221 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Impact of Concurrent Group Dynamic Assessment on EFL Learners’ Achievement of Phrasal Verbs at Productive Level

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    The present study aimed at investigating the impact of the concurrent group dynamic assessment on the learning of phrasal verbs at a productive level. The participants of the study were 30 EFL learners at an intermediate level of language proficiency. The participants’ productive knowledge of the phrasal verbs was measured before and after the treatment through a researcher-made test including 80 items. For the purpose of the study, paired and independent samples t-test were utilized. Results of statistical analyses indicated that concurrent group dynamic assessment was significantly effective in the achievement of phrasal verbs at a productive level. Moreover, it was found that no significant difference existed in the concurrent group dynamic assessment in terms of the achievement of phrasal verbs at a productive level

    Effects of Warming and Nutrient Enrichment on How Grazing Pressure Affects Leaf Litter–Colonizing Bacteria

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    In view of current scenarios of global environmental change, we investigated the effects of warming and nutrient addition (N and P) on the impact of detritivores on density and community composition of leaf litter-colonizing bacteria in a freshwater environment. Within 10 d, detritivorous amphipods (Gammarus pulex) reduced bacterial numbers at 10 degrees C and to a lesser degree at 15 degrees C. However, the detritivore-induced decrease in bacterial numbers was compensated for by nutrient addition. After 31 d of incubation, amphipods reduced bacterial numbers only at 15 degrees C, and nutrient addition did not counteract detritivore effects. Similarly, changes in bacterial numbers in response to nutrient addition were more pronounced at low temperature within 10 d, whereas nutrient effects were stronger at high temperature after 31 d of incubation. Thus, warming without detritivores did not affect bacterial numbers under low-nutrient conditions (10 d). When detritivores were present, warming increased bacterial density significantly just under high-nutrient conditions (P < 0.05). After 31 d of incubation, warming did not affect bacterial density in detritivore-free controls in both nutrient conditions and did not affect bacterial density in both nutrient conditions in the presence of detritivores. Warming exhibited a significant effect on the composition of litter-associated bacterial communities irrespective of nutrient load (P < 0.05), whereas nutrients had less consistent effects. We conclude that warming, and to a lesser degree nutrient enrichment, may have influence on grazer-induced changes in bacterial biofilm composition, whereas nutrient enrichment may mostly interfere with those processes that depend on bacterial density

    The study of essential oil composition of Matricaria chamomilla in Khouzestan

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    Background and aims: Matricaria chamomilla is an important medicinal plant that widely is used in pharmaceuticals and food industries. The present study was aimed to evaluate the essential oil composition of samples of Matricaria chamomilla collected from different regions of Khouzestan. Methods: In this experimental study, samples of Matricaria chamomilla were collected from different regions of Khuzestan at full flowering stage. The component identification was achieved by the Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Total GC running time was 75 min. The components of essential oil were identified on the basis of comparison of their retention time and mass spectra with published data. Moreover, they were identified by computer matching with Wiley 7n, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) libraries provided with computer controlling the GC-MS system, and Adams book in Centrallab of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan. Results: The main oil compounds of samples of Matricaria chamomilla were α-Pinene, Sabinene, β-Pinene, 1,8-Cineole, Citronellol, Aromadendrone, (E).β-farnesene, Spathulenol, Caryophyllene oxide, α-Bisabolone oxide A, α-Bisabolole oxide B, Chamazolene and α-Bisabolole oxide A, collected from different regions of Khouzestan. Also, α-Bisabolone oxide A, Caryophyllene oxide, Chamazolene and α-Bisabolole oxide A were the highest percentage of the main oil compounds of these samples. Conclusions: The Caryophyllene oxide, α-Bisabolone oxide A, Chamazolene, α-Bisabolole oxide A are dominant components in the essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla in weather and geographical conditions of studied samples and different climates are effective on plant essential oil composition

    Design of an Evaluation Plan for Senate Bill 1046

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    In an effort to understand and decrease alcohol-impaired driving as a primary collision factor In California, the research team designed an evaluation plan for California Senate Bill 1046 and its focus on ignition interlock devices as a sentence for Driving Under Influence offense. This plan will evaluate whether Senate Bill 1046 affected the Driving Under the Influence crash frequency and severity, and whether sociodemographic and geographic factors influence its effectiveness. This report lays the foundation for the evaluation that will be conducted in 2024. The research team conducted a meta-analysis of the last 12 years of literature and research on ignition interlock programs inside and outside the United States. Based on the findings of this analysis, the recommended evaluation plan of the law revolves around three research questions that focus on the changes in the frequency/severity of DUI-related crashes in California, the impact of the law on recidivism and on interlock installation rates. To respond to these questions, the research team recommends a list of data that should be collected, such as the number of injuries and deaths resulting from alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents, installation rates of ignition interlocks compared to the prior five-year period, the number of individuals who were required to have an ignition interlock device installed who were convicted of an alcohol-related violation, as well as number of lockouts while an interlock is installed. The research team proposed several statistical approaches for the analysis of this data, such as descriptive statistics, time series analysis, analysis of variance, and logistic regression


