102 research outputs found

    Use of an integrative soil health test for evaluation of soil management impacts

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    Understanding the response of soil quality indicators to changes in management practices is essential for sustainable land management. Soil quality indicators were measured for 2 years under established experiments with varying management histories and durations at four locations in New York State. The Willsboro (clay loam) and Aurora (silt loam) experiments were established in 1992, comparing no-till (NT) to plow-till (PT) management under corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation. The Chazy (silt loam) trial was established in 1973 as a factorial experiment comparing NT versus PT and the crop harvesting method (corn silage versus corn grain). The Geneva (silt loam) experiment was established in 2003 with vegetable rotations with and without intervening soil building crops, each under three tillage methods (NT, PT and zone-till (ZT)) and three cover cropping systems (none, rye and vetch). Physical indicators measured were wet aggregate stability (WAS), available water capacity (AWC) and surface hardness (SH) and subsurface hardness (SSH). Soil biological indicators included organic matter (OM), active carbon (AC), potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) and root disease potential (RDP). Chemical indicators included pH, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn. Results from the Willsboro and Aurora sites showed significant tillage effects for several indicators including WAS, AWC, OM, AC, pH, P, K, Mg, Fe and Mn. Generally, the NT treatment had better indicator values than the PT treatments. At the Chazy site, WAS, AWC, OM, AC, pH, K and Mg showed significant differences for tillage and/or harvest method, also with NT showing better indicator values compared to PT and corn grain better than corn silage. Aggregate stability was on average 2.5 times higher in NT compared to PT treatments at Willsboro, Aurora and Chazy sites. OM was also 1.2, 1.1 and 1.5 times higher in NT compared to PT treatments at Willsboro, Aurora and Chazy sites, respectively. At the Geneva site WAS, SH, AC, PMN, pH, P, K and Zn showed significant tillage effects. The cover crop effect was only significant for SH and PMN measurements. Indicators that gave consistent performance across locations included WAS, OM and AC, while PMN and RDP were site and management dependent. The composite soil health index (CSHI) significantly differentiated between contrasting management practices. The CSHI for the Willsboro site was 71% for NT and 59% for PT, while at the Aurora site it was 61% for NT and 48% for PT after 15 years of tillage treatment

    Conservation Agriculture Practices Increase Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen: A Meta-Analysis

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    Potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) is considered an important indicator of soil health. Cropping systems management can affect PMN. However, the effect size and relationship with crop yield across specific management practices remain uncertain. We conducted a quantitative review to understand how conservation agriculture management practices affect PMN including N fertilizer application, cropping system diversity, and tillage system as well as the relationship of crop yield with PMN. Data were extracted from 43 studies published in peer-reviewed journals, providing 494 paired comparisons of PMN and 26 paired comparisons of PMN and yield across selected crop management practices. In our meta-analysis, the effect size for each management practice was expressed as a response ratio, calculated as PMN or yield for the fertilizer application, high crop diversity, and no-till system to the no-fertilizer, less diverse crop system, and tillage system. On average, N-fertilized cropping systems had greater PMN: compared to no N fertilizer, inorganic N fertilizer had 22%, and manure had 34% higher PMN. Diverse cropping systems also had greater PMN: three or more different crops in rotation had 44% greater PMN than continuous cropping systems; cropping systems with a leguminous cover crop had 211% greater PMN than systems without cover crops. Compared to till systems, no-till systems had 13% higher PMN. Overall, conservation practices consistently increased both PMN and yield; however, the increase in PMN and yield were not correlated. Consistent with the use of PMN as a soil health indicator, this synthesis demonstrates that practices benefiting PMN also benefit yield

