334 research outputs found
Online Art Gallery
Online Art Gallery is an E-commerce website that displays artworks and connects individuals around the globe with an art and artist. This website presents a wide range of digital art, paintings, prints, sculpture and photography, and offers an organized environment for artists to display and sell their art.
Online Art Gallery makes it possible for potential buyers to search for galleries based on color, artists, locations, original arts, dimensions, desired frames, or cost. This website has a database that stores data about artists, galleries and buyers.
This website enables buyers to browse through the categories, artists, tags and prices for artwork. If the buyer is new, he must create an account to buy a certain artwork and the buyer will be redirected to a payment page. Reviews and comments forms will also be included after successful purchases
Mobile learning architecture using fog computing and adaptive data streaming
With the huge development in mobile and network fields, sensor technologies and fog computing help the students for more effective learning, flexible and in and effective manner from anywhere. Using the mobile device for learn encourage the transition to mobile computing (cloud and fog computing) which is led to the ability to design customized system that help student to learn via context aware learning which can be done by set the user preference and use proper methods to show only related manner subject. The presented study works on developing a system of e-learning which has been on the basis of fog computing concepts with deep learning approaches utilized for classification to the data content for accomplishing the context aware learning and use the adaptation of video quality using special equation and the data encrypted and decrypted using 3DES algorithm to ensure the security side of the operation
The Extent of Principals’ Application of the Transformational Leadership and its Relationship to the Level of Job Satisfaction among Teachers of Galilee Region
The current study aimed to identify the degree of applying the transformational leadership in school administration (among principals), the level of job satisfaction among teachers, and investigate the relationship to each other. The sample consisted of (182) teachers, who were randomly selected from teachers of Galilee region inside the Green Line for the academic year 2015/2016. Two questionnaires utilized in this study after validity and reliability verified: the first is the questionnaire of practicing the transformational leadership and the second is job satisfaction questionnaire. The results showed that the degree of applying the transformational leadership in school administration among teachers of Galilee is very high, and that the degree of job satisfaction among teachers is also very high, and the results showed no differences in the level of applying the transformational leadership and the level of job satisfaction due to gender, academic qualification, years of experience and level of school. The results showed statistically significant positive relationship between the application of transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study recommended the need to maintain the high level of applying the transformational leadership among principals through providing them with training courses, seminars and lectures on style of transformational leadership, its fields and its impact on the development and evolution of teaching-learning process. Keywords: School administration, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, Galilee region
Effect of Using Ginger Roots Powder and Pure Allicin in Fattening Awassi Lambs Rations on Productive Performance and the Accessory Cut Parts of Carcasses
أُجري البحث بهدف دراسة تأثير إضافة الاليسين أو الزنجبيل أو خليطهما إلى علائق تسمين الحملان العواسية في الصفات الإنتاجية وبعض الأجزاء الثانوية للذبائح.
استعمل في البحث 28 حملاً عواسياً وزعت عشوائياً على أربعة معاملات متساوية كل معاملة احتوت 7 حملان ، غذيت الحملان على أربعة أنواع من العلائق التجريبية والتي كانت كالآتي: العليقة الأولى عليقة مركزة خالية من الإضافات الغذائية (سيطرة)، العليقة الثانية احتوت على الاليسين النقي بنسبة 3 كغم لكل طن علف مركز، العليقة الثالثة احتوت على مسحوق جذور الزنجبيل بنسبة 2 كغم لكل طن علف مركز أما العليقة الرابعة فقد احتوت على خليط من الاليسين (1.5 كغم/ طن علف مركز) ومسحوق جذور الزنجبيل (1كغم/ طن علف مركز).
غذيت الحملان بطريقة التغذية الجماعية ولمدة 91 يوماً ودرست الصفات الإنتاجية والتي تضمنت الزيادات الوزنية الكلية واليومية ومعامل التحويل الغذائي وكميات العلف المستهلك من الخشن والمركز.