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    This study considers the biomechanical factors that are relevant to succeed in the kicking of a ball into three points; A, B, and C pre-selected in the area of gate. Sixteen amateur of top university players participated in this study. Two cameras at 30 Hz were used in sagital and frontal planes. The recorded data were processed through computer with Ulead Video Studio and AutoCad softwares. The time of flight, time of ball contact with kicking foot, the angle of volley, ball velocity, and the angle of knee flexion were achieved. Then by biomechanical formulae, ball speed, launch angle, range, force exerted to ball, and finally the torques applied to leg joints; ankle, knee, and hip were obtained. The ball speed, launch angle, and the ball range were theoretically estimated and then verified with the mentioned method

    Interactions between warming, nutrient enrichment and detritivores on litter decomposition and associated microbial decomposers

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    Leaf litter decomposition constitutes an important source of energy in many aquatic environments that is controlled by the joint action of microbial decomposers such as bacteria and fungi and also animal detritivores. In view of current scenarios of global environmental change, it is predicted that rapid temperature increases could directly affect most ecosystems including freshwaters. Additionally, human activities and industrial development have impacted water quality of many streams and rivers. In freshwater systems, eutrophication is a process, whereby excessive receive of inorganic nutrients, especially N and P, that may effect on leaf litter processing. In the present study, I investigated how warming, nutrient-addition (N and P) and detritivores, interact to affect multiple parameters associated with leaf decomposition. Investigations were carried out in the laboratory in two sets. For the studies presented here leaf litter Betula pendula (Birch) and the detritivore Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda) were chosen because of their numerical importance in northern temperate ecosystem. In the first set of experiments (Chapter I), I investigated the synergistic effects of warming and nutrient-addition (N and P) on the impact of amphipods on density and community composition of leaf litter-colonizing bacteria. I found that warming significantly exhibit stronger effects on the composition of litter-associated bacterial communities, irrespective of nutrient load but amphipods mediated warming-effects on bacterial community composition by selective feeding. In addition, Short-term effects of nutrient-addition on bacterial biofilm density were stronger than warming-effects but less pronounced so at increased temperatures. Alongside, Long-term effects of nutrient-addition on bacterial density were strongest, irrespective of environmental temperature. Additionally, nutrient-addition effectively compensated for biofilm reduction upon grazing by amphipods. In second set of experiments (chapter II), I proceeded to improve understanding of leaf litter decomposition process by comprehensive experiments to investigate how warming, nutrient-addition (N and P) and detritivores, interact to affect multiple parameters associated with leaf decomposition. These parameters included microbial (bacteria and fungi) biomass and community structure, decomposition rate and detritivore growth. I found that detritivores and nutrient-addition have strong effects on leaf litter decomposition rate but relative growth of detritivores does not increase with warming and nutrient addition. Additionally, bacterial biofilm density increases by both warming and nutrient-addition, but reduced by amphipod grazing-pressure and fungal biomass also appears to be stimulated by warming and nutrient-addition but also by amphipod presence. Moreover, litter-associated fungal composition were only slightly affected by warming or nutrient-addition, but strongly responded to selective feeding by amphipods and the community composition of bacterial colonizers on birch litter was also influenced by grazing pressure of amphipods and warming. In summary, this study provides new insights into the effect of simultaneous change in temperature and nutrient-load on microbial decomposers and also helps in better understanding of selective role of detritivores on bacterial and fungal communities on litter surfaces in freshwaters.Die Dekomposition von Laubstreu stellt in zahlreichen aquatischen Lebensräumen eine wichtige Energiequelle dar, die unter gemeinsamer Kontrolle von mikrobiellen Mineralisierern –Pilze und Bakterien– und detritivoren Tieren steht. Derzeitige Szenarien bezüglich globaler Umweltveränderungen berücksichtigend, hohe Erwärmungsraten könnten die meisten Ökosysteme, so auch Süßwässer, direkt beeinträchtigen. Zudem haben die industrielle Entwicklung und weitere menschliche Aktivitäten die Wasserqualität in zahlreichen Süßgewässern negativ beeinflusst. Eutrophierung ist z.B. durch übermäßige Zufuhr anorganischer Nährstoffe –insbesondere N und P– verursacht und könnte Dekomposition beeinträchtigen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit habe ich untersucht, wie Erwärmung und Nährstoffzufuhr (N und P) mit der Aktivität detritivorer Tiere interagieren, und wie dies sich auf verschiedene Parameter des Laubstreuabbaus auswirken. Diese Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen zweier großvolumiger Laborstudien durchgeführt. Die Laubstreu von Betula pendula (Birke) und der Detritivor Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda) wurden hierzu aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung in nord-temperierten Ökosystemen gewählt. Im ersten Experiment (Kapitel I) untersuchte ich die synergistischen Effekte von Erwärmung und Nährstoffzufuhr (N und P) auf den Einfluss von Amphipoden auf die Dichte und Gemeinschaftszusammensatzung von Laubstreu besiedelnden Bakterien. Erwärmung hatte signifikant stärkere Effekte auf die Zusammensatzung der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft –unabhängig von der Nährstoffzufuhr– aber Amphipoden modulierten die Konsequenzen einer Erwärmung auf die bakterielle Gemeinschaft durch selektiven Fraß. Außerdem waren kurzzeitige Effekte der Nährstoffzufuhr auf bakterielle Dichten ausgeprägter als die einer Erwärmung, wurden jedoch durch zunehmende Temperaturen abgemildert. Langfristige Konsequenzen einer Nährstoffzufuhr auf bakterielle Dichten waren unabhängig von der Temperatur sehr ausgeprägt, und Nährstoffzufuhr kompensierte die Biofilmreduktion durch Amphipodenfraß. Mit dem zweiten Experiment (Kapitel II) versuchte ich detaillierter zu verstehen, wie die Dekomposition von Laubstreu durch die Interaktion von Erwärmung, Nährstoffzufuhr und die Aktivität von Detritivoren beeinflusst wird. Die hierzu untersuchten Parameter waren mikrobielle (pilzliche und bakterielle) Biomasse und Gemeinschaftszusammensetzung, Streuabbauraten und Wachstum der Detritivoren. Sowohl Detritivore als auch Nährstoffzufuhr beeinflussten den Streuabbau signifikant, aber Wachstumsraten der Detritivoren waren von Erwärmung oder Nährstoffzufuhr unabhängig. Auch die bakterielle Dichte nahm mit Erwärmung und Nährstoffzufuhr zu, wurde aber durch den Fraßdruck durch Amphipoden reduziert. Pilzliche Biomasse wurde ebenfalls durch Erwärmung und Nährstoffzufuhr, aber auch durch die Anwesenheit von Amphipoden, gefördert. Die Zusammensetzung der pilzlichen Gemeinschaft wurde von Erwärmung oder Nährstoffzufuhr nur geringfügig beeinflusst, reagierte aber auf selektiven Fraß der Amphipoden sehr stark, so wie auch de bakterielle Gemeinschaft durch Fraß und Erwärmung signifikant verändert wurde. Zusammenfassend liefert die vorliegende Arbeit neue Einblicke in gemeinsame Effekte gleichzeitiger Veränderungen in Temperatur und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit auf mikrobielle Mineralisierer und hilft dadurch, die Bedeutung detritivorer Tiere für bakterielle und pilzliche Gemeinschaften auf der Laubstreu in Süßwässern besser zu verstehen

