142 research outputs found

    Climate Change and Its Impacts in the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry Issues and Perspectives

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    The proposed identifies the knowledge to teach from the concept of climate change and its impacts on our environment in the official documents of the first cycle of secondary education in Côte d’Ivoire. This leads us to question how to take into account the essential concepts through the following questions: what are the concepts related to the concept of climate change that are taught? What are the different pedagogical styles used by the Ivorian education system to strengthen and apply the knowledge base resulting from climate change and its impacts? The results obtained allow us to say that the documents submitted to our analyzes contain few elements on climate change in the broad sense. These documents rarely offer the opportunity to think about choices that will enable students to build knowledge

    Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une patiente de 18 ans

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    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidémique.Observation : il s’agit d’une adolescente de 18 ans qui a présenté une masse des cavités nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidé en faveur d’un xanthogranulome juvénile. L’évolution à court terme a été satisfaisante après l’exérèse chirurgicale par une voie combinée externe et endonasle.Conclusion : il s’agit d’une présentation inhabituelle de la xanthomatose dont les difficultés diagnostiques d’ordre multifactoriel, ont été relevées.Mots clés : Cavités nasales – Xanthomatoses –granulomatoses chroniquesIntroduction : To expose a case of normolipidemic xanthomatosisCase report : An 18 years aged girl has presented a swelling involving the nasal cavities. Paraclinical examens have evoked a case of juvenile xanthogranuloma. Earlier outcome was good after a surgical removal which has combined external and endonasal way.Conclusion: it’s an unusual feature of xanthomatis. The difficulties of diagnosis which seemed caused by many factors have been point out.Keyswords : Nasal cavities – Xanthomatosis – Chronic granulom

    Seasonal Variation of Thermocline Depth: Consequence on Nutrient Availability in the Ivorian Coastal Zone

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    Faced with the threat of overfishing in Africa, this study was initiated in the coastal zone of Côte d'Ivoire to understand the nutrients availability as function of variation in the depth of thermocline. Data from the ocean bank, World Ocean Atlas (WOA), were used in the ODV software during the twelve months of 2009 taken at 5.5°W/4.5°N (station coordinates). ODV software has allowed to make seasonal analysis, from vertical profiles and latitudinal analysis from the coast toward the sea through some parameters such as temperature, nitrate, phosphate and oxygen. The depth of thermocline, nitracline, phosphacline and oxycline was determined by the seasonal analysis. To evaluate the enrichment intensity of coast towards the sea, latitudinal analysis was investigated using the section profiles (1°S/5°N coordinates). The main results have shown not only the variation in the depth of the thermocline, but also the variation of nitracline, phosphacline and oxycline at different marine seasons. During the cold season, there was an ascent of the thermocline over the surface of water and a strong enrichment from the coast to the sea especially in August. While in hot season, the thermocline was lower and its stability has favoured the stratification of the water column, which prevents the enrichment of the oxygenated surface layer. Analysis of relationships shows that nutrient elements and oxygen change polynomially with temperature

    Corps étrangers laryngo-trachéo-bronchiques de l’enfant : à propos de 62 cas au bloc opératoire du Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Cocody à Abidjan, Côte-d’Ivoire: Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies in children: about 62 cases in the operating room at Cocody University Hospital, Abidjan, Côte-d’Ivoire

