388 research outputs found

    Le collĂšge comme espace de structuration des bandes d’adolescents dans les quartiers populaires : le poids de la sĂ©grĂ©gation scolaire

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse Ă  la place du collĂšge comme espace de structuration des bandes d’adolescents dans les quartiers populaires. L’étude de la rĂ©partition des Ă©lĂšves membres de bandes sur deux ans fait apparaĂźtre leur concentration dans un nombre trĂšs limitĂ© de classes de l’établissement. La mise en place de cette politique aboutit Ă  une forme de sĂ©grĂ©gation interne qui participe fortement Ă  la construction d’une expĂ©rience collĂ©gienne douloureuse marquĂ©e par une dĂ©tĂ©rioration du climat scolaire et une Ă©thnicisation des rapports scolaires fortement structurants pour les bandes d’adolescents.This article addresses the role of the “college” (junior high school) as a place in which gangs of teenagers are structured in working-class districts. A study of the distribution of pupils who were gang members over two years showed that they were concentrated in a very limited number of classes in the school. The introduction of this policy leads to a form of internal segregation which plays a powerful role in constructing a painful school experience marked by a deterioration of the school climate and an ethnicisation of school relations which contribute greatly to the formation of youth gangs.Este artĂ­culo se interesa por el lugar del colegio como espacio de estructuraciĂłn de las pandillas de adolescentes en los barrios populares. El estudio de la reparticiĂłn de los alumnos miembros de una pandilla durante dos años pone de manifiesto su concentraciĂłn en un nĂșmero muy limitado de clases del establecimiento. La instalaciĂłn de esta polĂ­tica conduce a una forma de segregaciĂłn interna que participa intensamente en la construcciĂłn de una experiencia colegial dolorosa marcada por una deterioraciĂłn del clima escolar y una etnicizaciĂłn de las relaciones escolares fuertemente estructurantes para las pandillas de adolescentes.* Das CollĂšge betrifft in Frankreich alle SchĂŒler zwischen 11 und 15 und entspricht etwa den Klassen 6 bis 9 im deutschen Schulsystem.Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Platz des CollĂšge als Feld der Strukturierung fĂŒr Jugendlichenbanden in Arbeitervierteln. Eine zwei Jahre lange Untersuchung ĂŒber die Verteilung der SchĂŒler, die Mitglieder einer solchen Bande sind, lĂ€sst erkennen, dass sie sich in einer geringen Anzahl von Klassen konzentrieren. Diese Politik fĂŒhrt zu einer Form der internen Trennung, die zum grĂ¶ĂŸten Teil zur Bildung einer negativen Erfahrung am CollĂšge beitrĂ€gt, die von einer Verschlechterung des Schulklimas und von einer Verethnisierung der Schulbeziehungen geprĂ€gt sind, beide Faktoren ĂŒben wiederum starken Einfluß auf die Strukturierung der Jugendlichenbanden

    Determining Physical Mechanisms of Gene Expression Regulation from Single Cell Gene Expression Data.

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    Many genes are expressed in bursts, which can contribute to cell-to-cell heterogeneity. It is now possible to measure this heterogeneity with high throughput single cell gene expression assays (single cell qPCR and RNA-seq). These experimental approaches generate gene expression distributions which can be used to estimate the kinetic parameters of gene expression bursting, namely the rate that genes turn on, the rate that genes turn off, and the rate of transcription. We construct a complete pipeline for the analysis of single cell qPCR data that uses the mathematics behind bursty expression to develop more accurate and robust algorithms for analyzing the origin of heterogeneity in experimental samples, specifically an algorithm for clustering cells by their bursting behavior (Simulated Annealing for Bursty Expression Clustering, SABEC) and a statistical tool for comparing the kinetic parameters of bursty expression across populations of cells (Estimation of Parameter changes in Kinetics, EPiK). We applied these methods to hematopoiesis, including a new single cell dataset in which transcription factors (TFs) involved in the earliest branchpoint of blood differentiation were individually up- and down-regulated. We could identify two unique sub-populations within a seemingly homogenous group of hematopoietic stem cells. In addition, we could predict regulatory mechanisms controlling the expression levels of eighteen key hematopoietic transcription factors throughout differentiation. Detailed information about gene regulatory mechanisms can therefore be obtained simply from high throughput single cell gene expression data, which should be widely applicable given the rapid expansion of single cell genomics.This work was supported by: Royal Society Research Fellowship, Marshall Scholarship, Medical Research Council, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and core support grants from the Wellcome Trust to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and the Wellcome Trust and MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Public Library of Science via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100507

