14 research outputs found

    Scabiosis in Rabbit

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    Scabiosis caused by Sarcoptes scabiei and still hard to controled. So many factors that influence include geographic factors that play a role in the incidence of parasitic diseases as tropical Indonesiastrongly support the life cycle S.scabiei var.cuniculi. Control of scabies has been by way of drug delivery such as injection ivermectine scabies, permethrine cream, or the use of malathion liquid, the control method requires high costs due to scabies infections can occur repeatedly if the surrounding environment is not considered. Scabies or mange is a contagious skin disease due to mites (mites) Sarcoptes scabiei. All rabit  in Animal Hospital will be identified symptoms of scabies like their crust a whitish, thickening of the skin, the hair shaven in the nose, muzzle, around the eyes, ears or if the infection is severe can be found in the legs or back. Further assessment (scoring) between positive score 1-4 based on the severity of the infection. Keywords: Scabies, Sarcoptes scabei, Rabbit, Ivermecti

    Gastrointestinal Disorders in Cat due to Feed Mycotoxin Contamination

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    This case reported about mycotoxin contamination on cat feed cause gastrointestinal disorders. A 5 y.o. male domestic short hair cat (Felix domesticus) was brought to the Animal Hospital, Universitas Airlangga with a history has been lethargic and disphagia for 2 days with vomiting a yellow fluid and diarrhea. Bowel movements, increasing in panting, and urination were examined. Observation in cat with gastrointestinal disorders for 5 days in animal hospital. Abnormal intestine and hepatomegaly based on x-ray were confirmed about mycotoxin contamination on cat food. Treatment for contamination on cat food was done by given protexin like probiotic to stimulate a villi intestinal growth and gastric condition. Itraconazole for antifungal to maintanace mycotoxin contamination was also considered. Our prescription was performed for our management treatment with gastrointestinal disoders. In advice, veterinarians should be giving information about the nutritional diet for a pet animal

    Studi Banding Penggunaan Koksidiostat Vaksin Dan Desinfektan Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Koksidiosis Sekum Pada ayam Petelur

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    ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian penggunaan vaksin, koksidiostat, dan desinfektan dalam upaya penanggulangan koksidiosis sekum pada ayam petelur. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 60 ekor ayam petelur umur 3 hari dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok secara acak di mana masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 15 ekor ayam. Kelompok kontrol tidak divaksin, diberi pakan PAR DOC NC, kelompok I divaksin dengan 500 ookista Eimeria tenella yang dicampur dalam 150 gram pakan PAR DOC NC, kelompok II tidak divaksin dan pada umur 24 hari diinfeksi ookista yang direndam dengan Bromoquad selama 1 malam (12 jam) dengan pakan PAR DOC NC, kelompok III deberi pakan yang mengandung koksidiostat yaitu PAR DOC produksi PT Japfa Comfeed Ind, Sda. Tiga minggu setelah vaksinasi yaitu pada saat ayam berumur 24 hari tiap ekor ayam pada masing-masing kelompok diberi infeksi tantangan dengan 2500 ookista Eimeria tenella. Pada ban ke 5 setelah infeksi tantangan pada masing-masing kelompok diambil 10 ekor untuk dinekropsi dan dilakukan penilaian derajad perlakuan sekum. Sedangkan pada 5 ekor yang tersisa pada masing-masing kelompok dilakukan perhitungan eleminasi ookista per gram tinja mulai hari ke 7 sampai hari ke 11 setelah infeksi tantangan. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu derajad lesi sekum dan jumlah eliminasi ookista per gram tinja mulai hari ke 7 sampai hari ke 11 setelah infeksi tantangan. Untuk penilaian derajad lesi sekum dianalisis dengan metoda Rank test sedangkan eliminasi ookista dianalisis dengan metoda Split plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh vaksinasi dapat menganggulangi koksidiosis sekum pada ayam petelur umur 3 hari dengan melihat gejala klinis, derajad lesi sekum dan eliminasi ookista. Perbandingan derajad lesi sekum antara kontrol, kelompok I, II, dan III dengan metoda Rank test memberikan hasil signifikan dengan

