38 research outputs found

    Redução de gargalo em uma linha de produção mista da indústria automotiva

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Automotiva.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso de uma linha de produção mista de uma empresa da indústria automotiva, no setor de carroceria. O objetivo deste trabalho é reduzir o gargalo do setor de carroceria, que é a linha que monta as laterais dos veículos, propondo soluções para minimizar o tempo de ciclo das mesmas. Para melhor compreensão do problema é construído com o software de simulação de manufatura Witness um modelo de simulação discreta, nesse modelo é representado o processo com a configuração atual de implantação e modo de funcionamento, com os tempos de operação de cada posto. Também foram aplicados os princípios de balanceamento de linha com racionalização de atribuições de tarefas e automação de atividades que não agregam valor. Para algumas propostas de solução encontradas, foram conduzidos estudos de factibilidade através de avaliação virtual de alterações dos meios de produção utilizando o software Catia V5. Por fim, é avaliado também o sistema de produção atual em comparação ao sistema Just-In-Time (JIT). Para tal avaliação foi realizado um projeto para aplicação de sistema de kitting sincronizando estoque com o processo através do uso de veículos autoguiados (AGV). Através dessas avaliações, reduziuse as perdas por deslocamentos, tempos de esperas e ineficiências e eliminou-se a restrição atual dessa linha de montagem.The present paper presents a study of case of a mixed model assembly line production in automotive industry, in body in white section. The main objective of this work is to reduce the bottleneck of this sector, which is the line that assembles the sides of the vehicles, proposing solutions to minimize the cycle time of the line that assembles the left lateral of the vehicle. A discret simulation model was built in Witness, a manufacturing simulation software, for better comprehension of the problem, that describes the process with the actual configuration of implantation and operating mode, with times of operation for each place. Were also applied the principles of balancing in the assembly line with rationalization of atributtions in tasks and automating tasks that does not add value. For some proposals of encountered solutions, feasibility studies were conducted through virtual avaliation of changes in the modes of operation using software Catia V5. Lastly, a comparison between the actual production mode and the Just-in-time (JIT) system is evaluated. For such evaluation it was conceived a project in which the kitting system was applied synchronizing stock with the process through auto guided vehicles (AGV). Through these avaliations, it was reduced losses from move, waiting times and inefficiency that allowed to eliminate the actual restriction in the referred assembly line

    Electronic system development for magnetic induction tomography

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    Magnetic induction tomography is a contactless conductivity imaging technique. This technique uses a magnetic field generator (usually a coil) to induce Eddy currents in the target object and several magnetic sensors (usually coils as well) that capture the magnetic field generated by these induced currents. The measurements obtained by these sensors can be used to construct a conductivity image of the space inside the tomograph. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop an electronic system for magnetic induction tomography. The main objective is to detect the magnetic field generated by the induced Eddy currents measuring the disturbance on the phase of the sensor s signal when a conductive object is placed inside the tomograph. Coils were used as magnetic field sensors and generator. The frequency used to generate the excitation fields and also on phase detection circuit were 10.7 MHz. The system is capable to measure only one sensor and enable only one generator at a time. A system with 16 sensors and 16 generators was achieved through multiplexing. All the electronics were analyzed and results are shown on this dissertation. Also a preliminary tomograph prototype was build and some measurements were taken and compared to measurements done by commercial electromagnetic sensor and a scope. For a 1 S/m sample the average square error on the measurements compared to simulations was 0.41°.A tomografia por indução magnética é uma técnica que possibilita o mapeamento da condutividade de uma determinada região sem um contato elétrico. Essa técnica utiliza um gerador de campos magnéticos (geralmente uma bobina) para induzir correntes Eddy em um objeto e vários sensores magnéticos (também usualmente bobinas) que capturam o campo magnético gerado por essas correntes induzidas. As medidas obtidas por esses sensores podem ser usadas para construir uma imagem da condutividade no espaço no interior ao tomógrafo. A proposta desta dissertação é desenvolver um sistema eletrônico para tomografia por indução magnética. O principal objetivo é detectar o campo magnético gerado pelas correntes Eddy induzidas medindo o distúrbio provocado na fase dos sinais dos sensores quando um objeto condutivo é colocado no interior do tomógrafo. A frequência do sinal utilizado para excitação da amostra foi de 10,7 MHz. O sistema construído é capaz de medir a fase de uma combinação de bobina sensora e geradora de campo por vez. Para medir 16 sensores e controlar 16 geradores foram utilizadas técnicas de multiplexação. Toda a eletrônica construída foi analisada e os resultados são mostrados nesta dissertação. Também foram feitas medições utilizando um protótipo preliminar de tomógrafo e essas medidas foram comparadas às medidas realizadas utilizando osciloscópios e um sensor de campo magnético comercial. Para uma amostra de 1 S/m o erro médio quadrático máximo nas medidas quando comparadas com as simulações foi de 0,41°.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Bioinformatic HLA Studies in the Context of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and Review on Association of HLA Alleles with Preexisting Medical Conditions

