1,520 research outputs found

    Oulun luonnon monimuotoisuus, VILMO - Viheralueverkosto ja luonnon monimuotoisuus

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    Add-on therapy options in asthma not adequately controlled by inhaled corticosteroids: a comprehensive review

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    Many patients with persistent asthma can be controlled with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). However, a considerable proportion of patients remain symptomatic, despite the use of ICS. We present systematically evidence that supports the different treatment options. A literature search was made of Medline/PubMed to identify randomised and blinded trials. To demonstrate the benefit that can be obtained by increasing the dose of ICS, dose-response studies with at least three different ICS doses were identified. To demonstrate whether more benefit can be obtained by adding long-acting β(2)-agonist (LABA), leukotriene antagonist (LTRA) or theophylline than by increasing the dose of ICS, studies comparing these options were identified. Thirdly, studies comparing the different "add-on" options were identified. The addition of a LABA is more effective than increasing the dose of ICS in improving asthma control. By increasing the dose of ICS, clinical improvement is likely to be of small magnitude. Addition of a LTRA or theophylline to the treatment regimen appears to be equivalent to doubling the dose of ICS. Addition of a LABA seems to be superior to an LTRA in improving lung function. However, addition of LABA and LTRA may be equal with respect to asthma exacerbations. However, more and longer studies are needed to better clarify the role of LTRAs and theophylline as add-on therapies

    Size and distance estimation in virtual reality

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    Abstract. Interest in virtual reality (VR) has been on the rise in the recent few years. However, it is difficult to create virtual environments which provide realistic perception of scale for their users. We wanted to study how humans perceive scale in VR and ways to improve VR scale perception. We did a pilot test to see how design choices affect distance and height estimation in VR. For pilot tests we had nine test participants. Based on the experience gathered from the pilot test, we designed the main test. For the main test we had 44 participants. The main test showed similar results for distance estimating as earlier studies. Humans underestimated distances and heights in VR. Having a familiar size object cue, a VR model of a milk carton, next to the object improved height estimations.Koon ja etäisyyden arviointi virtuaalitodellisuudessa. Tiivistelmä. Kiinnostus virtuaalitodellisuuteen (VT) on ollut kasvavaa muutaman viime vuoden aikana. On kuitenkin vaikeaa tehdä virtuaalinen ympäristö, joka luo käyttäjilleen luonnollisen aistimuksen mittakaavasta. Halusimme tutkia, miten ihmiset hahmottavat skaalaa VR:ssä ja kuinka sitä voi parantaa. Teimme pilottitestejä, jotta näkisimme kuinka erilaiset suunnittelupäätökset vaikuttavat etäisyyden ja korkeuden arviointiin virtuaalitodellisuudessa. Pilottitesteissä oli yhdeksän osallistujaa. Pilottitestien pohjalta teimme laajemman testin, jossa hyödynsimme pilottitesteistä saatuja kokemuksia. Laajemmassa testissä oli 44 osallistujaa. Tämä testi tuotti samankaltaisia tuloksia etäisyyden arvioinnissa kuin aikaisemmat tutkimukset. Ihmiset aliarvioivat etäisyyksiä ja korkeuksia virtuaalitodellisuudessa. Kun esineen vieressä oli tunnetun kokoinen esine, maitopurkin virtuaalimalli, korkeuden arviointi parani

    Pilvipohjaisten palvelinalustojen vertailu matkapuhelinverkon tukiaseman toiminnassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli mitata kahden eri sukupolven RM-18- ja RM-20-palvelinalustojen eroavaisuuksia matkapuhelinverkon tukiasemien toiminnassa. Päämääränä oli selvittää, minkälaisia parannuksia uudemman sukupolven RM-20-palvelimeen on saatu verrattuna RM-18-malliin. Tätä ennen työssä syvennyttiin pilviverkon toimintaan ja rakenteeseen sekä sen mahdollistaviin teknologioihin.Comparison of cloud-based server platforms in the operation of mobile network base stations. Abstract. The purpose of this work was to measure the differences between two different generations of server platforms, RM-18 and RM-20. The aim was to determine what improvements have been made to the next generation RM-20 server compared to the RM-18 model. Prior to this, the work delved into the operation and structure of cloud networks and the technologies that enable them

