186 research outputs found

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Malaria Control Program at the Epidemic Treatment Center of Regional Hospital of Kindia, Guinea

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    The impact of infectious disease outbreaks and pandemics on the health systems could be alarming especially when there is an overlap in clinical manifestations of two infectious conditions. Despite the remarkable progress in reducing the burden of malaria in Africa since 2000, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the malaria control program. This paper describes the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic on the health service delivery in Guinea and its consequences on malaria control programs before and during the COVID 19 pandemic. This paper aims to assess the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the malaria control program between 2020 to 2021 in the Regional Hospital of Kindia and identify its deficiencies to suggest effective recommendations. The study also compares the clinical manifestation of malaria and COVID 19 disease

    Lymphome de Burkitt pédiatrique à révélation orl : quelle prise en charge en milieu sub sahélien ? réflexion sur trois cas

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    Le lymphome de Burkitt dans sa forme Africaine peut se manifester sous des signes d’emprunt ORL Ă  type de tumĂ©faction orbito-maxillo-faciale. Le diagnostic peut ĂȘtre fait par les ORL Ă  travers un faisceau de signes cliniques et une cytoponction. La prise en charge se fait dans des unitĂ©s d’oncologie mĂ©dicale ou le bilan d’extension et le lancement de la chimiothĂ©rapie sont des impĂ©ratifs incontournables. Actuellement cette tumeur Ă  potentiel trĂšs agressif rĂ©pond Ă  une poly chimiothĂ©rapie bien conduite.Mots-clĂ©s : Lymphome de Burkitt, cancer, voies aĂ©rodigestives supĂ©rieures, oncologie pĂ©diatriqu

    Les Goitres BĂ©nins En ORL Aspects Epidemiologiques Et Anatomocliniques : Étude De 97 Cas

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    But : Analyse Ă©pidĂ©miologique, clinique et anatomopathologique des goitres bĂ©nins. MĂ©thodologie : Etude rĂ©trospective de janvier 2002 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2006 sur dossier de patients ayant consultĂ© en ORL pour goitre. Les paramĂštres suivant ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s : - interrogatoire : Ăąge, sexe, profession, rĂ©sidence, anciennetĂ© du goitre, motif de consultation ; - examen clinique prĂ©cisant rĂ©sultats palpation, classification OMS de 1962 du goitre ; - rĂ©sultats de l\'Ă©chographie ; - rĂ©sultats du dosage de la TSH ultrasensible. Ont Ă©tĂ© exclus tous les dossiers comportant une histologie suspecte et/ou maligne et les inflammations de la thyroĂŻde. Ainsi a-t-on retenu 97 dossiers sur 122. RĂ©sultats : Notre recrutement a Ă©tĂ© marquĂ© par une forte proportion d\'adulte jeune (classe d\'Ăąge de 31 Ă  50 ans : 78 patients) et par une prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (sex-ratio, 17/80). Ces patients Ă©taient plus souvent des femmes au foyer et rĂ©sidaient le plus souvent Ă  Bamako. Ils Ă©taient porteurs Ă  52% de goitre Ă©voluant depuis plus de vingt ans et Ă  44% de plus de dix ans d\'Ă©volution. Deux signes principaux ont amenĂ©s les patients Ă  consulter : les signes d\'hyperthyroĂŻdie et la tumĂ©faction cervicale disgracieuse. Le goitre Ă©tait de type 3 de l\'OMS dans 68% des cas. Un aspect multi nodulaire clinique a Ă©tĂ© vu chez 81 patients. A l\'imagerie, nous avons notĂ© 10% de goitre isoĂ©chogĂšne. L\'examen anatomopathologie a plus souvent trouvĂ© des goitres de type macro folliculaire sur les piĂšces d\'exĂ©rĂšse. Ils Ă©taient dans 20% des cas des goitres en activitĂ©. Conclusion : Le praticien ORL en pays d\'endĂ©mie goitreuse se doit de connaĂźtre tous les contours de la pathologie thyroĂŻdienne. Il ne doit jamais oublier non plus que la prise en charge efficiente doit ĂȘtre multidisciplinaire (Endocrinologue, Radiologue, Anatomopathologiste, AnesthĂ©siste RĂ©animateur). Patients and methods : retrospective study of 97 cases traeted from January 2002 to December 2006. Were excluded malignant and inflammatory thyroid deseases. Results: Our patients were essentially young adults (from 31 to 50 years: 78 patients) . We noted a female prevalence (sex-ratio: 17/80) 52% had more than twenty years evolution goiter and 44% more than ten years evolution. Two principal symptoms led the patients to consult: those of hyperthyroidy and cervical swelling. The goiter was classified as type 3 of WHO in 68% of the cases. A multi nodular aspect was found among 81 patients. We noted 10% of isoechogene goiter. The treatment was surgery The histological examination found macrofollicular goiter in the majority of cases. Keywords: ThyroĂŻd gland, goiter bĂ©nign, cervical swelling. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 16-1

