101 research outputs found

    On local quasi efficient solutions for nonsmooth vector optimization

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    We are interested in local quasi efficient solutions for nonsmooth vector optimization problems under new generalized approximate invexity assumptions. We formulate necessary and sufficient optimality conditions based on Stampacchia and Minty types of vector variational inequalities involving Clarke's generalized Jacobians. We also establish the relationship between local quasi weak efficient solutions and vector critical points

    Design of a compact hexagonal structured dual band MIMO antenna using orthogonal polarization for WLAN and satellite applications

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    In this paper, a compact dual band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system for WLAN and X-band satellite applications (2.4/9.8 GHz respectively) is proposed. On the top face of the substrate, two antenna elements with a size of 20 × 24 mm2 are placed side by side and fed with matched orthogonal micro-strip lines. The two antenna elements have orthogonal polarization which can reduce the mutual coupling between its ports. The designed antenna system is fabricated and measured to validate the simulation results. The impedance bandwidths are about 370 MHz (2.19 to 2.56 GHz) and 630 MHz (9.44 to 10.07 GHz), while the obtained isolation is greater than 14 dB at the operating bands. Furthermore, the envelope correlation is less than 0.052 and 0.008 at 2.4 and 9.8 GHz, respectively. Hence the diversity gain is higher than 9.98 in the frequency bands of interest

    Mise en évidence de téphrites à néphéline syntectoniques dans le bassin cambrien de Sidi Saïd Maâchou (Meseta côtière, Maroc); signification géodynamique

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    Based on a combined structural, petrographic, and geochemical analysis, a new interpretation of the basic magmatism of Sidi Saïd Maâchou (coastal Meseta) in two stages of emplacement is proposed. The first stage is characterized by transitional pyroclastic flows that have accompanied the opening of the West-Mesetian basin, during the Cambrian; the second stage is made of dykes of basalts, dolerites, and tephrites bearing nepheline. The emplacement of this undersaturated alkaline magma is associated to a sinistral submeridian shear zone which has been activated at the end of the Caledonian orogenesis, by a mantellic advection.Basée sur des critères structuraux, pétrographiques et géochimiques, une réinterprétation du magmatisme basique de Sidi Saîd Maâchou (meseta côtière) en deux stades de mise en place est proposée. Le premier stade est caractérisé par des coulées pyroclastiques transitionnelles accompagnant l’ouverture du bassin ouest mésétien au Cambrien. Le second stade, de nature fissural, comprend des basaltes, dolérites et téphrites à néphéline spécifiques d’un magmatisme alcalin sous-saturé. La mise en place de ce dernier est associée à un couloir de cisaillement senestre subméridien activé à la fin de l’orogenèse calédonienne, engendrant un flux géothermique élevé

    A TLM Formulation Based on Fractional Derivatives for Dispersive Cole-Cole Media

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    An auxiliary differential equation (ADE) transmission line method (TLM) is proposed for broadband modeling of electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in biological tissues with the Cole-Cole dispersion Model. The fractional derivative problem is surmounted by assuming a linear behavior of the polarization current when the time discretization is short enough. The polarization current density is approached using Lagrange extrapolation polynomial and the fractional derivation is obtained according to Riemann definition of a fractional α-order derivative. Reflection coefficients at an air/muscle and air/fat tissues interfaces simulated in a 1-D domain are found to be in good agreement with those obtained from the analytic model over a broad frequency range, demonstrating the validity of the proposed approach

    Anévrisme de l’artère splénique rompu dans l’estomac: traitement chirurgical après échec d’une tentative d’embolisation

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    L'anévrisme de l'artère splénique (AAS) est une entité pathologique rare le plus souvent asymptomatique. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient âgéde 60 ans, hypertendu qui s'est présenté aux urgences pour un épisode d'hématémèse sans retentissement hémodynamique. Un bilan completcomportant un Angioscanner abdominal a mis en évidence un anévrisme de l'artère splénique refoulant la paroi postérieure de l'estomac en avant.Le diagnostic d'anévrisme de l'artère splénique rompu dans l'estomac a été posé et un traitement endovasculaire à type d'embolisation par coilseffectué. Au 5ème jour post embolisation, le patient nous a été référé pour une persistance de mélénas. Un traitement chirurgical a été décidé. Lamise à plat de l'anévrisme a permis d'évacuer les coils et le thrombus. L'objectif de cette observation est de montrer que l'embolisation d'un AASrompu dans l'estomac a été une cause de retard thérapeutique qui pourrait être fatal pour le patient. Le traitement de référence est la cure chirurgicale de l'AAS par voie conventionnelle sans rétablissement de la continuité  artérielle splénique, sans splénectomie et avec suture de l'orifice digestif

    Mapping the pollution plume using the self-potential geophysical method: case of Oum Azza Landfill, Rabat, Morocco

