493 research outputs found

    Розрахунок стабільної роботи вихрового розпилюючого протиточного масообмінного апарату (ВРПМА) в залежності від гідродинамічних характеристик газокрапельного потоку

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    The paper gives the method of selecting stable operation modes of the vortex spray countercurrent mass exchange device (VSCMED), which includes calculating the flow of drops taking into account flow uniformity and mutual influence. In order to make the calculation, a number of assumptions, which allow to calculate the device for specific conditions, was introduced. When developing techniques, the impact of forces on the motion of the drop was taken into account. As a result of theoretical and practical studies, the flow rate of gas and droplets, the ratio of centrifugal forces and the forces of aerodynamic drag were determined, thus having ensured the optimum mode of stable operation of VSCMED. The results obtained allow to design new models of VSCMED-type devices when developing new productions for the chemical and petrochemical industries. В данной работе приведена методика выбора устойчивых режимов работы вихревого распыливающего противоточного массообменного аппарата (ВРПМА). Она включает расчет полета капель с учетом однородности потока и их взаимного влияния друг на друга. В результате теоретических и практических исследований  удалось определить скорость потока газа и капель, соотношение центробежных сил и сил аэродинамического сопротивления.У даній роботі наведено методику вибору стійких режимів роботи вихрового розпилюючого протиточного масообмінного апарату (ВРПМА), яка включає розрахунок польоту крапель з урахуванням однорідності потоку і їх взаємного впливу один на одного. В результаті теоретичних і практичних досліджень вдалося визначити швидкість потоку газу і крапель, співвідношення відцентрових сил і сил аеродинамічного опору

    A Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition

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    Indoor scene recognition is a multi-faceted and challenging problem due to the diverse intra-class variations and the confusing inter-class similarities. This paper presents a novel approach which exploits rich mid-level convolutional features to categorize indoor scenes. Traditionally used convolutional features preserve the global spatial structure, which is a desirable property for general object recognition. However, we argue that this structuredness is not much helpful when we have large variations in scene layouts, e.g., in indoor scenes. We propose to transform the structured convolutional activations to another highly discriminative feature space. The representation in the transformed space not only incorporates the discriminative aspects of the target dataset, but it also encodes the features in terms of the general object categories that are present in indoor scenes. To this end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset of 1300 object categories which are commonly present in indoor scenes. Our proposed approach achieves a significant performance boost over previous state of the art approaches on five major scene classification datasets

    A survey on SQL injection prevention methods

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    Database plays a very important role in everyone’s life including the organizations since everything today is connected via Internet and to manage so many data. There is a need of database which helps organizations to organize, sort and manage the data and to ensure that the data which a user is receiving and sending through the mean of database is secure since the database stores almost everything such as Banking details which includes user id, Password and so. Thus, it means that the data are really valuable and confidential to us and therefore security really matters for database. SQL Injection Attacks on the database are becoming common in this era where the hackers are trying to steal the valuable data of an individual through the mean of SQL Injection Attack by using malicious query on the application. This application reveals the individual data by an efficient and the best SQL Injection Prevention technique is required in order to protect the individual data from being stolen by the hackers. Therefore, this paper will be focusing on reviewing different types of SQL Injection prevention methods and SQL injection types. The initial finding of this paper can make comparison of different types of SQL Injection Prevention methods which will enable the Database Administrator to choose the best and the efficient SQL Injection Prevention Method for their organization. Consequently, Preventing of SQL Injection Attack from happening which would ultimately result in no data loss of an user

    Characterization and antibiotic susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from poultry and red meat in Morocco

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    This study was carried out on 426 samples of raw meats collected from butcheries and supermarkets in Casablanca, Morocco. The samples were examined for the occurrence of Listeria species. Strains of Listeria monocytogenes were characterized by several biochemical tests and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). β-hemolytic cultures and nonhemolytic isolates were tested for biochemical properties with the Listeria API test. Among the 43 Listeria species isolates; we identified 10 strains for L. monocytogenes (23.3%), 31 strains for L. innocua (72.1%) and 2 strains for L. welshimeri (4.6%). Strains of L. monocytogenes were separated by multiplex PCR; two serogroups IIb and IVb were thus differentiated. Antibiotic susceptibility of L. monocytogenes to 21 antibiotics was determined by the disk diffusion method. All isolates were susceptible to a wide range of the tested antibiotics with the exception of nalidixic acid, colistine and cephalosporins second and third generation for which they were all resistant

