10 research outputs found

    ”We cannot function alone in our own little bubble” : The collaborative work of women's shelters

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    VĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relationer Ă€r ett vanligt förekommande problem i samhĂ€llet som drabbar familjer, individer och andra nĂ€rstĂ„ende pĂ„ ett omfattande sĂ€tt. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur kvinnojourens samverkan kring vĂ„ldsutsatta kvinnor fungerar i praktiken. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med olika kvinnojourer runt om i Sverige och intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Denna studie visar att kvinnojourer upplever samverkan som komplex och att det finns stora hinder men ocksĂ„ möjligheter som medföljer samverkan. Studien visar Ă€ven att anstĂ€llda och ideellt arbetande pĂ„ kvinnojourer upplever bĂ„de svĂ„righeter och möjligheter men Ă€ven ett stort behov av samverkan. Ytterligare visar den hĂ€r studien att det behövs mer forskning kring detta omrĂ„de. Resultatet i studien presenteras och diskuteras utifrĂ„n samverkansteori, tidigare forskning och respondenternas svar.Intimate partner violence is a common problem in society that affects families, individuals and other relatives in a profound way. The purpose of this study is to investigate how women’s shelters collaborate collaborative work on women who are victims of violence works in practice. Six qualitative interviews were conducted with people that work in different women’s shelters in Sweden and the interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis. This study shows that people that work in women’s shelters experience collaboration as complex and that there are major obstacles but also opportunities that come with collaboration. The study also shows that the people that work in women’s shelters perceive both difficulties and opportunities, but also a great need for collaboration. Furthermore, this study shows that more research is needed in this area. The results of the study are presented and discussed in conjunction with collaboration theory, previous research and the respondents’ answers

    ”We cannot function alone in our own little bubble” : The collaborative work of women's shelters

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    VĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relationer Ă€r ett vanligt förekommande problem i samhĂ€llet som drabbar familjer, individer och andra nĂ€rstĂ„ende pĂ„ ett omfattande sĂ€tt. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka hur kvinnojourens samverkan kring vĂ„ldsutsatta kvinnor fungerar i praktiken. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med olika kvinnojourer runt om i Sverige och intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Denna studie visar att kvinnojourer upplever samverkan som komplex och att det finns stora hinder men ocksĂ„ möjligheter som medföljer samverkan. Studien visar Ă€ven att anstĂ€llda och ideellt arbetande pĂ„ kvinnojourer upplever bĂ„de svĂ„righeter och möjligheter men Ă€ven ett stort behov av samverkan. Ytterligare visar den hĂ€r studien att det behövs mer forskning kring detta omrĂ„de. Resultatet i studien presenteras och diskuteras utifrĂ„n samverkansteori, tidigare forskning och respondenternas svar.Intimate partner violence is a common problem in society that affects families, individuals and other relatives in a profound way. The purpose of this study is to investigate how women’s shelters collaborate collaborative work on women who are victims of violence works in practice. Six qualitative interviews were conducted with people that work in different women’s shelters in Sweden and the interviews were analyzed through a thematic analysis. This study shows that people that work in women’s shelters experience collaboration as complex and that there are major obstacles but also opportunities that come with collaboration. The study also shows that the people that work in women’s shelters perceive both difficulties and opportunities, but also a great need for collaboration. Furthermore, this study shows that more research is needed in this area. The results of the study are presented and discussed in conjunction with collaboration theory, previous research and the respondents’ answers

    Svartsjuka : i relation till sjÀlvkÀnsla, kön och relationsstatus

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    This quantitative study examined the relation between jealousy, self-esteem, gender and relationship status. Data was collected at VÀxjö University in the autumn of 2009, with two predesigned questionnaires. From the questionnaire Tennessee Self-Concept Scale created by Roid and Fitts (1988) that measures self-worth, the part Physical self was used to measure self-esteem. Jealousy was measured with the Questionnaire on the Affective Relationships designed by Marazziti et al., (2003). 188 male and female students participated of which 169 were used. A significant correlation was found between jealousy and self-esteem, where low self-esteem correlated with higher jealousy. The study rejected the existence of gender differences on jealousy. There was no evidence that individuals who date are more jealous than individuals in a relationship. The result did however showed a significant relation between jealousy and relationship status, where singles were more jealous than individuals in a relationship

