24 research outputs found


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    Public complaints are a form of community participation to play a role in building the environment as well as a form of monitoring the performance of government agencies. Currently, the North City District Office does not yet have a public complaint service or system. So it is necessary to have a Public Complaints Information System to submit public complaints that are intended specifically for the North City District government and the application responds quickly to complaints, suggestions, a place to accommodate aspirations, first aid for humanitarian and emergency communities. The design used in this research is the Prototype method. This research produces a Quick Response and Community Complaints Information System to make it easier for the public to submit complaints which will be addressed specifically to the North City District government and can speed up the complaint time in real time because it is based on a Progressive Web App (PWA) that can be read by sub-district staff and forwarded. to the sub-district head for the complaint process.Keywords: Complaints, PWA, Prototype


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    This article aims to describe the reconstruction of the Chinese role in spreading Islam in Banten in the Sultanate period.  This article uses histrocial and antrhropological approaches. The mosque of Pacinan Tinggi was likely built by Chinese in Pacinan area for their places of worship. It is indicated by the form of its minarets which is influenced by Chinese sryle. Moreover, not too far from the ruins of the mosque of Pecinan lies the cemetery of Chinese Muslims. It means that around Pecinan area were the communities of Chinese Muslims and they probably played an important role in the spread of Islam in Banten taking into account that the development of Islam in China is earlier than that of in the Archipelago, and Banten had been well known by Chinese people far of the establishment of the Sultanate of  Banten


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    In the Islamic  scientific tradition, sex  education is not new and taboo thing. Two sources of Islammic law, Alquran and al-Hadis commonly  talk about sex education. Sex education particularly is sistematic topic of the Islamic jurisprudence. The Islamic scientific traditions are a part that is not  separated in the curriculum of  traditional Islamic  educational institution (read : pesantren).Pesantren Bani Syafi’i in Cilegon, Banten has given sex education since the santri (students at tradisional muslim school) studied at pesantren. Their understanding of sex education is very good. The contents of sex education include cleanlinnes and purity. They are discuss about excrement; major ritual impurity and minor ritual impurity, istinjaa, ablution; bathing after doing something ritually impure; menstruation; parturition.  In this study the santri begin familiar with many  terms about sex, like anus,  penis, vagina, sperm, mazi, menstrual blood; postnatal hemorrhage, coitus, and etc. They also talk about baligh age of boy and  girl and  their characterization, and the aurat, right and obligation of a couple, the etics,  and even the coitus technique.Sex education done by Pesantren Bani Syafi’i is using two approaches. First, normative approach, that is in order the santri know which is good, and bad, and which is halal and haram.  Second, psycological approach, that the sex education synchronized with age dan intelectual ability of the santri. The orientation of  this education is the santri understand and responsible with their sexual life correctly. It is  a gate to high morality and legality in worship and as a  form of  obedient to Allah. Keywords: Pendidikan Seks, Tradisi, Pesantren Tradisional, Bani Syafi’

    Particle swarm modelling of a flexible beam structure

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    This paper presents a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with dynamic spread factor inertia weight and its application to dynamic modeling of a flexible beam structure. In this study, system identification scheme based on PSO is formulated to obtain a dynamic model of the beam in parametric form. A PSO algorithm with dynamic spread factor inertia weight is proposed and its performance is assessed in comparison to a standard PSO in modelling the flexible beam structure

    Parametric modelling of a TRMS using dynamic spread factor particle swarm optimisation

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    System identification in vibrating environments has been a matter of concern for researchers in many disciplines of science and engineering. In this paper, a sound approach for a Twin Rotor Multi-input Multi-Output System (TRMS) parametric modeling is proposed based on dynamic spread factor particle swarm optimization. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is demonstrated as an efficient global search method for nonlinear complex systems without any a priory knowledge of the system structure. The proposed method formulates a modified inertia weight algorithm by using a dynamic spread factor (SF). The inertia weight plays an important role in terms of balancing both the global and local search. Thus, the usage of dynamic SF is proved experimentally to satisfy main issues of using basic PSO that are trapped in local optima and preservation of diversity. Results in both time and frequency domains portray a very good parametric model that mimic well the behavior of a TRMS. Validation tests clearly show the effectiveness of the algorithm considered in this work

    Penularan negatif mutu perkhidmatan institusi perubatan negara di laman

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    Profesion dalam bidang perubatan lazimnya menjadi satu profesion yang disegani, dan dihormati. Namun begitu, kebelakangan ini terdapat kemunculan gelaran dan tohmahan yang tidak elok ditujukan kepada para pengamal perubatan melalui laman sosial. Keadaan ini nyata bukan sahaja membimbangkan, tetapi juga boleh mencalarkan imej institusi perubatan, juga menimbulkan salah faham antara para pengguna laman sosial yang lain. Ini kerana, status-status sebegini yang biasanya boleh dikongsi akan menjadi tular di laman sosial dalam masa yang singkat. Justeru, situasi ini telah mengilhamkan pengkaji melakukan kajian untuk mencari punca terjadinya masalah ini. Kaedah analisis kandungan bertujuan digunakan untuk memilih beberapa status peribadi laman sosial Facebook terpilih yang mengandungi ayat-ayat atau perkataan yang mengandungi unsur-unsur negatif yang ditujukan kepada institusi perubatan Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan teori Literasi Media oleh Potter (2004) yang menyatakan kekurangan struktur pengetahuan boleh mendorong kepada penyalahgunaan media. Hasil daripada dapatan kajian mendapati tujuh punca yang dikenal pasti iaitu, tidak memahami proses rawatan, tidak memahami fungsi setiap jabatan di institusi kesihatan, kurang profesional, tidak sabar, masalah komunikasi, tidak tahu akan kewujudan akta-akta yang melindungi para petugas institusi perubatan, dan kurang literasi media. Bagi mengatasinya, setiap individu, terutamanya pengguna laman sosial dan pihak institusi perubatan perlu memainkan peranan masing masing dalam mencari maklumat, menambah, dan menyebarkan menerusi media, agar lebih bermanfaat untuk kebaikan bersama. Kajian ini diharap mampu mengubah persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap institusi perubatan negara, di samping melahirkan masyarakat yang lebih berhati-hati dalam menyebarkan maklumat

