34 research outputs found

    La figure de JĂ©sus

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    The theologian is not primarily concerned with historical facts in themselves when treating the figure of Jesus. His reflexion works on the level of Christian faith. The story of Jesus gains greater breadth for him: it is born of the factual past, only to go beyond it and spread through the proclamation and life of the Church over the course of time. The theologian portrays Jesus without being limited to his human behaviour. He also looks for what emerges from this as traits of divinity.He sees in Him who so humanly struggled with God someone who freed himself from his historical specificity through the paschal mystery, to become the universal means of access to God. He understands how, by disappearing through the heavens of ascension, Jesus became the Lord who anonymously crosses with peoples’ lives. He believes that Jesus keeps on discreetly disquieting people everywhere, while all does not live in accordance with God.O teĂłlogo nĂŁo tem como primeira preocupação os factos histĂłricos em si, quando trata a figura de Jesus. A sua reflexĂŁo situa-se no plano da fĂ© cristĂŁ. A histĂłria de Jesus adquire para ele uma outra amplitude: brota do passado factual, para depois o ultrapassar e propagar-se na proclamação e na vida da Igreja atravĂ©s dos tempos. O teĂłlogo retrata Jesus sem se limitar ao que nele Ă© comportamento humano. Procura tambĂ©m o que deste transparece como traços de divindade. VĂȘ naquele que tĂŁo humanamente se debateu com Deus, alguĂ©m que se libertou da sua particularidade histĂłrica atravĂ©s do mistĂ©rio pascal, para se converter em caminho universal de acesso a Deus. Percebe como Ă© que Jesus, ofuscando-se nos cĂ©us da ascensĂŁo, passou a ser o Senhor que cruza anonimamente a vida das pessoas. CrĂȘ que as vai inquietando discretamente por todo o lado, enquanto nĂŁo viver tudo ao ritmo de Deus

    Combined dynamics of mercury and terrigenous organic matter following impoundment of Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Reservoir, Labrador

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    Sediments from two recently (40 years) flooded lakes (Gabbro lake and Sandgirt lake) and an unflooded lake (Atikonak lake) were sampled to investigate the effects of reservoir impoundment on mercury (Hg) and terrigenous organic matter (TOM) loading in the Churchill Falls Hydroelectric complex in Labrador, Canada. Lignin biomarkers in TOM, which exclusively derive from terrestrial vegetation, were used as biomarkers for the presence and source origin of TOM—and for Hg due to their close associations—in sediments. In the two flooded Gabbro and Sandgirt lakes, we observed drastic increases in total mercury concentrations, T-[Hg], in sediments, which temporally coincided with the time of reservoir impoundment as assessed by 210Pb age dating. In the natural Atikonak lake sediments, on the other hand, T-[Hg] showed no such step-increase but gradually and slowly increased until present. T-[Hg] increases in lake sediments after flooding were also associated with a change in the nature of TOM: biomarker signatures changed to typical signatures of TOM from vegetated terrestrial landscape surrounding the lakes, and indicate a change to TOM that was much less degraded and typical of forest soil organic horizons. We conclude that T-[Hg] increase in the sediments of the two flooded reservoirs was the result of flooding of surrounding forests, whereby mainly surface organic horizons and upper soil horizons were prone to erosion and subsequent re-sedimentation in the reservoirs. The fact that T-[Hg] was still enriched 40 years after reservoir impoundment indicates prolonged response time of lake Hg and sediment loadings after reservoir impoundments

    Investigating molecular changes in organic matter composition in two Holocene lake-sediment records from central Sweden using pyrolysis-GC/MS

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    This research was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (dnr. 2014-5219) and from the UmeĂ„ University research environment ‘The environment’s chemistry’. We would like to thank UmeĂ„ Plant Science Center for making the Py-GC/MS available to us, and Alexandra Rouillard and one anonymous reviewer for constructive comments on the manuscript. All data presented in the figures in the main manuscript can be found in the supporting information. Raw data will be provided upon request from the corresponding authors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fin de la théologie ? Relecture d'un itinéraire

