32 research outputs found

    Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une patiente de 18 ans

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    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidémique.Observation : il s’agit d’une adolescente de 18 ans qui a présenté une masse des cavités nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidé en faveur d’un xanthogranulome juvénile. L’évolution à court terme a été satisfaisante après l’exérèse chirurgicale par une voie combinée externe et endonasle.Conclusion : il s’agit d’une présentation inhabituelle de la xanthomatose dont les difficultés diagnostiques d’ordre multifactoriel, ont été relevées.Mots clés : Cavités nasales – Xanthomatoses –granulomatoses chroniquesIntroduction : To expose a case of normolipidemic xanthomatosisCase report : An 18 years aged girl has presented a swelling involving the nasal cavities. Paraclinical examens have evoked a case of juvenile xanthogranuloma. Earlier outcome was good after a surgical removal which has combined external and endonasal way.Conclusion: it’s an unusual feature of xanthomatis. The difficulties of diagnosis which seemed caused by many factors have been point out.Keyswords : Nasal cavities – Xanthomatosis – Chronic granulom

    Remotely Sensing the Biophysical Drivers of Sardinella aurita Variability in Ivorian Waters

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    The coastal regions of the Gulf of Guinea constitute one of the major marine ecosystems, producing essential living marine resources for the populations of Western Africa. In this region, the Ivorian continental shelf is under pressure from various anthropogenic sources, which have put the regional fish stocks, especially Sardinella aurita, the dominant pelagic species in Ivorian industrial fishery landings, under threat from overfishing. Here, we combine in situ observations of Sardinella aurita catch, temperature, and nutrient profiles, with remote-sensing ocean-color observations, and reanalysis data of wind and sea surface temperature, to investigate relationships between Sardinella aurita catch and oceanic primary producers (including biomass and phenology of phytoplankton), and between Sardinella aurita catch and environmental conditions (including upwelling index, and turbulent mixing). We show that variations in Sardinella aurita catch in the following year may be predicted, with a confidence of 78%, based on a bilinear model using only physical variables, and with a confidence of 40% when using only biological variables. However, the physics-based model alone is not sufficient to explain the mechanism driving the year-to-year variations in Sardinella aurita catch. Based on the analysis of the relationships between biological variables, we demonstrate that in the Ivorian continental shelf, during the study period 1998–2014, population dynamics of Sardinella aurita, and oceanic primary producers, may be controlled, mainly by top-down trophic interactions. Finally, based on the predictive models constructed here, we discuss how they can provide powerful tools to support evaluation and monitoring of fishing activity, which may help towards the development of a Fisheries Information and Management System


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    In the title compound, C22H24ClNO2, the piperidine ring adopts a distorted boat conformation. The dihedral angle between the two phenyl rings is 83.2 (1)°. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are linked into chains running along the b axis by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The Cl atom of the chloro­acetyl group is disordered over two positions with occupancies of 0.66 (2) and 0.34 (2)

    OPENMODS 2.0 “Instrument Jamming Meeting” report

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    Major achievements The feedback provided by potential users on their needs was very much appreciated. They underlined the importance of having: ● an easy to deploy instrument (i.e.: from small fishing boats); ● multi-parameter sensors in ONE device; ● less maintenance effort and prioritized the variables to measure. Although, there are technical limitations and different solutions and there is no one tool that can do everything, which is low cost, has high resolution and low maintenance, the outcomes of the platforms/sensors/communications working group meet the main requirements that emerged. Priority was given to: ● a platform that will operate in drifter mode which is extremely easy to deploy and perfect for studies associated with search and rescue operations (another need that has emerged). It also constantly guarantees the knowledge of the instrument position. The platform can be easily converted into the moored mode. ● temperature and pressure sensors. The sensors will be low -cost with the idea to replace them rather than calibrate them; ● LoRaWAN communications preferably with Bluetooth integration for the in-situ download of the data

