365 research outputs found

    The synthesis of the antimalarial compound hydroxypiperaquine (HPQ)

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    Malaria remains one of the most common causes of illness and death in developing countries.1 The development of new drugs to combat the disease is becoming one of the fastest growing research areas. Hydroxypiperaquine (HPQ) is an antimalarial bisquinoline compound related to the emerging antimalarial drug Piperaquine (PQ).2 Various research programs are being conducted internationally in efforts to prepare PQ for possible clinical use in combination with artemisinin derivatives. The hydroxy compound (HPQ) has been described in the Chinese literature but no data exists for this compound within the Western literature.3The primary aim of this research project was to synthesise Hydroxypiperaquine via alternative synthetic pathways to that briefly described by Xu et al3 by exploring various synthetic strategies based on literature synthetic procedures involving similar compounds. HPQ was synthesised through a three step synthetic process. In the first step, tertiary butoxy carbonyl (tBOC) piperazine was coupled with 4,7-dichloroquine (4,7-DCQ) to produce the intermediate 7-chloro-4-(tBOC piperazin-1-yl)quinoline. The second synthetic step involved the deprotection of 7-chloro-4-(tBOCpiperazinyl)quinoline to remove the tertiary butoxy carbonyl (tBOC) protecting group.The deprotected intermediate, 7-chloro-4-(piperazin-1-yl)quinoline, was subsequently reacted with 1,3-dichloropropanol in 1-pentanol to yield HPQ in the third step. This three step synthetic approach provides an alternative and efficient process to synthesise HPQ. The research provides important and specific details for the synthetic methodology involved in the synthesis of HPQ for future synthetic and biological research

    A Unified Enterprise-Wide Cost Modeling Framework for Engineering Applications Based on Systems Engineering Principles

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    In the present research the problem of enterprise-wide cost modeling is approached from a systems engineering standpoint. What this does is to use each stage of product life cycle to obtain useful information that helps in estimating the cost of the system. Once a generic framework is developed for estimating the core cost, layers of other factors that affect the cost are applied to the core cost, such as risk and uncertainty, maintainability, supply-chain and socioeconomic conditions. The cost model is expanded to accommodate a product domain ranging from a simple object to a system in the following hierarchy: System, Product, Assembly, Object. The cost model caters to the needs of cost estimation at every stage of the life cycle and for every kind of product, big or small, simple or complex. New process selection tools have been added to the field of cost estimation, which suggests the user with applicable processes given the material and production quantity. Attributes such as materials, fabrication processes etc… are ontology based. This enables a generic category to branch into increasingly specialized categories with each step. This is very useful, since in the preliminary stages of cost estimation, not much information is available as to what exact material or process is used. In such a case data pertaining to a more generalized material or process can be used. Earlier work in the field of cost estimation has focused on specific areas of cost estimation either in terms of concept or application. In the work so far, no single-framework has been proposed that deals with cost estimation that fits the requirements at all stages of product development. Most importantly the concept of systems engineering has not been fully exploited in the area of cost estimation. The framework that we have proposed is based on systems engineering and hence can be used at any stage of the product development. Some of the previous work on cost estimation has applications in specific industries. The framework guides the user in process selection at the lower levels based on material and quantity using a tool called PRIMA. If data is not available for a particular process, then a more generic form of the process can be chosen to collect cost data and estimate on the basis of that data. A more generic process is obtained by using the DCLASS tool. The cost can be revised to reflect more accurate process when the data and information is available. This is possible within the proposed framework. The economic, environmental and social impact of the product has also been taken into account through EIOLCA models to make the framework enterprise-wide in nature. The framework has the potential to be developed into umbrella-software that has capability of estimating cost of small parts as well as large systems. The software will also have the capability to determine the economic, environmental and social impact of the products. The decisions regarding the product, the materials used, the manufacturing processes and even the mechanics of the system, are all determined and weighed against the economic, environmental and social impact. Based on this analysis, the policy makers can make micro as well as macro decisions during the initial planning phase of the system. Since the framework relies on principles of systems engineering, it can be applied to systems irrespective of industry and application. As part of future work, suggestions have been made to turn the framework into a software suite along with other capabilities such as risk analysis and uncertainty