    Comparison of emotional intelligence in working couples in Gorgan

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    The present study was formulated to determine emotional health in working couples of Gorgan city in 2010.Samples were selected via cluster sampling method after deriving the statistical facts about working males and females in Gorgan City and finally, 100 people (50 couples) were selected. Bar-On questionnaire was selected to measure emotional intelligence due to comprehensiveness, simplicity, and conformity to Iranian culture. The collected data were subjected to descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) in SPSS Software. Then, the data were analyzed through inferential statistics. The results obtained from the present study showed that there is no significant difference in emotional intelligence of working females (1.995) compared to their working husbands (1.960)

    Effects of Maternal Coagulation disorder on Birth Weight and Post-Natal Non-Coagulation Problems of Neonates

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    Background: To evaluate the birth weight and post-natal non-coagulation problems of infants of mothers with coagulopathies versus normal mothers. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, 100 women with coagulation problems attended the Iranian Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Center, and 200 normal women attending two health centers in Tehran and Karaj, with a history of at least one pregnancy were studied. A questionnaire about mothers’ and neonates’ condition was filled out by an interview, and the data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 16. Results: Using linear regression, the maternal coagulation problem had a negative effect on birth weight (p&lt;0.001, β= -0.31). The prevalence of early and prolonged jaundice in newborns of mothers with coagulopathy was higher than that in newborns of normal mothers (12% vs. 2%, and 7% vs. 3%, respectively), the difference between the two groups in terms of incidence of early jaundice was statistically significant (chi square-p&lt;0.001). The frequency of using phototherapy and blood exchange for treating neonatal jaundice, in neonates of mothers with coagulopathy was higher than in neonates of normal mothers (31% vs. 21% and 8% vs. 21%, respectively) (p&lt;0.001). Furthermore, the duration of hospitalization, hospitalization in NICU, and re-hospitalization during the first month of life in neonates of mothers with coagulation problems was higher than in neonates of normal mothers (p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of neonatal problems in newborns of mothers with coagulation problems and their lower birth weight, further care measures should be provided for them. &nbsp