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    Asked to reassess his writings, the author of L'homme qui venait de Dieu and Dieu qui vient Ă  l'homme does so in the perspective of a new way of doing theology marked by the search for a method of theological interprĂ©tation of Scripture destined to fill in the distance between dogmatic theology and exegesis and also the search for an enunciation of faith within a culture where God is absent. His writings which have take the form of a huge narrative of the God's rĂ©vĂ©lation, is turned towards the «end» of theology understood as a threat of extinction, a search for its essential fĂźnality and above ail the aim of the final point of history where «God will be ail in ail». Freed from the ruts of religion through the singularity of JĂ©sus Christ, theology, according to the author, takes on the responsibility of thought and belief worthy of humanity.InvitĂ© Ă  relire son itinĂ©raire d'Ă©criture, l'auteur de L'homme qui venait de Dieu et de Dieu qui vient Ă  l'homme l'inscrit dans la perspective d'une nouvelle maniĂšre de faire de la thĂ©ologie, marquĂ©e par la recherche d'une mĂ©thode d'interprĂ©tation thĂ©ologique de l'Écriture destinĂ©e Ă  combler la distance entre dogmatique et exĂ©gĂšse, et la recherche d'une Ă©nonciation de la foi au sein d'une culture oĂč Dieu est absent. Son Ɠuvre, qui a pris la forme du grand rĂ©cit de la rĂ©vĂ©lation de Dieu, est orientĂ©e vers la «fin» de la thĂ©ologie comprise comme menace de son extinction, quĂȘte de sa finalitĂ© essentielle, et surtout visĂ©e du terme de l'histoire oĂč «Dieu sera tout en tous». LibĂ©rĂ©e des orniĂšres du religieux par la singularitĂ© de JĂ©sus Christ, la thĂ©ologie assume selon l'auteur la responsabilitĂ© d'un penser et d'un croire dignes de l'humain.Moingt Joseph. Fin de la thĂ©ologie ? Relecture d'un itinĂ©raire. In: Revue thĂ©ologique de Louvain, 39ᔉ annĂ©e, fasc. 4, 2008. pp. 465-475

    Pierre Goudreault,Chemins d’espĂ©rance pour l’avenir de l’Église(coll. PĂ©dagogie pastorale, 7), 2010

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    Moingt Joseph. Pierre Goudreault,Chemins d’espĂ©rance pour l’avenir de l’Église(coll. PĂ©dagogie pastorale, 7), 2010. In: Revue thĂ©ologique de Louvain, 42ᔉ annĂ©e, fasc. 4, 2011. pp. 614-615

    Caractérisation de la matiÚre organique dissoute d'un site d'eau de surface (fleuve Saint-Laurent) et d'un site d'eau souterraine (aquifÚre de l'Astien, France) par l'utilisation des isotopes du carbone et des produits d'oxydation de la lignine

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    The organic matter cycle at the continental scale still remains partly misunderstood. Thus, DOC has been mostly studied under indistinct chemical aspect. Isotopic studies and the use of biomarkers allowed the clarification of certain aspects of its cycle. The present study is part of this research perspective. Two types of environments, the St. Lawrence River and the Astien's aquifer (France), were examined. For the St. Lawrence study, we were interested in the terrigenous organic carbon (TOC) cycle from 13C and 14C measurements on DOC and a refractory fraction of DOC to understand the origin and evolution of TOC during its export towards the ocean. In the Astien study, similar approaches were used to determine the nature, sources, degradation state and temporal evolution of DOC in groundwater. Results show that we keep a predominantly terrigenous origin and a globally recent age for DOC from the St. Lawrence hydrological system. However, a small fraction of this DOC appeared to be much more ancient. The present study indicates that total DOC in the St. Lawrence hydrological system is constituted of organic compounds easily biomineralizable and thus potentially large consumers of dissolved oxygen. TOC could play a more important role than previously estimated in the apparition of hypoxic conditions in the world's estuaries and costal areas. In the Astien's aquifer system, relative kinetics of degradation of organic compounds product by lignin macromolecule could be used for geochronometrical applications.Le cycle de la matiĂšre organique Ă  l'Ă©chelle continentale reste encore en partie mĂ©connu. Ainsi, le COD a surtout Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© sous un aspect chimique indiffĂ©renciĂ©. Des Ă©tudes isotopiques et l'utilisation de biomarqueurs ont permis d'Ă©lucider certains aspects de son cycle. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude s'inscrit dans cette perspective. Deux types de milieux distincts, le fleuve Saint-Laurent et l'aquifĂšre de l'Astien (France), ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©s. Dans le volet "Saint-Laurent", nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au cycle du carbone organique terrigĂšne (COT) Ă  partir de mesures 13C et 14C du COD et d'une composante rĂ©fractaire du COD afin de comprendre l'origine et l'Ă©volution du COT lors de son transit vers l'ocĂ©an. Dans le second volet, les mĂȘmes approches ont Ă©tĂ© retenues afin de dĂ©terminer la nature, les sources, l'Ă©tat de dĂ©gradation et l'Ă©volution temporelle du COD dans une nappe d'eau souterraine. Nous retenons une origine majoritairement terrigĂšne pour le COD du Saint-Laurent, ainsi que son Ăąge globalement trĂšs rĂ©cent. Cependant, une fraction de ce COD est apparue beaucoup plus ancienne. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude indique que le COD total du systĂšme hydrologique du fleuve Saint-Laurent est en majoritĂ© constituĂ© de composĂ©s organiques facilement biominĂ©ralisables et donc potentiellement grands consommateurs d'oxygĂšne dissous. Le COT pourrait donc jouer un rĂŽle plus important qu'estimĂ© aujourd'hui dans l'apparition de conditions hypoxiques dans les estuaires et zones cĂŽtiĂšres du globe. Dans le systĂšme de l'aquifĂšre de l'Astien, les cinĂ©tiques relatives de dĂ©gradation des composĂ©s organiques issus de la macromolĂ©cule ligneuse pourraient donner lieu Ă  des applications gĂ©ochronomĂ©triques

