151 research outputs found


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    Corporate governance is today one of the subjects that is part of the debate in management science research. As governance is evolving, this is why companies continue to define practices and ethics based on the principles of good governance.The Codes of Good Governance Practices appear to be a powerful tool, making it possible to understand all the latest developments in the practice of corporate governance, and the principles of good management and transparency

    Simplified finite element approximations for coupled natural convection and radiation heat transfer

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    This article focuses on the effect of radiative heat on natural convection heat transfer in a square domain inclined with an angle. The left vertical wall of the enclosure is heated while maintaining the vertical right wall at room temperature with both adiabatic upper and lower horizontal walls. The governing equations are Navier–Stokes equations subjected to Boussinesq approximation to account the change in density. The natural convection–radiation equations are solved continuously to obtain the temperature, velocity and pressure. Taylor–Hood finite element approach has been adopted to solve the equations using triangular mesh. Effects of Rayleigh number, Planck constant and optical depth on the results are considered, presented and analyzed. Results show that the adiabatic walls, Planck constant as well as the inclined angle play an important role in the distribution of heat transfer inside the cavity

    Multiple Literacies, Fragmented Identities: Arab Students at American Universities

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    This dissertation is a combination of ethnography and case study which describes the Social and cultural context of literacy acquisition among Arab students at the University of Arkansas. I examine the power relations that define this minority group in the larger Social context and describe how these relations shape, transform, and sometimes threaten their cultural identities in the classroom. The dissertation investigates the different Social and cultural factors that facilitate or obstruct their learning process, factors such as age, gender, religion, and marital status. It explains how the students\u27 acquisition of literacy exists within a larger dynamic process of Social and cultural idenification, assuming that cultural identity is a dynamic Social construct that depends on the environment and setting. Finally, the dissertation describes the students\u27 fears, hopes, and stereotypes, helping teachers recognize when there is a cultural problem and how to solve it in a culturally sensitive fashion

    Contrasted morphosedimentary activity of the lower Kert River (northeastern Morocco) during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. Possible impact of bioclimatic variations and human action

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    International audienceFrom field observations in the lower Kert valley and 16 radiocarbon dating measurements, six alluvial units (UF1 to UF6) deposited since about 30,000 years BP have been identified, comprising 18 lithofacies and separated by six incision stages resulting in three alluvial terraces (T1 to T3). While the Late Pleistocene is mainly marked by sedimentary accretion (UF1 forming part of T1), the Holocene is marked by the alternation of major incision (I2, I3 and I4) and accretion (UF2 and UF3) stages, with roughly similar height ranges, between the current river level and polyphased T1 surface. During the Lower and Middle Holocene, this complex morphosedimentary evolution could have been the result of contrasted bioclimatic trends that did not appear during the Late Pleistocene. Human activities modified the earth surface conditions, intermittently during the Middle Holocene, and during the Upper Holocene, inducing new responses from the fluvial geosystem to the environment

    Hémophilie: état des lieux dans un service de pédiatrie dans la région de l’oriental du Maroc

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    Pour les pays en voie de développement, l'hémophilie continue d'être une maladie de conséquence  médicale et sociale désastreuse. Le but de ce travail est d'analyser le suivi d'une cohorte de patients  hémophiles. Patients et méthodes : étude prospective étalée sur deux années et menée au centre  référent d'hémophilie dans la région de l'orient du Maroc. Ont été inclus tous les patients présentant une hémophilie confirmée et âgé de moins de 18 ans. Résultats: sur 16 hémophiles, Quinze patients   présentait une hémophilie A, l'âge moyen des patients était de 6,18 ans, la forme sévère, représentait 20,7%, la forme modérée: 33,3% et la forme mineure: 40%.Les circonstances de découverte étaient post circoncisionnelle chez 53,3% des patients, 20,7% post traumatique, 20% à l'âge de la marche; la durée d'évolution variait entre 2 mois et 10 ans. L'hémarthrose a été décrite au niveau des genoux, coudes et chevilles, avec une moyenne allant de 2 à 5 fois par an ; l'arthropathie a été remarquée dans 33,3%. Le bilan immunologique a révélé des facteurs circulant inhibant chez deux patients. Le traitement était à base d'antalgiques, de plasma frais congelé.  L'administration de facteurs VIII recombinés a été instaurée chez 40,6% des patients (plus de 90% des formes modérées et graves), grâce au programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles. Le décès était noté dans un seul cas lié à une hémorragie cérébrale. Conclusion : nous insistons sur l'intérêt du programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles dernièrement instauré qui pourrait améliorer les conditions de vie de ces enfants.Key words: hémophilie A et B, arthropathie, facteur antihémophilique, programme de sant