    Two-wheel balancing robot; review on control methods and experiments

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    Two-wheel mobile robot has been active field of study and research as it provides simple mechanical design and high maneuverability. Various developments continue to take place in the process of achieving stability, navigation from one place to another. This article intended to address the control methods of balancing two-wheeled mobile robot from linear controller, non-linear controller and adapting and self-learning algorithm. The focus of the review will be the evaluation and experiment done on two-wheel mobile robot. With the objective of mobile robot advances further from self-balancing, navigating or obstacle avoiding, towards completing sophisticated external task such as transporting and monitoring the surrounding. It is believed that this review will help researchers in developing substantial two-wheeled mobile robot

    Electric motorcycle modeling for speed tracking and range travelled estimation

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    With the massive interest in electric vehicle technology, all different types of vehicles are moving toward green awareness, including the motorcycle. As time progresses, the investigations on the motorcycle developed to an even more complex model as the model need to be able to include the dynamics of the motorcycle at high speed. Relatively, few works of the literature found on an electric motorcycle (MC) modeling. Therefore, this paper aims to develop an E-MC model that represents a realistic model of the motorcycle with both kinematics and dynamics of the motorcycle incorporated in the model. The developed model is then tested for the speed tracking and the range travelled to evaluate the performance. Two different driving cycles that commonly applied in the commercial motorcycle evaluation test are used as the driving profiles in the simulation, namely, the Worldwide Motorcycle Test Cycle and New European Driving Cycle profiles. The results show an evident ability for the developed model of the E-MC to track the speed profile. It is also noted that the distance travelled by the E-MC model can be effectively determined


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    Kelurahan Madyopuro merupakan salah satu kelurahan di Kecamatan Kedungkandang Kota Malang letaknya sangat strategis dengan sumber potensi yang dimiliki yaitu: Central Business (Pusat Perdagangan), sebagai kota mahasiswa, produksi dari hasil kreatifitas home industri berupa kue basah dan makanan ringan lainnya dan usia produktif mendominasi populasi, ketersediaan tenaga kerja yang besar. Salah satu wilayah yang berdekatan dengan pusat kegiatan masyarakat adalah wilayah Rukun Warga (RW) 15. Berdasarkan observasi dan analisis situasi dapat disampaikan bahwa rata-rata per KK di RW 15 di Kelurahan Madyopuro ini setiap hari menghasilkan tidak kurang dari 1kg sampah organik dan lebih dari 1kg sampah anorganik. Dengan demikian, dari RW 15 ini per hari tidak kurang dari 125kg sampah organik dan 185kg sampah anorganik per hari. Dengan demikian perlu ada usaha untuk mengelola sampah ini agar lebih berguna terutama untuk menjadikan kampong sehat. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran yang tinggi dari peserta selama kegiatan berlangsung dan tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi pula selama proses pelatihan dan pendampingan mengacu pada survey yang dilakukan setelah kegiatan berlangsung. Saran untuk lanjutan kegiatan pelatihan PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DOMESTIK MENUJU KAMPUNG SEHAT Di RW 15 KELURAHAN MADYOPURO KOTA MALANG sebagai upaya untuk menuju kampung sehat adalah penambahan jumlah komposter di setiap RT (minimal setiap RT ada 10 – 15 komposter sehingga mampu mengolah kompos secara menyeluruh produk rumah tangga (per RT rata-rata memiliki jumlah KK 20 hingga 30 KK), pendampingan composting hingga produktif bahkan sampai strategi pengemasan dan pemasaran dan inisiasi Bank Sampah sebagai dampak dari pemilahan limbah domestic yang sudah diolah dengan composting in

    Robustness analysis of fractional order PID for an electrical aerial platform

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    This work was performed to objectively measure and assess the robustness and tracking performance of fractional order of proportional, integral and derivative (FOPID) controller as compared to the conventional PID control. In satellite research and development, the satellite undergoes numerous tests such as thermal, acoustic and vibration tests in the cleanroom environment. However, due to space limitation in the cleanroom and the sensitive components of the satellite, it requires vibration-free, smooth and precise motion when handling the satellite. In addition, measurement interference might occur due to cable routing during procedures or tasks performed by an operator. Unlike the previous work, the robustness analysis of FOPID controller was not systematically conducted. In this paper, the analysis took into account the actuator dynamics, and various tests were considered to measure the robustness of FOPID controller. The designed FOPID controller was implemented on the scissor-type lifting mechanism of motorized adjustable vertical platform (MAVeP) model, and its performance was compared with the traditional PID controller. A comprehensive verification using MATLAB and Solidworks was carried out to generate the model and conduct the analysis. Both controllers were initially tuned using Nichol-Ziegler technique, and the additional FOPID controller parameters was tuned using the Astrom-Hagglund method. From the simulation work, it was found that the FOPID controller’s tracking error was reduced between 10 % - 50 % for the disturbance rejection tests and reference to disturbance ratio (RDR) spectrum was higher as compared to PID. The analysis in this paper was predicted to be the main driver to implement FOPID controller in the complex system in the industry, especially for sensitive material handling and transportation such as satellite