Major achievements
The feedback provided by potential users on their needs was very much appreciated. They
underlined the importance of having:
● an easy to deploy instrument (i.e.: from small fishing boats);
● multi-parameter sensors in ONE device;
● less maintenance effort
and prioritized the variables to measure.
Although, there are technical limitations and different solutions and there is no one tool that
can do everything, which is low cost, has high resolution and low maintenance, the
outcomes of the platforms/sensors/communications working group meet the main
requirements that emerged.
Priority was given to:
● a platform that will operate in drifter mode which is extremely easy to deploy and
perfect for studies associated with search and rescue operations (another need that
has emerged). It also constantly guarantees the knowledge of the instrument position.
The platform can be easily converted into the moored mode.
● temperature and pressure sensors. The sensors will be low -cost with the idea to
replace them rather than calibrate them;
● LoRaWAN communications preferably with Bluetooth integration for the in-situ
download of the data