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    The main landfill in the city of Rabat (Morocco) is based on sandy material containing the shallow Mio-Pliocene aquifer. The presence of a pollution plume is likely, but its extent is not known. Measurements of spontaneous potential (SP) from the soil surface were cross-referenced with direct measurements of the water table and leachates (pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity) according to the available accesses, as well as with an analysis of the landscape and the water table flows. With a few precautions during data acquisition on this resistive terrain, the results made it possible to separate the electrokinetic (~30%) and electrochemical (~70%) components responsible for the range of potentials observed (70 mV). The plume is detected in the hydrogeological downstream of the discharge, but is captured by the natural drainage network and does not extend further under the hills.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Cystic Pneumatosis or pneumatises cystoides of small intestine is a rare affection. Its defined by the existence of gas is found in the digestive tract wall. This affection can be primitive or more often associated to systematic intestinal inflammatory diseases. The signs of this affection are not specific and most of cases are discovered incidentally during surgery or endoscopies. The diagnosis is based on radiological findings. The treatment, however, remains conservative because of the benignity of this disease. The prognosis is conditioned by the underlying disease. We report two cases of cystic Pneumatosis of the small intestine associated to ulcer pyloric stenosis, and we discuss through these cases all diagnosis and therapeutic features of this disease.La Pneumatose kystique intestinale (PKG) est une affection rare, définie par la présence de gaz dans la paroi du tube digestif. Elle peut être primitive ou le plus souvent associée à des maladies inflammatoires systémiques du tube digestif. Symptomatologie non spécifique, parfois de découverte fortuite. Le diagnostic est porté sur la radiologie.  Le traitement est essentiellement  conservateur vu la bénignité de l’affection. Le pronostic étant conditionné par la maladie sous-jacente. Nous rapportons deux cas de pneumatose kystiques intestinale associé à une sténose bulbaire sur ulcère.  A partir de ces deux cas nous avons discuté les éléments du diagnostiques Et l’attitude thérapeutique généralement conservatrice

    Current Opinion and Practice on Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Management: The North African Perspective.

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    The status of peritoneal surface malignancy (PSM) management in North Africa is undetermined. The aim of this study was to assess and compare current practice and knowledge regarding PSM and examine satisfaction with available treatment options and need for alternative therapies in North Africa. This is a qualitative study involving specialists participating in PSM management in North Africa. The survey analyzed demographic characteristics and current knowledge and opinions regarding PSM management in different institutions. We also looked at goals and priorities, satisfaction with treatment modalities and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) usefulness according to specialty, country, years of experience, and activity sector. One-hundred and three participants responded to the survey (response rate of 57%), including oncologists and surgeons. 59.2% of respondents had more than 10 years experience and 45.6% treated 20-50 PSM cases annually. Participants satisfaction with PSM treatment modalities was mild for gastric cancer (3/10 [IQR 2-3]) and moderate for colorectal (5/10 [IQR 3-5]), ovarian (5/10 [IQR 3-5]), and pseudomyxoma peritonei (5/10 [IQR 3-5]) type of malignancies. Good quality of life and symptom relief were rated as main priorities for treatment and the need for new treatment modalities was rated 9/10 [IQR 8-9]. The perceived usefulness of systemic chemotherapy in first intention was described as high by 42.7 and 39.8% of respondents for PSM of colorectal and gastric origins, while HIPEC was described as highly useful for ovarian (49.5%) and PMP (73.8) malignancies. The management of PSM in the North African region has distinct differences in knowledge, treatments availability and priorities. Disparities are also noted according to specialty, country, years of expertise, and activity sector. The creation of referral structures and PSM networks could be a step forward to standardized PSM management in the region

    Effect of bark stripping on the electrical impedance of quercus suber leaves

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    This study examined the effect of bark stripping on the electrical impedance parameters of cork oak young leaves between 40Hz and 100 kHz. This was a new application of the electrical impedances spectroscopy (EIS) in plant science. Various stripping coefficients (CD) were applied on the trees. Bark stripping is expected to affect water metabolism of leaves and therefore changes in the EIS parameters are expected as well. Single-DCE (ZARC) model was used as equivalent circuit for leaves. Several electrophysiological parameters of this model were compared with moisture content (MC) of the leaves. Intracellular resistance (Ri), extracellular resistance (Re) and relaxation time (τ) of the leaves increased during 14 days aft er stripping while the distributed coefficient (Ψ) and MC decreased. Signifi cant correlation between EIS parameters, MC and trees treatments were found

    Predictive model of biliocystic communication in liver hydatid cysts using classification and regression tree analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Incidence of liver hydatid cyst (LHC) rupture ranged 15%-40% of all cases and most of them concern the bile duct tree. Patients with biliocystic communication (BCC) had specific clinic and therapeutic aspect. The purpose of this study was to determine witch patients with LHC may develop BCC using classification and regression tree (CART) analysis</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective study of 672 patients with liver hydatid cyst treated at the surgery department "A" at Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat Morocco. Four-teen risk factors for BCC occurrence were entered into CART analysis to build an algorithm that can predict at the best way the occurrence of BCC.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><b>I</b>ncidence of BCC was 24.5%. Subgroups with high risk were patients with jaundice and thick pericyst risk at 73.2% and patients with thick pericyst, with no jaundice 36.5 years and younger with no past history of LHC risk at 40.5%. Our developed CART model has sensitivity at 39.6%, specificity at 93.3%, positive predictive value at 65.6%, a negative predictive value at 82.6% and accuracy of good classification at 80.1%. Discriminating ability of the model was good 82%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>we developed a simple classification tool to identify LHC patients with high risk BCC during a routine clinic visit (only on clinical history and examination followed by an ultrasonography). Predictive factors were based on pericyst aspect, jaundice, age, past history of liver hydatidosis and morphological Gharbi cyst aspect. We think that this classification can be useful with efficacy to direct patients at appropriated medical struct's.</p