91 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Limbah Buah Jambu Kristal dalam Pembudidayaan Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) di Desa Karangdoro, Kecamatan Tegalsari, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Desa Karangdoro Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan daerah penghasil buah jambu. Desa ini dijuluki sebagai desa jambu. Produksi buah jambu yang melimpah tidak langsung terserap semua di pasar. Banyak buah yang disortir dan dibuang. Buangan buah jambu bisa mendatangkan lalat buah dan mengganggu petani. Pengolahan limbah dapat dilakukan dengan memelihara larva Black Soldier Fly (lalat BSF). Permasalahan di desa, yaitu pemuda desa belum mengetahui teknologi ini. Kondisi ini perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan budidaya larva BSF. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu sosialisasi online melalui zoom metting sebanyak 50 peserta, persiapan budidaya, pelakasanaan budidaya, monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan berupa penanganan limbah buah, budidaya larva yang bisa digunakan sebagai pakan ayam atau ikan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menguntungkan masyarakat

    An Analysis of Business Model Canvas on a Comedy Company (A Study Case of Majelis Lucu Indonesia/PT. Jenaka Sumber Rezeki)

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    This study aims to determine the business model of a talent development company or comedy company at Majelis Lucu Indonesia (MLI) / PT. Jenaka Sumber Rezeki, especially regarding the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis. The business model is one method that helps companies tell stories about a company's internal conditions. Through BMC, companies can display the nine essential components of a business in a simple but comprehensive way. The research data was obtained from the results of a literature study in the form of books, news articles, journals, YouTube video content, researchers’ experiences, and other supporting literature sources. The results obtained from this study were that the MLI company optimally implemented the nine components of BMC and benefited from various business sources such as talent management fees, YouTube Adsense, selling merchandise, holding special online and offline shows, MLI Music, MLI e-sports, and endorsements. Keyword: Business Model Canvas, Comedy Canvas, Majelis Lucu Indonesi

    An Analysis of Business Model Canvas on a Comedy Company (A Study Case of Majelis Lucu Indonesia/PT. Jenaka Sumber Rezeki)

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    This study aims to determine the business model of a talent development company or comedy company at Majelis Lucu Indonesia (MLI) / PT. Jenaka Sumber Rezeki, especially regarding the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis. The business model is one method that helps companies tell stories about a company's internal conditions. Through BMC, companies can display the nine essential components of a business in a simple but comprehensive way. The research data was obtained from the results of a literature study in the form of books, news articles, journals, YouTube video content, researchers’ experiences, and other supporting literature sources. The results obtained from this study were that the MLI company optimally implemented the nine components of BMC and benefited from various business sources such as talent management fees, YouTube Adsense, selling merchandise, holding special online and offline shows, MLI Music, MLI e-sports, and endorsements. Keyword: Business Model Canvas, Comedy Canvas, Majelis Lucu Indonesi


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraksi volume serbuk gergaji kayu Sengon Laut bermatrik polyester terhadap sifat bending, impak, dan mengetahui hasil patahan dengan struktur makro. Pada penelitian ini bahan yang diperlukan adalah serbuk gergaji kayu Sengon Laut dengan variasi fraksi volume 50%,60%,70%, dan polyester sebagai matriknya. alat-alat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan komposit yaitu sprayer, press mold, timbangan digital, dan alat bantu lain. Adapun standar yang digunakan dalam pembuatan dan pengujian komposit adalah standar ASTM. ASTM D 790-02 untuk uji bending, dan ASTM D 256-00 untuk uji impak. Untuk mengetahui jenis patahan yang terjadi dilakukan foto makro pada patahan hasil pengujian impak dan bending. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh sebagai berikut: pengujian bending didapatkan nilai tegangan bending rata-rata tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit dengan fraksi volume Vf 50% yaitu sebesar 34,015 MPa dan terendah pada fraksi volume 40% sebesar 18,141 MPa, modulus elastisitas bending rata-rata tertinggi dimiliki oleh komposit dengan fraksi volume 50% sebesar 2535,690 MPa. Untuk harga impak rata-rata yang dimiliki oleh komposit dengan fraksi volume 40% sebesar 0.0084 J/mm2, fraksi volume 50% sebesar 0,014 J/mm2 dan pada fraksi volume 60% sebesar 0,014 J/mm2. Pada pengamatan patahan setelah pengujian dapat dilihat bahwa patahan yang terjadi adalah patah getas, dimana arah dari perambatan retak adalah tegak lurus dengan arah tegangan tarik yang bekerja dan menghasilkan permukaan patah yang relatif rata