    Targeted topical delivery of peptides and small molecules to the skin

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    This PhD project demonstrates the importance of minimally invasive techniques such as microneedles and non-invasive techniques such as cell penetrating peptides and magnetophoresis for enhanced transdermal delivery. Skin penetration strategies studied, showed enhancement in delivery of peptides and small molecules ranging from a few percent to several fold and have tremendous potential for clinical therapy upon demonstration of safety and efficacy

    The impact of liquidity risk, credit risk and operational risk on the performance of Iraqi private banks

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    The main objectives of this research is to study the effect of liquidity risk, credit risk and operational risk on the performance of private banks in Iraq for the period 2009 to 2014. This study especially focus on Iraqi commercial private Banks. The dependent variables for bank performances are measured by return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), and independent variables which are, liquidity risks are measured by liquidity ratio and calculate as liquid asset to total asset, credit risks are measured by non-performing loan ratio and operational risks are measured by earnings before interest and tax divide on total asset. This study employs panel data regression analysis of fixed effects and random effects models. Furthermore, the results show that liquidity risk was found having positive significant relationship with ROA and ROE. While credit risk has negative significant relationship with ROA, and negative insignificant relationship with ROE. However, operational risk was found to have significant and negative effect on ROA. While operational risk was significant and positively related to ROE

    Road Networks Management in the Federal Cities (Entrance and Exits in Ajman)

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    The aim of this thesis is to discuss the management of infrastructure in the federal union specially the road entrances between neighboring states. To understand how important is it on the social and economic development, to measure how easy to reach the deferent part of city within reasonable period. The hierarchy of the road networks in the city. Second chapter describe the Arab Emirates before the union and the different scenarios till it\u27s become United Arab Emirates, the relations between different emirates within union, political systems within emirate itself and In the federal level, social and economic systems. The care was taken in deferent level to build best road network ever cause the governor know very well the benefit of having modern roads, the federal authorities responsible for highways and the border roads between emirates while the local authorities responsible for internal roads within emirate border. Third chapter compare the road network management in two of the best federal countries in this field. United State of America had one of the tallest road network in the world which managed by local and federal authorities in harmony. Federal Republic of Germany is one of the greatest industrial countries in Europe that is gives the road network high importance to link factories with ports easily. Both of Germany and USA have a great experience in road network management, which should be understood from United Arab Emirates road authorities to solve the current problems and to avoid any future miss coordination. Forth chapter is about field study of the entrances to roads border between two neighboring through personal interviews with specialists and officials from relevant departments and a questionnaire contains several questions was distributed to the residents of those areas on both sides of the entrance under consideration and passing specializes in problems affecting the border crossing in terms of traffic congestion and the interest of the party responsible for maintenance and increase efficiency and what about managing such crossing by central department under federal umbrella

    A study of prevalence, severity, stages, conception rate and associated problems in patients with endometriosis

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    Background: Endometriosis should be suspected in women with sub-infertility, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia or chronic pelvic pain. However, these symptoms can also be associated with other diseases. Endometriosis may be asymptomatic even in some women with more advanced disease. The objective of this study was to prevalence, severity, stages, conception rate and associated problems in patients with endometriosisMethods: Present study was retrospective and prospective study from January 2007 to September 2012 which included 200 infertile patients who underwent laparoscopy and were diagnosed with endometriosis in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.Results: Majority of the patients belonged to the age group of 18-25 years i.e. 45.5%. The most common symptom with which the women presented to the hospital was abnormal uterine bleeding seen in 26% of the cases. Out of total cases, 64% had primary infertility and remaining i.e. 36% had secondary infertility. Ovarian endometrioma was seen in 22% of the cases. Majority of the patients had dysmenorrheal in 62% of the cases. Majority were found out to be present in the stage one or minimal endometriosis i.e. they constituted 78 women which amounted at 39% of the total cases. As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the symptomatic relief rate after laparoscopy decreased. As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the conception rate following laparoscopic laser fulguration decreased.  As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the requirement for ART increased.Conclusions: Laparoscopy is considered to be better than laparotomy since there is less morbidity and less adhesions and tissue trauma

