102 research outputs found

    Evidence based approach to unani contraceptives: a review

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    Contraception is a process or technique for preventing pregnancy by means of medication, device or method that blocks or alters one or more of the processes of reproduction in such a way that sexual union can occur without impregnation. Promotion of family planning is central to the World Health Organization work on improving maternal health & is core to achieve the Millennium Development Goal. It is estimated that 90% of abortion related and 20% of pregnancy related morbidity and mortality, could be prevented by the use of effective contraception. Population explosion is the leading cause of poverty and pollution in developing countries which has detrimental effect on the life supporting system. Hence it is necessary to control the population by the use of contraceptives. Available contraceptives in conventional medicines have many adverse effects. Therefore, there is a need for research of newer, less expensive, less toxic, self-administered, completely reversible contraceptives. Much of these properties are observed in contraceptives as mentioned in classical Unani text. Unani physician has mentioned the various medicines & techniques of contraceptives. Scientific research has confirmed the efficacy of most of the herbal drugs like Ruta graveolans (Suddab), Juniperus communis (Abhal), Piper longum (Filfil daraz), Mentha arvensis (Pudina), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Punica granatum (Anar), Alium cepa (Piyaz) and Daucus carota (wild carrot) etc. Therefore, the aim of this article is to review the ancient concept of contraception in Unani System of Medicine in the light of available scientific research

    Awareness of geriatric welfare services among rural elderly population

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    Background: Elderly population suffers from income loss, decreased social role and increased dependence along with physical and mental problems associated with ageing. Geriatric welfare services are aimed to address this problem related to old age. The main focus of the existing geriatric welfare services are below the poverty line elderly population. However, the benefit from these services can be obtained if elderly population have awareness about these welfare services. Main objective of the study was to study the awareness regarding geriatric welfare services among rural elderly population and its association with gender.Methods: Community based cross- sectional study was carried out at field practice area of Rural Health Training Centre, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India by using systematic random sampling with probability proportionate to size among 225 rural elderly individuals using pretested and predesigned questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS 20. Chi square test was used. P value <0.05 was considered significant.Results: Among the geriatric welfare services 28.9% were aware of the social security schemes, 84% were aware of the special govt. facilities, 35.6% were aware of the health insurance schemes. Males had significant higher awareness of geriatric welfare services than the females.Conclusions: The study revealed that awareness of geriatric welfare services among rural elderly population was very low that needs to be addressed to improve utilization of these services.

    Chronic insertional achilles tendon ruptures treated by suture anchor repair and augmentation with flexor hallucis longus tendon transfer

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    Background: Different surgical procedures have been used for treatment of chronic ruptures of the Achilles tendon with varying results. This study assesses the functional outcomes and complications of chronic insertional tears of Achilles tendon.Methods: 10 patients with chronic ruptures of the Achilles tendon were followed for a mean period of 10.3 months. Only ruptures at or near (within 1 cm) insertion were included. They were treated by direct repair of tendon to calcaneum by suture anchor. Flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon transfer fixed to calcaneal tunnel with an interference screw was used to augment the repair.Results: Outcome was assessed by AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot (AHS) score. The mean preoperative score of 41.2 improved to 85.4 at final follow-up out of a total 100 points. We achieved excellent results in 80% and good outcome in 20% cases. No re-ruptures were noted. Conclusions: In insertional chronic ruptures of Achilles tendon, FHL transfer to calcaneum with interference screw fixation and repair of Achilles tendon with suture anchor is a reliable technique with good outcome and is recommended

    Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels

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    Cell-free large-scale multi-user MIMO is a promising technology for the 5G-and-beyond mobile communication networks. Scalable signal processing is the key challenge in achieving the benefits of cell-free systems. This study examines a distributed approach for cell-free deployment with user-centric configuration and finite fronthaul capacity. Moreover, the impact of scaling the pilot length, the number of access points (APs), and the number of antennas per AP on the achievable average spectral efficiency are investigated. Using the dynamic cooperative clustering (DCC) technique and large-scale fading decoding process, we derive an approximation of the signal-tointerference-plus-noise ratio in the criteria of two local combining schemes: Local-Partial Regularized Zero Forcing (RZF) and Local Maximum Ratio (MR). The results indicate that distributed approaches in the cell-free system have the advantage of decreasing the fronthaul signaling and the computing complexity. The results also show that the Local-Partial RZF provides the highest average spectral efficiency among all the distributed combining schemes because the computational complexity of the Local-Partial RZF is independent of the UTs. Therefore, it does not grow as the number of user terminals (UTs) increases

