1,167 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis in Virtual Reality for Education with BMLY

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    Virtual reality (VR) is an engaging and immersive medium for interacting with a digital environment. The educational benefits of implementing virtual reality into learning modules has recently been explored. This work presents a process for creating a virtual reality learning module on beam bending and a preliminary study on its effectiveness. In this work, virtual reality and structural analysis are combined to create an interactive virtual experiment on a steel beam. A VR user can select the location of a gravity load along the member and increase its magnitude while following the deformation and stresses in real time. The VR environment is implemented using the open source three.js library. The results of a survey to assess student interaction and evaluation of the developed learning module is presented.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of The University of Sydney for the time in the Immersive Learning Laboratory which facilitated this work

    Auroral ionospheric F region density cavity formation and evolution: MICA campaign results

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    Auroral ionospheric F region density depletions observed by PFISR (Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar) during the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) sounding rocket campaign are critically examined alongside complementary numerical simulations. Particular processes of interest include cavity formation due to intense frictional heating and Pedersen drifts, evolution in the presence of structured precipitation, and refilling due to impact ionization and downflows. Our analysis uses an ionospheric fluid model which solves conservation of mass, momentum, and energy equations for all major ionospheric species. These fluid equations are coupled to an electrostatic current continuity equation to self-consistently describe auroral electric fields. Energetic electron precipitation inputs for the model are specified by inverting optical data, and electric field boundary conditions are obtained from direct PFISR measurements. Thus, the model is driven in as realistic a manner as possible. Both incoherent scatter radar (ISR) data and simulations indicate that the conversion of the F region plasma to molecular ions and subsequent recombination is the dominant process contributing to the formation of the observed cavities, all of which occur in conjunction with electric fields exceeding ∼90 mV/m. Furthermore, the cavities often persist several minutes past the point when the frictional heating stops. Impact ionization and field-aligned plasma flows modulate the cavity depth in a significant way but are of secondary importance to the molecular generation process. Informal comparisons of the ISR density and temperature fits to the model verify that the simulations reproduce most of the observed cavity features to a reasonable level of detail

    Intramuscular tendon injury is not associated with an increased hamstring reinjury rate within 12 months after return to play

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    Background Acute hamstring injury that includes intramuscular tendon injury has been suggested to be associated with increased reinjury risk. These observations were based on a relatively small number of retrospectively analysed cases. Objective To determine whether intramuscular tendon injury is associated with higher reinjury rates in acute hamstring injury. Methods MRIs of 165 athletes with an acute hamstring injury were obtained within 5 days of injury. Treatment consisted of a standardised criteria-based rehabilitation programme. Standardised MRI parameters and intramuscular tendon injury, the latter subdivided into tendon disruption and waviness, were scored. We prospectively recorded reinjuries, defined as acute onset of posterior thigh pain in the same leg within 12 months after return to play. Results Participants were predominantly football players (72%). Sixty-four of 165 (39%) participants had an index injury with intramuscular hamstring tendon disruption, and waviness was present in 37 (22%). In total, there were 32 (19%) reinjuries. There was no significant difference (HR: 1.05, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.12, P=0.898) in reinjury rate between index injuries with intramuscular tendon disruption (n=13, 20%) and without tendon disruption (n=19, 20%). There was no significant difference in reinjury rate (X&(1)=0.031, P=0.861) between index injuries with presence of waviness (n=7, 19%) and without presence of waviness (n=25, 20%). Conclusion In athletes with an acute hamstring injury, intramuscular tendon injury was not associated with an increased reinjury rate within 12 months after return to play

    A design theory for e-service environments: The interoperability challenge

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    The delivery of e-services across organizational boundaries poses a number of issues in terms of design of inter-organizational systems that support service delivery effectively. In this context interoperability emerges as a mandatory requirement for the design of Information Technology (IT) platforms supporting collaborative e-service environments. In this paper we address this issue by presenting a design theory for IT platforms supporting e-services based on both a deep understanding of the interoperability concept and a design research approach. Through the analysis of a cooperation framework developed in the context of an EU funded project, we instantiate the theory by providing the concrete example of a solution addressing this design problem. © 2012 Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg.The delivery of e-services across organizational boundaries poses a number of issues in terms of design of inter-organizational systems that support service delivery effectively. In this context interoperability emerges as a mandatory requirement for the design of Information Technology (IT) platforms supporting collaborative e-service environments. In this paper we address this issue by presenting a design theory for IT platforms supporting e-services based on both a deep understanding of the interoperability concept and a design research approach. Through the analysis of a cooperation framework developed in the context of an EU funded project, we instantiate the theory by providing the concrete example of a solution addressing this design problem. © 2012 Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg.Monograph's chapter