20 research outputs found

    Faced With Obstacles and Uncertainty: a Thematic Review of Middle Managers in Higher Education

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify the most prevalent issues, challenges, and uncertainty raised by middle managers and universities in published works from 2012 to 2021. Despite its popularity, there is no review article discussing the issues and difficulties faced by middle managers in higher education.   Theoretical Framework: This research draws on two theories, the managerial work theory, which focuses on daily managerial activities and the space, organisation, and management theory, which seeks to understand the space in which middle managers execute their activities and the effects of space on the management team and the organisation.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were used to identify English-language articles. Using ATLAS.ti 22, this thematic review will synthesise literature regarding middle managers and universities.   Finding: This review identified 36 articles containing 19 codes that characterise the approaching issues, problems, and challenges faced by university middle managers, grouped into 4 themes including leadership, financial, resource, and operational challenges.   Research Practical/ Social Implications: The middle managers in higher education institutions are given a boost from this study, which recommends ways in which they might improve their competencies and therefore further the institution's sustainability.   Originality/Value: This research makes novel contribution to the incipient literature by providing the patterns and trends that could affect how university middle managers work in the future and what their roles will be


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    This paper is a concept paper aims to discuss the success of the involvement of the Mah Meri’s women in entrepreneurship. The problem of poverty is a major problem that faced by Aboriginal communities since for a long time ago. In addition, other issues which are barriers to achieving their development is the attitude of not openness to change. The role of women in the process of achieving the successful development of a society seen as a holistic solution. The women viewed as people who can contribute to the progress and development of society and the state. Experience from self-serve economy practiced by them, Aboriginal communities are seen as the best communities to bring that experience to a favorable change for them. Entrepreneurship is a strategy that is very close to the women of the Aboriginal communities because of their experience that they have. Hence, these entrepreneurship areas need to be developed in the women as well as helping men to carry out entrepreneurial activities. This process is supported by the provision of opportunities provided by the government in enhancing their capabilities. The opportunities provided such as courses and training have been used as a source of entrepreneurial education to them in the pursuit of entrepreneurial activity. In conclusion, this paper is important for researchers to provide exposure of the women in a group of Orang Asli community who have ability and openness to success. They take the opportunities that have been provided as a beneficial resource for them to getting profitable changes. It is hoped that this paper will serve as a benchmark for others women of the Indigenous Orang Asli communities to join with Mah Meri's women in achieving successful in entrepreneurship and at the same time can elevate the value of their gender in community

    Attributes of Housing Mismatch Framework in Urban Areas

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    Housing industry is constantly faced with various phenomena of the real estate market. The gamble between elements of supply and demand in the housing industry segmentation is shaping the market situation. However, the expected balance between supply and demand is difficult to achieve, even in the long run. Therefore, this study aims to examine the key factors that contribute to the level of demand in a real estate market. Respondents representing buyers of area studies have questioned on their consideration of the factors that might influence their decision in-house purchasing. Three main components such as housing regulation, geographical spatial location, and housing product have been expanded with seven subcomponent and 37 elements. Data were collected through a preliminary survey  from sample population at study area of Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which experienced with housing mismatch phenomena. Data has been analysed by using  SPSS software in generated the mean score for each of element. The results indicate that 18 of the 36 items reported average rating  at values more than 3.0. This shows that three main components of the study indeed affect home buyers as well as lead to the level of housing demand in the housing market. Documentation of this aspect in urban areas will make local communities, government, and private institution appreciate and improvise better decision-making for residential development to decrease a gap. Thus, better enhancement in quality of life by the stakeholders will create a strong sense of community identity and belonging to the places.Keywords: Housing mismatch; Urban Areas; Dissimilarity; Quality of life© 2017. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.