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    Context and Objective. Inhalation of foreign bodies is a common cause of respiratory distress in children, but the relative data from sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. The present study aimed to describe the epidemiological-clinical and evolutionary aspects of laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies in children. Methods. A retrospective descriptive study was conducted on medical records from children received in the operating room of the University Hospital of Cocody between 2008 and 2017. Were eligible all children from 0 to 15 years of age, who had undergone a rigid bronchoscopy under general anaesthesia for extraction of laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies with radiological confirmation. Results. Sixty-two children were included. The average consultation time was 29.4 ± 7.7 days. The reasons for consultation were frequently penetration syndrom, chronic cough, dyspnea. The chest radiography of the face showed the object in 88.7% of cases and radiological complications in 66.1%. The rigid bronchoscopy under general anaesthesia lasted an average of 31.2 minutes. The right bronchial tree was the site of choice and the objects involved were mostly metallic in nature. Per- and post-operative complications (41.9%) were dominated by bleeding (23.1%) and emphysema (11.6%), respectively. The fatality rate was 8.1%. Conclusion. Child care and education would be focal points to reduce the incidence of this domestic accident. Contexte et objectif. L’inhalation de corps étranger est une cause fréquente de détresse respiratoire chez l’enfant, mais les données y relatives en Afrique subsaharienne sont fragmentaires. L’objectif de la présente étude était de décrire les aspects épidémio-cliniques et évolutifs des corps étrangers laryngo-trachéo-bronchiques de l’enfant. Méthodes. Etude documentaire descriptive couvrant la période de 2008 à 2017 au bloc opératoire du CHU de Cocody. Ont été inclus tous les enfants de 0 à 15 ans, ayant eu une bronchoscopie rigide sous anesthésie générale pour extraction de corps étrangers laryngo-trachéo-bronchiques avec confirmation radiologique. Résultats. Le nombre de patients recensés était de 62. Le délai moyen de consultation était de 29,4 ± 7,7 jours. Les motifs de consultation étaient fréquemment un syndrome de pénétration, une toux chronique, une dyspnée. La radiographie pulmonaire de face montrait l’objet incriminé (88,7%) et des complications radiologiques (66,1%). L’intervention a duré en moyenne 31,2 minutes. L’arbre bronchique droit était le siège de prédilection et les objets incriminés étaient surtout de nature métallique. Les complications per et post-opératoires (41,9%) étaient dominées par le saignement (23,1%) et l’emphysème (11,6%). Le taux de létalité était de 8,1%. Conclusion. La prise en charge et l’éducation infantile seraient des points focaux pour réduire l’incidence de cet accident domestique

    Remotely Sensing the Biophysical Drivers of Sardinella aurita Variability in Ivorian Waters

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    The coastal regions of the Gulf of Guinea constitute one of the major marine ecosystems, producing essential living marine resources for the populations of Western Africa. In this region, the Ivorian continental shelf is under pressure from various anthropogenic sources, which have put the regional fish stocks, especially Sardinella aurita, the dominant pelagic species in Ivorian industrial fishery landings, under threat from overfishing. Here, we combine in situ observations of Sardinella aurita catch, temperature, and nutrient profiles, with remote-sensing ocean-color observations, and reanalysis data of wind and sea surface temperature, to investigate relationships between Sardinella aurita catch and oceanic primary producers (including biomass and phenology of phytoplankton), and between Sardinella aurita catch and environmental conditions (including upwelling index, and turbulent mixing). We show that variations in Sardinella aurita catch in the following year may be predicted, with a confidence of 78%, based on a bilinear model using only physical variables, and with a confidence of 40% when using only biological variables. However, the physics-based model alone is not sufficient to explain the mechanism driving the year-to-year variations in Sardinella aurita catch. Based on the analysis of the relationships between biological variables, we demonstrate that in the Ivorian continental shelf, during the study period 1998–2014, population dynamics of Sardinella aurita, and oceanic primary producers, may be controlled, mainly by top-down trophic interactions. Finally, based on the predictive models constructed here, we discuss how they can provide powerful tools to support evaluation and monitoring of fishing activity, which may help towards the development of a Fisheries Information and Management System

    Ethyl 4-[2-(3,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-2,6-diphenyl­piperidin-1-yl)-2-oxoeth­yl]piperazine-1-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C28H35N3O4, the piperidine ring adopts a boat conformation while the piperazine ring adopts a chair conformation with an equatorial orientation of the phenyl groups. The dihedral angle between the mean planes of the benzene rings is 74.14 (8)°. The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by a weak intra­molecular C—H⋯N inter­action and the crystal packing is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions


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    The piperidine ring of the title compound, C30H26Cl2FN3O2, adopts a twisted chair conformation. The pyrrolidine ring has a twisted envelope structure with the N atom at the flap [displaced by 0.592 (3) Å]. The fluoro­oxindole, chloro­phenyl and chloro­benzyl­idene groups are planar with r.m.s. deviations of 0.0348, 0.0048 and 0.0048 Å, respectively. The structure is stabilized by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds


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    In the title compound, C22H24ClNO2, the piperidine ring adopts a distorted boat conformation. The dihedral angle between the two phenyl rings is 83.2 (1)°. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are linked into chains running along the b axis by C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The Cl atom of the chloro­acetyl group is disordered over two positions with occupancies of 0.66 (2) and 0.34 (2)