    SA-13 Scabiosis (Notoedres cati) in Cat

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    Feline scabies also referred as Notedric mange (Notoedres cati). This diseases is highly contagious skin disease. The symptom of this disease is a severe and relentless itch include a skin rash composed of small red bumps and blisters on the specific areas such as face, ear, neck, paws pads and spreading to the rest of the body. This disease was  very contagious for cats and kittens which can opportunistically infest other mammals, including human (Griffin et al., 1993).Notoedres mites are closely related to Sarcoptic mites of dogs and thus the two infestations have some similarity. Both the conditions typically begin with itchy crusts and scales on the ear margins. The Notoedric mange progresses to involve the face and ultimately covers the entire body, if the skin disease was ignored. (Scott et al.,2001). Three cats in the present study had mange lesions covering the entire body.The characteristic itching and hair loss pattern was often all that was needed to diagnose Notoedric mange in the cat (Griffin et al., 1993). Scraping of the crusty skin examined, revealed all stages of Notoedres cati mite (from ova to adult) in the present study and confirmed the diagnosis. Notoedres mites are smaller than Sarcoptes, have ‘thumb print’-like dorsal striations, shorter limb stalks and a dorsal anus compared with the terminal anus, dorsal pegs and spines seen on Sarcoptes species (Scott et al. 2001). The mites were identified as per the reports of Walker (1994) based on their shape and the presence of dorsal anus, which distinctly differentiated the Notoedres cati from Sarcoptes sp. The present report describes case of notoedric mange I two cats and successful management with ivermectin therapy


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    Any disorder that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its passage through the digestive tract, can be called a digestive disorder. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders affect a cat's stomach and intestines, resulting in pain and other problems. Efficient digestion is essential for your cat to be able to build and repair tissues and obtain energy. Digestive disorders in cats are quite common and most clear up within a few days. But some cats need long-term management because they have regular or permanent digestive problems. GI disorders can lead, to dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte imbalances and malnutrition so it is important to recognize the signs Cats with intestinal disease have a wide range of clinical signs. Weight loss, despite a normal or increased appetite is very common. Cats that are chronically ill usually have a loss of fat over the spine (so that the spine is palpable). Other cats have routinely vomit food, fluid and or hairball. Contrary to what many pet lovers believe, hairballs are not normal in cats, and they are not due to a "grease eficiency". The clinical signs of cats with intestinal disease are often similar to those of other diseases (chronic kidney disease, urinary tract obstruction in male cats, chronic progressive kidney disease, diabetes and hyperthyroidism). Gastro intestinal problem in cat is a significant health problem for which there is no universally accepted pharmacological treatment. The combination of Viusid pet is supplementary Food. It is a food preparation consisting of antioxidants, vitamins, trace mineral, and a component extracted from liquorice root (glycyrrhizinic acid). It is specially designed to supplement immune defenses. Targeted nutrition for those processes that cause immunodeficiency. Given viusid for 5 days to cat abaout 1 cc once a day effected for Gastrointestinal problem specialy virus problem like panleukopenia or hepatitis. Using viusid as immonodilator non kortikosteroid for cat need more clinical trial to make sure that effected

    Fibrosarcoma pada anjing golden retriever di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga

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    The dog named Agra (Golden Retriever) is suspected of having an axillary tumor. After surgery and examination of the pathology laboratory, it was found that the dog had fibrosarcoma in the axillaries. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from mesenchymal cells, where the dominant cell histology is fibroblast cells that divide excessively and uncontrollably, can attack local tissues, and can move to other locations in the body (metastatic). The histopathological features of fibrosarcoma have fusiform or spindle-shaped cell fascicular growth patterns. The boundary between cells appears unclear with little cytoplasm and collagen fibers form parallel webbing. Grading histology is mainly based on the degree of cellularity, cell differentiation, mitotic features, and the amount of collagen produced by the cell necrosis. Surgery until now is the first and foremost thing in tumor therapy. Benign tumors can be removed with various surgical techniques depending on the location of the tumor. As for malignant tumors, surgery can be carried out by following other additional therapies to inhibit tumor growth.The dog named Agra (Golden Retriever) is suspected of having an axillary tumor. After surgery and examination of the pathology laboratory, it was found that the dog had fibrosarcoma in the axillaries. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from mesenchymal cells, where the dominant cell histology is fibroblast cells that divide excessively and uncontrollably, can attack local tissues, and can move to other locations in the body (metastatic). The histopathological features of fibrosarcoma have fusiform or spindle-shaped cell fascicular growth patterns. The boundary between cells appears unclear with little cytoplasm and collagen fibers form parallel webbing. Grading histology is mainly based on the degree of cellularity, cell differentiation, mitotic features, and the amount of collagen produced by the cell necrosis. Surgery until now is the first and foremost thing in tumor therapy. Benign tumors can be removed with various surgical techniques depending on the location of the tumor. As for malignant tumors, surgery can be carried out by following other additional therapies to inhibit tumor growth

