1,640 research outputs found

    Study of heterosis in single-cross hybrids of sunflower

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        This study was conducted to estimate the genetic variability and heterosis of 40 F1 hybrids of sunflower for seed yield and its components over two seasons (summer and winter) in 2007 at Sennar Research Station Farm in central Sudan. The plant material consisted of 14 sunflower parents            (4 females and 10 males) and their 40 F1-hybrids. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The traits measured were days to 50% flowering, plant height, head diameter, number of seeds per head, one thousand seed weight and seed yield.  Hybrids showed high genetic variability for all traits studied than their parents which suggested some degree of hybrid vigor. The direction and magnitude of heterosis varied from cross to cross. Over two seasons, the average mid-parent heterosis in preferred direction and magnitude depicted that the hybrid SA2 x SR41 followed by SA3 x SR41 for days to flowering, SA1 x SR14 for plant height, SA2 x SR14 for head diameter, SA2 x SR13 followed by SA3 x SR13 for number of seeds per head, and SA3 x SR7 for one thousand seed weight. With regard to seed yield, the best hybrids with positive average heterosis were SA3 x SR41 (53.42%), SA4 x SR45 (52.75%), SA4 x SR1 (52.25%) and SA3 x SR10 (40.63%) which also combined with high seed yield of 1581 kg/ha, 1479 kg/ha, 1474 kg/ha, and 1457 kg/ha, respectively. These hybrids (involving the female line SA3 or SA4 and the male lines (SR10, SR13, SR41 and SR45) can be used in our breeding program in an attempt to develop local sunflower hybrid (s) with high seed yield and other important agronomic traits and for testing their yield potential and stability across locations and seasons.  أجريت هذه الدراسة بهدف تقدير التباين الوراثي و قوة الهجن  للإنتاجية ومكوناتها لأربعين هجين مفرد من محصول زهرة الشمس، نتجت من تهجين أربعة أمهات ذات عقم ذكرى سايتوبلازمى مع عشرة آباء معيدة للخصوبة. أجريت التجربة بمحطة بحوث سنار فى وسط السودان بالقطاع المروي لموسين             (صيف وشتاء2007). أستخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاثة مكررات. كانت الصفات المدروسة هى عدد الايام حتى 50% إزهار، طول النبات، قطر القرص، عدد البذور بالقرص، وزن الآلف حبة، وانتاج البذور. أظهرت النتائج فروقات معنوية لكل الصفات في الموسمين مع تفوق الهجن وتباينها وراثياً مقارنة بالآباء. وفي التحليل المشترك لحساب قوة الهجين لكل الصفات كنسبة زيادة أو نقصان من متوسط الأبويين، ظهر أنّ الهــجينينSA2 x SR41  وSA3 x SR 41 هما الأفضل للإزهار والنضج المبكر، الهجين SA1 x SR14 لطول النبات، الهـجين SA2 x SR14 لقطر القرص ، الهجينين SA2 x SR13  و SA3 x SR13 لعدد البذور بالقرص، الهجين SA3 x SR7 لوزن الألف بذرة. أما بخصوص إنتاجية البذور أظهرت بعض الهجن نسبة قوة هجين موجبة SA3 x SR41 ) (53.42%، (52.73% ) SA4 x SR45،   SA4 x SR1   (52.25%)و SA3 x SR10 ((40.63% وإنتاجية بذور تقدر بـ 1581 كيلوجرام للهكتار، 1479 كيلوجرام للهكتار، 1474 كيلوجرام للهكتار و1459 كيلوجرام للهكتار علي التوالي. ويستنتج من هذه الدراسة ان الهجن التي يدخل في تركبيها الأم SA3 أو الأم SA4 مع الآباء SR41 ، SR45، SR13      و SR10 هى هجن متفوقة لإنتاجية البذور والصفات الأخرى ، ويمكن استخدام تلك الأمهات والآباء في تطوير هجن محلية مفردة من محصول الزهرة واختبار ثبات إنتاجيتها عبر المواسم والمواقع المختلفة

    Effects of Genotype, Season and Nutrition on Sunflower Yield and Hollow Seededness in Gezira (Sudan)