    A Unique Common Fixed Point Theorems in generalized D*- Metric Spaces

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    In this paper we establish some common fixed point theorem for contractive type mapping in cone metric spaces and prove some generalized complete D*- metric spaces. Keywords: D*- metric space, common fixed points, normal cones

    Fungal Urinary Tract Infection in Burn Patients‎

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    المقدمة: ان التهاب المسالك البولية هو اكثر انواع الالتهابات المكتسبة من المستشفيات شيوعأ. تعتبر الفطريات سبب غير تقليدي لحدوث التهاب المسالك البولية في الاشخاص الاصحاء, لكنها تكون سبب رئيسي لدى المرضى الراقدين في المستشفيات او في المرضى المصابين بامراض مهيئة للالتهاب او المصابين بالشذوذ الهيكلي للكلى والمسالك البولية. ان المرضى المصابين بالحروق يكونون عرضة للاصابة بعدوى المستشفيات بسبب نقص المناعة الناجم عن الحرق, اصابة الجلد والقناة التنفسية, طول فترة البقاء في وحدة العناية المركزة واستعمال المضادات الحيوية الواسعة الطيف. المواد والطرائق: تضمنت الدراسة عدد من المرضى البالغين من كلا الجنسين المصابين بدرجات مختلفة من حروق الجسم. تم تجميع الادرار لكل مريض في وقت الدخول الى المستشفى ومن ثم اسبوعيأ لمدة 6 اسابيع وارساله الى فحص تحليل الادرار العام وزرع الادرار لاختبار نمو الفطريات. تم اعتبار المرضى الذين اصيبوا بالتهاب المسالك البولية الفطري خلال فترة رقودهم في المستشفى والذين هم بالاصل غير مصابين بهذا الالتهاب وقت الدخول الى المستشفى على انهم العينة الاساسية التي استخلصت منها نتائج الدراسة الحالية. النتائج: 28 (18.6%) مريض ظهرت لديهم نتائج زرع الفطريات موجبة خلال فترة رقودهم في المستشفى, منهم 17 انثى و 11 ذكر. غالبية اعمار المرضى كانت تتراوح بين 41-50 سنة وكان معدل الاعمار ± الانحراف المعياري (44.4 ± 10.7 سنة). اكثر انواع الفطريات المسببة للالتهاب كان    Candida albicans بنسبة 64.3%, يليه  Candida glabrata بنسبة 21.4% ثم Candida tropicalis بنسبة 7.1%. حدث الالتهاب عند غالبية المرضى في الاسبوعين الثاني والثالث خلال فترة رقودهم, على الرغم من ذلك فان بعض المرضى الذين كانت لديهم نسبة حروق الجسم اكثر من 40% اصيبوا بالالتهاب في وقت مبكر وذلك خلال الاسبوع الاول من الرقود. في هذه الدراسة وجد أن الجنس الانثوي, قسطرة الاحليل و داء السكري هي اكثر عوامل الخطر المؤدية الى زيادة نسبة الالتهاب حيث كانت قيمة P 0.03, 0.005 و 0.004 على التوالي. الاستنتاج: ان التهاب المسالك البولية الفطري يحدث بنسبة 18.6% لدى المرضى المصابين بالحروق. اكثر انواع الفطريات المسببة للالتهاب هو candida species. يعتبر تقدم العمر, الجنس الانثوي, النسب العالية من حروق الجسم, قسطرة الاحليل و داء السكري اكثر عوامل الخطر المسببة لهذا الالتهاب.Background: Urinary tract infection is the most common hospital-acquired infection. Fungal species are unusual causes of urinary tract infection in healthy individuals, but common in the hospital setting or among patients with predisposing diseases and structural abnormalities of the kidney and collecting system. Burn patients are susceptible to nosocomial infections owing to the immunocompromising effects of burn injury, cutaneous and respiratory tract injury, prolonged intensive care unit stays and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. Objective: The study population includes adult patients of both genders who presented with different percentages of body burns. Urine sample was collected from each patient at the time of admission and weekly thereafter for 6 weeks and sent for general urine examination and urine culture to test for the possibility of fungal growth. Those who found to develop fungal UTI by urine culture during their hospitalization and had no infection at the time of admission were selected as subjects for our study. Results: 28 (18.6%) patients had positive fungal culture during their hospitalization, 11 of them were males and 17 were females, the most common age of presentation was 41-50 years and the mean age ± SD was (44.4 ± 10.7) years. The most common isolated fungi were Candida albicans (64.3%), followed by Candida glabrata (21.4%) and Candida tropicalis (7.1%). The majority of patients developed infection within the 2nd and 3rd weeks of hospitalization, however, those who presented with total body surface area burned > 40% developed an earlier infection within the 1st week. Female gender, urethral catheterization and diabetes mellitus were significantly associated with higher risk of infection as the P values were 0.03, 0.005 and 0.004 respectively. Conclusion: Fungal urinary tract infection occurred in 18.6% of burn patients. The most common causative fungi are candida species. Advanced age, female gender, high percentage of body burn, urethral catheterization and diabetes mellitus were identified as the most common risk factors of such infectio