ذبح 12 حملاً من حملان التجربة بواقع ثلاثة حملان من كل معاملة لغرض تسجيل أوزان الأجزاء الثانوية للذبيحة والتي شملت الرأس والجلد والأرجل.
أشارت نتائج البحث إلى عدم وجود فروقات معنوية بين المعاملات المدروسة للأوزان الابتدائية والنهائية والزيادات الوزنية اليومية والكلية، ولم تلاحظ فروقات معنوية في كميات العلف المركز والخشن المستهلك ومعامل التحويل الغذائي، و أوضحت نتائج البحث أيضاً عدم وجود فروقات معنوية في صفة الرأس للذبائح بين المعاملات المختلفة بينما كانت الفروقات معنوية (P<0.05) لصفة الجلد والأرجل.The research has been conducted to investigate the effect of ginger roots powder with allicin in the fattening of Awassi lambs rations with its effect on productive traits as well as the secondary cuts parts of carcasses.
A total number of 28 Awassi lambs were used in the research , those lambs were randomly distributed into 7 treatments, lambs fed on 4 experimental rations as follows the first ration was concentrated ration without any supplement (control), the second ration supplemented with 3.0 kg/ton of allicin, the third ration supplemented with 2.0 kg/ton ginger powder, the fourth ration supplemented with a combination of allicin (1.5 kg /ton) and ginger powder (1.0 kg/ton).
Lambs fed by group feeding along with the experiment which had been lasted 91 days.
The productive traits were studied such as a daily and total weight gain as well as feed conversion ratio and the consumed quantity of concentrated and rough feed.
Twenty-one lambs were slaughtered (three lambs for each treatment) to study the secondary cuts parts of the carcasses.
Results revealed no significant differences among treatments in the initial and final weights and daily and total weight gains.
There were no significant differences in the consumed feed among treatments and feed conversion ratio.
Results indicated also nonsignificant differences in weights of the head among treatments. Meanwhile, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in skin and legs weights among treatments.
Interception in the Holy Quran and its Rhetorical Purposes
The study sets out to present a definition of interception in the language and terminology of the Holy Quran and examines in detail all rhetorical purposes of the interception sentence contained in the holy book, which were found to be forty one rhetorical purposes. It focuses as well as the linguistic interest of the interception sentence. A discussion of placements of interception sentences followed, explaining ten states where interception could only be used in the holy Quran without discussing interception placements in language books. The study also includes opinions of past and modern Quran interpreters concerning interception as it cited most of famous Quran interpretation books as well as reliable language references
Effect of using Imported and Local Premixes on some Blood Parameters of Broiler
أجريت هذه الدراسة لبيان تأثير استعمال مخاليط علفية مسبقة التحضير (Premix) خلطت مكوناتها محلياً وبتراكيز مختلفة (واطئ وقياسي وعالٍ) بنوعيه الممتاز (يستعمل في عليقتي البادئ والنامي) والعادي ويستعمل في عليقة الناهي كبديل عن المخلوط الأجنبي (بروفيمي، الممتاز والعادي) ومقارنة تأثيراتها في بعض المعايير الدمية لفروج اللحم.
استعمل في البحث 120 فرخاً من افراخ اللحم من سلالة روز 308 بعمر يوم واحد وزعت عشوائياً على اربع معاملات متساوية احتوت كل معاملة على 30 فرخاً وبواقع مكررين لكل معاملة (15 فرخاً / مكرر). غذيت الافراخ على علائق التجربة اعتماداً المراحل العمرية للأفراخ (عليقة البادئ والنامي والناهي) والتي خلط فيها 2.5 % من أحد البريمكسات قيد التجريب وكانت كالاتي :
المعاملة الأولى (T1) خلط فيها البريمكس الأجنبي والمستورد علامة بروفيمي أما المعاملات الأخرى T2 و T3 و T4 فقد خلط فيها علائق البريمكس المحلي الصنع والخلط وبثلاثة تراكيز (واطئ وقياسي وعالٍ) على التوالي،اجرى تكوين العلائق وخلط البريمكسات في معامل اعلاف ومختبر غدير بابل في قضاء المحاويل بأستعمال البرنامج الألكتروني الحديث البيست مكس (Best Mix) اصدار 2018، وفقاً لاحتياجات الطيور سلالة روز 308 بأعتماد الدليل الخاص بها أصدار 2014.