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    A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of genotype, season and nutrition on sunflower seed yield and hollow seededness in Gezira. Five sunflower cultivars (Damazin-l, Hungarian-A, Rodio, Hysun-25 and Hysun-33), two nitrogen levels (0 and 129 kgN/ha) and two levels of phosphorus  (0 and 129 kg P205/ha) were used over two seasons (autumn and winter 2000) in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Data on 14 characters were collected. results showed that the percentage of empty seeds, self-compatibility 1000-seed weight and seed yield were significantly affected by and its interaction with season. The means of these characters were relatively higher in winter than in autumn season except for the empty seeds. The application of high doses of fertilizer had no significant effect on the percentage of empty seeds, and consequently lie phenomenon of empty seeds could be attributed mainly to genetical  and seasonal effects. The genotypes mean seed yields ranged from 1127 to 1899 kg/ha, with Hysun-33 giving the highest yield. Simple  and genotypic correlation analyses emphasized that seed yield was and positively correlated with days to flowering, harvest index , head diameter, seed number/head, self-compatibility, number filled seeds/head and percent seed set. Both analyses showed negative coefficients between seed yield and empty seeds. The percentage of empty seeds was positively and significantly correlated with plant height and number of heads/plant. The path analysis indicated that head diameter, percentage of seed set, days to flowering and seed weight  were the most important traits related to seed yield where as percentage of seed set, harvest index, and days to maturity were the  most important traits contributing to high degree of self-compatibility in sunflow


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    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and attitude of women living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) about hormonereplacement therapy (HRT) and their associated health benefits and risks.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 220 women aged 20-70 years old in the UAE mainly in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. The surveyincluded 21 items; socio-demographic profiles, medical and menstrual histories, and questions related to their knowledge, attitude toward HRT use,benefits, and risks.Results: Among females participated in the study, (48%) were using a variety of HRT for managing menopausal symptoms. Health care professionalswere chosen the most as their main source of information in both Abu Dhabi and Sharjah (68%, 39%, p<0.0001). 26% of women living in Abu Dhabiand 19% in Sharjah thought that HRT was a good solution for women with menopausal symptoms. The percentages of women who had a negativeattitude toward HRT were almost equal in both cities (Abu Dhabi 10.78%, Sharjah 14.41%). However, the overall knowledge of the participants aboutHRT risks and benefits was average.Conclusion: The study indicated that there was a positive attitude toward HRT use and good knowledge of its possible benefits and risks among theparticipants which could be because physicians were their major source of information.Keywords: Hormone replacement therapy, Menopause, Prevalence knowledge and attitude, United Arab Emirates, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi

    Relationship between pharmaceutical pricing strategies with price, availability, and affordability of cardiovascular disease medicines: Surveys in Qatar and Lebanon

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    Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Lebanon and Qatar. When lifestyle modifications prove insufficient, medication becomes a cornerstone in controlling such diseases and saving lives. Price, availability, and affordability hinder the equitable access to medicines. The study aimed to assess prices, availability, and affordability of essential cardiovascular disease medicines in relation to pricing strategies in Qatar and Lebanon. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a variant of the World Health Organization and Health Action International (WHO/HAI) methodology as outlined in "Measuring medicine prices, availability, affordability and price components" (2008), second edition, was adopted. Prices and availability of 27 cardiovascular medicines were collected from public and private dispensing outlets. For international comparison, prices were adjusted to purchasing power parity. Data was analyzed across multiple sectors, within and across countries. Results: A total of 15 public and private outlets were surveyed in each country. Prices were more uniform in Qatar than in Lebanon. In the public sector, medicines were free-of-charge in Lebanon and priced lower than the international reference prices in Qatar. The ratio of medicine unit price to international reference price in the private sectors surveyed are significantly higher than the acceptable threshold of 4. This ratio of originator brands and lowest priced generics in Qatar were up to two and five times those in Lebanon, respectively, even after adjusting for purchasing power parity. However, prices of lowest priced generics in the private sector were at least 35% cheaper in Qatar and 65% cheaper in Lebanon than their comparative originator brands. Medicines were more available in the private sector in Lebanon than in Qatar, but only the originator brand availability in the public sector in Qatar exceeded the WHO target of more than 80%. While affordable in the public sector in Qatar, four out of thirteen medicines exceeded the threshold in all private sectors covered. Hence, only the public sector in Qatar had a satisfying level of availability and affordability. Conclusions: Except for the Qatari public sector, medicine prices, availability, and affordability are falling short from targets. Key policy decisions should be implemented to improve access to medicines. - 2019 The Author(s).This study was supported by Qatar University with the grants’ numbers (QUST-CPH-SPR-15/16–7 & QUST-CPH-SPR\2017–18). It funded the collection of data and a revision of the written English. The publication fee for this article was funded by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Design Considerations of a New IPM Rotor With Efficient Utilization of PMs Enabled by Additive Manufacturing