    Transitioning from military medics to registered nurses

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    The nursing shortage in the USA is expected to reach 260,000 registered nurses (RNs) by 2025. The most profound shortages are expected in California and Florida, translating into 109,779 and 128,364 RN jobs, respectively. Despite a foreseen growth in nursing career opportunities nationwide, the supply of nurses will be insufficient to meet the corresponding demand. Capitalizing on prior education, experience, and skills of military clinical personnel to fill these jobs could significantly reduce the projected nursing shortage. Florida International University’s Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences is circumventing barriers to recruit, retain, and graduate transitioning veteran medics and corpsmen as Bachelor of Science in Nursing prepared RNs who reintegrate into the civilian workforce. The Veteran Bachelor of Science in Nursing (VBSN) program is in the form of a cooperative agreement between Florida International University and the US Health Resources and Services Administration. The VBSN program’s main objective is to build upon the unique leadership skills, clinical education, and training of military medics and corpsmen to ensure successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum. VBSN students, as veterans themselves, have unique knowledge and exposure to the specific health issues and needs of the veteran population overall. They are poised and best prepared to effectively care for the US population, particularly the current 22 million US veterans and 1.6 million Florida veterans. Additionally, the VBSN program will alleviate the challenges, such as the lack of recognition of military skills, unemployment, the substandard income, and homelessness that many former service members face after separation from the military

    Traumatological emergencies: epidemiological and problematic aspects of care in the orthopedics traumatology department of the CHU Ignace Deen in Conakry

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    Background: A trauma emergency is any aggression (direct or indirect) external to the body for which no therapeutic delay is allowed at the risk of endangering the patient's life or the functional prognosis of his limbs. The objective of this study was to report the results of the management of traumatological emergencies. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study from 11 January 2021, to 11 July 2021. It focused on patients seen for traumatological emergencies in the CHU Ignace Deen Orthopaedics-Traumatology department. Results: Trauma emergencies constitute 75.2% of admissions to the emergency department. The average age of the patients was 32.2 years, with extremes of 1 and 91 years. There was a predominance of 76.3% males with a ratio (M/F) of 3.2. Road traffic accidents were the most found aetiology in 82.9%, and motorcycles were involved in 68.7%. Limb fractures were found in 34.7%. The treatment time was ≀6 hours in 67.5%, and 203 patients received drug treatment, i.e., 49.7%. Conclusions: Trauma emergencies constitute, by their frequency and seriousness, a real public health problem in Africa in general and in Guinea in particular

    Association between aerobic fitness and attentional functions in Egyptian preadolescent children

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    Growing evidence indicates that culture and education can influence cognitive constructs. Studies targeting Western and Asian populations have shown a positive relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive control in children; however, this association has yet to be explored in the Arab world. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between aerobic fitness and attentional networks in Egyptian preadolescent children. In total, 103 preadolescent children (9.76 ± 0.11) completed an assessment of aerobic fitness using a 6-min running test and a computerized attention network test that allowed for assessing alerting, orienting, and executive networks. The results revealed that higher aerobic fitness was associated with shorter response time and higher response accuracy in a more cognitively demanding task condition (i.e., incongruent trials). Furthermore, higher aerobic fitness was associated with a more efficient executive network. No associations were observed for alerting and orienting networks. These findings corroborate growing evidence indicating the importance of aerobic fitness for cognitive development and extend the literature by suggesting that the positive association between aerobic fitness and cognitive control might be generalized to the Arab population and not significantly change across cultures

