174 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review on Exercise Addiction and the Disordered Eating-Eating Disorders Continuum in the Competitive Sport Context

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was funded by the financial aid conceded to the Research Group CTS267 by Junta de Andalucia (Spain).Exercise addiction (EA) affects a considerable number of individuals who regularly perform exercise-sport activities. The co-occurrence of EA manifestations and the continuum of disordered eating-eating disorders (EDs) is so common in sports that a deeper understanding of them as comorbidities is warranted. The aim of this review is to provide an up-to-date overview and synthesis of the research on the relationship between maladaptive exercise and dysfunctional eating in the sport context. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. A total of 22 empirical studies (23 articles) with young and adult female and male athletes from several sports and competition levels was included. EA in conjunction with eating disturbances is frequent among athletes, yet the prevalence rates are inconsistent. Existing evidence suggests that EA is a relevant outcome of ED pathology among athletes, supporting the classical secondary type of EA. However, research also reveals that excessive exercising plays a central role in the psychopathology of disordered eating. There is a need for further quantitative research addressing the features and correlates of the EA-EDs dyad, qualitative research on the subjective experiences of athletes with disordered exercise and eating, longitudinal and experimental research to establish possible causal paths and attempts to develop comprehensive conceptual models of EA and its co-occurrence with EDs, in order to improve the identification, prevention, and management of this dyadic condition in the sport context.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer NatureJunta de Andalucia European Commissio

    Modeling the effect of the electrode potential in SERS by electronic structure calculations.

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    Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), due to the ability of greatly intensify the weak Raman signal of molecules adsorbed to metal surfaces, has proven to be a very useful tool to investigate changes in the electronic structure of metal-molecule surface complex. A deep knowledge of the electronic structure of these metal-molecule hybrid systems is key in electrochemistry, catalysis, plasmonics, molecular electronics, and in the development of selective and ultra-sensitive analytical sensors. The origin of this huge enhancement in SERS is due to two contributions: the electromagnetic (EM), related to surface plasmons, and the chemical mechanism, due to resonant charge transfer (CT) process between the adsorbate and the metal (CTSERS). Unfortunately, the SERS implies very complex phenomena where the molecule and the metal nanoparticle are involved. This fact makes challenging to build realistic theoretical models that take into account both the metal and the molecule at quantum level. We propose a methodology, based on DFT and ab initio electronic calculations, to simulate the effect of the electrode potential on the absorption, on the charge transfer states energies, and on the electronic excitations in metal-molecule hybrid systems from a microscopic point of view. This methodology consists on the prediction of Raman intensities from ab initio calculations of the geometries or the energy gradients at the excited states Franck-Condon point, bringing the possibility to predict the intensities in CTSERS as well as in resonance Raman without the need to know the excited state geometries, not always feasible to compute. The microscopic model adopted to mimic the effect of the interphase electric potential consist in a molecule adsorbed to a linear silver cluster [Agn-Adsorbate]q, were n is the number of silver atoms, and the total charge of the system (q) is zero for n=2 and q=±1 for n=1, 3 and 7.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Elementos, recursos y capacidades de las unidades de producción agrícola: desde un enfoque analítico reflexivo

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    The article discusses the elements, resources and capacities of agricultural production units. Based on the reflexive analytical approach of classical and current theoretical benchmarks. A Subjective interpretation is proposed as a central point to provide tools that contribute to the identification and configuration of elements of a system, resources with what works and organizational capabilities, leading to competitive advantages and interdependence relationships of companies. The findings show that agricultural production units will need to implement strategies to achieve levels of growth that help overcome gaps and problems of hunger and poverty in the world.El artículo analiza los elementos, recursos y capacidades de las unidades de producción agrícola, partiendo del enfoque analítico reflexivo de referentes teóricos disciplinares clásicos y actuales. Se propone una interpretación subjetiva como punto central para brindar herramientas que contribuyan a la identificación y configuración de elementos de un sistema, recursos con los que funcionan y capacidades organizacionales, derivando en ventajas competitivas y relaciones de interdependencia de las empresas. Los hallazgos evidencian que las unidades de producción agrícola deberán implementar estrategias que permitan alcanzar niveles de crecimiento que coadyuven a superar brechas y problemas de hambre y pobreza en el mundo