    Spontaneous Ventral Spinal Epidural Hematoma in an Infant: An Unusual Presentation

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    How to Cite This Article: Abbad A, Afzal K, Mujeeb AA, Shahab T, Khalid M. Spontaneous Ventral Spinal Epidural Hematoma in an Infant: An Unusual Presentation. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013  Spring;7(2):47-50.Abstract Spontaneous ventral spinal epidural hematomas are extremely rare in children and clinically recognized by the appearance of acute asymmetric focal motor and sensory involvement. In infants, the initial presenting symptoms are very non-specific and irritability is often the only initial manifestation. Appearance of other neurological signs may be delayed up to hours or even days later. In the absence of significant precipitating factors such as severe trauma or previously known coagulopathies,the diagnosis is usually delayed until the full picture of severe cord compression is developed. The diagnosis is finally made by performing magnetic resonance imaging. We report a 5-month-old infant with spinal epidural hematoma who presented with symmetrical upper limb weakness and diaphragmatic involvement to highlight the importance of recognizing the atypical manifestations for early diagnosis andintervention. References:1. Phillips TW, Kling TF Jr, McGillicuddy JE. Spontaneous ventral spinal epidural hematoma with anterior cordsyndrome: report of a case. Neurosurgery 1981;9:440-3.2. Patel H, Boaz JC, Phillips JP, Garg BP. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in children. Pediatr Neurol1998;19:302-7. Review.3. Penar PL, Fischer DK, Goodrich I, Bloomgarden GM, Robinson F. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma. IntSurg 1987;72:218-21.4. Noth I, Hutter JJ, Meltzer PS, Damiano ML, Carter LP. Spinal epidural hematoma in a hemophilic infant. Am JPediatr Hematol Oncol 1993;15:131-4. Review.5. Beatty RM, Winston KR. Spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma. A consideration of etiology. J Neurosurg1984;61:143-8.6. Alva NS. Traumatic spinal epidural hematoma of a 10-month-old male: a clinical note. Pediatr Neurol2000;23:88-9. Review.7. Aminoff MJ: Vascular disorders of the spinal cord, in Davidoff RA (ed): Handbook of the Spinal Cord.Infections and Cancer, Vol 5. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1986, pp 271-273.8. Blount J, Doughty K, Tubbs RS, Wellons JC, Reddy A, Law C, et al. In utero spontaneous cervical thoracicepidural hematoma imitating spinal cord birth injury. Pediatr Neurosurg 2004;40:23-7.9. Iguchi T, Ito Y, Asai M, Ito J, Okada N, Murakami M. [A case of spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma]. No ToHattatsu 1993;25:267-70. Review. Japanese.10. Nagel MA, Taff IP, Cantos EL, Patel MP, Maytal J, Berman D. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in a7-year-old girl. Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 1989;91:157-60.11. Metzger G, Singbartl G. Spinal epidural hematoma following epidural anesthesia versus spontaneous spinalsubdural hematoma. Two case reports. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1991;35:105-7.12. Patel H, Garg BP. Increasing irritability with sudden onset of flaccid weakness. Semin Pediatr Neurol 1996;3:192-7.13. Tewari MK, Tripathi LN, Mathuriya SN, Khandelwal N, Kak VK. Spontaneous spinal extradural hematomain children. Report of three cases and a review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst 1992;8:53-5. Review.14. Pecha MD, Able AC, Barber DB, Willingham AC. Outcome after spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in children: case report and review of the literature. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998;79:460-3. Review

    Herbal cure for poisons and poisonous bites from Western Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Objective: To conduct ethnopharmacobotanical field explorations in rural areas of five districts of Uttar Pradesh, India with regard to the folk herbal formulations associated with the management of poisons and poisonous bites. Methods: Local traditional healers known as “Vaidya” and “Hakeems” in the study area were interviewed to gather ethnopharmacobotanical information using a questionnaire attending various medical practices. Results: Information on 49 herbal formulations prepared from 39 plant species belonging to 28 plant families in the treatment of poisons and poisonous bites is presented in this scientific communication. Conclusion: Present communication revealed that study area is rich in its ethnopharmacobotanical knowledge. The plant species discussed here also encompasses new reports on C. album, S. xanthocarpum, S. melongena, S. indicum, C. procera, C. sativum, C. dactylon, B. campestris, T. aestivum, V. vinifera, S. vulgare and N. indicum. This study further concludes that their lies a lot of potential in the Indian herbal repository which should be explored systematically and later subjected to thorough study under the light of latest available scientific investigations for the drug standardization and pharmaco-toxicological studies with respect to make cheaper and safer drugs for the benefit of ailing humanity encountered with poisons and poisonous bites

