107 research outputs found

    Fundamentos y caso práctico de diseño de una solución B.I para explotar datos abiertos

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    Hoy en día vivimos en un mundo que se está haciendo cada vez más tecnológico y en el que cada día se genera una cantidad enorme de información que de alguna forma habrá que tratarla y sacar de ella algún activo que nos ayude a mejorar. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo introducir los conceptos fundamentales de Business Intelligence que se usa para transformar los datos en información y la información en conocimiento y el conocimiento en acción. Aprovechando los datos abiertos facilitados por el gobierno de España.Nowadays we live in an increasingly technological world in which every day a huge amount of information is being generated. This sum of information needs to then be analyzed so it can help make improvements. This project aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of Business Intelligence that is used to transform data into information and information into knowledge and therefore knowledge into action taking advantage of the open data provided by the Government of Spain.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    La trochantérite tuberculeuse, un diagnostic souvent difficile

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    La trochantérite tuberculeuse est une affection rare (<2% des tuberculoses ostéo-articulaires), même en pays à forte endémie, elle est caractérisée par une symptomatologie insidieuse rendant souvent son diagnostic tardif. Les auteurs rapportent une série de 9 cas, le diagnostic a été posé sur des études bactériologiques et histologiques après un bilan d'imagerie (échographie, IRM, TDM). Le traitement de cette affection est médical (antibiothérapie antituberculeuse), et la chirurgie ne trouve sa place qu'en cas de complications et permet d'améliorer l'évolution.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    First record of three species of "Pythium" from Moroccan waters

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    First record of three species of Pythium from Moroccan waters. Species of Pythium, including P.torulosum, P.catenulatum and P. "Group F", isolated from dam near Rabat city (capital of Morocco) in northern Africa, are described. Taxonomic and morphological details of the fungi are discussed. This work is the first report of these species from Moroccan waters.Primeras citas de tres especies de Pythium para Marruecos. Se describen especies de Pythium, incluyendo P. torulosum, P. catenulatum y P. "Group F", aislados cerca de la ciudad de Rabat (Marruecos) en el norte de Africa. Se discuten detalles taxonómicos y morfológicos del hongo. Este trabajo es la primera refencia de estas especies en aguas de Marruecos

    The formulation and implementation of policies to deal with groundwater overuse in Morocco: which supporting coalitions?

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    The Moroccan administration is showing increasing interest in designing policies to tackle groundwater overuse. In particular, it aims to set up aquifer management contracts for the main overused aquifers, which should bring together broad coalitions of actors around coordinated supply and demand policies. This article analyses to what extent the actors involved in groundwater use and management come together for the definition and implementation of policies to deal with groundwater overuse in four regions. A broad coalition has been built around the design of an aquifer management contract only in the Souss. Catchment management agencies and the Ministry of the Interior collaborate to control the drilling of boreholes in the Saiss, Souss and Berrchid regions. Large-scale farmers in the Souss support the Ministry of Agriculture in developing more water resources. Small-scale farmers were involved in none of these coalitions. The depth of the aquifer, the importance of the groundwater economy in each region, and the motivation and capacities of actors help explain the diversity in the coalitions that were created. While such elements help define the specific needs to support coalition building in each case, in all cases, particular human resources and skills will be needed to catalyse such coalitions, as will innovative ways to include small-scale farmers

    Numerical Study of Internal Radius Effect on Mechanical Behavior of P265GH Material

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    In metallic structures, cracks are mostly initiated at geometric discontinuities of notches or defects. The geometric parameters and discontinuities govern cracks initiation or propagation and therefore affect the resistance of structures during their use. In industry, for economic or security reasons it is seek to know the degree of defects harmfulness and residual life time of structures; This requires the development of models based on fracture mechanics.The objective of this paper is to establish a numerical finite element modeling for a bent specimen using CASTEM2013 computer code. The studied material is P265GH steel commonly used in sheet form in boilers and pressure vessels.The results show that the propagation velocity of crack and stress concentration coefficient increases by increasing the length of the crack and the diameter of the structure

    Ostéome ostéoide intra-articulaire du genou simulant un tableau d’arthrite du genou

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    L'ostéome ostéoïde est une tumeur bénigne ostéoblastique relativement rare, constituée d'une petite lésion de tissu charnu et vascularisé, appelé nidus, cernée d'une ostéocondensation réactionnelle. Il représente 2 à 3% de l'ensemble des tumeurs osseuses et 10 à 20 % des tumeurs osseuses bénignes et survient généralement entre 10 et 25 ans (extrêmes : 5-53 ans), avec une nette prédominance masculine. La localisation intra-articulaire est rare représentant environ 10 à 13% descas. La clinique et les images radiologiques, souvent  atypiques, rendent son diagnostic ardu. Le risque de traitement inadéquat est important. Jusqu'à 40% d'arthroscopies inappropriées ont été rapportés. Le cas rapporté illustre cette situation.Key words: Ostéome, genou, arthrit