239 research outputs found


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    This report basically discusses the Failure Analysis Study on Cutter Blade of Polypropylene Pelleter Drive. The objective of the project is to conduct failure analysis method on the cutter blade and to determine the causes of its failure. This report also discuss on the types wear and its wear mechanism. In this study, the author had obtained the cutter blades and background data of the sample. The author had conducted visual inspection of the sample, Vickers hardness test and microscopic inspection under optical microscope and scanning electron microscope or SEM. The result obtain from this study confirms that the blade materials is Titanium Carbide, high wear resistance material but brittle. This material data are obtained from the manufacturer datasheet. During preliminary stage, the samples show excessive and uneven wear on its cutting surface, some of the blades had chipped at titanium carbide tip. The chipped samples are selected and cut using electric discharge machining to obtain its cross section. These samples then are mounted to berkelite press then grinded and polished for microscopic evaluation. Microscopic inspection reveals the materials have voids in its microstructure. These voids tend to reduce its strength and the tip can break easily upon impact. Fractography result shows the tip fractures when being hit by foreign particles, the fractures are consistence with the cutting path of the blades. Mechanical testing using Vickers Hardness Test, the result obtained is Hv=797. The excessive wear on the cutter blades is suspected from poor operating procedure. During high melt index, polymer tends to produce tailings. To counter this problem the operator need to advance the pelleter rotor forward to the die plate. This resulting higher contact force and high wear rate. Lack of proper monitoring of cooling water entering the chamber may have lead to the chipping of TiC tip, debris may have come in between the blades during operation and collide with the tip. During cleaning of the chamber, the author had found sand inside the chamber. The outcome of these studies will provide recommendations in term of modifYing operating procedure and installing device to prevent from entering the pelleter assembly

    Study on the effect of different salinity level to paddy growth performance: a research / Mohamad Fitri Alias

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    The study of effect different salinity on paddy growth performance an experiment was conducted in greenhouse or rain shelter UiTM Jasin in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) based on 5 replications. The variety of rice use is MR219 and the different level of salinity were dilute with fresh water in 3 level rate which is 20 ppt / kg of salinity, 35 ppt / kg of salinity and 50 ppt / kg of salinity. Inorganic fertilizer NPK with recommended rate also was used in this experiment. The rice without salinity level was served as control. Dilute solutions of different level of salinity (ppt) had a beneficial effect on paddy growth at all measured parameters such as the height of plant, the length of leaf blade and the number of tillers. The height and its components were showed a significant different between the treatment. The maximum mean of plant growth was noted in plant that treated with 20 ppt / kg of salinity level that excellent of growth performance of paddy with the highest of mean value of height (73.06 cm), highest mean of leaf blade length (40.06 cm) and the highest mean number of tiller (18.2). So, from this study the higher level of salinity water give bad impact and poor performance for paddy growth

    Pedagogical templates for e-learning

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    Istilah Melayu dan Arab dalam wacana muamalat

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti manifestasi praktis sosial wacana muamalat yang dimanfaatkan dalam kerangka sistem ekonomi konvensional menggunakan pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kirtis Fairclough, dan menganalisis ciri tekstual yang mendasari pembentukan wacana muamalat dalam kerangka sistem ekonomi konvensional. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis wacana. Teks Ulasan Operasi Pengarah Urusan Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa praktis sosial yang dimanfaatkan dalam wacana muamalat adalah ihsan yang dimanifestasi melalui penggunaan kata/istilah. Dari segi leksikal pula didapati wacana muamalat bukan sahaja menggunakan kata/istilah Melayu bukan lazim dan kata/istilah Arab tulen dalam teks berbahasa Melayu, malah terdapat juga penggunaan kata/istilah gabungan Melayu-Arab

    Children Road Safety Education via Web

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    This research paper discuss on the awareness of road safety among school children. Parents nowadays are aware on the importance of having a safe environment for their children especially on road. Besides, government effort shows that road safety education needs to be started at the early age such as school children. The government put effort in educating children on road safety education. For example, Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya did embark on an initiative with the Ministry of Education of Malaysia to educate primary school children via program called “Program Pendidikan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (PKJR)”. PKJR is a learning process with the elements of best practice on road safety such as the proper way to cross the road. Based on the problem that has been identified such as lack of awareness on road safety among children and also ineffective of the road safety campaign, some solutions are suggested to counter the problem. Research done to study on the level of awareness and the main objective of the study is to educate school children on the importance of road safety. Besides, it will contribute in providing interactive learning to PKJR syllabus. In this project, prototyping model is use to demonstrate the concept of the overall design option. There are a few phases in developing the prototype which are initial investigation, requirement definition, system design, coding and testing, implementation and maintenance. An education game will be developed using Adobe Flash and then upload to website for easy access. The concept of the game is ‘play and learn’ which can help in attaining the objective to educate school children on the importance to take care of the safety on road. The scores that achieved by the children will measure the effectiveness of their learning. As a conclusion, we hope that our effort to educate children will be achieved. But if the level of effectiveness remains low, we will identify the weakness and highlight it for future improvement