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    Orang Asli isknown to have natural skills because they are able to survive by relying on the nature-based nature of the eco-economy where they live. The economic results they get are from forest produce, as well as marine produce. They are skilled in making handicrafts, making plaiting, processing, food hunting and so on. In the beginning they were merely changing items but the longer they were clever in trading activities among local communities and outside communities. This can be seen through the communities that managed to open their own businesses such as Orang Asli in Rengit. They have successfully made this entrepreneurial activity a major quest. These business activities originally from individual engagement have become a business in one community as the number of businesses in this community who sell the same products are growing. The purpose of this paper is to see how the capabilities of the Kuala Orang Orang Asli community in entrepreneurship from the aspects of economics, psychology and sociology

    Land Subsidence Susceptibility Projection for Palembang Slum Area by Complex MCDM-AHP Technique

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    Land subsidence is a geomorphological event that affects Earth’s structure and physiognomy. This phenomenon occurs when the groundwater volume changes and results in the movement and sinking of sediment. Several studies have been conducted to identify major causes or factors that may lead to land subsidence. It was found that land subsidence intensity is influenced by several factors, i.e. terrain slope and aspect, land use, soil moisture content, and distance to a river. Population density contributes to continuous changes in land use. Deep investigation of factors that contribute to land subsidence such as population density is important. This study investigated the relationship between land subsidence and population density contributing to continuous land-use changes. The study area was a highly populated slum area along the Musi River in Palembang, Indonesia. Factors that have high contribution to land subsidence were considered in developing a land subsidence susceptibility map. Susceptibility analysis was done using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Land subsidence features were associated with slum features and the result revealed a significantly high correlation (r = 0.844) between actual land subsidence areas and the developed susceptibility map

    Land Subsidence Susceptibility Projection for Palembang Slum Area by Complex MCDM-AHP Technique

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    Land subsidence is a geomorphological event that affects Earth’s structure and physiognomy. This phenomenon occurs when the groundwater volume changes and results in the movement and sinking of sediment. Several studies have been conducted to identify major causes or factors that may lead to land subsidence. It was found that land subsidence intensity is influenced by several factors, i.e. terrain slope and aspect, land use, soil moisture content, and distance to a river. Population density contributes to continuous changes in land use. Deep investigation of factors that contribute to land subsidence such as population density is important. This study investigated the relationship between land subsidence and population density contributing to continuous land-use changes. The study area was a highly populated slum area along the Musi River in Palembang, Indonesia. Factors that have high contribution to land subsidence were considered in developing a land subsidence susceptibility map. Susceptibility analysis was done using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Land subsidence features were associated with slum features and the result revealed a significantly high correlation (r = 0.844) between actual land subsidence areas and the developed susceptibility map

    An application of robust method in multiple linear regression model toward credit card debt

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    Credit card is a convenient alternative replaced cash or cheque, and it is essential component for electronic and internet commerce. In this study, the researchers attempt to determine the relationship and significance variables between credit card debt and demographic variables such as age, household income, education level, years with current employer, years at current address, debt to income ratio and other debt. The provided data covers 850 customers information. There are three methods that applied to the credit card debt data which are multiple linear regression (MLR) models, MLR models with least quartile difference (LQD) method and MLR models with mean absolute deviation method. After comparing among three methods, it is found that MLR model with LQD method became the best model with the lowest value of mean square error (MSE). According to the final model, it shows that the years with current employer, years at current address, household income in thousands and debt to income ratio are positively associated with the amount of credit debt. Meanwhile variables for age, level of education and other debt are negatively associated with amount of credit debt. This study may serve as a reference for the bank company by using robust methods, so that they could better understand their options and choice that is best aligned with their goals for inference regarding to the credit card debt

    Rancangan Perniagaan ETR 300 Syarikat 4-10-C Sdn Bhd / Mastura Abdul Aziz [et al.]

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    4-10-C Sdn Bhd adalah syarikat memproses bahan mentah untuk dijadikan plastik. Syarikat ini beroperasi di Kawasan perindustrian Gurun, Kedah. Syarikat ini beroperasi pada 1 Januari 2002. Syarikat ini memproses bahan mentah untuk dijadikan plastik. Di samping itu juga, syarikat ini merupakan pembekal kepada pengilang-pengilang yang mengeluarkan barangan plastik. Perusahaan plastik ini adalah sebagai satu bahan kepenggunaan yang direka khas bagi mempelbagaikan produk yang berasaskan plastik. Dan secara tidak langsung menjadi sumber pengganti kepada bahan asli seperti kayu, getah, besi dan sebagainya

    Fantasy Fishing Coperation / Mohamad Zulkarnain Jaafar ... [et.al].