    Ovariohysterectomy kasus tumor serviks dan uterus pada anjing mix breed

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    Tumor serviks dan uterus merupakan benjolan yang muncul akibat pertumbuhan sel yang berlebihan pada daerah servik dan uterus, ditandai terkadang dengan adanya leleran keluar melalui vagina. Tulisan ini melaporkan penanganan kasus tumor servik dan uterus pada seekor anjing mix breed betina, berumur 14 tahun dengan berat badan 10 kg dibawa pemiliknya ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga (RSHP FKH UNAIR). Pemilik mengeluhkan perut anjing membesar dan keluar cairan kuning kecoklatan dari vagina sejak sepuluh hari sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil anamnesis, anjing tidak pernah kawin, makan dan minumnya masih normal. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan anjing mengalami distensi abdomen dan keluar leleran berwarna kuning kecoklatan melalui vagina. Hasil pemeriksaan radiologi tampak uterus memiliki densitas yang meningkat dan terjadi pembesaran dengan bentuk yang massif pada regio abdomen. Hasil pemeriksaan darah tampak terjadi leukositosis, anemia, penurunan fungsi hati dan ginjal. Terapi yang dilakukan adalah ovariohysterectomy, dengan pengobatan pascabedah adalah pemberian antibiotik, antiradang dan multivitamin. Anjing sudah memiliki nafsu makan yang baik sehari setelah pembedahan dan selanjutnya dilakukan rawat jalan. Anjing melakukan kontrol ke RSHP FKH UNAIR setelah 10 hari pembedahan dengan kondisi luka sudah menutup dan kering, serta dilakukan pelepasan jahitan.Tumor serviks dan uterus merupakan benjolan yang muncul akibat pertumbuhan sel yang berlebihan pada daerah servik dan uterus, ditandai terkadang dengan adanya leleran keluar melalui vagina. Tulisan ini melaporkan penanganan kasus tumor servik dan uterus pada seekor anjing mix breed betina, berumur 14 tahun dengan berat badan 10 kg dibawa pemiliknya ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga (RSHP FKH UNAIR). Pemilik mengeluhkan perut anjing membesar dan keluar cairan kuning kecoklatan dari vagina sejak sepuluh hari sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil anamnesis, anjing tidak pernah kawin, makan dan minumnya masih normal. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan anjing mengalami distensi abdomen dan keluar leleran berwarna kuning kecoklatan melalui vagina. Hasil pemeriksaan radiologi tampak uterus memiliki densitas yang meningkat dan terjadi pembesaran dengan bentuk yang massif pada regio abdomen. Hasil pemeriksaan darah tampak terjadi leukositosis, anemia, penurunan fungsi hati dan ginjal. Terapi yang dilakukan adalah ovariohysterectomy, dengan pengobatan pascabedah adalah pemberian antibiotik, antiradang dan multivitamin. Anjing sudah memiliki nafsu makan yang baik sehari setelah pembedahan dan selanjutnya dilakukan rawat jalan. Anjing melakukan kontrol ke RSHP FKH UNAIR setelah 10 hari pembedahan dengan kondisi luka sudah menutup dan kering, serta dilakukan pelepasan jahitan

    Probiotik Utilization in Megacolona Dog : A Case Report

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    A five year old male beagel dog weighing 15 kg was presented with history of constipation,frequent vomiting after feeding, and abdominal pain for past 3 days to Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Airlangga University, Surabaya. Based on hematological analysis, normal X-ray to the normal condition after seven days. Key words: Megacolon, Constipation, Probiotic, do