    Seeking out the Remote and the Divine: Story Paradigms Shaping Second Sophistic 'Lives'

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    This thesis arose from the observation that two sorts of journeys commonly described in Second Sophistic literature – to religious and, in particular, oracular sites, and to the 'end of the earth' – are rarely considered together, although they have in common the liminal nature of their destinations. Like oracular sites, the boundaries of the earth were numinous, closer to the gods than the places we know, their inhabitants superior or in touch with the divine. The thesis proposes that, and explores the ways in which, tales of journeys of both kinds were regularly used by Second Sophistic writers to assert – or deny – the superior or even divine nature of their protagonists. Here, 'Second Sophistic writers' are identified simply as writers active in the period c. 60-230 CE

    Generation of multipotent foregut stem cells from human pluripotent stem cells

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) could provide an infinite source of clinically relevant cells with potential applications in regenerative medicine. However, hPSC lines vary in their capacity to generate specialized cells, and the development of universal protocols for the production of tissue-specific cells remains a major challenge. Here, we have addressed this limitation for the endodermal lineage by developing a defined culture system to expand and differentiate human foregut stem cells (hFSCs) derived from hPSCs. hFSCs can self-renew while maintaining their capacity to differentiate into pancreatic and hepatic cells. Furthermore, near-homogenous populations of hFSCs can be obtained from hPSC lines which are normally refractory to endodermal differentiation. Therefore, hFSCs provide a unique approach to bypass variability between pluripotent lines in order to obtain a sustainable source of multipotent endoderm stem cells for basic studies and to produce a diversity of endodermal derivatives with a clinical value

    Reconstructing Gene Regulatory Networks That Control Hematopoietic Commitment.

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside at the apex of the hematopoietic hierarchy, possessing the ability to self-renew and differentiate toward all mature blood lineages. Along with more specialized progenitor cells, HSCs have an essential role in maintaining a healthy blood system. Incorrect regulation of cell fate decisions in stem/progenitor cells can lead to an imbalance of mature blood cell populations-a situation seen in diseases such as leukemia. Transcription factors, acting as part of complex regulatory networks, are known to play an important role in regulating hematopoietic cell fate decisions. Yet, discovering the interactions present in these networks remains a big challenge. Here, we discuss a computational method that uses single-cell gene expression data to reconstruct Boolean gene regulatory network models and show how this technique can be applied to enhance our understanding of transcriptional regulation in hematopoiesis.Work in the author’s laboratory is supported by grants from the Wellcome, Bloodwise, Cancer Research UK, NIH-NIDDK and core support grants by the Wellcome to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Wellcome & MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. F.K.H. is a recipient of a Medical Research Council PhD Studentship

    DĂ©veloppement d’un appareil portable de diffraction et fluorescence des rayons X pour l’analyse non-destructive des Ɠuvres d’art

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    Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, l’impulsion de contrats europĂ©ens a entraĂźnĂ© le C2RMF dans la conception et la construction d’un appareil portable de fluorescence et diffraction des rayons X (FRX-DRX). Les choix techniques concernant la source et les dĂ©tecteurs ont conduit Ă  un appareil robuste, qui a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© dans de nombreux pays d’Europe, Ă  la source d’une trentaine de publications dans des revues scientifiques.In the early 2000s, the stimulus of European contracts led the C2RMF teams to design and build a portable X-ray diffraction/X-ray fluorescence (XRD/XRF) device. The technical choices made concerning the source and detectors resulted in a robust device, which has been used in several European countries and produced about thirty or so articles published in scientific journals