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    This paper presents a new design concept for interior permanent magnet (IPM) rotor using the capabilities of additive manufacturing (AM). In conventional laminated IPM topology, the presence of rotor ribs is essential for maintaining the mechanical integrity of the rotor. However, these pole ribs are a primary contributor to flux leakage, leading to inefficient utilization of costly rare-earth PMs. Addressing this challenge, a rib-less IPM rotor is proposed that takes advantage of the AM potential which eliminates the need for traditional ribs while maintaining the structural integrity of the rotor. Nevertheless, the additively manufactured cores, in contrast to conventionally laminated rotor cores, demand specific design considerations, especially in terms of eddy current loss and structural performance. In this regard, a strategy involving the incorporation of shallow grooves on the rotor surface is employed to mitigate eddy current loss. The mechanical performance of the proposed topology is carefully examined, and the impact of pole geometry on rotor displacement induced by centrifugal forces is investigated. To evaluate the performance of the proposed topology, an optimization procedure based on response surface methodology is conducted for both the proposed rotor and a conventional IPM rotor. The results indicate that the proposed IPM topology can offer significantly more efficient utilization of PMs and enhanced torque rating by approximately 8% compared to the laminated IPM topology.European Union/Marie Sklodowska Curie DoctoralIndustrial Project (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01)/EMByAM (101073250)/E

    Evaluation of the Antibiotic Resistance Pattern at the Medical Services Administration Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, 2021

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    The number of antibiotics available is limited and does not cover the growing antibiotic resistance challenge. Misuse and overuse of antibiotics act as factors that help in improving and increasing the problem of resistance to those currently being prescribed by doctors. The study was carried out at the Medical Services Administration Hospital (MSAH) in Khartoum, Sudan to investigate the antibiotic resistance pattern for the period between Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2022. The results showed that, in a total of different clinical samples that were collected and processed, a total number of 980 organisms were isolated. The result indicated that 345 out of the total isolates (35.20%) were Klebsiella pneumonia, 326 (33.27%) Escherichia coli, 154 (15.71%) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 130 (13.27%) Proteus mirabilis, and 25 (2.55%) Staphylococcus aureus. The results showed that K. pneumonia was quite resistant to piperacillin, cefuroxime, and azithromycin. The amikacin, imipenem, and meropenem antibiotics showed significant activity against K. pneumonia. The isolates of E. coli showed significant resistance to azithromycin and were more sensitive to imipenem and meropenem. P. aeruginosa was resistant to penicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and azithromycin in a big way, but it was very sensitive to cefuroxime, the drug used to treat strep throat infections. P. mirabilis was found to be resistant to nalidixic acid, nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and azithromycin. It showed good sensitivity to amikacin, imipenem, and meropenem. It was clear that S. aureus was resistant to cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, nitrofurantoin, and norfloxacin, while tests showed that it was sensitive to imipenem