    Differentiated adsorption of thiobenzoic acid and thiobenzamide on silver nanoparticles determined by SERS spectroscopy.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/15140?template=romeo (Submitted version)Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of thiobenzoic acid and thiobenzamide have been recorded on three different silver colloids in order to find the chemical species responsible for the spectra and to detect differences in the adsorption with respect to their oxygen counterparts, benzoic acid and benzamide, respectively. Very significant and unexpected shifts of opposite sign between the Raman and SERS wavenumbers have been detected. By comparing the experimental and DFT calculated wavenumbers, it can be concluded that the acid is bonded to the metal as thiobenzoate through the sulfur atom with unidentate coordination. SERS spectra of thiobenzamide can be explained by assuming that it is adsorbed as azanion, like in the case of benzamide, linking to the metal through the sulfur and nitrogen atoms of the ionized thiocarboxamide group. In order to support these conclusions, B3LYP/LanL2DZ force field calculations for different complexes of silver cations with the thiobenzoate anion, the neutral thiobenzamide as well as its azanion have been carried out. Additionally, the 8a;nring mode is the most enhanced band in the SERS of both adsorbates pointing to the participation of a metal-to-molecule resonant charge transfer mechanism.Spanish MINECO/FEDER (CTQ2015-65816-R) Junta de Andalucía/FEDER (UMA18-FEDERJA-049 and P18-RT-4592) Ramón Areces Foundatio

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en Bogotá. D.C.

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    El presente trabajo se fundamenta en la intención de buscar un acercamiento psicosocial en los diferentes contextos de violencia en Colombia por medio del relato y la narrativa, las consecuencias de la violencia en el país han dejado un sin número de impacto en la vida de diversas comunidades, generando una serie de problemáticas dentro del sistema social colombiano, es por eso, que el abordaje psicosocial debe representar un pilar fundamental en la estructuración y el replanteamiento de vida de aquellos que han sido víctimas, generando herramientas de afrontamiento que permita un nuevo comenzar, a partir de este reconocimiento contextual de las víctimas con sus respectivas narrativas se pretende la creación de estrategias que incidan en la transformación psicosocial de sus escenarios y de esta manera el valor de la memoria y la vida torne a un camino de recuperación de identidad, de derecho humanos y de emancipación social facilitando la justicia y la recuperación emocional y territorial. Es por eso, que es importante entender que el profesional en psicología comprende un papel muy importante dentro de las acciones psicosociales para la construcción de la convivencia social mostrando una mirada analítica en los diferentes escenarios de post guerra con el objetivo de hacer un acompañamiento asertivo que corresponda a las necesidades de las comunidades e individuos a través de su propia participación para el empoderamiento social.This publication is based on the intention of seeking a psychosocial approach in different Colombian violence contexts through the story and narrative, the consequences of violence in the country have left countless impacts on the life of diverse communities, generating a series of problems within the Colombian social system, that is why the psychosocial approach must represent a fundamental pillar in the structuring and rethinking of life of those who have been victims, generating coping tools that allow a new To begin, from this contextual recognition of the victims with their respective narratives, the creation of strategies that affect the psychosocial transformation of their scenarios is intended and in this way the value of memory and life becomes a path of identity recovery , human rights and social emancipation facilitating justice and recovery emotional and territorial ion. That is why, it is necessary to understand the role of professionals in psychology within psychosocial actions for the construction of social coexistence by showing an analytical look in the different post-war scenarios with the aim of making an assertive accompaniment that corresponds to the needs of communities and individuals through their own participation for social empowerment. Key words: Psychosocial, Victim, Violence, Narrative, Psycholog

    Carbon Supported Gold Nanoparticles for the Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol

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    This work is a detailed study on how to optimize gold colloids preparation and their deposition to very different in nature carbon materials. The change of the continuous phase and its dielectric constant is used to assure the good dispersion of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic carbons and the successful transfer of the preformed small size colloids to their surface. The sintering behavior of the particles during the calcination step is also studied and the optimal conditions to reduce to a minimum the particle size increase during the protecting agent removal phase are found. The as prepared catalysts have been tested in a relevant reaction in the field of environmental catalysis such as the reduction of 4-nitrophenol leading to promising results. Overall, this work proposes an important methodology to follow when a carbonaceous material are selected as catalyst supports for green chemistry reactions.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ENE2017-82451-C3-3-RFEDE