    Perancangan Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Ayam Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Indonesia sebagai negara tropis dan agraris, memiliki berbagai macam jenis flora dan fauna, salah satunya adalah ayam Leghorn, unggas tersebut merupakan hewan ternak yang paling banyak diternakkan karena banyak manfaat dan keuntungan. Seperti halnya dengan hewan ternak lainnya, ayam memiliki berbagai macam jenis penyakit. Untuk beberapa peternak yang ingin beternak ayam khususnya orang awam terbentur oleh beberapa masalah, salah satunya adalah penyakit. Untuk mendiagnosa penyakit diperlukan gejala-gejala yang tampak pada tubuh ayam. Diperlukan keseriusan dan tindakan yang cepat sebelum semua terlambat dan mengalami kerugian. Oleh sebab itu program ini dibuat untuk membantu para peternak dalam mendapatkan beberapa informasi mengenai ayam. Semakin cepat penyakit ayam diketahui, maka semakin cepat pula mereka dapat mencegahnya. Dipilihnya teknik diagnosa penyakit ayam ini karena gejala-gejala penyakit yang lazim diderita oleh ayam relatif mudah untuk diamati dan relatif aman untuk dilakukan oleh siapapun aplikasi yang dibangun ini adalah dengan sistem pengolaan pengetahuan yang mudah digunakan dan dinamis. Artinya bahwa pakar dapat menambahkan, mengubah, menghapus pengetahuan atau aturan baru tanpa harus memulai dari awal. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai basis data. Metode inferensi yang digunakan adalah forward chaining, yaitu proses inferensi yang memulai pencarian dari premis atau data masukan berupa gejala menuju pada konklusi yaitu kesimpulan penyakit yang diderita serta memberikan solusi mengenai saran pengobatan dan pencegahan berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang diamati. Kata kunci : Sistem Pakar, Penyakit Ayam, Fordward Chainin

    Implementation of Career Transition Programme in Vocational Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation programme from three (3) objectives namely identifying the parents’ (family) level of cooperation and the level of cooperation given by employers (industry) also the relationship between the two parties. A quantitative method based on Ecological Theory and Taxonomy for Transition Programming Model. In ensuring validity, the questionnaire was reviewed by an expert who is a university lecturer and also well-versed in the Special Education field. In terms of reliability, all of the items have the Cronbach Alpha coefficient of (> 0.65). Purposive sampling was used where 40 participants were included. Descriptive statistics was used to identify the percentage (%) and frequency (f) of respondents’ and inferential statistics well as Spearman Correlation Test were used to explain and test the hypothesis. The findings show that the mean scores for both the level of cooperation given by parents (family) and the level of cooperation given by employers (industry) are very high. However, there is no linear relationship (low level) between the cooperation given by parents (family) and employers (industry). In conclusion, this programme should be implemented in government and non-government school especially schools with Special Education Integration Programme with the cooperation from all parties


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa e-modul materi barisan dan deret untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis serta kevalidan dan kepraktisan e-modul. E-modul yang dikembangkan berdasarkan pemecahan masalah Polya dan berbasis model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). Metode yang digunakan merupakan jenis penelitian RD. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan menurut Plomp yang terbagi menjadi tiga fase yaitu pendahuluan, pengembangan atau prototipe, dan penilaian.  Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 3 Kuningan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa angket. Angket digunakan untuk menguji kevalidan dan kepraktisan e-modul. Uji kevalidan dilakukan oleh 4 validator yang terdiri dari 1 dosen matematika, 1 dosen teknik informatika, 2 guru matematika. Uji kepraktisan dilakukan oleh 6 orang yang terdiri dari 2 guru matematika dan 4 siswa kelas XI SMA. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah mencari persentase pada uji kevalidan dan uji kepraktisan. Berdasar hasil analisis kevalidan e-modul dikategorikan “sangat valid” dan analisis kepraktisan e-modul dikategorikan “sangat baik”. E-modul yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan dilapangan karena memenuhi kategori kevalidan dan kepraktisan.  Peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan uji keefektivan bahan ajar

    Menakar Keadilan Gender Pada Penyelenggaraan Amal Usaha Dan Ortom Muhammadiyah Di Kabupaten Sikka

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keadilan gender pada amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di PDM Sikka. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat keadilan gender pada amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di kabupaten Sikka. Metode penelitiannya adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik dan prosedur pengumpulan data melalui tiga langkah yaitu observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Informan yang dijadikan sumber adalah ketua PDM Sikka, para pimpinan amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di kabupaten Sikka serta tokoh Muhammadiyah. Hasil penelitian adalah pertama, keadilan gender pada amal usaha dan ortom Muhammadiyah di kabupaten Sikka mencakupi, perempuan dan kepemimpinan masih diterapkan, perempuan: ekspresi peran ganda, perempuan dan organisasi masih terlibat aktif, perempuan dan laki-laki: sama-sama berjuang dan berjuang bersama. Kedua, faktor pendukungnya adalah sense of organisasi masih sangat kuat, surat An-Nahl, Ayat 97 masih diterapkan, dan terakhir sisten rekrutmen tenaga yang proporsional. Faktor penghambatnya adalah kurangnya SDM, budaya patriarki, kurangnya workshop tentang keadilan gender. Dampaknya terhadap eksistensi Muhammadiyah dikabupaten Sikka adalah keadilan gender lebih ditingkatkan. Selain itu juga analisis keadilan gender ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi masyarakat adat, pemerintah dan LSM terkait ketika berbicara tentang gender