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    After the announcement of a new coronavirus in China in December 2019, which was then called SARS-CoV-2, this virus changed to a global concern and it was then declared as a pandemic by WHO. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles, which are one of the most polymorphic genes, play a pivotal role in both resistance and vulnerability of the body against viruses and other infections as well as chronic diseases. The association between HLA alleles and preexisting medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus is reported in various studies. In this review, we focused on the bioinformatic HLA studies to summarize the HLA alleles which responded to SARS-CoV-2 peptides and have been used to design vaccines. We also reviewed HLA alleles that are associated with comorbidities and might be related to the high mortality rate among COVID-19 patients. Since both genes and patients’ medical conditions play a key role in both severity of the disease and the mortality rate in COVID-19 patients, a better understanding of the connection between HLA alleles and SARS-CoV-2 can provide a wider perspective on the behavior of the virus. Such understanding can help scientists, especially in terms of protecting healthcare workers and designing effective vaccines

    بررسي ترشح Transforming Growth Factor-beta2 از سلول‌هاي سرطاني تخمدان تيمارشده با عصاره‌هاي آبي و الكلي و اسانس گياه دارويي زنيان

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    Background and Aim: Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link (called Zenian in Persian) is a native plant to Iran, Egypt, Afghanestan and India and it's aqueous and alcoholic extracts exert cytotoxic effects on human ovarian cancer cell cultures. Our aim was to study the Transforming Growth Factor-beta2 (TGF-beta2) levels in supernatant of human ovarian cell [A2780, sensitive and resistant to Cisplatin] cultures treated with aqueous and alcoholic, and essential oil of dried seeds of Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link. Materials and Methods: Human ovarian cancer cells (S and CP) treated with different concentrations (from 50 to 7000 µg/mL) of aqueous and alcoholic extracts. Using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide test (MTT) and calculating cytotoxic percentage of each extracts after overnight incubation, non cytotoxic concentrations of extracts were selected. Non cytotoxic concentrations of aqueous extract for treatment of sensitive cells were 50, 100, 200, and 1000 µg/mL; and for resistant cells were 50, 100, 200, and 2000 µg/mL. Non cytotoxic concentrations of alcoholic extract for treatment of sensitive and resistant cells were 50, 100, and 200 µg/mL. Essential oil excluded from the study because of its extremely cytotoxic effects on cells even with very low concentrations. TGF-beta2 concentrations in supernatants were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results were analyzed with comparing mean test. P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically meaningful. Results: Treatment of sensitive cells with 200 µg/mL, and resistant cells with 50 and 2000 µg/mL of aqueous extract associated with very less concentrations of TGF-beta in supernatants comparing with other extract concentrations (p<0.001). But there was no meaningful association between the treatment of cells with alcoholic extract and TGF-beta2 concentrations in supernatants. Conclusion: Treatment of human ovarian cancer cells (A2780, sensitive and resistant to Cisplatin) with some concentrations of aqueous extract associated with diminished levels of TGF-beta2 in supernatants comparing other concentrations. Considering critical role of TGF-beta2 in growth and metastasis of tumor cells, further studies for determining the chemical components of aqueous extract and mechanism(s) of its effects on TGF-beta2 levels should be done.