    FooDrugs: a comprehensive food–drug interactions database with text documents and transcriptional data

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    Food–drug interactions (FDIs) occur when a food item alters the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of a drug. FDIs can be clinically relevant, as they can hamper or enhance the therapeutic effects of a drug and impact both their efficacy and their safety. However, knowledge of FDIs in clinical practice is limited. This is partially due to the lack of resources focused on FDIs. Here, we describe FooDrugs, a database that centralizes FDI knowledge retrieved from two different approaches: a natural processing language pipeline that extracts potential FDIs from scientific documents and clinical trials and a molecular similarity approach based on the comparison of gene expression alterations caused by foods and drugs. FooDrugs database stores a total of 3 430 062 potential FDIs, with 1 108 429 retrieved from scientific documents and 2 321 633 inferred from molecular data. This resource aims to provide researchers and clinicians with a centralized repository for potential FDI information that is free and easy to use

    Risk for eating disorders in "high"- and "low"-risk sports and football (soccer) : a profile analysis with clustering techniques

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    Eating disorders (EDs) are prevalent in sports. Although a distinction has been made to date between high- and low-risk sports for EDs, recent studies have indicated that footballers and other athletes in low-risk sports are as vulnerable for Eds as athletes from sports that emphasize weight and body appearance. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are particular configurations of psychosocial risk factors for EDs among athletes from different sports (N = 357), with a special focus on football players. The Athlete's Eating Habits Questionnaire (CHAD) was used to establish intra-individual configurations through a multivariate k-means cluster analysis. We found that 10.9% of athletes and 11.4% of the footballers had scores on the CHAD ≥ 100 points, which indicates that a large number of athletes are at risk for developing or may already be suffering from an ED. Three configurations or risk profiles emerged based on the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that reflect differential schemata for each cluster: high (8.7%), moderate (45.1%) and low (46.2%) risk. Football players had a profile that was similar to the moderate, though existent, risk cluster. Our findings also question the traditional classification of sports as high- vs. low-risk. Athletes, including footballers, may have a heightened risk for EDs when they have certain combinations of dysfunctional beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. Our findings indicate that it is important to consider relevant predisposing factors with the aims of risk detection and EDs prevention among athletes. The type of sport does not appear to be the most important risk factor.Los trastornos de la alimentación (TAs) son prevalentes en el ámbito deportivo. Aunque tradicionalmente se ha distinguido entre deportes de alto y bajo riesgo de TAs, trabajos recientes indican que los futbolistas y otros deportistas de "bajo" riesgo son tan vulnerables como otros atletas en cuya práctica deportiva se enfatiza el peso y la apariencia corporal. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer si existen configuraciones particulares de características psicosociales de riesgo de TAs entre deportistas de diferentes modalidades deportivas (N = 357), con un interés especial en futbolistas. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Hábitos Alimentarios del Deportista (CHAD) para establecer dichas configuraciones intraindividuales a través de un análisis multivariado de cluster de k-medias. Un 10.9% de los deportistas y un 11.4% de los futbolistas obtuvieron puntuaciones en el CHAD ≥ 100 puntos, lo que señala que un elevado número de deportistas puede desarrollar un TA a lo largo de su carrera deportiva, o lo puede estar padeciendo ya. Aparecieron tres configuraciones o perfiles de riesgo de TAs en virtud de las creencias, actitudes y comportamientos particulares que conforman un esquema diferencial en cada clúster: Alto (8.7%), moderado (45.1%) y bajo riesgo (46.2%). Los futbolistas muestran un perfil muy parecido al del clúster de riesgo moderado, aunque existente. Los hallazgos obtenidos también cuestionan las clasificaciones tradicionales de los deportes como de alto y bajo riesgo. Los deportistas, incluyendo los futbolistas, pueden tener un riesgo acentuado de padecer TAs si se dan ciertas combinaciones de creencias, actitudes y conductas disfuncionales. Nuestros resultados señalan la importancia, de cara al establecimiento del riesgo y la prevención de TAs en deportistas, de considerar factores predisponentes relevantes, entre los que el tipo de deporte parece no ser el más importante.Os transtornos alimentares (TAs) são prevalentes em esporte. Embora tradicionalmente uma distinção tem-se realizado entre esportes de alto e baixo risco de TAs, estudos recentes indicam que os futebolistas e outros atletas de risco "baixo" são tão vulneráveis como outros atletas em esportes onde o peso e aparência física são enfatizados. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar se existem configurações particulares de fatores psicossociais de risco de TA em atletas de esportes diferentes (N = 357), com um interesse especial em jogadores de futebol. O Questionário de Hábitos Alimentares do Atleta (CHAD) foi utilizado para estabelecer configurações intra-individuais do risco através de uma análise multivariada de clusterização de K-médias. Encontramos que o 10.9% dos atletas e 11.4% dos jogadores de futebol tiveram pontuações no CHAD ≥ 100 pontos, o que indica que um grande número de atletas pode desenvolver um TA ao longo de sua carreira, ou ele já pode estar sofrendo un TA. Três configurações ou perfis de risco de TAs emergiram com base nas crenças, atitudes e comportamentos que reflectem um esquema diferencial determinado em cada grupo: alto (8.7%), moderado (45.1%) e baixo risco (46.2%). Os futebolitas mostraram um perfil semelhante ao cluster de risco moderado, embora existente. Nossos resultados questionam as classificações tradicionais de esportes como alto e baixo risco. Os atletas, incluindo os jogadores de futebol, podem ter um risco elevado de TAs se ocorrem determinadas combinações de crenças, atitudes e comportamentos disfuncionais. Nossos resultados indicam a importância para o estabelecimento do risco e prevenção de TAs em atletas do considerar fatores predisponentes relevantes. O tipo de esporte não parece ser o fator de risco mais importante

