31 research outputs found

    The Internet Journalism Disturb Malaysian Social Political Harmony

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    Internet journalism has been recognized to provide better efficiency on information gathering and adapting to the modernization of technology and life of our society. Dissemination of news and information is more flexible, efficient and instantaneous covering the widest possible audience across geographical barriers and providing medium for public discussion, public opinion and concerns on various aspects such as political, social and economic development. Internet journalism plays important roles in our society nowadays as the medium to influence public opinion, providing forum for discussion especially on issues of public concern, providing critical monitoring of political development, building up the intellectual environment and cultural interest of the public and setting up political agenda. However, issues arise regarding the reliability and capability of internet journalism in reporting and covering few breaking news in Malaysia, the roles of internet journalism in socio-political harmony and the development of media law to control the distribution of news through online medium. Therefore, this paper will investigate the advantages of utilizing internet journalism as a medium for disseminating news and information, their roles in shaping the social and political harmony of our country, issues regarding disturbance caused by internet journalism and the implementation of laws to control news dissemination

    The experience of internal (Domestic) migration among 30 Homeless Former Prisoners in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    The recurring return of homeless former prisoners to Chow Kit Road each time after being released from prison leads to various key questions. One of which: What is so interesting about Chow Kit Road that it has become a focal point for these homeless former prisoners? Their return to Chow Kit Road illustrates two big pictures, either they have no choice or they see Chow Kit Road as a suitable home for them. The repeated return of the homeless former prisoners indicated that they have developed a form of comfort and pleasure with the place. Hence, we conducted a qualitative study to understand the repetitive migration among the homeless former prisoners by interviewing 30 of them around Chow Kit Road. This study stopped the data collection process when the study's overall findings achieved data saturation. Atlas.ti software was utilised to perform the thematic coding process. This software provides a more systematic coding process. Several strategies were adopted in this study to increase the data's validity and reliability, triangulation, member check, peer review, long period in the field and audit trail. This study involved a larger qualitative sample by offering several diverse themes. Based on the findings, 11 sub-themes were grouped into 4 superordinate themes, namely social, economic and urban infrastructure, services, and personal offer factors. The social offer factor superordinate theme included sub-themes of familiarity with the environment, ease of getting drugs, and concentration of friends who are also former prisoners. Followed by the economic offer factor with the sub-theme of finding a job and easy ways to earn. The sub-themes of the urban infrastructure and service offer factor superordinate theme were access to transportation, plenty of food aid, and easy access to hospitals. While the sub-themes of the personal offer factor included wanting freedom, nowhere else to go, and bringing oneself away from family. These results added to the existing knowledge by considering migrations from chronic and marginal groups, i.e., the homeless former prisoners as study subjects


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    Drug abuse among the youth in Zimbabwe has reached crisis levels, and the number of youths engaging in drug abuse is increasing yearly. The purpose of this study was analysing the response, and efforts made by the Government of Zimbabwe, and its stakeholders, civic organizations, and the Zimbabwean community to addressing the problem of drug abuse by the youth in the country. The study used a qualitative research method, in the form of desk research by analyzing secondary data in the form of books, peer-reviewed articles, and relevant websites. Findings from the study showed that the Zimbabwean Government, and its stakeholders, civic organizations, and the community have in place strategies for drug abuse rehabilitation, and prevention in Zimbabwe; however, the problem of drug abuse is recurring and increasing among the youth population. The study also found out that, though the church plays a significant role in addressing social issues, and a voice, listened to in the community; there is no Psycho- Christian based rehabilitation module for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe. The study concluded that there is a need to widen intervention programs for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe. The study recommends for future studies to look into the idea of establishing a Christian based rehabilitation module for youth drug abusers in Zimbabwe, to support the youth drug abusers in recovery and quitting

    Exploring the concept of “desistance” and age graded theory of informal social control by Sampson and Laub