    Mode switching dynamics in organic polariton lasing

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    Funding: AJM and PT acknowledge support by the Academy of Finland under project numbers 303351, 307419, 327293, 318987 (QuantERA project RouTe), 318937 (PROFI), and 320167 (Flagship Programme, Photonics Research and Innovation (PREIN)), and by Centre for Quantum Engineering (CQE) at Aalto University. AJM acknowledges financial support by the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation and ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship. KBA and JK acknowledge financial support from EPSRC program “Hybrid Polaritonics” (EP/M025330/1). KBA acknowledges support from The RSE Saltire Research Award.We study the dynamics of multimode polariton lasing in organic microcavities by using a second-order cumulant equation approach. By inspecting the time evolution of the photon mode occupations, we show that if multiple lasing peaks are observed in time-integrated mode occupations, the reason can be either bi-modal lasing or temporal switching between several modes. The former takes place within a narrow range of parameters while the latter occurs more widely. We find that the origin of the temporal switching is different in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. At weak coupling slope efficiency is the determining factor, while for strong coupling it is changes in the eigenmodes and gain spectrum upon pumping. This difference is revealed by investigating the photoluminescence and momentum-resolved gain spectra. Our results underscore the importance of understanding the time evolution of the populations when characterizing the lasing behaviour of a multimode polariton system, and show how these features differ between weak and strong coupling.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Pyrazine-Fused Triterpenoids Block the TRPA1 Ion Channel in Vitro and Inhibit TRPA1-Mediated Acute Inflammation in Vivo

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    TRPA1 is a nonselective cation channel, most famously expressed in nonmyelinated nociceptors. In addition to being an important chemical and mechanical pain sensor, TRPA1 has more recently appeared to have a role also in inflammation. Triterpenoids are natural products with anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects in experimental models. In this paper, 13 novel triterpenoids were created by synthetically modifying betulin, an abundant triterpenoid of the genus Betula L., and their TRPA1-modulating properties were examined. The Fluo 3-AM protocol was used in the initial screening, in which six of the 14 tested triterpenoids inhibited TRPA1 in a statistically significant manner. In subsequent whole-cell patch clamp recordings, the two most effective compounds (pyrazine-fused triterpenoids 8 and 9) displayed a reversible and dose- and voltage-dependent effect to block the TRPA1 ion channel at submicromolar concentrations. Interestingly, the TRPA1 blocking action was also evident in vivo, as compounds 8 and 9 both alleviated TRPA1 agonist-induced acute paw inflammation in mice. The results introduce betulin-derived pyrazine-fused triterpenoids as promising novel antagonists of TRPA1 that are potentially useful in treating diseases with a TRPA1-mediated adverse component

    Spatial and Temporal Coherence in Strongly Coupled Plasmonic Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We report first-order spatial and temporal correlations in strongly coupled plasmonic Bose-Einstein condensates. The condensate is large, more than twenty times the intrinsic spatial coherence length of the polaritons and hundred times the healing length, making plasmonic lattices an attractive platform for studying long-range spatial correlations in two dimensions. We find that both spatial and temporal coherence display non-exponential decay; the results suggest power-law or stretched exponential behaviour with different exponents for spatial and temporal correlation decays.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    A Genetic Algorithm solver for pest management control in Island systems

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    Island conservation management is a truly multidisciplinary problem that requires considerable knowledge of the characteristics of the ecosystem, species and their interactions. Nevertheless, this can be translated into an optimisation problem. Essentially, within a limited budget, a manager needs to select the conservation actions according to expected payoffs (in terms of protecting or restoring desired species) versus cost (the amount of resources/money) required for the actions. This paper presents the problem in terms of a knapsack formulation and develops optimisation techniques to solve it. From this, decision-support software is being developed, tailored to meet the needs of pest control on islands for conservation managers. The solver uses a Genetic Algorithm and incorporates a simplified model of the problem. The solver derives strategies that reduce the number of threats, allowing the preservation of desired species. However, the problem model needs further refinement to derive truly realistic options for conservation managers