    Nutritional status among pregnant women of Aligarh district and its association with birth weight

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    Background: Low birth weight is a prospective marker of future growth and development and a retrospective marker of mothers nutritional and health status.Methods: A community based prospective study conducted in field practice areas of Urban and Rural Health Training Center Department of Community Medicine, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh. Participants were registered pregnant women who were in their first trimester and whose expected date of delivery lies within our study period. Study period was of one year. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Percentages and chi square test used.Results: Prevalence of LBW was found to be 40%. Occurrence of LBW babies decreased as the nutritional intake of mothers in the form of kilocalories consumed per day increased. The association between dietary calorie intake and birth weight was found to be statistically highly significant.Conclusions: Nutritional status of mother has to be improved not only during pregnancy, but also in her early childhood by undertaking food supplementation programs implemented through National Health Programs that improve the weight gain during delivery and result in improved fetal outcome

    Teachers’ readiness and usage of online teaching practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An empirical investigation

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    The substantial disruption caused by the COVID-19&nbsp;epidemic to the world's education system is only one of the many setbacks the world has recently experienced. The transition of the students from their offline learning mode&nbsp;to a fully digital approach was not easy from the beginning for them.&nbsp;&nbsp; The online teaching readiness heavily relied on their competencies and skills to adapt the pedagogy, training, technical skills, a proper mindset&nbsp; &nbsp;and new roles. This research endeavors to evaluate the readiness of the teachers belonging to higher education institutions (HEIs) to handle online education based on the online teaching readiness model. &nbsp;A systematic questionnaire with 30 statements was used by the researcher to collect and analyse data from 296 HEI lecturers in Saudi Arabia.&nbsp; Smart PLS3 was used to attain reliability, convergent, discriminate validity and model fitness. These programs will help equip the teachers with the necessary technical skills, pedagogy, competency&nbsp; &nbsp;and readiness to comprehend the requisite techniques of online teaching and the vital strategies for keeping their students engaged. Technical proficiency, pedagogy, competency and teaching readiness show a direct relationship with online education. On the other hand, attitude and training do not show any relationship with online education

    Tripartite efflux pumps of the RND superfamily: what did we learn from computational studies?

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been long recognized as a priority to address for human health. Among all micro-organisms, the so-called multi -drug resistant (MDR) bacteria, which are resistant to most, if not all drugs in our current arsenal, are particularly worrisome. The World Health Organization has prioritized the ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter species) pathogens, which include four Gram-negative bacterial species. In these bacteria, active extrusion of antimicrobial compounds out of the cell by means of 'molecular guns' known as efflux pumps is a main determinant of MDR phenotypes. The resistance-nodulation- cell division (RND) superfamily of efflux pumps connecting the inner and outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria is crucial to the onset of MDR and virulence, as well as biofilm formation. Thus, understanding the molecular basis of the interaction of antibiotics and inhibitors with these pumps is key to the design of more effective therapeutics. With the aim to contribute to this challenge, and complement and inspire experimental research, in silico studies on RND efflux pumps have flourished in recent decades. Here, we review a selection of such investigations addressing the main determinants behind the polyspecificity of these pumps, the mechanisms of substrate recognition, transport and inhibition, as well as the relevance of their assembly for proper functioning, and the role of protein-lipid interactions. The journey will end with a perspective on the role of computer simulations in addressing the challenges posed by these beautifully complex machineries and in supporting the fight against the spread of MDR bacteria

    Myoepithelial carcinoma of the male breast: a rare case report

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    Myoepithelial carcinoma (malignant myoepithelioma) of the breast is a rare entity and in the male breast it is even rarer. Two cases of benign myoepithelioma in the male breast have been reported so far. Here we report, probably the first case of Myoepithelial carcinoma in a male breast with clinical features mimicking locally advanced breast carcinoma, together with illustration of pathological finding, microscopic appearance and management.Keywords: Myoepithelial carcinoma; Modified radical mastectomy; Chemotherap