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    Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran modul mata pelajaranekonomi berbasis pendekatan kontekstual dan menguji keefektifannya dalam meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain pengembangan Borg Gall (1983) dengan tahapan tertentu (research and information collecting, planning, developpreliminary form of product, field testing, dan final product revision). Subjek cobanya, meliputi:ahli desain dan materi, validator soal, observer, siswa dan guru. Data dikumpulkan melaluianalisis observasi, wawancara, analisis isi, analisis soal dan dokumentasi. Desain quasieksperiment (Non-Equivalent Control Group Design) digunakan dalam uji lapangan dengansampel jenuh. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji prasyarat dan uji t, selanjutnya dianalisissecara deskriftif dan deskriftif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian, yaitu: (1) ahli desain dan materi menilai kevalidan perangkat modul sebesar 71% dan 93% dengan kriteria cukup dan sangat valid, (2) peningkatan hasil belajar kelas kontrol sebesar 25.75% dan kelas eksperimen sebesar 43.40%, (2) terdapat perbedaan proses belajar kelas eksperimen dan kontrol dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 74.74% dan 42.48%, dan (3) terdapat perbedaan proses dan hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol secara signifikan 0.00 ≀ α 0.05. Keefektifan pembelajaran modul karena, memiliki; (a) input: modul mapel ekonomi kontekstual, panduan modul, dan instrumen penilaian (b) proses: strategi pembelajaran, dan (c) output; penilaian pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan penilaian sikap siswa. Sedangkan keefektifan hasil belajarnya, karena: (a) menggunakan instrumen dan (b) menghasilkan laporan belajar

    Problematika Peserta Didik Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Madrasah Aliyah Darul Qur’an Glenmore Banyuwangi

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    This research will refer to the problems of students in the Arabic language learning process at Darul Qur'an High School Glenmore Banyuwangi. And the type of this research is qualitative research. In this study data collection was done by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. In this study interviewed students and teachers. The results of this study are; The problems of learning Arabic for students include: students lack the will to learn Arabic, environmental backgrounds that do not support progress in learning achievement, students lack confidence in Arabic lessons. The efforts made to overcome these problems include: the school is trying to improve welfare guarantees for educators, providing understanding and motivation to students, choosing appropriate and varied teaching methods, completing teaching and learning facilities and facilities, a teacher's understanding of the characteristics of participants. teach, and give assignments regularly

    Women Contribution in the Historiography of Banten: Exploration of Artifactual, Textual, and Oral Traditions

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    Some studies are emphasized on the gender perspective to compose the historiography of Banten. The facts show that the protagonist of Indonesian historiography is always played by men: in political, economic, and social history. In many historical discourses, women considered too important. They 'exist' in history, but their 'presence' is often ignored in the shadow of male domination. The expectation is that writing gender-themed history in this perspective will be able to trigger early research, especially in the history of Banten. A women's story may appear in the manuscripts in the form of chronic or legend. This article reveals the role of Banten’s women in each historical event of Banten history and has the same right to be presented, so it should be ‘rewritten’. The explanation of the mental structure of each historical event related to that theme has been presented whether it is or not easier to interpret each event. By discussing it from artifactual, textual, and oral tradition evidence, I tried hypothetically to identify the role of women in the historiography of Banten. It clears to know that oral history and artefactual data that are very important in analyzing the role of women in the historiography of Banten


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    The DPD never carried-out its task of double-checking the legislation process. DPD membership is also connected with political parties. This study aimed to reexamine the need for the DPD and determine whether the DPD should be preserved or dissolved. This study was limited and focused on the 2004-2019 period and used the literature study and the descriptive method in collecting relevant information. The approach used in this study was a qualitative approach, which was appropriate since the existence of DPD was considered to be multidimensional. The results of the study showed the importance of revitalizing the authority of the DPD. There were a significant gap and inequality of authority between the DPR and the DPD, which was not in line with the bicameral system in other countries. The DPD's affiliation with political parties was very strong, due to multiple interpretations of Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections on the requirements for DPD membership. As such, it is very urgent to optimize the DPD role. The role of the DPD, as a channel for the region's political and economic aspirations and needs in the national policy, should be repositioned according to the demands of the law.  However, if this role is not achieved, this nation should decide to dissolve the DPD. Of course, it should be conducted through a constitutional mechanism, via amendment of the 1945 Constitution

    Hijrah Movement in Indonesia: Shifting Concept and Implementation in Religiosity

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    Hijrah is considered as a change in attitude and religious experience, from looseness to strictness. The phenomenon of hijrah shows the view that piety should be appeared in outward form. This research illustrates that hijrah is not always a role model of piety, but it can also be a spread of frozen ideology, depicting the commodification of religion, and is considered as discussing only ងalāl and ងarām issues. Applying a qualitative approach, this study takes the data in litterer source both the religious text and media. The sources of data in media come from media statements related to the hijrah phenomenon. The research results show: first, hijrah is interesting for some Muslims because Islamic teachings are more practical, less philosophical and complicated. Second, the meaning of hijrah as its original meaning is not limited to aspects of existence; rather, the religious spirit is interpreted as a personal spiritual journey that will continue throughout human life. The shifting phenomenon on hijrah much influenced by media and social media wave that blow up the value of practicality, consumerism, and commodification of religion
