823 research outputs found

    Thulium and ytterbium-doped titanium oxide thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis

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    Thin films of thulium and ytterbium-doped titanium oxide were grown by metal-organic spray pyrolysis deposition from titanium(IV)oxide bis(acetylacetonate), thulium(III) tris(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate) and ytterbium(III) tris(acetylacetonate). Deposition temperatures have been investigated from 300{\deg}C to 600{\deg}C. Films have been studied regarding their crystallity and doping quality. Structural and composition characterisations of TiO2:Tm,Yb were performed by electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The deposition rate can reach 0.8 \mum/h. The anatase phase of TiO2 was obtained after synthesis at 400{\deg}C or higher. Organic contamination at low deposition temperature is eliminated by annealing treatments.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    First year nursing students use of social media within education: results of a survey

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    Introduction – Social media rapidly disseminates information but is a controversial learning platform in nurse education. This study aimed to explore how students viewed the use of Twitter, and other social media, in their first year of a nursing degree. Aim - The aim of this study was to evaluate first year student nurses’ use of social media, before and after commencing a pre-registration programme, where Twitter was used in a module Methodology – A cross-sectional approach using a descriptive survey was completed. Methods – An online survey, that included Likert scale and open questions, was open for one month in 2016 Sample – All students on Nursing Undergraduate Degrees, in Adult, Child and Mental Health, who were in the first year of their programme were eligible to participate. 121 students took part with a response rate of 32%. Results –Most students were positive about using social media as they found it an engaging way to promote discussion and share information. Students use of Twitter changed in the first year with 19.8% using it once or more per week on commencement of the programme which increased to 45.5%; other social media platforms remained static. Most students (57.8%) understood the purpose of using Twitter although 14% reported that it was not used within their module; thus, not all students gained experience of using the social media. 81% of students said that using Twitter had been beneficial to increase awareness of nursing issues within their course. However, there were areas that students found difficult such as time, and not knowing what to say. Conclusion –The study suggests that teaching about social media, and incorporating it into learning activities, may be beneficial for students. However, more research into the subject using an experimental design to assess changes over time would be useful

    An integrated study of microstructural, geochemical, and seismic properties of the lithospheric mantle above the Kerguelen plume (Indian Ocean)

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    International audiencePeridotite xenoliths brought up to the surface by the volcanism of the Kerguelen Islands represent a mantle that has been affected by a high degree of partial melting followed by intense melt percolation above the Kerguelen plume. These xenoliths are therefore particularly suitable to investigate effects of melt-rock interaction on crystallographic fabrics (lattice-preferred orientation (LPO)) of peridotite minerals and on the LPO-induced seismic properties of peridotites above a mantle plume. We have studied a suite of 16 ultramafic samples representative of different degrees of partial melting and magma-rock interaction among which the protogranular harzburgites are the least metasomatised xenoliths and dunites are the ultimate stage of metasomatism. Olivine LPO is characterized by high concentration of [010] axes perpendicular to the foliation and [100] axes close to the lineation or distributed in the foliation plane in harzburgites, whereas the high concentration of [100] axes is parallel to the lineation and [010] axes is perpendicular to the assumed foliation in dunites. Olivine LPO in harzburgites is interpreted as being due to a deformation regime in axial compression or transpression. The fabric strength of olivine decreases progressively from protogranular to poikilitic harzburgites and finally to dunites, for which it remains nevertheless significant (J index 3.8). Seismic properties calculated from LPO of minerals indicate that metasomatism at higher melt/rock ratio lowers the P wave velocities. The most significant difference between harzburgites and dunites corresponds to the distribution of S wave anisotropy. Harzburgites display the maximum of anisotropy within the foliation plane and the minimum of anisotropy perpendicular to the foliation plane, whereas the lowest anisotropy is parallel to the lineation for dunites. These modifications of seismic properties as a result of metasomatic processes may induce seismic heterogeneities in the mantle above the Kerguelen plume. In addition, assuming a lithospheric mantle primarily harzburgitic and structured with a horizontal foliation, the seismic properties calculated for the Kerguelen xenoliths reconcile the rather high anisotropy evidenced by the horizontally propagating surface waves with the apparent isotropy revealed by the absence of splitting of vertically propagating teleseismic SKS waves recorded by the GEOSCOPE Kerguelen station

    Location of the Energy Levels of the Rare-Earth Ion in BaF2 and CdF2

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    The location of the energy levels of rare-earth (RE) elements in the energy band diagram of BaF2 and CdF2 crystals is determined. The role of RE3+ and RE2+ ions in the capture of charge carriers, luminescence, and the formation of radiation defects is evaluated. It is shown that the substantial difference in the luminescence properties of BaF2:RE and CdF2:RE is associated with the location of the excited energy levels in the band diagram of the crystals

    Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the olivine diogenite NWA 4255: new insights into the magmatic evolution of asteroid 4 Vesta

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    Northwest Africa (NWA) 4255 is a meteorite found in the region of Tindouf (southwestern Algeria), classified as brecciated olivine diogenite. Based on textural observations and orthopyroxene compositions, two different lithologies were determined: harzburgitic and orthopyroxenitic. The orthopyroxenitic lithology contains orthopyroxene (Mg no. 73.99–75.68) and spinel (Cr no. 83.09–85.11, Mg no. 15.57–22.45). On the other hand, the harzburgitic lithology contains orthopyroxene (Mg no. 74.54–77.14) and olivine (Mg no. 70.94–72.57). The iron metal and the sulfides (Troilites) of this sample are present in both lithologies and are low in Ni (Ni < 0.1 wt%). The Fe/Mn ratio of orthopyroxenes ranges from 22.28 to 32.64 and show a large overlap between both lithologies. Lowest ratios are unusual; they are below the defined field for diogenites and olivine diogenites. ∆17O values are − 0.234 ± 0.003 (1σ) and confirm that the NWA 4255 originated from 4Vesta. The results of this study show that there is a genetic linkage between the two lithologies of NWA 4255 and correspond to in situ crystallization processes. This olivine diogenite reflects transition between two major magmatic processes in 4Vesta. The magma ocean of 4Vesta crystallized at equilibrium, allowing the formation of a dunitic and harzburgitic mantle. This late lithology is linked to the peritectic reaction between the olivines formed and the evolved liquid. Our sample then reflects this crucial step of separating this mantle from the residual liquid. This melt evolving on the peritectic allowed the formation of the observed harzburgitic assemblage and then evolves out from the peritectic reaction to proceed to a fractional crystallization process involving the formation of orthopyroxenite

    Análisis de imágenes satelitales con R: patrones espaciales de la correlación cruzada de series temporales de imágenes Modis de temperatura y productividad vegetal

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    R se perfila como uno de los entornos más completos para realizar análisis de datos espacio-temporales de grandes bases de datos abiertos satelitales. Presentamos un ejemplo de análisis de series temporales de productos MODIS para identificar áreas con distinto patrón de funcionamiento ecológico, usando medidas de correlación cruzada de series de tiempo y agrupamiento con redes neuronales autoorganizadas.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Análisis de imágenes satelitales con R: patrones espaciales de la correlación cruzada de series temporales de imágenes Modis de temperatura y productividad vegetal

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    R se perfila como uno de los entornos más completos para realizar análisis de datos espacio-temporales de grandes bases de datos abiertos satelitales. Presentamos un ejemplo de análisis de series temporales de productos MODIS para identificar áreas con distinto patrón de funcionamiento ecológico, usando medidas de correlación cruzada de series de tiempo y agrupamiento con redes neuronales autoorganizadas.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Análisis de imágenes satelitales con R: patrones espaciales de la correlación cruzada de series temporales de imágenes Modis de temperatura y productividad vegetal

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    R se perfila como uno de los entornos más completos para realizar análisis de datos espacio-temporales de grandes bases de datos abiertos satelitales. Presentamos un ejemplo de análisis de series temporales de productos MODIS para identificar áreas con distinto patrón de funcionamiento ecológico, usando medidas de correlación cruzada de series de tiempo y agrupamiento con redes neuronales autoorganizadas.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Evaluation of onset, cessation and seasonal precipitation of the Southeast Asia rainy season in CMIP5 regional climate models and HighResMIP global climate models

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    Representing the rainy season of the maritime continent is a challenge for global and regional climate models. Here, we compare regional climate models (RCMs) based on the coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 (CMIP5) model generation with high-resolution global climate models with a comparable spatial resolution from the HighResMIP experiment. The onset and the total precipitation of the rainy season for both model experiments are compared against observational datasets for Southeast Asia. A realistic representation of the monsoon rainfall is essential for agriculture in Southeast Asia as a delayed onset jeopardizes the possibility of having three annual crops. In general, the coupled historical runs (Hist-1950) and the historical force atmosphere run (HighresSST) of the high-resolution model intercomparison project (HighResMIP) suite were consistently closer to the observations than the RCM of CMIP5 used in this study. We find that for the whole of Southeast Asia, the HighResMIP models simulate the onset date and the total precipitation of the rainy season over the region closer to the observations than the other model sets used in this study. High-resolution models in the HighresSST experiment showed a similar performance to their low-resolution equivalents in simulating the monsoon characteristics. The HighresSST experiment simulated the anomaly of the onset date and the total precipitation for different El Niño-southern oscillation conditions best, although the magnitude of the onset date anomaly was underestimated. © 2021 The Authors. International Journal of Climatology published by John Wiley Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Meteorological Society
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