    AI4Food-NutritionFW: A Novel Framework for the Automatic Synthesis and Analysis of Eating Behaviours

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    Nowadays millions of images are shared on social media and web platforms. In particular, many of them are food images taken from a smartphone over time, providing information related to the individual's diet. On the other hand, eating behaviours are directly related to some of the most prevalent diseases in the world. Exploiting recent advances in image processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), this scenario represents an excellent opportunity to: i) create new methods that analyse the individuals' health from what they eat, and ii) develop personalised recommendations to improve nutrition and diet under specific circumstances (e.g., obesity or COVID). Having tunable tools for creating food image datasets that facilitate research in both lines is very much needed. This paper proposes AI4Food-NutritionFW, a framework for the creation of food image datasets according to configurable eating behaviours. AI4Food-NutritionFW simulates a user-friendly and widespread scenario where images are taken using a smartphone. In addition to the framework, we also provide and describe a unique food image dataset that includes 4,800 different weekly eating behaviours from 15 different profiles and 1,200 subjects. Specifically, we consider profiles that comply with actual lifestyles from healthy eating behaviours (according to established knowledge), variable profiles (e.g., eating out, holidays), to unhealthy ones (e.g., excess of fast food or sweets). Finally, we automatically evaluate a healthy index of the subject's eating behaviours using multidimensional metrics based on guidelines for healthy diets proposed by international organisations, achieving promising results (99.53% and 99.60% accuracy and sensitivity, respectively). We also release to the research community a software implementation of our proposed AI4Food-NutritionFW and the mentioned food image dataset created with it.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Leveraging Automatic Personalised Nutrition: Food Image Recognition Benchmark and Dataset based on Nutrition Taxonomy

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    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly challenging in today's sedentary society marked by poor eating habits. To address this issue, both national and international organisations have made numerous efforts to promote healthier diets and increased physical activity. However, implementing these recommendations in daily life can be difficult, as they are often generic and not tailored to individuals. This study presents the AI4Food-NutritionDB database, the first nutrition database that incorporates food images and a nutrition taxonomy based on recommendations by national and international health authorities. The database offers a multi-level categorisation, comprising 6 nutritional levels, 19 main categories (e.g., "Meat"), 73 subcategories (e.g., "White Meat"), and 893 specific food products (e.g., "Chicken"). The AI4Food-NutritionDB opens the doors to new food computing approaches in terms of food intake frequency, quality, and categorisation. Also, we present a standardised experimental protocol and benchmark including three tasks based on the nutrition taxonomy (i.e., category, subcategory, and final product recognition). These resources are available to the research community, including our deep learning models trained on AI4Food-NutritionDB, which can serve as pre-trained models, achieving accurate recognition results for challenging food image databases.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 4 table