    Potensi Dan Analisis Ekonomis Ekstrak Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbii L) Sebagai Disinfektan Alami Di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga

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    Latar Belakang: Desinfektan adalah substansi kimia yang dipakai untuk mencegah pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dengan menghalangi,merusaknya dan biasa digunakan pada benda-benda mati. Penggunaan tanaman untuk tujuan desinfeksi mewakili penggunaan keanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia. Banyak spesies tanaman digunakan sebagai bahan desinfektan, Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoe blimmbii L), belum banyak dilakukan penelitian. Pentingnya dilakukan penelitian ini untuk meyimpulkan peran penting untuk produk alami dalam penemuan desinfektan alami. Tujuan: membuktikan pengunaan belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L) sebagai bahan alami untuk meningkatkan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia yang bermanfaat pada sanitasi lingkungan sehingga menjadi model senyawa aktif desinfektan.Menekan pertumbuhan bakteri gram positif dan bakteri gram negative Hasil: Pengaruh Blimbing terhadap Total plate count (TPC).TPC Averrhoe blimbii L 1% tidak berbeda nyata dengan TPC pembersih lantai (p > 0,05). Mefesto 1 % menghasilkan TPC lebih sedikit secara nyata daripada TPC pembersih lantai atau Averrhoe blimbii L1 % . Kemampuan Blimbing dan Palmitat terhadap Gram Positif. Konsentrasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menghambat gram postif. Kemapuan menghabat pada konsentrasi tiga 3% lebih besar secara nyata dari pada konsentrasi 1% Persen (p < 0,05). Kemampuan menghambat konsentrasi 5% lebih besar secara nyata daripada konsentrasi 3% (p < 0,05). Kemampuan Averrhoe blimbii L dan Ethyl Palmitat terhadap Gram negative, konsentrasi maupun perlakuan (Averrhoe blimbii L atau konsentrasi) berpengaruh terhadap daya hambat bakteri gram negative. Kemampuan menghambat meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan konsentrasi. Hal tersebut terlihat dari kemapuan menghambat pada konsentrasi 3% lebih secara nyata dibanding dengan konsentrasi 1% tetapi lebih kecil secara nyata daripada konsentrasi 5%. Kemampuan menghambat gram negative lebih besar daripada ethyl palmitat (p <0,05) Simpulan: ekstraksi etanol dan methanol Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoe blimbii L) memberi efek desinfektan sebagai anti bakteri,baik gram positif maupun bakteri gram negative, jamur dan memiliki nilai ekonomis oleh karena itu Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoe blimbii L) dapat menjadi alternative bahan alam sebagai desinfektan

    A diluent containing coconut water, fructose, and chicken egg yolk increases rooster sperm quality at 5°C

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    Aim: The present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of rooster sperm at 5°C after treatment with a diluent containing coconut water, fructose, and chicken egg yolk and stored the semen sample at 5°C. Materials and Methods: Ten semen samples from 10 healthy roosters were subjected to four different treatments. For the treatments, 0.2 ml fresh semen with a sperm concentration of 5.2X109 cell/ml was mixed with T0 (no diluent), T1 (0.34 ml coconut water and 6 μl fructose), T2 (0.274 ml coconut water, 0.12 ml egg yolk, and 6 μl fructose), and T3 (0.34 ml egg yolk and 6 μl fructose) solutions. Each treated solution was stored at 5°C and evaluated both macroscopically and microscopically. Macroscopically, semen volume, pH, and sperm concentration were evaluated. The microscopic sperm characteristics examined included total motility (i.e., rapid, medium, or slow), progressive and non-progressive motility, viability, and spermatozoa abnormalities noted at different storage times. The results showed that spermatozoa motility was under 40%. Results: The results indicated that sperm viability significantly affected (p<0.05). The highest mean value of sperm viability on day 7 of storage was found after treatment with the T2 solution (46.100±0.5677%). Similarly, spermatozoa abnormalities were significantly lower after treatment with the T2 solution (6.680±1.702%). Conclusion: The addition of a diluent containing coconut water, egg yolk, and fructose helped in the better preservation spermatozoa motility, as well as viability for up to 7 days when the semen samples were stored at 5°C