    Fin de la théologie ? Relecture d'un itinéraire

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    Asked to reassess his writings, the author of L'homme qui venait de Dieu and Dieu qui vient Ă  l'homme does so in the perspective of a new way of doing theology marked by the search for a method of theological interprĂ©tation of Scripture destined to fill in the distance between dogmatic theology and exegesis and also the search for an enunciation of faith within a culture where God is absent. His writings which have take the form of a huge narrative of the God's rĂ©vĂ©lation, is turned towards the «end» of theology understood as a threat of extinction, a search for its essential fĂźnality and above ail the aim of the final point of history where «God will be ail in ail». Freed from the ruts of religion through the singularity of JĂ©sus Christ, theology, according to the author, takes on the responsibility of thought and belief worthy of humanity.InvitĂ© Ă  relire son itinĂ©raire d'Ă©criture, l'auteur de L'homme qui venait de Dieu et de Dieu qui vient Ă  l'homme l'inscrit dans la perspective d'une nouvelle maniĂšre de faire de la thĂ©ologie, marquĂ©e par la recherche d'une mĂ©thode d'interprĂ©tation thĂ©ologique de l'Écriture destinĂ©e Ă  combler la distance entre dogmatique et exĂ©gĂšse, et la recherche d'une Ă©nonciation de la foi au sein d'une culture oĂč Dieu est absent. Son Ɠuvre, qui a pris la forme du grand rĂ©cit de la rĂ©vĂ©lation de Dieu, est orientĂ©e vers la «fin» de la thĂ©ologie comprise comme menace de son extinction, quĂȘte de sa finalitĂ© essentielle, et surtout visĂ©e du terme de l'histoire oĂč «Dieu sera tout en tous». LibĂ©rĂ©e des orniĂšres du religieux par la singularitĂ© de JĂ©sus Christ, la thĂ©ologie assume selon l'auteur la responsabilitĂ© d'un penser et d'un croire dignes de l'humain.Moingt Joseph. Fin de la thĂ©ologie ? Relecture d'un itinĂ©raire. In: Revue thĂ©ologique de Louvain, 39ᔉ annĂ©e, fasc. 4, 2008. pp. 465-475

    Le problĂšme du Dieu unique chez Tertullien

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    La dĂ©fense de la « monarchie » divine contre les paĂŻens et les dualistes avait amenĂ© Tertullien Ă  dĂ©finir la divinitĂ© par la singularitĂ© de la grandeur souveraine (In partie). Quand les modalistes en vertu du mĂȘme principe dĂ©noncent une division de la divinitĂ© dans la distinction trinitaire, il leur rĂ©pond par une double argumentation sur le statua de la puissance et de la substance divine (IIe partie).Moingt Joseph. Le problĂšme du Dieu unique chez Tertullien. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 44, fascicule 4, 1970. pp. 337-362

    Pierre Goudreault,Chemins d’espĂ©rance pour l’avenir de l’Église(coll. PĂ©dagogie pastorale, 7), 2010

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    Moingt Joseph. Pierre Goudreault,Chemins d’espĂ©rance pour l’avenir de l’Église(coll. PĂ©dagogie pastorale, 7), 2010. In: Revue thĂ©ologique de Louvain, 42ᔉ annĂ©e, fasc. 4, 2011. pp. 614-615