    Etude de l’effet d’adhérence acier-béton sur la réponse non-linéaire des piles de pont en BA

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    Cet article discute de l’importance d’inclure l’effet de l’adhérence acier-béton dans l’étude du comportement non-linéaire des piles de pont en BA. La sensibilité de la réponse non linéaire à l’adhérence par glissement a été étudiée en considérant un modèle EF multifibre. Des analyses Pushover (cyclique et monotone) ont été conduites et les résultats ont été discutés en considérant différents indicateurs de performances sismiques. L’importance de ce phénomène a été également démontrée en quantifiant les différents états limites de dommages et sa contribution dans le déplacement total de la pile de pont. Les résultats indiquent que l’introduction de l’effet de l’adhérence par glissement des barres d’acier longitudinales peuvent modifier de manière significative les prédictions du comportement non-linéaire des piles de pont en BA où une surestimation de la rigidité initiale et de l’énergie de dissipation des piles de pont ont été observées. De ce fait, la prise en compte de ce phénomène dans la modélisation non linéaire des colonnes en BA est indispensable

    The distribution, host plants and natural enemies of white peach scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), in Ankara province.

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    The distribution, host plants, and natural enemies of the white peach scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), were investigated in 25 districts of Ankara Province, Turkey, during 2013-2015. Thirteen districts were infested with harmful white peach scale; infestation was most common in parks, roadsides, private and institution gardens in centrum and old silkroad parts of Ankara. Twenty-two host plant species were found in these 13 districts, five of which (Aesculus carnea, Hibiscus sp., Paulownia tomentosa, Rhus thyphina and Salix babylonica) had not previously been recorded as host plants in Turkey. Some host plant species, including Catalpa bignonioides, Cornus alba, Fraxinus americana, F. excelsior, Forsythia intermedia, Morus alba, M. nigra and Sophora japonica, were found to be very highly infested. Five species of predators and three species of parasitoids were associated with white peach scale. Orius minutus L., Chrysoperla pallida (Henry et al.) are new record as predator of P. pentagona in World and Epitetracnemus comis Noyes &Ren Hui are first time record in Turkey

    Descriptive Epidemiological study of COVID-19 in Maghreb and European countries

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    An outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) has spread quickly world wide. We performed a descriptive epidemiological study of COVID-19 in Mediterranean North African countries and South European countries. Cases data were collected through May 3, 2020 from WHO. Data analysis included: 1) geo-temporal analysis of viral spread in 6 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, France and Italy), 2) epidemiological curve construction, 3)mortality and cured rates, 4) study  factors that led to differences of the spread of the virus in these 6 countries, and 5) comparison between Morocco and three European countries. The number of infected cases between North African and Southern European countries were different, which might be related to restriction conditions, age, geographic location, and lifestyle. We observed that The COVID-19 epidemic has spread very quickly in Southern European compared to North African countrie

    Integration of SQL injection prevention methods

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    In everybody’s life including the organisations, database plays a very important role, since today everything is connected via the Internet. There is a need for a database that helps organisations to organise, sort and manage the data and ensure that the data a user receives and sends via the database mean is secure, since the database stores almost everything such as banking details including user ID and password. Make this data really valuable and confidential for us and therefore security is really important for the database. In this age, SQL Injection database attacks are increasingly common. The hackers attempt to steal an individual’s valuable data through the SQL Injection Attack mean by using malicious query on the application, hence revealing an efficient individual data. Therefore the best SQL Injection Prevention technique is needed to safeguard individual data against hackers being stolen. This paper compares two types of SQL Injection using the SQL pattern matching database system attack (SQLPMDS) and a SQL injection union query attacks prevention using tokenisation technique (SIUQAPTT) that allows Database Administrator to select the best and most effective SQL Injection Prevention method for their organisation. Preventing SQL Injection Attack from occurring that would ultimately lead to no user data loss. The results were obtained by comparing it to the results of the SQL injection attack query on whether the attack was blocked or not by two prevention techniques, SQL pattern matching database system attacks and SQL injecting union query attacks prevention using website tokenisation techniques. The conclusion is that the best method of prevention is the SQL pattern that matches database system attacks