    Bonus- och incitamentsprogram : Effekter i redovisning efter IFRS/IAS, Koden och Skandia

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att se hur redovisningen av bonus- och incitamentsprogram förÀndrats för Ären 2003 till 2006, för de svenska börsbolagen som Àr listade pÄ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm. Vi vill veta om det skett en förÀndring och om denna förÀndring beror pÄ införandet av IFRS/IAS standarder Är 2005, den Svenska koden för bolagsstyrning Är 2005 eller Skandiaskandalen. Metod: Denna studie Àr till stor del av deskriptiv karaktÀr, dÄ vi valt att genomföra en dokumentstudie. Vi har vidare valt att tillÀmpa en öppen ansats, genomfört en longitudinell undersökning och anvÀnt oss av metodtriangulering för att pÄ bÀsta möjliga sÀtt uppnÄ syftet med studien. Teori och regelverk: Vi har valt att tillÀmpa Corporate Governance och Agentteorin. Vidare har vi anvÀnt oss av svenska och internationella regelverk, dessa Àr IFRS 2 samt IAS 19. I denna studie har vi Àven valt att tillÀmpa den svenska koden för bolagsstyrning. Empiri: En granskning av 116 stycken Ärsredovisningar har gjorts och dessa har vi noggrant redogjort för i resultatet, analysen och i undersökningsmallen. Slutsatser: VÄr undersökningar visar att rörlig ersÀttning inte pÄverkats av nÄgra förÀndringar alls. Optionsprogrammen har inte förÀndrats över den valda tidsperioden. Slutsatsen vi tagit Àr att företagen försöker upprÀtthÄlla ett förtroende hos intressenterna och att majoriteten följer lagar och regler. Vi ser Àven att Ärsredovisningarna idag Àr mer detaljrikare Àn förr, detta tack vare IFRS/IAS och Koden. Skandiaskandalen har pÄverkat företagen men inte i den graden att företagen frivilligt skulle sÀnka de rörliga ersÀttningarna. Redovisningen för bonus- och incitamentsprogram har förÀndrats, dock kan vi inte sÀga att redovisningen av ersÀttningen beror pÄ förÀndringarna i regelverken

    Multiple Intelligences - Based Planning of EFL Classes

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    The present study aimed to set a plan for teaching EFL classes based on the identification of university students’ dominant multiple intelligences in EFL classes, and the differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender. The problem the present study aimed to address is that the traditional concept that “one size fits all” is still adopted by many EFL teachers, and that EFL students’ differences and preferences are noticeably unheeded. It is believed that identifying students’ dominant intelligences is a sound remedial solution for such a problem before embarking on any teaching program. Moreover, getting students aware of their different types of intelligence will motivate and encourage them in the classroom. The researchers used a questionnaire as a research instrument for data collection.  The results arrived at showed that there were no significant differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender, except for bodily- kinesthetic intelligence. They also showed that the dominant intelligences were ranked from the highest to the lowest as follows interpersonal, linguistic, spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, musical, and naturalistic

    Multiple Intelligences - Based Planning of EFL Classes

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    The present study aimed to set a plan for teaching EFL classes based on the identification of university students’ dominant multiple intelligences in EFL classes, and the differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender. The problem the present study aimed to address is that the traditional concept that “one size fits all” is still adopted by many EFL teachers, and that EFL students’ differences and preferences are noticeably unheeded. It is believed that identifying students’ dominant intelligences is a sound remedial solution for such a problem before embarking on any teaching program. Moreover, getting students aware of their different types of intelligence will motivate and encourage them in the classroom. The researchers used a questionnaire as a research instrument for data collection.  The results arrived at showed that there were no significant differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender, except for bodily- kinesthetic intelligence. They also showed that the dominant intelligences were ranked from the highest to the lowest as follows interpersonal, linguistic, spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, musical, and naturalistic