    Undescended Testis Revealing Triorchidism in a Child: A Case Report

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    Polyorchidism is a rare genitourinary congenital malformation, which diagnosis is generally fortuitous in children. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy admitted to the pediatric surgery service of Donka University Hospital in Conakry for an empty left scrotum. Initially, the diagnosis of left cryptorchidism had prompted orchidopexy by inguinal approach, whose intraoperative exploration revealed two undescended left testicles. The first, located at the deep ring of the inguinal canal, had normal volume, while the second, located in the inguinal canal, was hypotrophic. The orchiectomy of the latter was performed, associated with a dartos-pouch orchidopexy of the testicle of normal volume. After one year of follow-up, no complications were noted

    Safety of Single-Dose Primaquine in G6PD-Deficient and G6PD-Normal Males in Mali Without Malaria : An Open-Label, Phase 1, Dose-Adjustment Trial

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    Erratum: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 217, Issue 7, 1 April 2018, Page 1171, https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiy074Methods: We conducted an open-label, nonrandomized, dose-adjustment trial of the safety of 3 single doses of primaquine in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient adult males in Mali, followed by an assessment of safety in G6PD-deficient boys aged 11–17 years and those aged 5–10 years, including G6PD-normal control groups. The primary outcome was the greatest within-person percentage drop in hemoglobin concentration within 10 days after treatment. Results: Fifty-one participants were included in analysis. G6PD-deficient adult males received 0.40, 0.45, or 0.50 mg/kg of SLD-PQ. G6PD-deficient boys received 0.40 mg/kg of SLD-PQ. There was no evidence of symptomatic hemolysis, and adverse events considered related to study drug (n = 4) were mild. The mean largest within-person percentage change in hemoglobin level between days 0 and 10 was −9.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], −13.5% to −5.90%) in G6PD-deficient adults receiving 0.50 mg/kg of SLD-PQ, −11.5% (95% CI, −16.1% to −6.96%) in G6PD-deficient boys aged 11–17 years, and −9.61% (95% CI, −7.59% to −13.9%) in G6PD-deficient boys aged 5–10 years. The lowest hemoglobin concentration at any point during the study was 92 g/L. Conclusion: SLD-PQ doses between 0.40 and 0.50 mg/kg were well tolerated in G6PD-deficient males in Mali.Methods: We conducted an open-label, nonrandomized, dose-adjustment trial of the safety of 3 single doses of primaquine in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient adult males in Mali, followed by an assessment of safety in G6PD-deficient boys aged 11–17 years and those aged 5–10 years, including G6PD-normal control groups. The primary outcome was the greatest within-person percentage drop in hemoglobin concentration within 10 days after treatment. Results: Fifty-one participants were included in analysis. G6PD-deficient adult males received 0.40, 0.45, or 0.50 mg/kg of SLD-PQ. G6PD-deficient boys received 0.40 mg/kg of SLD-PQ. There was no evidence of symptomatic hemolysis, and adverse events considered related to study drug (n = 4) were mild. The mean largest within-person percentage change in hemoglobin level between days 0 and 10 was −9.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], −13.5% to −5.90%) in G6PD-deficient adults receiving 0.50 mg/kg of SLD-PQ, −11.5% (95% CI, −16.1% to −6.96%) in G6PD-deficient boys aged 11–17 years, and −9.61% (95% CI, −7.59% to −13.9%) in G6PD-deficient boys aged 5–10 years. The lowest hemoglobin concentration at any point during the study was 92 g/L. Conclusion: SLD-PQ doses between 0.40 and 0.50 mg/kg were well tolerated in G6PD-deficient males in Mali.Peer reviewe