جمعت عينات دم من الافراخ من جميع المعاملات بعمر 28 و 33 يوماً لغرض تقدير بعض المعايير الدمية.
اشارت نتائج البحث الى وجود اختلافات معنوية (p<0.05) بين المعاملات في تراكيز خضاب الدم وعدد الخلايا اللمفية والبروتين الكلي وكلوكوز الدم وبمعنوية عالية (p<0.01) في تركيزي انزيمات الكبد ALP وAST بينما لم تحصل اختلافات في معايير الدم الاخرى مثل مكداس الدم وعدد الخلايا المتغايرة ونسبة الخلايا المتغايرة الى الخلايا اللمفية.
وسجلت افضل النتائج لصالح T4 (البريمكس المحلي ذو التركيز العالي) في معظم معايير الدم المدروسة لكلا السحبتين (يوم 28 و 33 من عمر الأفراخ) سواءً الخلوية او الكيموحيوية ثم T1 (البريمكس المستورد البروفيمي)، أما ادنى المستويات المتشابهة فقد تميزت بها T2 و T3 اي البريمكس المحلي ذات التركيز الواطئ والقياسي على التوالي. This study had been conducted to investigate the effect of using premix that been locally mixed by different concentrations (Low , Standard and high) of excellent quality (used in starter and grower rations) and normal which is used in the finisher as alternative for foreign premix (provimi , excellent and normal) with comparison of their effect on some blood parameters of broilers.
Total number of 120, one day old broiler chicks , Ross 308 were allotted randomly on 4 equal treatments , each treatment included 30 chicks and each treatment included 2 replicates (15 chick/ replicate). Chicks fed on rations according to ages of chicks (starter, grower and finisher) in which 2.5 % of one premix added in the experiment which were as follow :
Treatment 1 (T1) in which the foreign premix was mixed as an imported one, provimi. Meanwhile, the other treatments T2 , T3 and T4 in which the local premix was mixed by 3 concentrations (low, standard and high) respectively.
Mixing and preparation of rations was done in Al – Ghadder laboratory and factory in Al – Mahweel/ Babylon by depending on Best mix program, 2018 according to birds requirement, Ross 308 by a special manual 2014.
Blood samples were collected from birds at 28 and 33 days in all treatments.
Results revealed significant variations (P<0.05) between treatments in hemoglobin , lymphocyte numbers, total protein and blood glucose with a highly significant effect (P<0.01) for liver enzymes which include AST and ALT.
Meanwhile, there were no variation in other blood parameter such as PCV, numbers of Heterophils and Heterophils / Lymphocyts ratio.