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    "FANTASY FISHING COORPERATION", is the one of the business that has been connected by the Outdoor Fresh Fish Pond Water Park and provides you the angling activities that can give you a lot of fun and good activities for you to enjoy. Suitable with the name that has been given by our company that is Fantasy Fishing it can give you a better service and it also can fulfill the demand of the angling activities, especially among our peoples who like this hobbies. The other company developed this business since 1998 to 1999. During this year, this type of business becomes larger and the other competitors also have commercialized it. But since this year, this business become lower and many competitors was not doing this business again. This situation has given us a chance to try and developed this business, because we think that this business can give us more profit and benefit. This competitors maybe don't know how too large and commercialize their business, and this statement telling you that, a strategic planning is more important to develop a better business in the future

    Analisis keperluan hidup: strategi untuk membangunkan kerangka kediaman hidup warga emas

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    Kajian ini bertujuan menganaiisis keperluan hidup warga emas mtuk membangunkan satu kerangka kedamaian hidup mereka Seramai 442 warga emas terpilih sebagai responden kajian. pemilihan responden menggunakan sampel nonprobality iaitu sampel yang tidak besar dan tidak 'memerlukan kebarangkalian sebagai sampel kajian. Data dan makiumat yang diperolehi adalah rnelalui kaedah soal selidik, pemerhatian dan temu bual. Dapatan kajian dilaporkan dalam statistik kekerapan, peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai dan laporan naratif. Kajian rnenmjukkan warga emas memerlukan kelima-lima keperluan hidup yang dikemukakan oleh Maslow untuk membahagiakan hidup mereka. Didapati 47.0% daripada responden memerlukan keperluan kesempurnaan kendiri, 20.3 % memerlukan keperluan fisiologi, 17.8% memerlukan keperluan kasih sayang, 11 -2% memerlukan keperluan keselamatan, dan 3.7% memerlukan keperluan penghormatan. Kajian juga mendapati perkara yang membahagiakan hidup warga emas pula ialah 46.4% menyatakan keperluan kesernpurnaan kendiri, 22.1% menyatakan keperluan penghormatan, 14.9% menyatakan keperluan keselamatan, 14.5% menyatakan keperluan fisiologi, dan2.13% menyatakan keperluan kasih sayang. Tahap kebahagiaan hidup warga emas adalah tinggi didapati 90.4% menyatakan bahagia, 8.1% menyatakan kurang bahagia dan 1.5% menyatakan tidak bahagia. Berdasarkan kepada ketinggian skor rnin yang meIebihi 4.21 dan sisihan piawai yang kurang daripada 1.00, didapati sembilan situaai dm aktiviti y k g diperlukan oleh warga emas untuk memperolehi kebahagiaan hidup iaitu, mematuhi ajaran agama, mendalami pengetahuan agama, berusaha untuk terus hidup ddam keadaan sihat. mendapatkan perhatian daripada anak, menjaga kesihatan fizikal, merehatkan diri, melakukan aktiviti yang menyihatkan badan, mendapatkan perhatian daripada pasangan hidup, dm menimbulkan~erasaan gembira.Tujuh faktor utama yang menyumbang-kepada kedamaian hidup warga emas ialah melaksanakan ajaran agama, sihat.fuika1, disayangi, menyayangi, perasaan gernbira, merehatkan diri dan tiada masalah. Sembilan punca tahap kedamaian warga emas rendah ialah tidak sihat, susah hati, perasaan sedii didatangi masalah, tersentuh perasaan, tidak dapat melepaskan perasaan yang terpendam, tidak berpeluang melakukan aktiviti yang dapat menyihatkan badan, tidak dapat tempat kediaman yang diinginkan dan tidak dapat pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang diinginka