    Phenotypic Properties of Collagen in Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Associated with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Introduction: Dentinogenesis imperfecta type 1 (OIDI) is considered a relatively rare genetic disorder (1:5000 to 1:45,000) associated with osteogenesis imperfecta. OIDI impacts the formation of collagen fibrils in dentin, leading to morphological and structural changes that affect the strength and appearance of teeth. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the nanoscale characterization of the disease, in terms of collagen ultrastructure and mechanical properties. Therefore, this research presents a qualitative and quantitative report into the phenotype and characterization of OIDI in dentin, by using a combination of imaging, nanomechanical approaches. Methods: For this study, 8 primary molars from OIDI patients and 8 primary control molars were collected, embedded in acrylic resin and cut into longitudinal sections. Sections were then demineralized in 37% phosphoric acid using a protocol developed in-house. Initial experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the demineralization protocol, as the ATR-FTIR spectral fingerprints showed an increase in the amide bands together with a decrease in phosphate content. Structural and mechanical analyses were performed directly on both the mineralized and demineralized samples using a combination of scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and Wallace indentation. Results: Mesoscale imaging showed alterations in dentinal tubule morphology in OIDI patients, with a reduced number of tubules and a decreased tubule diameter compared to healthy controls. Nanoscale collagen ultrastructure presented a similar D-banding periodicity between OIDI and controls. Reduced collagen fibrils diameter was also recorded for the OIDI group. The hardness of the (mineralized) control dentin was found to be significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of the OIDI (mineralized) dentine. Both the exposed peri- and intratubular dentinal collagen presented bimodal elastic behaviors (Young's moduli). The control samples presented a stiffening of the intratubular collagen when compared to the peritubular collagen. In case of the OIDI, this stiffening in the collagen between peri- and intratubular dentinal collagen was not observed and the exposed collagen presented overall a lower elasticity than the control samples. Conclusion: This study presents a systematic approach to the characterization of collagen structure and properties in OIDI as diagnosed in dentin. Structural markers for OIDI at the mesoscale and nanoscale were found and correlated with an observed lack of increased elastic moduli of the collagen fibrils in the intratubular OIDI dentin. These findings offer an explanation of how structural changes in the dentin could be responsible for the failure of some adhesive restorative materials as observed in patients affected by OIDI

    Hepatoprotective effect of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile leaves against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats

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    Methanolic extract of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile (leaves), was evaluated for its hepatoprotective activity against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats; by measuring levels of serum marker enzymes like serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and total bilirubin. Histological studies were also carried out to support our hypothesis. Administration of the extract (200 and 400 mg/kg) orally markedly prevented CCl4-induced elevation of serum GPT, GOT, ALP and total bilirubin levels. A comparative histopathological study of liver in treated groups exhibited similarity to normal tissue architecture, compared to CCl4-treated group

    Effect of Psychological Empowerment and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment

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    According to recent literature that relates to organizational leadership, transformational leadership consists of three important elements: idealized influence, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation. Extant studies in this area highlighted that the ability of the leaders in implementing these transformational processes (to execute organizational functions) may have a significant impact on individual outcome especially organizational commitment. Although this relationship has been studied, the mediating role of transformational leadership has taken a less prominent role in organizational leadership model. Recent studies on organizational leadership have emphasized that transformational leadership has three important characteristics: idealized influence, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of empowerment in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment; by using 77 USAble questionnaires gathered from employees who worked at a foreign manufacturing company in Free Trade Zone, Malaysia. Results of SmartPLS path model analysis confirm that empowerment does act as an important mediating variable in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment in the organizational sample. In the succeeding sections, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated

    Design of shunt hybrid active power filter for compensating harmonic currents and reactive power

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    For the past two decades, tremendous advancements have been achieved in the electricity industry. The usage of non-linear loads in the daily life has affected the power quality of the system and caused the presence of harmonics. To compensate the harmonic currents and reactive power in the system, the design of shunt hybrid active power filter has been proposed in this research. The design of the filter has included several control systems of instantaneous active and reactive power (p-q) theory and PI controller to investigate the performance of the filter. The robustness of the designed hybrid power filter has also been benchmarked with the other filter topologies available in literature. The hybrid power filter will combine passive power filter and active power filter configurated in shunt connection. The result of this research showed that the total harmonic distortion analyzed is below than 5% according to IEEE-519 standard requirements and reactive power is compensated proved by the increase in power factor. The shunt hybrid active power filter is designed, and simulation result is analyzed by using MATLAB-Simulink environment