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    “Desistance” is a criminological concept that discusses a person’s dismissal from criminal behaviour. The ambiguity of this concept leads to confusion about what words to use: stop, cease, evade or distance from crime. There is even no translation of this concept into the Malay language, which can cause problems, especially when discussing the study of re-offending. Thus, comprehensive research is required to scrutinise the causes of success in stopping or abstaining from crime in a group of former prisoners. This concept paper addresses the questions that arise and summarises the definitions made in previous studies while using the secondary study methodology to underpin this entire study. Also, it includes the Age Graded Theory by Sampson and Laub (1993) because this theory discusses how a person can successfully stop committing crimes through informal social control. This paper also discusses the critical components of this theory in detail, such as crime trajectories, life transitions, and turning points. This study concludes with the strengths and weaknesses of the theory concerning the discussion of the success of a former prisoner in avoiding crime

    Three Major Interrelated Factors Contributing to Homelessness Issue among Former Prisoners in Malaysia

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    Homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia upon their release is of great concern. Hence, this study aimed to identify the predominant factors influencing homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia. Imprisonment is usually assumed to be a negative life event and can act as a hindrance for the former prisoner to successfully integrate after being freed from prison. Imprisonment and past criminal records are the biggest contributors to becoming homeless. This is a fact because imprisonment causes the former prisoners to lose his source of income, personal belongings, ability to seek shelter and personal relationships due to family rejection, addiction and unemployment. This study was based on the Ecological Model of Homeless by Nooe and Patterson. The selection of this model was considered appropriate and aligned with the objectives of the study which aimed to identify the factors that lead to the life of the homeless among former prisoners. In this study, nineteen former prisoners, regardless of the type of offence committed, were selected using the snowball sampling method and were interviewed. The findings revealed that family denial, unemployment, and drug addiction were the three major interrelated factors that contribute to the homelessness issue among the former prisoners during their reintegration process. Housing security is a risk factor of homelessness

    Penglibatan wanita dalam pekerjaan seks: faktor risiko dan marginalisasi sosial

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    Pelacuran atau pekerjaan seks ialah isu sosial yang sering disiarkan dalam media arus perdana. Masalah sosial ini telah lama bertapak di Malaysia dan dianggap sebagai profesion tertua di dunia. Pekerjaan seks di Malaysia masih tertakluk kepada Kanun Keseksaan Malaysia (Akta 574), Undang-Undang Syariah, Akta Kesalahan Kecil 1995 dan Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001. Hal ini bermakna, individu yang terlibat dalam pelacuran atau mempunyai hubung kait dengan perkhidmatan ini boleh disabitkan kesalahan dan dikenakan hukuman. Dalam usaha kita mengekang masalah ini daripada berleluasa, terdapat juga negara yang mula menyahjenayahkan pelacuran atau perkhidmatan seks seperti New Zealand, Australia, Kanada, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Perancis dan Jerman. Perubahan polisi daripada tingkah laku jenayah kepada bukan jenayah antara kandungan perbincangan bab ini. Secara keseluruhan, bab ini menjelaskan penglibatan wanita dalam pekerjaan seks dan membincangkan aspek marginalisasi sosial yang dialami oleh golongan ini

    Stigma sosial dan marginalisasi bekas banduan: konsep, implikasi dan tindakan intervensi

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    Semenjak tahun 2015, lebih daripada 100,000 orang banduan yang selesai menjalani hukuman penjara seluruh negara. Seperti terpapar dalam Jadual 9.1, tahun 2019 mencatatkan pembebasan yang tertinggi iaitu seramai 143,636 orang banduan (Jabatan Penjara Malaysia, 2020). Pembebasan bekas banduan sering membawa kepada persoalan terbesar sejauh manakah jumlah yang berjaya berintegrasi semula, berjaya mendapat kerja, diterima keluarga dan masyarakat. Saban tahun, jumlah pengulangan jenayah mencatatkan jumlah yang meningkat. Pada tahun 2019, mencatatkan seramai 15,410 orang pengulang laku jenayah. Hal ini menimbulkan kebimbangan apabila kegagalan bekas banduan berintegrasi semula. Proses integrasi semula yang sangat sukar disebabkan oleh pelbagai stigma sosial dan marginalisasi bekas banduan yang wujud sepanjang berada dalam kehidupan berkomuniti