    Isonatraemic haemodialysis in the management of salt and water overload: a crossover trial at an academic hospital in Dakar, Senegal

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    Introduction: The aims of this study were to assess the impact of isonatraemic haemodialysis on reduction of interdialytic weight gain (IDWG) and blood pressure (BP) as well as its tolerability in our study population. Methods: This crossover trial, at the Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital in Senegal, was conducted on 32 patients with kidney failure who were stable on treatment with chronic haemodialysis. In the initial “control phase”, patients had nine haemodialysis sessions with a dialysate sodium (Na+) concentration (Na+ dialysate) of 138 mmol/L. The serum Na+ set point (SP) for each patient was calculated from three predialytic mid-week values. In the second phase, the “individualized phase”, patients had nine haemodialysis sessions with Na+ dialysate equal to their SP. Results: The mean age of the patients was 55.5 ± 12.1 years, with a male/female ratio of 1.3 and the most common cause of kidney disease was hypertension (47%). Mean predialytic serum Na+ concentration was 135.8 ± 1.9 mmol/L, with a mean intra-individual coefficient of variation of 2%. Mean interdialytic weight gain (IDWG) was 1.9 kg and 1.8 kg in the control and individualized phases, respectively (P = 0.75). A reduction in postdialytic systolic blood pressure (BP) was observed during the individualized phase (P = 0.04). A similar trend was noted in pre- and intradialytic BP but this was not statistically significant. Apart from headaches, which were more common in the individualized phase (P = 0.04), isonatraemic haemodialysis was well tolerated. Conclusions: IDWG as well as pre- and intradialytic BP were unaffected by isonatraemic haemodialysis. Postdialytic BP was significantly reduced. Introduction: Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude Ă©taient d’évaluer l’impact de l’hĂ©modialyse isonatrĂ©mique sur la rĂ©duction de la prise de poids inter-dialytique (PPID) et de la pression artĂ©rielle (PA) ainsi que sa tolĂ©rance dans notre population d’étude. MĂ©thodes: Cet essai croisĂ© a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© au centre hospitalier universitaire Aristide Le Dantec de Dakar (SĂ©nĂ©gal) chez des patients hĂ©modialysĂ©s chroniques. Durant la premiĂšre phase dite « phase contrĂŽle », les patients ont eu neuf sĂ©ances d’hĂ©modialyse avec une concentration de sodium dans le dialysat (Na+ dialysat) de 138 mmol/L. Le set-point (SP) de la natrĂ©mie a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© pour chaque patient et correspondait Ă  la moyenne de 3 natrĂ©mies prĂ©-dialytiques en milieu de semaine. Durant la deuxiĂšme phase dite « phase individualisĂ©e », les patients ont eu neuf sĂ©ances d’hĂ©modialyse avec du Na+ dialysat Ă©gal Ă  leur SP. RĂ©sultats: Trente-deux patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 55,5 ± 12,1 ans avec un ratio homme/femme de 1,3 et la nĂ©phropathie initiale la plus frĂ©quente Ă©tait l’hypertensive (47%). La natrĂ©mie prĂ©-dialytique moyenne Ă©tait de 135,8 ± 1,9 mmol/L, avec un coefficient de variation intra-individuel moyen de 2 %. La PPID moyenne Ă©tait de 1,9 kg et 1,8 kg dans les phases de contrĂŽle et individualisĂ©, respectivement (P = 0,75). Une diminution de la PA systolique post-dialytique a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e au cours de la phase individualisĂ©e (P = 0,04). Une tendance similaire sans significativitĂ© statistique a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e sur les PA prĂ©- et intra-dialytiques. Hormis les cĂ©phalĂ©es, plus frĂ©quentes pendant la phase individualisĂ©e (P = 0,04), l’hĂ©modialyse isonatrĂ©mique a Ă©tĂ© bien tolĂ©rĂ©e. Conclusions: La PPID, les PA prĂ©- et intra-dialytiques n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© affectĂ©es par l’hĂ©modialyse isonatrĂ©mique. La PA post-dialytique Ă©tait significativement rĂ©duite