    A Trial of Early Antiretrovirals and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated tuberculosis is high. We conducted a trial with a 2-by-2 factorial design to assess the benefits of early antiretroviral therapy (ART), 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT), or both among HIV-infected adults with high CD4+ cell counts in Ivory Coast. METHODS: We included participants who had HIV type 1 infection and a CD4+ count of less than 800 cells per cubic millimeter and who met no criteria for starting ART according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: deferred ART (ART initiation according to WHO criteria), deferred ART plus IPT, early ART (immediate ART initiation), or early ART plus IPT. The primary end point was a composite of diseases included in the case definition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), non-AIDS-defining cancer, non-AIDS-defining invasive bacterial disease, or death from any cause at 30 months. We used Cox proportional models to compare outcomes between the deferred-ART and early-ART strategies and between the IPT and no-IPT strategies. RESULTS: A total of 2056 patients (41% with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter) were followed for 4757 patient-years. A total of 204 primary end-point events were observed (3.8 events per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3 to 4.4), including 68 in patients with a baseline CD4+ count of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter (3.2 events per 100 person-years; 95% CI, 2.4 to 4.0). Tuberculosis and invasive bacterial diseases accounted for 42% and 27% of primary end-point events, respectively. The risk of death or severe HIV-related illness was lower with early ART than with deferred ART (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.76; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.94) and lower with IPT than with no IPT (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.88; adjusted hazard ratio among patients with a baseline CD4+ count of ≥500 cells per cubic millimeter, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.01). The 30-month probability of grade 3 or 4 adverse events did not differ significantly among the strategies. CONCLUSIONS: In this African country, immediate ART and 6 months of IPT independently led to lower rates of severe illness than did deferred ART and no IPT, both overall and among patients with CD4+ counts of at least 500 cells per cubic millimeter. (Funded by the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis; TEMPRANO ANRS 12136 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00495651.)

    Cartographie De La Dynamique Du Trait De Cote A Grand-Lahou : Utilisation De L’outil « Digital Shoreline Analysis System (Dsas)»

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    Like many coasts, coastal erosion is evident on all the Ivorian coast and is characterized by the destruction of physical assets (infrastructure, habitat and sightseeing). Especially in Grand-Lahou, it threatens a fishing village located on a strip of land 200 meters separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Tadjo lagoon and facing the mouth of the Bandama River. To contribute to the choice of sustainable coastal development in Grand-Lahou, this study aims to characterize the dynamics of the coastline by performing coastal erosion map locally for the best appreciation of the erosion phenomenon. To do this, the GIS which consisted of compilation of coastlines data from Landsat images from 1998, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2014 in the study area. The dynamic of the coastline in this zone was done through the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAW). The variations observed between 1998 and 2014 show a coastline fattening at an average rate of 2.09 m / year in the west of the river mouth before Lahou-Kpanda village and erosion with a speed of 0.84 m / year on rest of the shore after Lahou Kpanda village

    Biochemical mutagens affect the preservation of fungi and biodiversity estimations

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    Many fungi have significant industrial applications or biosafety concerns and maintaining the original characteristics is essential. The preserved fungi have to represent the situation in nature for posterity, biodiversity estimations, and taxonomic research. However, spontaneous fungal mutations and secondary metabolites affecting producing fungi are well known. There is increasing interest in the preservation of microbes in Biological Resource Centers (BRC) to ensure that the organisms remain viable and stable genetically. It would be anathema if they contacted mutagens routinely. However, for the purpose of this discussion, there are three potential sources of biochemical mutagens when obtaining individual fungi from the environment: (a) mixtures of microorganisms are plated routinely onto growth media containing mutagenic antibiotics to control overgrowth by contaminants, (b) the microbial mixtures may contain microorganisms capable of producing mutagenic secondary metabolites, and (c) target fungi for isolation may produce “self” mutagens in pure culture. The probability that these compounds could interact with fungi undermines confidence in the preservation process and the potential effects of these biochemical mutagens are considered for the first time on strains held in BRC in this review

    Spatio-Temporal Study of Phytoplankton Groups from Inherent Optical Properties (Iops) in The Ivorian Marine Coastline from 2010 To 2020

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    Today global warming affects all environments including coastal marine environments. Climate change also affects the development and proliferation of phytoplankton groups often leading to the massive production of phytoplankton groups in marine waters. It is with this in mind that the study on the determination of phytoplankton groups from optical properties in Ivorian marine waters was initiated. This study showed a great diversity of phytoplankton in the Ivorian marine domain during the years 2010 and 2020. The data used in these studies are geospatial data (remote sensing) of the optical properties of the oceans, in particular the IOPs (inherent optical properties). These are the fusion data from the various SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS sensors from 2010 to 2020 from the various OrbView 2, NOAA, ENVISAT and AQUA satellites, in particular the absorption coefficient data for dissolved and detrital matter at 443 nm (adg ), phytoplankton absorption coefficient data at 443 nm (aph), and dissolved and detrital particulate backscatter coefficient data at 443 nm (bbp).For the processing of these data the pixel-oriented classification method was used for the identification of phytoplankton groups. The SeaDAS v 7.4 software, allowed to process and analyze the data and the Envi 5.3 software allowed to perform the data classification. The values ​​of inherent optical properties (IOPs) were obtained as well as the spatial distribution of phytoplankton groups, thus allowing the production of maps of IOPs and the production of spatio-temporal distribution maps of cyanobacteria and diatom