سابقه و هدف: طبق نتيجه يكي از مطالعات انجام‌شده در كشور، عصاره‌هاي آبي و الكلي بذر گياه Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link (زنيان) كه بومي ايران، مصر، افغانستان و هندوستان مي‌باشد، بر سلول‌هاي سرطان تخمدان انساني، اثرات سايتوتوكسيك دارند. هدف اين مطالعه، بررسي اثرات غلظتهاي غيركشنده عصاره‌هاي آبي و الكلي، و اسانس بذر گياه فوق بر ترشح فاكتور دگرگوني رشد- بتا- دو (transforming growth factor-beta2) از سلول‌هاي سرطان تخمدان انساني A2780 نوع حساس و مقاوم به درمان با داروي سيس‌پلاتين بود. روش بررسي: دو نوع سلول سرطان تخمدان انساني (A2780) حساس و مقاوم به درمان با داروي سيس‌پلاتين، تحت تأثير غلظتهاي مختلف از عصاره‌هاي آبي و الكلي بذر گياه زنيان (از 50 الي 7000 ميكروگرم بر ميلي‌ليتر)، قرار داده شدند؛ سپس با استفاده از روش MTT و محاسبه درصد كشندگي عصاره‌ها، تنها غلظتهايي از عصاره‌ها انتخاب شدند كه طي 24 ساعت انكوباسيون، فاقد اثر سايتوتوكسيك بر سلول‌ها بودند. براي مجاورت عصاره آبي با سلول‌هاي حساس، غلظتهاي 50، 100، 200 و 1000 و براي مجاورت با سلول‌هاي مقاوم، غلظتهاي 50، 100، 200 و 2000 ميكروگرم بر ميلي‌ليتر انتخاب شدند. براي مجاورت عصاره الكلي با سلول‌هاي حساس و مقاوم، غلظتهاي 50، 100 و 200 ميكروگرم بر ميلي‌ليتر انتخاب شدند. به علت سايتوتوكسيك ‌بودن اسانس حتي با غلظتهاي بسيار اندك، اين ماده از مطالعه حذف شد. سوپرناتانت محيطهاي كشت با تكنيك الايزا از نظر غلظت TGF-beta2 مورد سنجش قرار گرفت. نتايج، با تست آزمون مقايسه ميانگين‌ها آناليز شدند. مقدار p كمتر از 0/05 معني‌دار تلقي شد. يافته‌ها: تيمار سلول‌هاي حساس، با غلظت 200 ميكروگرم بر ميلي‌ليتر و همچنين تيمار سلول‌هاي مقاوم با غلظتهاي 50 و 2000 ميكروگرم بر ميلي‌ليتر از عصاره آبي با غلظتهاي TGF-beta2 بسيار كمتري در سوپرناتانت نسبت به ساير غلظتها همراه بود (0/001>p). ولي در اثر تيمار سلول‌ها با غلظتهاي مختلفي از عصاره الكلي، اختلاف معني‌داري در غلظت TGF-beta2 در بين سوپرناتانت‌ها ملاحظه نشد. نتيجه‌گيري: تيمار سلول‌هاي سرطان تخمدان انساني (A2780، از نوع حساس و مقاوم به سيس‌پلاتين) با غلظتهاي خاصي از عصاره آبي، با غلظت‌هاي بمراتب كمتري از TGF-beta2‌ در سوپرناتانت محيط كشت همراه بود. با توجه به نقش مهم TGF-beta2 در رشد و متاستاز سلول‌هاي سرطاني، مطالعات تكميلي بررسي‌كننده تركيب شيميايي عصاره آبي و سازوكار كمتربودن سطح TGF-beta2 در سوپرناتانت، به روشن‌شدن نوع ارتباط عصاره آبي بذر گياه زنيان با TGF-beta2 و اثرات احتمالي آن در كنترل رشد و متاستاز سلول‌هاي سرطاني تخمدان كمك خواهند كرد

    The Role of Bacterial and Fungal Human Respiratory Microbiota in COVID-19 Patients

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    Recently, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiologic agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has led to a worldwide pandemic with millions of infected patients. Alteration in humans’ microbiota was also reported in COVID-19 patients. The alteration in human microbiota may contribute to bacterial or viral infections and affect the immune system. Moreover, human’s microbiota can be altered due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and these microbiota changes can indicate the progression of COVID-19. While current studies focus on the gut microbiota, it seems necessary to pay attention to the lung microbiota in COVID-19. This study is aimed at reviewing respiratory microbiota dysbiosis among COVID-19 patients to encourage further studies on the field for assessment of SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory microbiota interaction