68 research outputs found

    Isotropic extragalactic flux from dark matter annihilations: lessons from interacting dark matter scenarios

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    The extragalactic γ-ray and neutrino emission may have a contribution from dark matter (DM) annihilations. In the case of discrepancies between observations and standard predictions, one could infer the DM pair annihilation cross section into cosmic rays by studying the shape of the energy spectrum. So far all analyses of the extragalactic DM signal have assumed the standard cosmological model (ΛCDM) as the underlying theory. However, there are alternative DM scenarios where the number of low-mass objects is significantly suppressed. Therefore the characteristics of the γ-ray and neutrino emission in these models may differ from ΛCDM as a result. Here we show that the extragalactic isotropic signal in these alternative models has a similar energy dependence to that in ΛCDM, but the overall normalisation is reduced. The similarities between the energy spectra combined with the flux suppression could lead one to misinterpret possible evidence for models beyond ΛCDM as being due to CDM particles annihilating with a much weaker cross section than expected

    Ampliando la visión del estudiante de Química

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    Se ha visto que el aprendizaje significativo se desarrolla ayudando al alumno a establecer nexos con otras áreas a través de diferentes tipos de información. El enfoque CTS permite cubrir un campo mayor que el de las simples definiciones, confrontando al alumno con su realidad mediante problemas actuales en los que ha de enfrentarse a la construcción de una nueva estructura, obligándole a recurrir a diversas disciplinas que le permitan tomar opiniones y decisiones autónomas en el seno de una comunidad para resolver un problema dado. Presentamos las aportaciones en las que temas como nomenclatura, industria química e historia de la química han proporcionado una motivación significativa al aprendizaje de la Química

    The Pinocchio effect and the Cold Stress Test: Lies and thermography

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    [EN]We applied the use of thermography to cognitive neuropsychology, particularly as an objective marker of subjective experiences, in the context of lying. We conducted three experiments: (a) An important lie was invented by the participants in 3 min, and it was recounted by phone to a significant person while they were recorded by the thermographic camera, obtaining a face and hands map of the lie. (b) A similar methodology was carried out, but adding the Cold Stress Test (CST) of the dominant hand during the phone call, obtaining a second physiologic marker (the percentage of thermal recovery) to detect the lie. Further, it established a control condition where it generated anxiety in the participants using IAPS images with negative valence and high arousal, which were described by phone to a loved one. We obtained results that showed significant correlations between changes in body temperature and mental set. Of particular interest was the temperature of the nose and hand, which tended to decrease during lying (Experiment 1). The participants also showed a lower recovery of the temperature after the CST when they were lying (Experiment 2). (c) Experi ment 3 is a replication of Experiment 2 but with a different type of lie (a more ecological task) in a different scenario (following the ACID interview, with the use of the phone eliminated and participants motivated to lie well). The main pattern of results was replicated. We obtained an accuracy of 85% in detection of deception with 25% of false alarms.Funding information: CONICYT Chile (FONDECYT 1160368

    A Relationship between Carotenoid Accumulation and the Distribution of Species of the Fungus Neurospora in Spain

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    The ascomycete fungus Neurospora is present in many parts of the world, in particular in tropical and subtropical areas, where it is found growing on recently burned vegetation. We have sampled the Neurospora population across Spain. The sampling sites were located in the region of Galicia (northwestern corner of the Iberian peninsula), the province of Cáceres, the city of Seville, and the two major islands of the Canary Islands archipelago (Tenerife and Gran Canaria, west coast of Africa). The sites covered a latitude interval between 27.88° and 42.74°. We have identified wild-type strains of N. discreta, N. tetrasperma, N. crassa, and N. sitophila and the frequency of each species varied from site to site. It has been shown that after exposure to light Neurospora accumulates the orange carotenoid neurosporaxanthin, presumably for protection from UV radiation. We have found that each Neurospora species accumulates a different amount of carotenoids after exposure to light, but these differences did not correlate with the expression of the carotenogenic genes al-1 or al-2. The accumulation of carotenoids in Neurospora shows a correlation with latitude, as Neurospora strains isolated from lower latitudes accumulate more carotenoids than strains isolated from higher latitudes. Since regions of low latitude receive high UV irradiation we propose that the increased carotenoid accumulation may protect Neurospora from high UV exposure. In support of this hypothesis, we have found that N. crassa, the species that accumulates more carotenoids, is more resistant to UV radiation than N. discreta or N. tetrasperma. The photoprotection provided by carotenoids and the capability to accumulate different amounts of carotenoids may be responsible, at least in part, for the distribution of Neurospora species that we have observed across a range of latitudes

    ERK5 Is a major determinant of chemical sarcomagenesis: implications in human pathology

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors in which the role of ERK5 is poorly studied. To clarify the role of this MAPK in sarcomatous pathology, we used a murine 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC)-induced sarcoma model. Our data show that 3MC induces pleomorphic sarcomas with muscle differentiation, showing an increased expression of ERK5. Indeed, this upregulation was also observed in human sarcomas of muscular origin, such as leiomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Moreover, in cell lines derived from these 3MC-induced tumors, abrogation of Mapk7 expression by using specific shRNAs decreased in vitro growth and colony-forming capacity and led to a marked loss of tumor growth in vivo. In fact, transcriptomic profiling in ERK5 abrogated cell lines by RNAseq showed a deregulated gene expression pattern for key biological processes such as angiogenesis, migration, motility, etc., correlating with a better prognostic in human pathology. Finally, among the various differentially expressed genes, Klf2 is a key mediator of the biological effects of ERK5 as indicated by its specific interference, demonstrating that the ERK5–KLF2 axis is an important determinant of sarcoma biology that should be further studied in human pathology.This work has been supported with Grant RTI2018-094093-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, “ERDF A way of making Europe” to RSP. Also supported with funds from Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo, Roche España and ACEPAIN to RSP and MJRH. RSP and MJRH’s Research Institute and the work carried out in their laboratory, received partial support from the European Community through the FEDER. JJ and EAL hold a predoctoral research contract cofounded by the European Social Fund and UCLM. OR holds a contract for accessing the Spanish System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SECTI) funded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and received partial support from the European Social Fund (FSE) through its Operative Program for Castilla-La Mancha (2007–2013)