    Lebihan berat badan dan obesiti dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan remaja : faktor risiko dan implikasinya

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    Salah satu isu kanak-kanak yang menjadi kebimbangan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) ialah epidemik lebihan berat badan dan obesiti. Statistik menunjukkan masalah ini semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, isu ini kurang mendapat perhatian dan jarang dibincangkan di media. Tidak banyak bahan literatur tempatan yang mengangkat isu ini untuk diketengahkan dalam wacana ilmiah. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini membincangkan sorotan masalah lebihan berat badan dan obesiti kanak-kanak merangkumi faktor risiko dan implikasinya kepada kesihatan fizikal dan kesejahteraan mental kanak-kanak. Penulisan artikel ini adalah bersandarkan bahan-bahan literatur atau data sekunder yang diperolehi daripada buku, jurnal dan bahan di laman web berkaitan (seperti WHO). Berdasarkan penelitian literatur, faktor risiko utama yang menyebabkan lebihan berat badan dan obesiti kanak-kanak ialah faktor genetik, status sosio ekonomi keluarga, psikologikal, amalan diet serta aktiviti fizikal dan cara hidup sedentari. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberi sumbangan yang signifikan dalam bidang berkaitan seperti kesihatan awam, kerja sosial, psikologi, Pendidikan dan kaunseling. Semua pemegang taruh perlu memainkan peranan yang proaktif dalam mencegah masalah ini daripada terus meningkat

    Konsep residivisme: kekaburan definisi, pengukuran dan praktis

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    Kekaburan yang wujud pada pendefinisian konsep residivisme mewujudkan ketidakseragaman dalam pengukuran kadar pengulangan jenayah yang berlaku sehingga hari ini. Makalah ini merungkaikan implikasi kekaburan pelbagai variasi mengenai definisi konsep residivisme dalam mengukur kadar pengulangan jenayah, serta praktis intervensi yang diambil bagi menangani masalah ulang-laku jenayah di Malaysia. Makalah ini bertitik-tolak daripada sebuah kajian pengajian peringkat doktor falsafah oleh pengkaji pertama mengenai program pasca pembebasan dan jagaan lanjutan untuk bekas banduan di Malaysia. Hasil penulisan makalah telah membawa kepada sebuah cadangan definisi residivisme yang lebih realistik dan sesuai dengan pengalaman para residivis dan praktis sistem pengadilan jenayah di Malaysia. Penelitian terhadap definisi dan pengukuran konsep residivisme ini mampu menyumbang kepada amalan intervensi yang efisien di dalam menangani isu-isu sosial berkaitan dengan masalah ulang-laku jenayah dalam kalangan para residivis di dalam sistem keadilan jenayah di Malaysia

    Hubungkait antara Pergaulan Rakan Senasib dan Ketagihan Dadah Semula: Kajian Kes di Jalan Chow Kit

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    Perkembalian bekas banduan yang dibebaskan dari penjara ke dalam persekitaran yang dipenuhi rakan- rakan senasib boleh membawa kepada pengaruh buruk seperti ketagihan dadah dan pengulangan jenayah semula dalam kalangan bekas banduan. Kertas kajian ini telah bertitik tolak dari sebuah kajian doktor falsafah yang mengkaji tentang pengulangan jenayah yang berlaku dalam kalangan bekas banduan di Malaysia. Hasil kajian doktor falsafah tersebut telah mendapati bekas banduan yang sering kembali semula kepada rakan-rakan senasib akibat ketiadaan keluarga. Kajian ini telah mengunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan menemubual 16 orang bekas banduan yang dikenalpasti menerusi teknik persampelan bola salji. Hasil dapatan yang diperolehi mendapati kesemua bekas banduan ini yang berasal dari pelbagai negeri telah bertumpu di sekitar jalan Chow Kit. Penyalahgunaan yang berlaku akibat daripada proses ajakan dan pelawaan menerusi pergaulan yang terjalin. Keadaan ini membuatkan kajian cuba membuktikan wujudnya hubungkait di antara pengaruh rakan-rakan dengan penyalahgunaan dadah semula dalam kalangan bekas banduan