The best results were recoded for T4 (local premix of high concentrations) in most of studied blood parameters for both two blood collections (28 and 33 days of age of chicks). Which were cellular or biochemical then T1 (provimi imported premix). The lowest similar levels were characterized by T2 and T3 which were local premix, low and standard respectively
Evaluating the Role of Interleukin-9 in Cholelithiasis patients and Determine Prevalence of Fasiola Hepatica among these Patients
Background : Fascioliasis is a parasitic infection typically caused by Fasciola hepatica, which is also known as “the common liver fluke” or “the sheep liver fluke. People usually become infected by eating raw watercress or other water plants contaminated with immature parasite larvae. Aim of study: To determining the epidemiological prevalence of Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) in patients suffering from gallstones and assessment of serum concentrations of immunological marker IL-9 in these patients and control groups by ELISA technique. Methodology: Case control study design, included 140 participants, 70 of them included as cases (suffered from Cholelithiasis), and 70 of them included as controls. History of the study was from beginning of October 2023 to end of January 2024, all participants were attending to Al-Sader Medical City/Digestive System Unit, Al-Hakeem Hospital and Al-Haidarya Hospital. Two samples (stool and 5 ml serum) were taken from each participant for microscopic detection of F.hepatica and for measure some immune parameters by ELISA, respectively. Results: It was found that there is a statistically significant difference between patients with liver fluke (fasciola hepatica), where the percentage of patients with liver fluke (f. hepatica) was 10%. Only 90% of participants suffering from gallstones were negative for this parasite. There was statistically significant (p-value= 0.0001), increase in mean concentration of the parameter (IL-9,) between the two groups of patients (105.62±38.22 pg/ml, ml) and the control (38.86±10.1pg/ml,) respectively. And there was a known increase in the mean concentration of immune parameters in the serum of patients infected with the parasite (, IL-9: 193.79±13.59 pg/ml,) compared to their concentration in patients not infected with the parasite. Conclusions: Only 10% of 90% of Cholelithiasis patients in the immediate study were diagnosed positive for F.hepatica parasite. Majority of risk factor for gallstones disease was obesity in the current study, 57% suffering from obesity. There was increased in study parameters (, IL-9,) significantly in group of cholelithiasis patients other than control group
Examining Complications and Success Rates of Laser Fistula Surgery: An Evidence-Based Approach
The study investigates the effectiveness of laser fistula removal surgery by analyzing its complications and success rates. Despite being a common procedure, there remains a knowledge gap regarding its comprehensive clinical outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 93 patients who underwent this surgery in various hospitals in Iraq from April 2022 to August 2023. Data on operative times, complications, recovery, and patient satisfaction were collected and analyzed. The findings revealed that the procedure had a high success rate of 90.32%, with minimal complications such as infections (6.45%) and recurrences (2.15%). These results imply that laser fistula removal surgery is a highly effective and safe treatment option that significantly enhances patients' postoperative quality of life and satisfaction, suggesting its broader application in clinical practice
Intelligent feature selection using particle swarm optimization algorithm with a decision tree for DDoS attack detection
The explosive development of information technology is increasingly rising cyber-attacks. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a malicious threat to the modern cyber-security world, which causes performance disruption to the network servers. It is a pernicious type of attack that can forward a large amount of traffic to damage one or all target’s resources simultaneously and prevents authenticated users from accessing network services. The paper aims to select the least number of relevant DDoS attack detection features by designing an intelligent wrapper feature selection model that utilizes a binary-particle swarm optimization algorithm with a decision tree classifier. In this paper, the Binary-particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to resolve discrete optimization problems such as feature selection and decision tree classifier as a performance evaluator to evaluate the wrapper model’s accuracy using the selected features from the network traffic flows. The model’s intelligence is indicated by selecting 19 convenient features out of 76 features of the dataset. The experiments were accomplished on a large DDoS dataset. The optimal selected features were evaluated with different machine learning algorithms by performance measurement metrics regarding the accuracy, Recall, Precision, and F1-score to detect DDoS attacks. The proposed model showed a high accuracy rate by decision tree classifier 99.52%, random forest 96.94%, and multi-layer perceptron 90.06 %. Also, the paper compares the outcome of the proposed model with previous feature selection models in terms of performance measurement metrics. This outcome will be useful for improving DDoS attack detection systems based on machine learning algorithms. It is also probably applied to other research topics such as DDoS attack detection in the cloud environment and DDoS attack mitigation systems
Bootstrap technique for image detection
Through more suitability of digital imaging and computer graphics, it suits simpler to convert images content than before without any visually touches for catching these processing issues. Several fake images are created whose content is altered. The research has been reinforced by an application within MATLAB environment of a programmed searching about similar images of the saved image. The research has also been reinforced by a number of forms, pictures, and schemes that clarify the content of the research. The focus of the research lies on two important criteria depending on the content including histogram and statistical criteria of the image for every color. The steps for retrieving process has been clarified starting from statistically analyzing the image and conforming it to the image formed in the database to arrange the images according to their similarity with the target one
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