    ERK5 Is a Major Determinant of Chemical Sarcomagenesis : Implications in Human Pathology

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    Sarcoma is a heterogeneous group of tumors poorly studied with few therapeutic opportunities. Interestingly, the role of MAPKs still remains unclear in sarcomatous pathology. Here, we describe for the first time the critical role of ERK5 in the biology of soft tissue sarcoma by using in vitro and in vivo approaches in a murine experimental model of chemical sarcomagenesis. Indeed, our observations were extrapolated to a short series of human leiomyosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcomas. Furthermore, transcriptome analysis allows us to demonstrate the critical role of KLF2 in the biological effects of ERK5. Therefore, the data presented here open new windows in the diagnosis and therapy of soft tissue sarcomas. Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors in which the role of ERK5 is poorly studied. To clarify the role of this MAPK in sarcomatous pathology, we used a murine 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC)-induced sarcoma model. Our data show that 3MC induces pleomorphic sarcomas with muscle differentiation, showing an increased expression of ERK5. Indeed, this upregulation was also observed in human sarcomas of muscular origin, such as leiomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Moreover, in cell lines derived from these 3MC-induced tumors, abrogation of Mapk7 expression by using specific shRNAs decreased in vitro growth and colony-forming capacity and led to a marked loss of tumor growth in vivo. In fact, transcriptomic profiling in ERK5 abrogated cell lines by RNAseq showed a deregulated gene expression pattern for key biological processes such as angiogenesis, migration, motility, etc., correlating with a better prognostic in human pathology. Finally, among the various differentially expressed genes, Klf2 is a key mediator of the biological effects of ERK5 as indicated by its specific interference, demonstrating that the ERK5-KLF2 axis is an important determinant of sarcoma biology that should be further studied in human pathology

    Ampliando la visión del estudiante de Química

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    Se ha visto que el aprendizaje significativo se desarrolla ayudando al alumno a establecer nexos con otras áreas a través de diferentes tipos de información. El enfoque CTS permite cubrir un campo mayor que el de las simples definiciones, confrontando al alumno con su realidad mediante problemas actuales en los que ha de enfrentarse a la construcción de una nueva estructura, obligándole a recurrir a diversas disciplinas que le permitan tomar opiniones y decisiones autónomas en el seno de una comunidad para resolver un problema dado. Presentamos las aportaciones en las que temas como nomenclatura, industria química e historia de la química han proporcionado una motivación significativa al aprendizaje de la Química

    Characterization of subhalo structural properties and implications for dark matter annihilation signals

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    A prediction of the standard λ cold dark matter cosmology is that dark matter (DM) haloes are teeming with numerous self-bound substructure or subhaloes. The precise properties of these subhaloes represent important probes of the underlying cosmological model. We use data from Via Lactea II and Exploring the Local Volume in Simulations N-body simulations to learn about the structure of subhaloes with masses 10-10 hM. Thanks to a superb subhalo statistics, we study subhalo properties as a function of distance to host halo centre and subhalo mass, and provide a set of fits that accurately describe the subhalo structure. We also investigate the role of subhaloes on the search for DM annihilation. Previous work has shown that subhaloes are expected to boost the DM signal of their host haloes significantly. Yet, these works traditionally assumed that subhaloes exhibit similar structural properties than those of field haloes, while it is known that subhaloes are more concentrated. Building upon our N-body data analysis, we refine the substructure boost model of SA & Acute;nchez-Conde & Prada (2014), and find boosts that are a factor 2-3 higher. We further refine the model to include unavoidable tidal stripping effects on the subhalo population. For field haloes, this introduces a moderate (20-30 per cent) suppression. Yet, for subhaloes like those hosting dwarf galaxy satellites, tidal stripping plays a critical role, the boost being at the level of a few tens of percent at most. We provide a parametrization of the boost for field haloes that can be safely applied over a wide halo mass range.© 2017 The Authors.AM has been supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) of Portugal and thanks SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular in Valencia for hospitality. AM has been also partially supported by the FCT through the project PTDC/FIS- NUC/0548/2012. MASC is a Wenner-Gren Fellow and acknowledges the support of the WennerGren Foundations to develop his research. He also acknowledges the support from the MULTIDARK project of Spanish MCINN Consolider-Ingenio: CSD2009-00064. MASC is very grateful to SLAC and the Instituto de Fisica Teorica in Madrid, where part of this work was done. SPR is supported by a Ramon y Cajal contract, by the Spanish MINECO under Grants No. FPA2014-54459-P and SEV-2014-0398 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant No. PROMETEOII/2014/049. AM and SPR are also partially supported by the Portuguese FCT through the CFTP-FCT Unit 777 (PEst-OE/FIS/UI0777/2013).Peer Reviewe