    Forages for Conservation and Improved Soil Quality

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    Forages provide several soil benefits, including reduced soil erosion, reduced water runoff, improved soil physical properties, increased soil carbon, increased soil biologic activity, reduced soil salinity, and improved land stabilization and restoration when grown continuously or as part of a crop rotation. Ongoing research and synthesis of knowledge have improved our understanding of how forages alter and protect soil resources, thus providing producers, policymakers, and the general public information regarding which forage crops are best suited for a specific area or use (e.g. hay, grazing or bioenergy feedstock). Forages can be produced in forestland, range, pasture, and cropland settings. These land use types comprise 86% of non-Federal United States rural lands (Table 12.1). In the United States, active forage production occurs on 22.6 million ha and is used for hay, haylage, grass silage, and greenchop (Table 12.2). Forages are used as cover crops in several production systems, and approximately 4.2 million ha were recently planted in cover crops (Table 12.3). Currently, the highest cover crop use rates, as a percentage of total cropland within a given state, occur in the northeastern United States. Globally, permanent meadows and pastures account for over 3.3 billion ha, greater than arable land and permanent crops combined (Table 12.4). Within all regions of the world, except Europe, permanent meadows and pastures are a greater proportion of land cover than permanent crops. Pasture management information and resources are available for countries around the world (FAO 2017a,b). As seen in Tables 12.1–12.4, forages are used globally and can provide soil benefits across varied soil and climate types

    Strengths and Limitations of Nitrogen Rate Recommendations for Corn and Opportunities for Improvement

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    Nitrogen fixation by the Haber–Bosch process has more than doubled the amount of fixed N on Earth, significantly influencing the global N cycle. Much of this fixed N is made into N fertilizer that is used to produce nearly half of the world’s food. Too much of the N fertilizer pollutes air and water when it is lost from agroecosystems through volatilization, denitrification, leaching, and runoff. Most of the N fertilizer used in the United States is applied to corn (Zea mays L.), and the profitability and environmental footprint of corn production is directly tied to N fertilizer applications. Accurately predicting the amount of N needed by corn, however, has proven to be challenging because of the effects of rainfall, temperature, and interactions with soil properties on the N cycle. For this reason, improving N recommendations is critical for profitable corn production and for reducing N losses to the environment. The objectives of this paper were to review current methods for estimating N needs of corn by: (i) reviewing fundamental background information about how N recommendations are created; (ii) evaluating the performance, strengths, and limitations of systems and tools used for making N fertilizer recommendations; (iii) discussing how adaptive management principles and methods can improve recommendations; and (iv) providing a framework for improving N fertilizer rate recommendations

    Applications Of Integrative Soil Quality Assessment In Research, Extension, And Education

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    Declining soil quality is an emerging issue of global concern because degraded soils are becoming more prevalent due to intensive use and poor management. The degradation of agronomically essential soil functions significantly impacts agricultural viability, environmental sustainability, and food security. The Cornell Soil Health Test (CSHT) measures and interprets an integrative set of physical, biological, and chemical indicators. It was developed as a tool to be used in applied research, extension, and education to assess and monitor soil quality, aid in making management decisions, and to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining soil quality. In this dissertation, I explore applications of integrative soil quality assessment in three projects. 1) An open inquiry unit on runoff and infiltration was designed for use in high school earth science classrooms. The unit successfully stimulated student engagement and learning about the importance of soils in their lives and the process of authentic scientific inquiry. 2) In an assessment of the effects of stover harvest and tillage, overall soil quality was found to be much lower in plowthan no-till systems, irrespective of stover treatment. Stover harvest appeared to be sustainable when practiced under no-tillage management. 3) The CSHT Framework was further developed to be easily modified by users, and applied as an assessment tool to a chronosequence experiment on smallholder farms in western Kenya. The framework showed soils degraded most in low-input maize fields, but much less so in kitchen gardens. Indicator values and interpretive scores derived from scoring functions successfully discerned effects of long-term as well as residual short-term agricultural management differences, and were predictive of yield on smallholder farms studied. The CSHT was shown to be useful for monitoring, assessment, and in guiding on-farm management decisions. Its low infrastructure needs makes it a feasible approach to standardized soil quality testing for a variety of users internationally. In conclusion, the CSHT is potentially useful not only for applied researchers, but also for extension, non-profit, and governmental professionals to monitor soils and develop solution-oriented programs and policies that further sustainable use of soil and water management practices, locally, regionally, and potentially globally
