences). A self-administered survey including reasons not to participate was used that had been set up for a previous European study including Spain. Results reveal the overall impact of lack of information on relevant issues such as the quality of university education system abroad and how they will be evaluated as well as financial barriers such as insufficient Erasmus grants or delays in the first grant payment. The barriers that better differentiate both bachelor degrees students are related to the bachelors’ curriculum i.e. insufficient training in English and presence of annual (vs. semester) courses as well as personal features. To increase participation, the focus should be on improving information and communication both on academic and financial issues, and changes in the bachelors’ curricula.

    Aligning the principles of assessment for learning to learning in physical education: a review of literature

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    peer-reviewedThe full text of this article will not be available in ULIR until the embargo expires on the 19/04/2022Background: A comprehensive international literature review on alternative assessment in physical education has been provided by López-Pastor et al. ([2013]. “Alternative Assessment in Physical Education: A Review of International Literature.” Sport, Education & Society 18 (1): 57–76). The authors remarked that while more authentic forms of assessment in physical education have been evidenced over the last three decades, the extent to which alternative assessment practices have become common practice in the teaching of physical education is yet to be established. Purpose: This review provides an updated perspective on the prevalence of assessment for learning (AfL) principles in physical education discourse since the 2013 publication. The intent is to inform and consider future AfL practices in school physical education and physical education teacher education (PETE) programmes. Methods: Eligibility criteria for the review required full-text articles written in English or Spanish; published (open access and/or in print) in peer-reviewed, academic and professional journals; and limited to the period 2013–2019. Inclusion criteria required articles to report assessment being used to promote learning in physical education, regardless of making reference to ‘assessment for learning’. Findings: Fifty-two articles met the inclusion criteria. A thematic analysis of these articles resulted in four themes: i) traditional positioning of assessment in physical education; ii) AfL and physical education; iii) the constraints in enacting AfL in physical education; and iv) how to most effectively embed AfL in daily physical education practices. Conclusions: The main conclusions of this review are that i) AfL is a learning-oriented assessment based on socio constructivist theories and integrated into the teaching-learning process, ii) physical education teachers continue to use assessment solely to grade students; iii) physical education teachers do not have the necessary skillset to use AfL in physical education successfully; iv) physical education teachers need to be supported to implement AfL; and v) it is necessary to consider how best PETE programmes can infuse AfL across the programme

    ABC 2 -SPH risk score for in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients: development, external validation and comparison with other available scores

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Hospitalitzacions; MortalitatCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Hospitalizaciones; MortalidadCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Hospitalizations; MortalityObjectives The majority of available scores to assess mortality risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in the emergency department have high risk of bias. Therefore, this cohort aimed to develop and validate a score at hospital admission for predicting in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients and to compare this score with other existing ones. Methods Consecutive patients (≥ 18 years) with confirmed COVID-19 admitted to the participating hospitals were included. Logistic regression analysis was performed to develop a prediction model for in-hospital mortality, based on the 3978 patients admitted between March–July, 2020. The model was validated in the 1054 patients admitted during August–September, as well as in an external cohort of 474 Spanish patients. Results Median (25–75th percentile) age of the model-derivation cohort was 60 (48–72) years, and in-hospital mortality was 20.3%. The validation cohorts had similar age distribution and in-hospital mortality. Seven significant variables were included in the risk score: age, blood urea nitrogen, number of comorbidities, C-reactive protein, SpO 2 /FiO 2 ratio, platelet count, and heart rate. The model had high discriminatory value (AUROC 0.844, 95% CI 0.829–0.859), which was confirmed in the Brazilian (0.859 [95% CI 0.833–0.885]) and Spanish (0.894 [95% CI 0.870–0.919]) validation cohorts, and displayed better discrimination ability than other existing scores. It is implemented in a freely available online risk calculator (https://abc2sph.com/). Conclusions An easy-to-use rapid scoring system based on characteristics of COVID-19 patients commonly available at hospital presentation was designed and validated for early stratification of in-hospital mortality risk of patients with COVID-19.This study was supported in part by Minas Gerais State Agency for Research and Development ( Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG ) [grant number APQ-00208-20], National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment ( Instituto de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde – IATS )/ National Council for Scientific and Technological Development ( Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq ) [grant number 465518/2014-1], and CAPES Foundation ( Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior ) [grant number 88887.507149/2020-00]. AS was supported by a postdoctoral grant “Juan Rodés” (JE18/00022) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain

    Imported strongyloidiasis : Data from 1245 cases registered in the +REDIVI Spanish collaborative network (2009-2017)

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    Background Imported strongyloidiasis is increasingly being diagnosed in non-endemic areas. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and microbiological characteristics of patients with imported strongyloidiasis in Spain. Methodology This is an observational retrospective study that included all patients diagnosed of strongyloidiasis registered in the +REDIVI Collaborative Network from 2009 to 2017. Demographic, epidemiological and clinical information was collected from the +REDIVI database, and extra information regarding microbiological techniques, treatment and follow-up was requested to participant centers. Findings Overall, 1245 cases were included. Most of them were immigrants (66.9%), and South America was the most frequent area of origin. Detection of larvae in stool samples was observed in 21.9% of the patients, and serological tests allowed making the diagnosis in the rest of the cases. Eosinophilia was present in 82.2% of cases. Treatment with ivermectin (compared with albendazole) was the most strongly associated factor to achieve the cure (OR 2.34). Conclusions Given the long latency of the infection and the risk of developing a severe presentation, screening of S. stercoralis infection should be mandatory in patients coming from or had traveling to endemic areas, especially in those with immunosuppressant conditions