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    L’amour d’un club de football est une des relations les plus fortes qu’un individu peut ressentir dans une vie. Différentes raisons peuvent expliquer cet amour pour un club, mais aussi plusieurs conséquences peuvent en résulter. Ainsi, le but de cette étude est de proposer un modèle explicatif de l’amour du club (marque sportive), c’est à dire un modèle incluant des antécédents et conséquences. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, un questionnaire a été administré auprès 503 personnes. La méthode de convenance a été privilégiée. Il apparait des résultats que les succès antérieurs, la pression sociale, les Vedettes et identité du club influencent l’amour de marque, et que l’achat de produit, la présence aux matchs, le suivi du club, et le bouche à oreille positif résultent de l’amour de marque. La finalité théorique d’un tel travail serait ainsi de remplir un vide dans la littérature sportive tiers-mondiste. Peu de travaux en marketing sportif ont eu lieu dans de tels contextes. Aussi, sur le plan pratique, le but de cette recherche serait d’indiquer les variables à considérer pour les politiques marketing des clubs Marocains. L’une des principales limites de cette étude reste toutefois l’utilisation de la méthode de convenance. D’autres types de fans pourraient être interrogés à l’avenir. Football Brand love is one of the strongest relationships a person can have during his/her lifetime. Several reasons can explain football brand love, which can lead to several outcomes.Thus, the goal of this study is to suggest a Brand love explanatory model that includes antecedents and consequences. In order to explain this phenomenon, a questionnaire has been sent to 503 persons. A convenient sample was used. Prior success, social pressure, star players, and Brand identity influence football Brand Love. Positive word of mouth, game attendance, Product purchase and Club following seem to be football brand love consequences. The theoretical end of this study is to fill a gap in the third world sport literature. From a Managerial perspective, this study aims to suggest variables to consider for Football Club Managers.  The main limitation of this study is its sampling methodology. Other types of samples could be considered for prospective studies.

    Assessing the life quality in a Moroccan population of diabetics by the General Quality of Life Questionnaire SF36

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    Background: The quality of life assessment reflects the impact of chronic diseases on patients. The objective of our study is to assess the life quality of diabetic patients and to determine the factors that affect it.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2019 in the Hygiene Service of the Sidi-Othmane district (Casablanca) in 526 diabetic patients. Quality of life was estimated using the SF-36 questionnaire to determine factors that affect mental or physical health. We used Pearson's correlation test for continuous variables and ANOVA for discontinuous variables.Results: Our patients have an average of life quality considering PCS and MCS respectively (38.47 ± 9.28; 41.15 ± 10.55). Association analyses showed on the one hand associations between the PCS and the gender (p = 0.0001), professional activity (p = 0.0001), marital status (p = 0.0001) and with chronic complications (p = 0.0001). On the other hand, between physical activity and PCS (p = 0.0001) and with MCS (p = 0.0001), between the level of instruction and the PCS and MCS dimensions respectively (p = 0.0001; p = 0.011) between acute complications and PCS and MCS dimensions respectively (p = 0.0001; p = 0.001). The correlation study showed inverse correlations between PCS and age (p = 0.0001), the diabetes duration (p = 0.0001), HbA1c (p = 0.037), and BMI (p = 0.008), and between MCS, and BMI (p = 0.0001).Conclusion: The presence of one of these factors (female, advanced age, high diabetes duration, complications, and unbalanced diabetes, low level of education, physical inactivity, and professional inactivity) leads to poor life quality.Keywords: Diabetes; Life quality; Physical health; Mental healt
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