    De quelques figures de style (La métaphore, la comparaison, et l'allégorie) dans "Le paysan parvenu" de Marivaux et "Les liaisons dangereuses" de Laclos

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    Les critiques sont conscients des ressources des variétés métaphoriques et allégoriques qu offrent le roman épistolaire "Les Liaisons dangereuses" de Laclos et le roman-mémoire "Le Paysan parvenu" de Marivaux.Nous retrouvons dans ces figures la finesse des analyses psychologiques et la satire des rapports sociaux que développent plus globalement les deux romans. En choisissant le genre de l'autobiographie fictive, Marivaux se donne les moyens de jouer sur la dualité du personnage-narrateur. Les métaphores renvoient alors pour la plupart au naturel d un personnage sans expérience, confronté à l'hypocrisie du monde dans lequel se jouent son éducation sentimentale et son ascension sociale. Mais il nous semble que dans "Les Liaisons dangereuses", Laclos sollicite méthodiquement la métaphore guerrière qu il intègre dans le style épistolaire du roman. Cette métaphorisation guerrière, inscrite dans la tradition littéraire, est essentiellement le fait de la mise en scène du libertinage dans Les Liaisons.The critics were aware of the different resources offered by the metaphorical and allegorical epistolary novel "Les Liaisons dangereuses" of Laclos and the memory novel "Le Paysan parvenu" of Marivaux.Through these figures, we discover how the rigorous psychological analysis and the satire of the social relationships develop more generally the two novels. By choosing this type of fictional autobiography, Marivaux tries to have the means of playing on the duality of the character-narrator. The metaphors refer to the "natural" where a character without experience, confronted by the hypocrisy of the world in which he plays his sentimental education and his social cast as a peasant. But it seems that Laclos, in "Les Liaisons dangereuses", methodically used the metaphor of a warrior to incorporate with the epistolary style of the novel. The metaphor of a warrior, which is inscribed in the traditional literary, plays essentially a major role in producing the libertinism in Les Liaisons.TOURS-Bibl.électronique (372610011) / SudocSudocFranceF